Hello there :D! I hope all of you are good and have fun! I want some help and that's why I am writing now xD!
Well, I want to explain to me how this site work or send me a link with the Guide.
I am in hurry now and I cannot search.
I know that I can enter some giveaways which requires some point for example 10P. I gain these points by the time I have sign in in this site. Am I right?
But I want to win Hitman Absolution and it says something related to Value (actually 1,000$). I know that it does not mean 1,000$ really dollars (LOL xD)! But how can I gain them in order to take, win it? I do not know...
Should I create giveaways and then...? Or should I do something else?

Thank you in advance and I hope that someone will be glad to help me.
Have a nice day, mates :D!

12 years ago*

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read this
and what you are referring to are contributor giveaways of which, you need to give away x dollar worth of games.

12 years ago

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Yeah, dude.. It's the only stickied thread.

12 years ago

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I wasn't surprised when I saw the first, second or third threads with visually oblivious people, but it's getting to the point where I'm wondering where the hell these people are coming from. Seriously, look around you before you ask questions. Most sites have a thread with Frequently Asked Questions, if it's not elsewhere.

How to find the FAQ in most websites:

  • Go to the front page and look around for anything that says FAQ (sometimes it's a hotlinked image, for an example)
  • If you can't see it, press Ctrl+F and type in 'FAQ'.
  • If you get no results, try typing 'Frequently Asked Questions'.
  • If you are still unlucky, most sites feature a search function. Type in 'FAQ' and look at the turnover.
  • If you still can't find the section, try typing in 'Frequently Asked Questions'.
  • if you are still incapable of finding the FAQ of the website, turn 360 degrees away from the computer and walk away.
12 years ago

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turn 360 degrees away from the computer and walk away

so... you should run right back into the computer???

12 years ago

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But he could also live in another dimension.

12 years ago

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RIP in peace has the same concept. It's a joke.

12 years ago

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I lol'd. Even more so when I realized it was not intended for humour.

12 years ago

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I'm insulted that you would underestimate me so.

12 years ago

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Sometimes I think it could help when the link to the FAQ is named "Free Games!", because that's probably the way most people found the site.

12 years ago

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That is the contributor value required to enter the giveaway, meaning that you need to giveaway $1000 worth of games to reach that level. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page and read the FAQ.

12 years ago

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It means that some games aren't for everyone,but for contributors only. You are contributing by giving stuff away. You get contribution $ after each game, equivalent to the value of the game on steam. So e.g. you give Cities in Motion away, you will have contributed 20$. In order for you to be able to bid on Hitman's Absolution, you need to have at least 1000$ worth of contributed stuff already.

12 years ago

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Thank you! I said that I was in hurry... Now I am okay!
Thank you again :D!
I think that I will have fun here xD!

12 years ago

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Now the only thing left to do is learn how to close the thread.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by DoctorJT98.