I was baking a cake the other night and I wondered to myself how many others out there love baking/cooking. I assume lots but asking and then giving away gas for it seemed more fun.

So my request is if any of you have great recipes, please share! :D Please let them be tried, tested, and true. I will try to make anything that sounds interesting so please don't just copy and paste in something from some blog or recipe site that you don't already love and have tried for ages. Personally, I love 'my Grandmother always made it this way..." recipes. Also, please nothing that is a collection of prepackaged ingredients to be mixed with more prepackaged ingredients... I prefer starting from scratch ironically my posted recipe does have a prepacked ingredient in it.. but anyway..

Don't hate me for not adding potato to the poll! To make up for it will add the recipe for Potato Chocolate Cake! This recipe is about 20yrs old. I've been making it almost that long.

Potato Chocolate Cake

  • 4 oz sweet baking chocolate
  • 1 cup mashed potato flakes
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 1/4 cups sugar
  • 1 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 cup butter softened
  • 1/2 cup dairy sour cream
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecans, if desired

Heat oven to 350F.
Grease 10-inch tube pan or 12 cup Bundt pan. Break 4oz chocolate into pieces; place in large bowl. Add potato flakes; pour boiling water over flakes and chocolate. Let stand 5 mins or until potato flakes are softened and chocolate is melted; stir to combine. Add flour and remaining ingredients.
Blend at low speed until moistened; beat 3 mins at medium speed. (Stir in pecans if using... I never do). Pour batter into greased pan.
Bake at 350F for 45-60 mins or until toothpick inserted near center comes out clean. Cool upright in pan 30 mins; invert onto serving plate. Cool completely.
Frost with your favourite icing. I like chocolate Amaretto or just rich chocolate buttercream.

I would post a picture of the cake (I hate making things I haven't seen) but atm don't have the pictures uploaded to a site I can link from, sorry. I might try to upload or I might not bother... haven't decided yet.


Bundt pan, cooling
With yummy dark chocolate buttercream icing
Just in round cake pans with amaretto chocolate icing

From responses I will be adding to my WL. It's random and my reasoning for it follows little logic... most probably it will be because I like something you say and you're at least level 3+

And what you're probably here for:
Lvl 3+ Never Alone Collecton
I lived in the Eastern/Western arctic, (mostly Eastern) and when I played this game it reminded me so much of my time there. If you enter this GA and win, I can't stress enough how much you should try it. It's adorable. I really hope you enjoy it.

Lvl 1+ The Silent Age
This key I have no special story for!

9 years ago*

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Do you prefer cooking or baking more?

View Results
Everything I eat comes from a box and/or package and/or take-out
I don't do the cooking in my house

I don't like either... But I prefer baking I think... I love chocolate cake but if I can make it from a pre-made ingredients and not melt the chocolate myself I prefer it waaaay more :D

Not to mention the one time I made the cake myself it wasn't as good as the pre-made one :P

9 years ago

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Maybe you over-mixed or over cooked it?
I think scratch cakes tend to be more dense.. and boxed so much... fluffier lol.
Since you are eating it you need to like t! That's all that matter! :)

9 years ago

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It's been a few years but I might've overcooked it. Or maybe both? lol. I found the recipe on the Internet. I was usually making cakes from recipes I already knew and they were quite good if I may say so myself ;) But none of those recipes were for chocolate cakes and I love them (Did I mention I looove chocolate cakes? >.<)

9 years ago

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I guess the secret is the eggs, mix them more

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Thx fo the recipe! Have a bump

9 years ago

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Unrelated: I don't want to sound paranoid, but I feel like I'm never alone.

9 years ago

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I like cooking but I don't always have the time.

9 years ago

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My girlfriend bakes for us pretty often. I might have a hard time convincing her to try potato cake, as interesting as it sounds.

9 years ago

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I promise you won't even know the potato is in there... it just adds to the moisture and keeps the cake from drying out. Chocolate cakes need that otherwise they are very dry and crumbly.

9 years ago

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That's too bad. I probably wouldn't mind a cake that tastes like potato.

9 years ago

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Your recipe sounds very interesting, just wondered if you have to use the prepacked mashed potato, or could it be freshly made?

9 years ago

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Honestly I've been meaning to grate potato and try it that way... but I just never did. Since I do that when I use zucchini in cake, I'm guessing i would too.. but I'm not a master baker, so I'm not sure. If you ever try it, let me know how it works out.

9 years ago

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Tasty thread. And welcome.

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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Now I need cake ;p I prefer pizza, thanks for sharing =)

9 years ago

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I've always enjoyed baking more than cooking, but I've never been a fan of cakes, pies, etc. so I'd bake for the fun of it and then watch as my family/friends enjoyed the food. (Which is slightly sad. haha)

This year I've gotten into some vegan baking and have been so pleasantly surprised. I'll be honest I'm a pretty picky eater and have had lots of fails with vegan food-food, but baking things have tasted just as good as it's non-vegan brethren. Brownies and cookies have been my fave.

9 years ago

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I bake... when I wake...

9 years ago

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I used to cook and bake with my mom, so yes I love the kitchen, now I'm not allowed in, but someday I will have my own

I want my kitchen like this guy on the show, here is usual use earthenware casseroles and gets a different flavor from aluminium or steel

This are my favorites


View attached image.
9 years ago

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Those look delicious, I've got to try them sometime.

9 years ago

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Are amazing!, this from the recipe looks so soft i preffer when they are less soft, if you search "gorditas de nata" you will look what I mean. I can't look it anymore, i want it!

9 years ago

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I did. Now I can't stop thinking about them...

9 years ago

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I will try these for sure. Thanks for sharing! :)

9 years ago

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Look for other recipes, i put this because was the first i found, they are a slightly different, but almost the same

9 years ago

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I can bake, but I rather not.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I'm very indifferent about cooking.. most of the time i'm just too lazy to do so but once i set my mind to it i actually kind of enjoy it.. it just feels like it's more work than it actually ends up being with preparing everything ad then cleaning up afterwards... That's why i mostly just fry some eggs or cook noodles xD

9 years ago

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I've been trying to turn normal cake recipes vegan lately, but eh the texture rarely ends up how I want it to.

9 years ago

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I did vegan baking for about a year... it really helps to mix flours... a lot... if you haven't tried that.

9 years ago

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Hm I've mostly been using wheat flour, but I feel like that might not be the best for my health anyway so I'll probably switch. Which flours did you use?

9 years ago

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I was using coconut, almond, spelt, potato etc. but you need to mix to kind of get a balance. The thing is to never expect it to taste like you traditionally expect it to... just think of those cookies or whatever you are making to be a whole new kind. I never really 'loved' vegan or gluten-free cooking to be honest.

9 years ago

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You might be right about that. I've found it easy to make stuff like pancakes or waffles vegan through easy modifications, but everything that's more complex can easily get annoying. Right now I'm still in the mood to try it though, so I might switch my wheat flour with one or two that you suggested if they're not too expensive. Thanks for the suggestions!

9 years ago

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They are expensive enough (at least I felt so) so I just bought is really small quantities and went from there. Some, like almond flour you only need a few tablespoons of... (or was that coconut.. sigh.. I can't remember right off, I haven't cooked with them in just over two years now so I'm starting to forget). My suggestion is to find a good baking site and follow the recipes exactly.. I found baking to be kind of an exact science, but cooking with those flours even more so. I had a few failures before i hit on success. I'll look in my books and see if I have any recipes I really felt happy with in the end and post it for you if I can :)

9 years ago

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Oh of course they are expensive. ._. But honestly I wasn't expecting anything else. I've been looking up some vegan baking / cooking blogs in the past, but the sheer amount of them is simply overwhelming. Then most of them are also overly complicated and it demotivated me to try them out. So I'd be really happy you shared your recipes!

9 years ago

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Have you checked Minimalist Baker? I've recently made this chocolate pie (no real baking required) and it turned out absolutely delicious. I'd suggest to let it rest in the fridge for a night before eating it :3.

9 years ago

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IT LOOKS SO GOOD. Ah and apparently you don't need a lot of fancy ingredients, that's always good. Got it bookmarked now and might try it out some time. Thanks so much!

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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They both look great, thanks! ♥

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I don't really bake... the only things I have made are Chocolate Chip cookies (Nestle recipe) and banana nut muffins.

9 years ago

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My girlfriend is doing all the kitchen work, which I'm not proud of. I'm a kind of a guy that does other type of "baking" :D

9 years ago

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thought this was a whole different type of topic...

i don't bake, but i'll eat it if you bake it.

9 years ago

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Yeahhh... comments like these make me feel like I'm in that John Cougar Mellencamp song.. Cherry Bomb... never thought of it meaning anything else until you pointed it out...
"That's when a smoke was a smoke
And groovin' was groovin'"
And when people say 'bake something' one automatically thinks cookies...

9 years ago*

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isn't it funny how word-association works in each of us? :D

when you say John Cougar Mellencamp (whom i enjoy), i'm immediately reminded of an old Chris Rock joke before thinking about his songs.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I like to cook and I like to bake! Doesn't mean that my creations are always edible, but I still enjoy making them :P
Not sure if I like the idea of chocolate and mashed potatoes in the same cake, though :/

9 years ago

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If I'm not feeling lazy, I don't mind cooking or baking. What usually brings the laziness in me is that I have to clean everything after and that I do not like to do. Otherwise, I'm fine with cooking/baking.

I'm craving for apple cake, but been to lazy to go and buy apples to do it... So I'll keep on craving.

And today for dinner I made a variant of the gif below. It was good, but needed more sauce.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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oh no the link doesn't work :( .. nvm my laptop spazzed

9 years ago

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It should work now, it had an extra letter.

gifv don't work on the site, so I had to remove the v for it to work.

9 years ago

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That looks yummy... and far as I'm concerned.. I always want more sauce lol
I was so happy when I discovered sesame seed oil.. chicken was never the same again. (Thank god, I hated it before that)

9 years ago

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let me see ... how about a carrot cake recipe!

You'll need:
200 g carrots
6 eggs
150 g cane sugar
150 g butter
200 g white chocolate
200 g almond flour/round almonds
50 g of breadcrumbs (or you can take a bit of flour instead)
some (dark) chocolate or sugarcoating

1) preheat oven at 160 °C (air circulation)
2) peel and rasp the carrots
3) separate the eggs
4) melt the white chocolate
5) cream the butter and cane sugar
add one after the other and keep stiring:
-> egg yolk
-> almond flour
-> carrots
-> flour/breadcrumbs
-> white chocolate
6) make whipped egg whites and fold them in
7) put the mixture in a cake springform pan
8) bake for about 30 mins
9) put sugarcoating/frosting/chocolat on top/around when it's cooled off - whatever you like most :3

Bon appétit!

(hope I didn't forgot anything)

9 years ago*

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Well, I've made carrot cake, but never saw a recipe like this. :D looking forward to trying it out. Thanks!

9 years ago

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I hope you'll like it !
The white chocolate and flour/breadcrumbs make is really tasty and moist :3
As soon as I have time I'll try out your potato choc cake too

9 years ago

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Yeah, I just telephoned my mother and told her about it :D It's pretty different from our classic recipe, so I'm looking forward to trying it. (we usually frost with cream cheese icing btw)

9 years ago

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That sounds so good right nowww!

9 years ago

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