Yep, sorry Lucio not a very smart move on your part. What would have been the harm in activating the product and sending this person a gift copy? I would send you a copy of "The Ship: Complete Pack" but it looks like the damage is done (however if a support member says this is an okay fix, let me know... please note, this is not an invitation for random people to harass me for the game; I don't accept unknown friend requests).
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You buy the ship and you get 4 extra copies. Activate game once, you get 2 copies to gift, then those 2 copies will give +1 copy when activated. Perhaps this was one of the last copies in a pack, which did not give an extra game.
In other words, your friend probably scammed you the game or he didn't know about how it worked exactly. Either way he profitted of you.
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You could have activated the game yourself and then given the extra copy to your friend. It's not like only your friend would have gotten the extra copy.
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That's against the rules of this site. Any game won here must go into your personal library within 7 days of being received or you risk being banned/suspended.
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At least you've admitted your mistake. People entering for stuff they're not interested in is so common here. And, unlike you, most of them will never read the rules or realize it's a mistake.
Oh, and if you want the guys ^ and v to not be mad at you, you could buy or trade for a copy of The Ship and give it away.
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It is nice of him to admit it, but people would have been able to tell that he does not have the game in his library.
The giveaway ended 3 months ago, so he is slow with reading the rules. Especially since he registered 1 year ago and entered 683 giveaways.
I am puzzled why he took so long.
Then again, the guy who he won the game from, is worse. Apparently that guy won The Ship and gave it away. He actually wrote that in the description of the giveaway and he did not add the game to his library.
And then Lucio won the game and also gave it away..sighs
Oh, those silly Steamgifters.
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You do realize his profile coulda been on private for that?
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You can get one copy on SteamTrades, it's easy and cheap.
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No, I don't. It's a mistake that can easily be put right if he has the will to do so. Of course the story continues with activation or reroll of the giveaway. It should activate it as this is a nice game, but if he really doesn't like it then he should buy one copy (I suggested a site) and gives back to the submitter for a reroll.
Edit: Ah, now I read he got a suspension.
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You never said that he should buy it to give back. Your comment implies "if you want another copy, get one on SteamTrades".
In the end that doesn't make anything right either because it still doesn't change the fact that he broke the rule in the first place.
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I know, and I think they were being idiotic for having not done that right away. That being said, last I checked people were allowed to ask questions about the site in the forums, even if it is about something that's a result of their own foolishness.
It's a lot more relevant than a lot of the other threads here, I see very few "white knights" as was predicted and mostly just people chastising him for being a dumb prat, and I doubt people care about a lot of the threads that get made anyhow so the notion that "nobody really cares" isn't exactly isolated to this one.
Besides, obviously people care enough to take the time to post comments.
By the way it's obviously a person so the inclusion of "it" in there is just silly. "It" is for objects, people aren't objects.
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Those "few white knights" are the people that follow the rules. I'm sorry you seem to object to that. OP isn't stupid, he or she is being honest.
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I'm just curious, but what will support do if a winner of a giveaway won a dlc for a game they don't own? And no, I did not. Just noticed from some giveaways I entered.
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We go easy on those who own up to old mistakes before we discover them ourselves. Usually, it'd be a five to ten day suspension, but you owned up without prompting, when you didn't have to, so it'll be one.
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That's why i did it really. Since i already "had" the game after winning it, i feared that if i entered again people would find out. After a while i manned up and wanted to admit my mistake since if someone else found out i would get a total ban =S
I'l redeem myself and buy a copy of this game to Give it away.
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After you do that you should immediately unfriend and block all contact with the "friend" that conned you out of the game in the first place.
He's not your friend...
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Just curious if the guy that Lucio1995 won "The Ship" from got anything for his transgression?
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No, I hadn't noticed that, thank you for pointing it out. Full punishment given to him.
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Thank you, I appreciate the time and effort the other mods and you put into SG.
I speak only for myself but I'm sure others may share the same sentiment.
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Lol at his friend scamming him.
I don't see why he couldn't redeem it and then give away the game.
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Well if your friend told you this why did you not activate then if it was true give the extra copy to him?
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Think for a second. It's obvious your friend tricked you like the dummy you are. If it does create an extra copy why did your friend have to activate the game and not you? It would've had the same outcome.
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I won The Ship: Complete Pack long ago, and i gave it to a friend since he said that after activating it, it would create another giftable copy in the inventory, so i could sell it/gift it to someone else. He was wrong and now i don't have my game, and i broke a rule. What do i do? =C
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