I heard many "rumors" that ESO may be without a subscription fee after a while ,

From your experience .. how real can this rumor become ? if it does happen.. can u take only few month till they remove it or will happen only after a +year

I'm asking for your opinion

11 years ago*

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The reason people say this is because it happens to basically every mmo. Except for WoW.
It doesnt get enough subs to be that profitable so it goes f2p and just adds a chash shop and they end up making more.
I played ESO during some of the stress tests and honestly the game is pretty underwhelming.

11 years ago

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I have been hearing the same from Word-of-Mouth. ESO being underwhelming, I will not be surprised if it goes F2P 1 to 2 years from release date.

11 years ago

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So it goes F2P and not B2P ?

11 years ago

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I don't think it will be F2P, but B2P instead.

11 years ago

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probably isnt it..

11 years ago

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"I heard many "rumors" that ESO may be without a subscription fee after a while"
This only happens to huge MMOs that turn to be unsuccessful. There's no way to tell if it's going to end up being F2P since it's not out yet.

11 years ago

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DAoC is old, has less than 10% of its peak subscriber base, and is still subscription-based. Eve is still evolving, has a steadily-growing userbase, and is still subscription based. It's perfectly possible to pitch a non-free MMO, if you have compelling materials decently packaged. I'd take any rumours with a pinch of salt. There's no harm seeing how it pans out. If you're keen on it, don't let the chance of it going F2P turn you off. Purchasers usually get significant benefits if the game flips to F2P, since the last thing they want to do is alienate their existing userbase trying to get more people.

11 years ago

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Nope, not gonna happen.

11 years ago

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Found this the other day...
I don't know.
I really hope it isn't subscription free. I doubt it will be F2P. If it is just pay once and you have it, I may get it. If it's subscription, pretty much no chance.

11 years ago

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Must be , u get 30 days +the game itself

11 years ago

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most games that go F2P put some heavy restrictions, for example in AION you cant make trades or open shops without premium

11 years ago

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I'd hope for something like GW2, making it 60,- to buy, without an annoying monthly fee.

11 years ago

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indeed , ive been playing gw2 since it came out (since the beta tbh) till last month and when its only B2P u enjoy much more

11 years ago

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I play it extremely casual (maybe 30 hours a year), and because there's no monthly fee, this is possible.
And frankly, i believe having players come back every now and then is better than only keeping them a month.

11 years ago

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I still think subscription then go F2P as fallback is a really bad idea.

Best way would be to pay once and then pay for expansion DLCs, since they're adding more work... (but free DLCs would be even better).
People who don't want to keep up with the story and new elements and shit can just play on what they already have.

I don't see why you must pay over and over to play the same content, since not everybody can/wants to play at the same rate, and it's annoying to be in a hurry to play in time...

11 years ago

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I totally agree with u , buying it once for 60 bucks(without being FORCED to play it) , and paying for SOME dlcs once in a while

11 years ago

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I still think one of the best options is the buy to play variety, with a cash shop for some ease-of-life stuff, a la GW2. I'm definitely gonna try ESO, much like I tried FFXIV, but I'll have to see if I'll keep playing it while it has a subscription. I've tried a subscription in games, before, and I never felt like I was playing enough to make it worth the money I was spending monthly on them.

11 years ago

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how real can this rumor become ?
Not real.

Final Fantasy XI, Final Fantasy XIV & WoW are pay2play too, and they go pretty well.
Don't expect it going f2p at least until 2017 (if ever)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by viperziv.