Post Mortem

Once again, thank you for participating and for the feedback! I've learned more in regards to difficulty being far greater for those that aren't familiar with what the puzzle uses, but that will (hopefully) be solved in the next one.

In future puzzles, when applicable, I plan on giving a few starter puzzles that are related to the giveaway puzzles of that post in order to familiarize you with it and give you the means to solve it. This should also make it easier for people to ask for help without spoiling the giveaway puzzle itself.

For now, I'm thinking I'd like to do these at least once or twice a month, with the GAs lasting for 3 days (possibly longer on harder puzzles). I may do a bit more than that in the beginning though, mainly because I have a lot of ideas and a lot of keys to unload lol

Original Post

Difficulty: 3/10

I'm back with another one! This time it's two puzzles, two giveaways, both level 1, no region restrictions.


If you just want to get to the puzzles, feel free to skip this section.

I've now added a difficulty indicator at the top of the post, though it's not an exact science, so you might personally rate it differently depending on your own skills. All puzzles will include at least one hint, which will hopefully give you what you need to solve the puzzle.

I'm hoping to make puzzles not just to be solved, but also to introduce a variety of puzzles and help get you familiarized with them. This is going to be a series (no idea how frequently, though) which will slowly ramp up in difficulty. If you missed the first one, it can be found here.

All feedback is appreciated!

Puzzle #1:
6b 99 00110111 146 106

Puzzle #2:


I recommend only looking at the hints if you need them. Each hint gives more help than the previous one. If you've viewed all hints, but you're still lost, just let me know which puzzle you're stuck on and I'll try to help as best I can.

No idea where to start? Most of what you need to solve these puzzles can be found in the puzzle guide.

Need an extra push? This should narrow down what you need to know significantly.

Warning: Only use the hints below if you have read the hints above and are still stuck. These hints won't solve the puzzles for you, but they do contain heavy spoilers and may ruin the puzzles for you.

For those of you still lost on Puzzle #1:

  1. Here's a guide the contains everything you need to solve the puzzle.
  2. Make sure you've read the section on "Encryption" in the puzzle guide.
  3. The encryption is done in pieces.

For those of you still lost on Puzzle #2:

  1. SWYgeW91IGRlY3J5cHRlZCB0aGlzIGhpbnQsIGl0IG1lYW5zIHlvdSBoYXZlIHRoZSBza2lsbHMgdG8gc29sdmUgdGhlIGZpcnN0ICpoYWxmKiBvZiBQdXp6bGUgIzIsIHdpdGggb25seSAqaGFsZiogb2YgdGhlIHB1enpsZSBsZWZ0LiBCdXQgeW91J3JlICp0d2ljZSogYXMgc21hcnQgYXMgeW91IG5lZWQgdG8gYmUgdG8gc29sdmUgdGhlIHNlY29uZCBwYXJ0LiBXaGF0IGRpZCB5b3UgdXNlIHRvIHNvbHZlIHRoZSBmaXJzdCBwYXJ0LCBhbmQgaG93IHdvdWxkIHlvdSBoYWx2ZSB0aGF0IGluIG9yZGVyIHRvIHNvbHZlIHRoZSBzZWNvbmQgcGFydD8=
  2. Make sure you've read the section on "Encryption" in the puzzle guide.
  3. There are two layers of encryption.


[Puzzle #1] - Mutazione
Answer: Code parts in hex, decimal, binary, and octal
Explanation: Each piece of the ciphertext (separated by spaces) should be decrypted separately. "6b" is hex, "99" is decimal, "00110111" is binary, and "146" and "106" are both octal.

[Puzzle #2] - Spinch
Answer: Code in two-layer encryption of b64 and b32
Explanation: First decrypt the code using base-64. Take that result, and decrypt using base-32. The hint can be decrypted using base-64, and it hints at halving the base you used (64) to get the base you should use next (32).

1 month ago*

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Bump ;)

1 month ago

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3/10 you say

View attached image.
1 month ago

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Keep in mind, estimating difficulty may not be my strength :')

1 month ago

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solved 0 so far

1 month ago

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Let me know if this hint helps: The second hint in the post can sort of point you towards what you should be focusing on in the puzzle guide.

1 month ago

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bump for puzzle #1 solved!

1 month ago

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oof. bump for just #1 solved. If this is 3/10, i can't even imagine what 10/10 is!

1 month ago

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bump! thanks for the fun puzzles! got puzzle 1 right away, but I tried a few incorrect methods for puzzle 2 before figuring it out lol. i already have these games but had fun doing the puzzles anyway!

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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solved #1, working on #2 solved both, it actually took me longer to solve #1 than 2

and thank you for the puzzles😄

1 month ago*

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1 month ago

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Bump for nothing solved!

1 month ago

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Thanks for the puzzles! #2 took me a while till it clicked.

1 month ago

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A lot of people were struggling, so I've added some extra hints at the bottom that should make things clearer.

1 month ago

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Bump for the puzzles. I fear to think what's considered 10/10...

1 month ago

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Bump for 2/2

1 month ago

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Bump :)

1 month ago

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Bump for solved

1 month ago

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Bump! First time I can fully solve a puzzle like this, it was fun! Thank you ☆

1 month ago

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Glad you had fun! ^^

1 month ago

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Both solved, bump, hints helped c:

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Giveaways have ended and solutions have been posted c:

1 month ago

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