Do you like to play RPGs? What subcategory is your favorite?
To be honest, I am not sure what the difference is between:
WRPG (never heard of this before)
JRPG (yes from Japan, but what else?)
SRPG (also never heard of before)
ARPG (Action RPG but don't all have action in it?)
MMORPG I get the idea since the MMO part.
So yeah, not much I can say besides that I do enjoy me some RPG games but no clue which subcategory I would like most ^^
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Yeah, I'm pretty confused as well. I'd understand separation into Western/Japanese or TB/RT/RTwP, but I just don't understand what to choose in this poll.
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I think my choice would be either ARPG or JRPG but no clue which of my games fall under what and some games fall under multiple of those?
WRPG I can't say since no clue which games fall under that besides the examples in the main post and since I am not a big Strategy gamer I guess that one is a no for me?
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I think the Action part in ARPG refers to actively controlling your character in battle contrary to turn based combat. Stuff like Ocarina of Time, the more recent Assassin's Creeds and the likes.
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I'll explain:
Western role-playing video games are role-playing video games developed in the Western world, including The Americas and Europe.
WRPG are heavily influence by lore from Western culture. You'll often find medieval influence, fantasy like Warcraft and Lord of The Rings.
Japanese RPGs tend to use anime-style designs, and are more heavily focused on lore, cut-scenes and characters.
Strategy RPG's are a mix between Role Playing Games and Strategy or Turn-Based games.
ARPGs are quite mixed here too, but usually contain Hack & Slash like Diablo, or if you want more recent, Assassins Creed.
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Ah thanks for that explanation, now I think I get the WRPG more!!
I noticed many JRPG games also have use skills that can take whole cutscenes just to wait before they attack, luckily not all have that, but a lot do, so annoying! Just let me fight!!
I noticed indeed, when checking some of my ARPG games that most also have hack &slash in it, I guess those are my favorite RPG games!
Ps. thanks, they look so cute and happy :3
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Ah thanks for that explanation, now I think I get the WRPG more!!
I noticed many JRPG games also have use skills that can take whole cutscenes just to wait before they attack, luckily not all have that, but a lot do, so annoying! Just let me fight!!
I've noticed I don't play JRPG's enough. I mean, I can't remember playing any in my whole experience. It's not that I don't like, but I always prefer to go with WRPG or Classic (C)RPG as some may know it as.
I noticed indeed, when checking some of my ARPG games that most also have hack &slash in it, I guess those are my favorite RPG games!
I can say I enjoy both just as much. It really depends on my mood. I enjoy the loot system in ARPG's.
Ps. thanks, they look so cute and happy :3
Like yourself! π
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JRPG's can be a lot of fun, really depends on which one since like I said, those with huge skills that have their own cutscenes that you can't skip are usually a no for me, it will make me never use them...
I am personally not sure which of my games are JRPG, Guess Tales are? but besides that...
ARPG are nice indeed for that, I enjoy collecting everything and explore everywhere, that is also the reason many people don't enjoy to play with me since that makes me slow since I need to keep going back to sell stuff :P
Ps. blush
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WRPG (never heard of this before)
I think that label only came into visible use a few years back? Like, within the past two years or so? In fact, the first recorded instance of the WRPG label appears to only be from the latter part of 2010, and there seems to be basically no meaningful mentions of it even to date, outside of deliberate usage of the acronym to contrast against the JRPG tag [eg "Which is better- WRPGs or JRPGs?"]. If you go 10+ pages into the search results, Google does pull up several articles from 2012 that seem to have attempted to push it into visibility, though, so there's that..
With that in mind, most of us who're older than our teens (and it seems likely even still a majority of those who are in their teens or younger, given the label's seeming obscurity), as well as anyone who utilizes basically any site that uses genre sorting (as CRPG seems to still massively supplant WRPG in usage, as can be somewhat evidenced by how the Steam Store favors CRPG over WRPG) probably knows the associated genre better as "CRPG".
That's not to say it isn't more functional a genre label than CRPG- because it is- but it's only just barely so, given that you're basically contrasting "Japan" against "everything else, which is kinda all in the west, I guess?". In other words, it's still a poorly expressed label, which is likely why it hasn't ever succeeded in supplanting the similarly vague label of CRPG.
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Ah thanks for the explanation, guess that explains why I never heard of it.
To be fair, also didn't know what CRPG was before today, Google told me it's basically any RPG that is on a computer... yeah... that label is then kind of useless so any other label would have more use than that :P
I am fine with games getting different labels to make it easier to understand what kind of game it is, I mean it helps for sure, but some labels just go to far in my opinion and not always make it more clear either, though now that on Steam any joker can just add tags/labels, the mess is only getting bigger and bigger.
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Yes, it's need long time to achieve 100% progress, in first part - Re: Hollow Fragment we need to clear floors.frok 76 to 100, on every floor we have boss and locations with mobs. It's interesting, but some people can get bored from this, not me
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I haven't played most of the "new" supposedly great ones yet so I'll have to say Fallout 2.
I thinks that's a CRPG.
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Genere | Game |
wRPG | The witcher series |
jRPG | Persona series |
aRPG | not have (but you can call aRPG: Crisis core Final Fantasy 7) |
cRPG (classic/computer) | Baldur`s Gate (1 and 2) |
MMORPG | I skip these games |
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MEGA EXCITED! For me is THE BEST FF game (story, characters, music, graphics)
When give release date to FF7R I don`t care (at time) but when SE tell they make remake of CC I tell "finally it si time to be free from forgotten elusive!".
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I played in L2Dex for the most part , and then when Offi became free to play went there and played in Shillen till i retired .
Spent solid 8-9 years on that game ... still get the nostalgia towards it but sadly no place to play it anymore only pay to win stuff available xD
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Disco Elysium triggers my brain so much. Man i have pondered over so many issues playing that game.
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the conversations, issues with bosses, workers, the social and political intrigue the game offers. it was thought provoking for me.
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"Might and Magic" series (new world computing only) and "Wizardry" series as Classic RPG
"Mass Effect" as Social RPG
"The Elder Scrolls Online" as MMORPG
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I might replay Baldur's Gate 2 at some point, not sure. BG1 didn't feel as amazing as it did back when I first played it. I haven't played BG3 yet.
I haven't played Guild Wars in ages, at some point it stopped working properly because some servers where removed I think. I would like to replay it as well but dunno if I can.
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I don't recall which games I have played that actually fall into this category, but the majority of my favorites typically fall under JRPG (assuming I understand the definition right).
My top would be Paper Mario (first two installments) and Anodyne. These are in no particular order.
I see several games I've played by filtering by RPG in Steam, but I either have not played them long, have no clue how they would be considered an RPG, or just don't know the subcategory. If you're interested I can provide a list. (Of note, Anodyne is not considered an RPG according to Steam despite being very similar in style to the original Zelda)
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Lol, I saw Anodyne 2 at one point and was on the fence for it. I'm glad I didn't buy it based on your feedback
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Definitely worth a playthrough. You can pick it up during the current sale for about $2 USD give or take depending on market.
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ARPG: Magicka, Hero siege
Magicka definetly seems in the right category. Hero siege looks to me like a roguelike, because of the classic looking dungeon types.
MMOARPG: Path of Exile, Bit Heroes
Yeah, Path of Exile is one. Bit Heroes looks more like an MMOSRPG because it's tactically in a way, while each character takes their turn.
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A notable subcategory of JPRG are the ones where you can boost your attack/defense if you push the button at the right time, such as Super Mario RPG, Ikenfell, Bug Fables, etc. I think my pick would go to Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga because that game lets you avoid damage completely if you time your button push correctly; it makes it so the final boss reducing your HP to 1 isn't unfair since you can still avoid its attacks and heal up next turn.
EDIT: For Strategy RPG, I'd pick Wargroove, but I'm not sure if that counts since there are no RPG mechanics in that game.
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A notable subcategory of JPRG are the ones where you can boost your attack/defense if you push the button at the right time, such as Super Mario RPG, Ikenfell, Bug Fables, etc. I think my pick would go to Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga because that game lets you avoid damage completely if you time your button push correctly; it makes it so the final boss reducing your HP to 1 isn't unfair since you can still avoid its attacks and heal up next turn.
Oh I see! I've not played any of the JRPG's to be able to cover that, but it's very much possible. RPG's tend to branch out well over other sub-genres and genres. Action genre takes a lot of credit now because people enjoy more the fast pace combat in RPG's and the character building and dialogues of classic RPG's.
EDIT: For Strategy RPG, I'd pick Wargroove, but I'm not sure if that counts since there are no RPG mechanics in that game.
I've got the game, but didn't yet get to it. Thanks for pointing that game out. π
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Should I go for older games from the franchise? I'm very much confused about the order I should play them. I'm the type of player that has to play them in a somewhat order of release (remakes are welcomed as replacement) to appreciate the game more.
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I think I know why the series fall flat. They tried to kinda mix with more Action. People didn't buy it anymore. I felt like the classics were more towards Classis RPG, but hack & slash elements, but didn't feel like it was all about that. What do you think?
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They dismantled the team and brought incompetent ppl to make a product for ez money.
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My favorite WRPG of all time is Divinity: Original Sin 2.
I'd classify it more like a Strategy(Tactical) RPG to be exact. Every game that allows you to pause or is turn-by-turn is pretty much taking strategy elements. But anyway, that's just a remark. The game is excellent never the less. I've sunk less time in the 2nd. I enjoyed the first very much though. Great games never the less!
JRPG, Persona 5.
SRPG, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
ARPG, NieR:Automataβ’ and DARK SOULSβ’ (Couldn't pick just one)
Great picks. Can't argue with that.
MMORPG Ragnarok Online without a doubt.
This is the only game I'm less familiar with, but each MMO, when they were once a popular thing had something to offer. I've played so many MMO's before because I loved the interactions I've had with my friends and partner in a Role-Playing manner that you can't feel in any other sub-genre.
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I'd classify it more like a Strategy(Tactical) RPG to be exact. Every game that allows you to pause or is turn-by-turn is pretty much taking strategy elements. But anyway, that's just a remark. The game is excellent never the less. I've sunk less time in the 2nd. I enjoyed the first very much though. Great games never the less!
I pick the first one mostly based on the region of the developer team rather tan gameplay, but, yeah, it is more tactical. Not really a fan of Bethesda or BioWare, have heard The Outer Worlds is amazing, but, I haven't really played it.
This is the only game I'm less familiar with, but each MMO, when they were once a popular thing had something to offer. I've played so many MMO's before because I loved the interactions I've had with my friends and partner in a Role-Playing manner that you can't feel in any other sub-genre.
Can't blame you, while WoW got really popular on US, this got extremely popular on Latin America, so, is not as known there. Funny story, I started playing the game, because my moderator team was going MIA, apparently, they got addicted to the game and never came back lmao, so, I tried it for myself; I still have contact with most of my guildmates from there, although we all moved to other games, and now we mostly play Lol every once in a while.
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I am not very good with the categories, so I will just list a few of my favorites from each decade. But I am an old geezer, so I will go back another decade... :D :D
Well, not many played games here... The only two worth mentioning would be
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I am not very good with the categories, so I will just list a few of my favorites from each decade. But I am an old geezer, so I will go back another decade... :D :D
I'm from the 90s, so I can understand, it's just I found it difficult to find anything I played as RPG's back in that period and I can't remember seeing much RPG's at that period except JRPGs.
Planescape: Torment (1999), 95/100. WRPG and SRPG, I guess?
This is considered a Classic RPG or WRPG by today's standards.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998), 94/100. JRPG and ARPG?
Although Zelda has been created in an anime looking way, I feel that it took a lot of inspiration from West. Overall, Zelda is an ARPG in my opinion, due to the fact that you're combat is more responsive.
Final Fantasy VIII (1999), 92/100. JRPG with a bit of SRPG?
Final Fantasy VII (1997), 92/100. JRPG with a bit of SRPG?
I've not played them, but generally from what I know Final Fantasy games are JRPG's in most scenarios, but do have the Turn-Base RPG's in them.
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (2003), 94/100. WRPG and... SRPG?
Well yes, it's mainly Tactical like Mass Effect and Dragon Age if I'm not wrong.
The World Ends With You (2007), 92/100. Nintendo DS. JRPG and ARPG.
Never heard of this one. Looks like a JRPG from the first glance.
The Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass (2007), 91/100. Nintendo DS, JRPG and ARPG.
You could say, but again, I believe they are somewhat inspired from the west, because it contains goblins, elves and other magical creatures described in the west.
Guild Wars (2005), 91/100. MMO, WRPG and ARPG.
Guild Wars is what you've said, that's correct. I've only played the 2nd one.
Morrowind (2002), 91/100. JRPG and ARPG.
Any of the Elder Scrolls in my opinion are WRPGs.
Mass Effect 2 (2010), 98/100. WRPG and ARPG.
I'd say yes, because they don't have as much Tactical Combat, but still retains some. It's a real mix between ARPG and S(T)RPG. Very confusing. I know! π
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015), 96/100. WRPG and ARPG.
Totally! I've not played it, but looks about that element. First one was a more traditional WRPG.
Crypt of the Necrodancer (2015), 89/100. More or less WRPG and ARPG, though not even sure if it counts as a RPG.
Seems like a mix of Roguelike and Tactical RPG, but you got the standard dungeon types, so I believe they are Roguelike.
Ghost of a Tale (2017), 89/100. WPRG and ARPG.
This looks to me like an classic Adventure game.
South Park: The Stick of Truth (2014), 89/100. It actually has all the structure of a JRPG, despite the western themes.
This is more or less a Turn-based RPG.
The Banner Saga (2014), 89/100. WRPG and SRPG.
Yes, that's correct.
Wasteland 3 (2020), 87/100. WRPG and SRPG.
Yes, mainly a SRPG. Very close to other Turn-Base games like Divinity Original Sin and a little bit of XCOM.
Loop Hero (2021), 83/100. WRPG and SRPG?
This screams to me more of a roguelike game.
Again, roguelike games are kinda a subcategory of RPG's, although throughout the years they have built their own identity and no longer are considered by many as a sub-category of RPG's because as RPG's they branch out into Tactical-Roguelike games, Action-Roguelike games and so forth.
Thank you for listing out awesome games. I like the nature of how you placed them. Easy to read, nice to follow as reference.
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Ok, Morrowind was a huge typo... Agree, WRPG for sure. I even edited my post. :D
Ghost of a Tale... yes, it felt a lot like a Stealth-Action game, but it does have tons of RPG elements, so... it is hard to categorize it. This one really suprised me. :D
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I guess I never really thought about RPG "categories" until now - my overall favorite RPG has been Final Fantasy X for the longest time, but after taking the plunge into Final Fantasy XIV Online it's actually just about to overtake it. So I guess those two would be my favorite entries when it comes to JRPGs and MMORPGs respectively. Staying in line with Final Fantasy titles, Final Fantasy Tactics is also an amazing strategy RPG and probably one of the best games ever made. (though not available on PC, sadly)
When it comes to RPGs made in the west it's pretty much down to the Elder scrolls series, Fallout series and Witcher series. Oblivion, Fallout: New Vegas and Witcher 3 are probably the standouts for me, really loved them - not sure I could pick one over another honestly. Kingdom Come: Deliverance was also a surprise hit for me, really loved how they tried to stick to realism whenever possible.
Not sure where it lands, but I also REALLY love Kenshi - I guess it's a sandbox/western/action/strategy RPG? Lol
Do games like Dark Souls or Nier: Automata count as Action RPGs? Hard not to mention them since they're absolutely exceptional games
I could probably fill an essay with RPG titles, they're far and away my favorite genre of games. I really enjoy immersing myself in a world and nothing does it better than a well made RPG.
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I guess I never really thought about RPG "categories" until now - my overall favorite RPG has been Final Fantasy X for the longest time, but after taking the plunge into Final Fantasy XIV Online it's actually just about to overtake it. So I guess those two would be my favorite entries when it comes to JRPGs and MMORPGs respectively. Staying in line with Final Fantasy titles, Final Fantasy Tactics is also an amazing strategy RPG and probably one of the best games ever made. (though not available on PC, sadly)
I've not played a single Final Fantasy game and I kinda wanna experience it. Do you think I should get the remastered version from first to last and play them in order? I'm very confused. I don't wanna play the old ones, so jumping to remakes is fine by me if the story is the same.
When it comes to RPGs made in the west it's pretty much down to the Elder scrolls series, Fallout series and Witcher series. Oblivion, Fallout: New Vegas and Witcher 3 are probably the standouts for me, really loved them - not sure I could pick one over another honestly.
Quite true, but there's some iterations that contain similarities. Pretty much any RPG that contains western lore is more likely to take a WRPG approach in my opinion.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance was also a surprise hit for me, really loved how they tried to stick to realism whenever possible.
I believe Kingdom Come: Deliverance falls in between ARPG and a little bit on the SRPG (Strategy) because the overall combat is very complex and difficult to master. Excellent game never the less.
Not sure where it lands, but I also REALLY love Kenshi - I guess it's a sandbox/western/action/strategy RPG? Lol
Kenshi is a very mixed RPG. It's like Mount & Blade series. It's hard to place it in any category, because it borrows elements from so many genre's and subgenres. I'd think it's more of a Sanbox RPG, but it's really had to really call it just that.
Do games like Dark Souls or Nier: Automata count as Action RPGs? Hard not to mention them since they're absolutely exceptional games
Dark Souls definetly falls under the ARPG category. I don't know about Nier: Automata, because I feel by what it looks like it's more of a mix between Action-Adventure and JRPG's due to it's art design. I might be wrong, but it seems like it's harder on that element. Usually, RPG's are not so fast paced in combat as them, unless they are Action RPG's.
Do games like Dark Souls or Nier: Automata count as Action RPGs? Hard not to mention them since they're absolutely exceptional games
That's okay, you can share what you enjoy. That's the point of this thread. π
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If you don't want to play the old games I think you could start from 7 up. I'm not sure on number 9 as I haven't heard to much about it but I know 7 is like the most fan favourite and then number 8. My personal favourite is number 10 as it was my 1st and its my favourite game of all time.
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Just adding my +1 here -- I played FFs from I to IX. The Final Fantasy games with different numbers are set in different worlds altogether, so story-wise you do not lose much starting anywhere in the series. I mean, it is interesting to play them in order to see the evolution of the mechanics of the games, and many of them share come common themes, but if you do not want to spend too much time with the old ones, starting with the remake of VII sounds like a good plan.
(That said, I loved the stories, characters and soundtracks of V and VI... Damn, a few scenes in VI make me cry.)
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I've not played a single Final Fantasy game and I kinda wanna experience it. Do you think I should get the remastered version from first to last and play them in order? I'm very confused. I don't wanna play the old ones, so jumping to remakes is fine by me if the story is the same.
So the way Final Fantasy works is that despite the fact that they're numbered, they're not sequels - each game is its own story, taking place in its own world (with some exceptions, for example Final Fantasy XII and Final Fantasy Tactics technically take place in the same world, but at different time periods). So while playing them in order gives a nice sense of how the series has evolved, it's really not necessary - in fact I'd actually recommend skipping the early ones, since they're generally very basic as they originally came out on NES (and even the remasters haven't really added much to them, there's just not a whole lot to work with)
For me the series really begins with Final Fantasy 4 (I'll just use normal numbers for simplicity's sake) - that's where the games really start to have fleshed out stories and most importantly interesting characters. From that point onwards I'd say they're all worth playing - if I had to highlight some I find particularly good, FF6 (considered by many the absolute best in the series, also the last of the "classic" FFs), FF7 (probably what comes to mind when you think about Final Fantasy, the most popular one), FF9 (sort of flopped when it released, but now has a cult status) and my personal favorite, FF10. All remasters/remakes are generally quite good, however the most recent one for FF7 is really its own kind of beast. It's still worth playing, but I'd play the original FF7 first.
There are also a lot of non-numbered Final Fantasy games that are exceptional (like Final Fantasy Tactics which I mentioned) but I guess that's going a bit too off-topic.
The series sort of went off the rails with FF13 and FF15 - some people love them, most people tend not to. I'd look into them to see if they're the kind of thing that appeals to you but personally I would probably skip them.
Finally, the MMO entries: FF11 and FF14:
FF11 is pretty old at this point (it was the first console MMO! And also the first crossplatform game if I remember correctly) and still fairly active, however it's very much an MMO first and Final Fantasy second. Very hardcore kind of game, from an era before World of Warcraft when MMOs were just brutal. Also still requires an active subscription
FF14 is one of the most popular MMOs around at the moment, and honestly it's pretty great. Requires a subscription fee, however there's a free trial that includes the base game and the first expansion. The base game is...ok, but things really kick into gear from the first expansion onwards. What makes FF14 unique is that it's a Final Fantasy first, and MMO second - there's a huge focus on the actual RPG aspect of the game, and in fact by the latest expansion I feel it's become one of the best entries in the series. Recently they made a lot of the Main Story single-player friendly as well - you can choose to play the multiplayer content of it with AI controlled companions rather than other players
Could be worth giving it a shot even if MMOs aren't your thing, it's free after all
Aaaand that's it! Sorry for the wall of text lol, but I hope it was helpful
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Hell yeah! Hyped is underselling it, love the prequel nature of it as well since I find the world extremely fascinating - only problem is that it won't be out for a while
Kenshi is already a fantastic game that I could play forever (especially when you take into consideration the great modding community for it) but it is pretty janky and with its own share of issues - having a more polished sequel with added baseline features (dare I hope for boats or mounts?) is everything I could hope for
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They don't have to be in the year of release related, so you can be like me and play Diablo III a decade later. So, let's get on with the list and remember that you're free to add as many games from that period as you like.
It's not a mistake, it was deliberate. I also mentioned it. I've not played Diablo 3 since the last two years lol. You didn't have to follow the same years, it was more of a "What's your favorite RPG of a decade?"
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I've played many, many of the major mmorpgs between Everquest (1999) and SWTOR (2011). One that stands out was Dark Age of Camelot where my buddy and I played twin troll thanes who called down lighting storms from the sky - such fun we had. Another was the lesser known Star Wars Galaxies, which, unlike SW the Old Republic, actually felt like we were playing in the star wars universe - even the pvp aspect worked well - you aligned rebel or empire - which led to many interesting and entertaining encounters - especially at the Mos Eisley spaceport.
As for single player rpgs - many of the usual ones are favorites of mine as well: Planescape, Baldurs, Mass Effect, Dragon's Dogma, Fallout and heavily modded Skyrim (my favorite vampire game).
My favorite online multiplayer arpg is also a shooter. Borderlands, absolutely.
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WRPG: I really love the Fallout series. Haven't tried 4, but I've heard it's alright. Especially if one likes light settlement building in their RPG shooters. Though that's more of an ARPG, I think.
Anachronox is also a good one, which I need to play through sometime soon. It's why I made a Good Old Games account, in fact. That and hoping they'd put other classics on their store. But mostly this. lol
I highly recommend checking it out now, because it's currently a dollar on Steam. I'll probably get another copy to give away here.
The Elder Scrolls are also great ones, with Oblivion being my most favorite of the series. Shivering Isles is my favorite part of that. The environment is gorgeous, and the story is incredibly engaging. I played this during a time of being offline, and had nothing to do but this. I could hardly put it down.
JRPG: Dragon Warrior was one of my first and fondest memories of playing games with my sister. The whole series is kind of special, though I have yet to play any of the newer ones. Might want to do that!
Final Fantasy is also a good one. I have tons of fond memories of FF7, especially. I spent a long time strategizing on how to beat the gigantic gem Weapons. That was especially satisfying! I also had lots of fun going out of my way to explore every area available, getting everything I could.
SRPG: Y'all know any good ones? I've yet to really play that genre. I've got Mass Effect in my backlog. It's stuck in there deep, however.
ARPG: I really loved playing classic Diablo with my brother. In fact, I bought a copy of it for PlayStation, so we could play together. He wasn't one for computers at the time, so that was a nope. I also really love Torchlight, too. I need to try to get back into that. π
The Borderlands series is my absolute favorite ARPG. I've spent thousands of hours on them, and will probably spend thousands more once I get 3 and its DLCs, as well as the new Tiny Tina game. I love 'em that much. Looty shooty ftw!
MMORPG: I don't like massively multiplayer anything. I've tried online games, and people are so unreliable. All those people seem like they'd be even more so.
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MMORPG: I don't like massively multiplayer anything. I've tried online games, and people are so unreliable. All those people seem like they'd be even more so
I would recommend SWTOR because you can play a great deal of it on your own if you want, and the story is solid (developed by Bioware).
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It has been a while since I've created a discussion, but to be honest, I've wanted to take a bit of a breather. Anyway, in today's discussion we're going to take a deep dive in the Role Playing Games. Role Playing Games are divided in subcategories, so I'm curious to know what has been your favorite games from decade to decade. They don't have to be in the year of release related, so you can be like me and play Diablo III a decade later. So, let's get on with the list and remember that you're free to add as many games from that period as you like.
After going over this I noticed I've not played any JRPG's. It's not that I've not liked them, but I've had little connection with them as a kid and grew to never try them I guess. If you have recommendations feel free to drop them.
Update: For those confused of what is what, I'll place an explanation:
Western role-playing video games are role-playing video games developed in the Western world, including The Americas and Europe.
WRPG are heavily influence by lore from Western culture. You'll often find medieval influence, fantasy like Warcraft and Lord of The Rings.
Japanese role-playing games tend to have a more linear story and a set cast of characters. They generally have a large number of enemy encounters and may require grinding in order to progress further into the game. Examples of this genre include Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VII.
The tactical/strategy role-playing game subgenre principally refers to games which incorporate gameplay from strategy games as an alternative to traditional RPG systems. Like standard RPG, the player controls a finite party and battles a similar number of enemies, but this genre incorporates strategic gameplay such as tactical movement on an isometric grid. The genre has its origins in tabletop role-playing games, where each player has time to decide his or her characters' actions.
The action role-playing game or action RPG is a type of role-playing video game which incorporates real-time combat as opposed to turn-based or menu-based, often borrowing elements from action games or action-adventure games. Some of the first action role-playing games were produced by Nihon Falcom in the 1980s, such as the Dragon Slayer series and Ys series. Later so-called "Diablo clones" are also part of this genre. Although the precise definition of the genre varies, the typical action RPG features a heavy emphasis on combat, often simplifying or removing non-combat attributes and statistics and the effect they have on the character's development. Additionally, combat always takes place using a real-time system (hence the "action") that relies on the player's ability to perform particular actions with speed and accuracy to determine success, rather than mainly using the player character's attributes to determine this.
This is my personal choice and only serves as example, so what's yours?
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