Should I buy a Nintendo Switch/PS4 just for 'The Legend of Zelda BOTW" or 'Horizon Zero Dawn'? (GA inside)
Depends. Both are more or less open world fuckaroundery. If you want to play more open world fuckaroundery, then you may consider a PlayStation, although PC has its own large fair share of open world fuckaroundery as well. Even more when it comes to multiplayer variants.
But Nintendo consoles are generally a good idea thanks to how they usually try to think of new ways for controllers instead of re-releasing the exact same goddamn controller with a new sticker on it every 5 years and call it a day. Their strange controlling methods have led to some fun games, especially if you want party or family games or like platformers.
Also, while Horizon Zero Dawn is mostly received well enough for doing the standard open world fuckaroundery genre decently, Zelda BOTW is getting record high scores left and right. (Also, call me skeptic, but when a studio has been doing pretty much the exact same standard war shooter for 14 years and nothing else, and now suddenly they replaces British space Nazis with large robot dinosaurs, I am not sure that the game really will behold such spectacular innovations and maybe some parts of this success may be given to how it is published by the same company that also made the console for it.)
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lol for "open world fuckaroundery" definition :)
Well I was skeptic as well thinking guerrilla games making a new genre for them but looking at some gameplay on the tube I was really amazed. Should you consider nintendo switch only, then? I really dont understand how is it possible that zelda hit the highest score ever???
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If I had money, a television, and some time, I would buy a Nintendo console, yes. And I'm about as a PC elitist snob as you can get. When I say dirty console peasants, I am not joking for the sake of a meme, I do view them as that.
Currently I'd still probably buy a WiiU because Super Mario 3D World and the Bayonettas as I have zero interest in Zelda, but the Switch so far seems popular enough, despite the weak hardware (which, I guess, is pretty much getting Nintendo standard now).
(Although I may buy a 3DS sooner just for the Ace Attorney series. But it may tempt me to get into Pokémon, and I don't really want a grindy time-sinker, even if it is damn good fun.)
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And I'm about as a PC elitist snob as you can get. When I say dirty console peasants, I am not joking for the sake of a meme, I do view them as that.
Seriously ? There's really people who acually buy that Bullcrap :D ? I know for you personally it wouldn't be a problem since you like to play games that never make it to console but the average PC gamer should be grateful that Console gamers finance the games they play.
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Are you sure? Not delving into the subject how PC games revenue matches all home consoles put together, is the player base of cross-platform games amount that much? After all, it just divides the intended audience.
Sure, you can see the internet jerking off for the next upcoming AAA release, especially if it is a spectacle shooter spunkgargleweewee like the yearly CoD, but the PC and console libraries are actually pretty diverese with only a moderate overlap of cross-platform titles. Take Steam for example. The top 10 games at any given moment in terms of concurent players has maybe 2-4 games at best that are not PC exlusives.
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Let's please keep in mind that those number include the revenues produced by F2P and Online games like Dota2, CS GO and other games that can't be stolen. Accordingly when you look at the Steam Top 10 there are only 2 real games in there the rest are F2P multiplayer games.
The rest of what you said seems to be somewhat unrelated to what I said. I'm not saying that the available games on PC and Console are identical. There are genres that just don't work well on Console (like Strategy or Adventures unless they are highly simplified like Telltale games) because of the lack of imput devices and other games (mostly sucessful Indie games) that haven't made it to console yet because they are too niche.
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Well, it relates in the sense that console games can only finance the games they play if they are cross-platform. PC exclusive games finance themselves without any help. (Otherwise they would go cross-platform or just die off.) It is the cross-platform ones that can cost a pretty penny to develop, especially if they rely mostly (or solely) on their visuals. And sometimes they don't even hit the PC market. coughDestinycough
They are just more diverse and diverging platforms than some of the industry wants to make us believe, that's all I am trying to say.
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They are just more diverse and diverging platforms than some of the industry wants to make us believe, that's all I am trying to say.
That's something I can easily agree on. I consider myself a multiplatform gamer and like to enjoy the best of both worlds. If I wouldn't play on PC as well I wouldn't be here on SG.
I just find it weird that while from the Console side there hardly seems to be any hatred toward the PC gaming community I can't stand this stupid PC Masterrace BS. I wonder if those people are aware that playing video games is still pretty much a social stigma and that fighting among ourselves certainly won't help our cause.
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The hatred from PC side stems from recent times, because the 7th generation of consoles were here for so long that it totally held back the innovation and development of games. The upside was that you really could play new games on PC with 5-year-old hardware, but that is not exactly moving forward. :)
The other part is a smaller but my pet peeve: since all controls now have to fit to a slow-moving analogue stick and maybe 8 buttons at best, mechanics have become dumber and dumber. For a personal example: i have tried now 4 times to get into the new XCOM remake games, but every time I start playing, I cannot go for two minutes without bumping into a situation where I want to do something, but here it does not exist, or, at best, has a more limited function. When I constantly think that the game made twenty years before this one and ran on floppy disks was more complex and had more features in its gameplay, something is very wrong. To the remake's credit, the UI is at least a tiny bit better, but not that much.
There are, of course, positive examples as well, like how the Resident Evil 1 REmake not only retained most elements from the original, but added new features, storylines, and generally made it better in every aspect but cheesiness. Or, for what we saw so far form the System Shock 1 remake, it is going to be better in every aspect. There, the controls were terrible in the original, and the console-y approach may actually help a lot.
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But that rather seems like a beef that should be adressed with developers and hardware manufacturers and not with console gamers. Afterall nobody stopped PC devs from creating games that fully utilize the potential of PCs during that time, it just didn't make financial sense.
And the other part about controlls could be easily solved in my opinion by offering a wider variety of imput devices for Console. Damn, we've had keyboards and mouse for console in SNES times, why don't we have now ? And while this issue does not directly affect PC games it would put an end to Console oriented GUIs like Skyrim has apparently.
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This is true, plus the WiiU has been out longer so its less likely to get hardware problems that new consoles sometimes get.
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well because I think Zelda will run better on Switch and maybe WiiU will be abandoned soon by nintendo
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Actually they tested and it runs BETTER on wii u since the engine was designed for it. The only major difference between the two systems is resolution.
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From my observations I concluded the following: BOTW is a Zelda game set in a modern RPG evironment, and it looks really good. Best RPG? No. Best Zelda? As a guy who only played less than 3 hours of Link to the Past, I say it looks and plays like the best Zelda.
Horizon is a game which consists of three parts: A safe gameplay, meaning no risks taken gameplay-wise, it's an average third person bow/arrow shooter; An above average and interesting story; And amazing graphics. Which is basically the same three parts that make another game called The Last Of Us.
Again, I AM an ass, always critical of "revolutionary" games, have usually crappy opinions, and only own a mediocre PC, so keep that in mind before taking this opinion too seriously :D
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Zelda is getting record high scores, so if you are looking for that game experience, go for a Switch, I think!
To my mind, Horizon is not worth the console, if you don't have one, although it has an interesting premise and story, it doesn't really innovate from a gameplay perspective, in fact it's a very typical RPG in the western sense of the world. It's very fun, but it's fun you have experienced before. So...unless you are preparing to play the Last of Us 2...
As for a hype breaking motivation:
Perhaps, a little Witcher 3 with the expansions can heal the Horizon pain?
Can't really recommend ME: Andromeda, considering the recent controversy with the subpar animations and bad writing, so check out:
Prey for FPS
Nier for Hack 'n Slash
Sea of Thieves for open world naval combat
Styx 2 for stealth
Rime for puzzle solving
and Outlast 2 for horror
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thanks for the suggestion. I quite forgot prey!
never heard of Sea of Thieves. Is it on Steam?
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I guess as you can.
but as above said, get Wii U for Zelda and you'll have access for more games, and/or more money left for other games on PS4. There are some nice exclusives to them, maybe after buying the consoles you will be more willing to check them out :)
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I'm in love in both these games too and I want to play them as much as you, but I would hold with buying Switch, because there are some issues that appeared after a release, maybe there's a chance to expect nintendo to release fixed/upgraded version of the console.
And also on PS4 (now PS 4.5/slim etc) there are so many great other games that you can't play on anything else: Bloodborne, Last Guardian, Nioh and if you would like to in the future, you can easily upgrade it to VR :) that's just my opinion of course, but I was thinking about the same thing and that's probably what I'll do when I'll get some more time for a games
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Buy a Wii U and have access to an actual catalog of titles. The actual FPS difference you'll find isn't much between the systems as the game plays. Probably due to BotW being made for the Wii U originally and was a somewhat rushed port for the Switch.
Buying a switch now is a bad idea imo, do yourself a favor and avoid console release shenanigans and an abysmally small selection.
As for the PS4, Horizon is a game I'm pretty sure you'll feel you've played before. Bloodborne, Persona 5, and Nioh would be the reasons you would want to get it, along with access to a superior catalog of RPGs
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Do you mean that RPG-wise Bloodborne, Persona 5, and Nioh > Horizon Zero Dawn ?
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Easily, the story of Horizon is so cookie cutter Sci-fi apocalypse re-born. If you want an open world adventure survival with good graphics just play ARK.
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You should buy both
Consoles >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PC
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Cause computer gaming has been around and popular longer than console, Kappa.
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omg are you joking? I know the symbol, I mean could you please elaborate on that? why do you think consoles are better than PCs?
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Thats just something people tell if they don't know the history of computer, consoles and gaming...
i hope you are able to play one of the games now... ZELDA imo is overrated but still a pretty good game in the Zelda series... :)
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I love horizon zero so I'm a bit biased and would say go for it :P
Oh, I want to wait on the switch in case a pro version or something comes out and makes it more worth it, I'd love the switch for many games, but for now, there are like add-on expenses like a memory card and stuff, I think.
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In the end it's your descision to make, but personally, I'd say it's not worth it if it's just for one game per console. If the console was cheaper or you had more games you want to play, sure, go for it, but to spend a couple hundred bucks just to play one game? That doesn't really sound like it's worth it to me. No matter how good a game is, if I have to spend more then a hundred bucks, it's a no-go for me.
But of course if you personally do feel like it's worth it or you can simply afford to pay something like that for one game, go for it.
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Play what you want to play. If you want to play Zelda, buy the Nintendo. If you want to play the other, buy the Playstation. If you think you'll get an amount of entertainment out of the console equal to it's price, then it's a good buy.
People who deny themselves things they want because of misplaced platform loyalty are the people who give PC gamers a bad name.
The question isn't "should you", it's "can you afford to".
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I did a review of the Switch and Zelda.
I'm a little disappointed with the Switch mostly because it's not the end product, but Nintendo has promised a lot is still to come.
Until then, you get to play many hours of Zelda.
I didn't expect to enjoy it much, but I played over 50 hours in 10 days.
I'm a PC gamer, and never had any intention of buying a console. It's a bit weird to say that you should buy the Switch of Zelda, but there's bound to be a lot of cool games going forward.
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No console is ever worth it for one game only imo. I'd say unless you can find at least 10 games on any particular console that are "must play" it's not worth even thinking about the idea of getting that console. If you really want those two games chances are that you can get them and their consoles a lot cheaper in a few years, or just play Zelda BotW on PC with an emulator...
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I'm about to finish Horizon to 100%. Last few days I've been hunting down those final collectibles and probably tonight I'll finish the story.
It's good but not great. It gets the big things right: fights with robo dinosaurs are awesome, their AI is excellent (they're meant to act like animals and they really do), it looks stunning, and the story is interesting enough to keep you hooked. But it gets a LOT of little things wrong. It's pretty obviously the first open-world game by these devs so I can forgive a lot of it, but I hope the sequel will address a lot of the issues.
Some examples:
I've enjoyed the game but I'd never buy a PS4 for it. I will almost certainly never play it again once I finish it.
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I watch a Let's Play of Horizon atm and I always have the feeling that it's basically Tomb Raider with SciFi....(or AC, or even Far Cry...or any other Open World game.. ....or like BReath of the Wild with (more) SciFI ;P and without cooking)
for Zelda....I often find it kinda empty... but you could try it on PC, though at least for me it's only slowly running..
I was interested in a Switch, but with nearly no games, high price tag and not-so-good workmanship, I'll wait...
btw: Zelda's on WiiU too and that console you can cheap(er)
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Hi guys,
I am a really proud PC gamer since 10 years now and I never thought to buy a console since I played pc games. Seriously I thought consoles were only an underdeveloped PC and none of their exclusive games interested me that much... at least until now...
Well I have to be sincere I become really jealous of console gamers because of these 2 last releases: Zelda BOTW and HZD (not even the Last of us hyped me like that). Well I think we will not have something like these games on PC unfortunately and their PC port are impossible even in 10 years.
So I am seriously thinking of buying both consoles only for these 2 games (well I have to save some money ofc :)))).
What do you guys think? Are these 2 games so revolutionary in a way that everybody should buy the respective consoles to play them (this is my thought unfortunately)? Or you dont care about them that much? If you dont care about these games please can you elaborate on that?
What I am looking for is HYPE BREAKING MOTIVATION TO FORGOT ABOUT THEM (possible new PC releases better than these games can be a motivation)... I look for this because I have to find a second and maybe a third job to but A switch+PS4 :'(
Thanks in advance and sorry for my english ^^
Here we go some GAs for you:
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