Northamerican Store:
For only $9.99, get the Square Enix 2017 Spring Surprise Box featuring over $80 worth of exciting titles for your holiday gaming needs!

With this digital box, you’ll receive 5 PC download games and a special Square Enix Store promotion for a bundle that’s too good to miss out on!
The contents of this exclusive deal will be announced and delivered after 4 am PST on March 30th, 2017.

Offer Valid: 03/20/2017 4:00 AM PST ~ 03/29/2017 4 AM PST


European Store:
For just £9.99 / 11,99€, the Spring Surprise Box contains JUST CAUSE 3 as well as 3 other mystery games!

The Spring Surprise Box is available for pre-order between 9am GMT 20/03/2017 till 5pm GMT 27/03/2017. Code distribution will occur on 28/03/2017


US: 5 Random Games for 9,99$
EU: Just Cause 3 + 3 Random Games for £9.99 / 11,99€


Hitman Absolution: Elite Edition
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
The Last Remnant
Murdered: Soul Suspect
Dungeon Siege III

Just Cause 3
Mini Ninjas
Tomb Raider Anniversary
Kane and Lynch 2

7 years ago*

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Thank you for the link!

7 years ago

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$9.99 is not the same amount of money as £9.99. I'll pass.

7 years ago

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Neither are the £ and $ bundles the same ;)

7 years ago

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So I notice. Even better - pay more and get fewer games!

7 years ago

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If quantity is your concern more than the specific games involved, you probably shouldn't be pursuing SqEnix box threads in the first place. CubicBundle or IndieGala or OtakuMaker are probably your best bets on threads to follow. :) Though arguably you should avoid ScamGala at all costs, regardless.

7 years ago*

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To be fair, there's not much quality. Just Cause 3 isn't quality. It's only new and expensive... Unless you think that running on an empty map with relatively nothing to do is fun for you. You can make your own fun, but that's like saying that all co-op games are good because you had fun playing with your friends.
Plus... online only, even though there's no need for it.

7 years ago

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Just Cause 3 is actually a lot of fun. But I agree that the map is pretty empty and that the online only aspect is just... bullshit...

7 years ago

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Yesterday I was disconnected while playing JC3 and I had an option to continue in offline mode. I dunno, maybe you can't start the game in offline mode?

7 years ago

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Maybe they've recently added it.

7 years ago

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Why should we avoid "Scamgala"? I've bought a lot of bundle and never, never a problem..Am I missing something? O.o

7 years ago

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Other than for the same moral inclinations as using G2A (ie, the support of a company known for poor practices), there's no reason you should avoid them, persay. But you should certainly be cautious in using them. Mostly, they just have a tendency toward not taking any responsibility for issues [except for Happy Hour issues, which they tend to be good at addressing.. though conversely, those issues appear to be quite common, so that's a matter in itself] unless they're major (such as the recent G2A shield matter). [Put another way, this means you're not necessarily going to get a replacement for a dead key, which they appear to have higher-than-usual numbers of. (And according to feedback I've seen, it's pretty normal for them to refuse to replace dead keys, unless basically all keys for that game ended up dead.)]

However, there've been moments where they've acted in more extremely negative ways- in addition to more offhand things like simply letting scamming run rampant in their giveaway and trades sections, there was one site update where keys were misassociating [ie, it'd list one game of the bundle but have a key for another game of the bundle beside it], and IG refused to replace them.
But, most significantly of all, and while apparently quite rare (I've only encountered a dozen other people it has happened to, besides myself), they're known for randomly locking and deleting accounts.

So.. use them if you feel comfortable doing so, but as I inform everyone, do so while making sure to back your keys up off-site immediately after acquiring them- or you'll be out $35 of keys, as I was.

tl;dr Their issues tend to be uncommon, but can be very significant when they do occur, and the company has shown an overt disdain for its customers in its interactions with them.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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While mine were profoundly poor. :P
But no, that's often the way of it- negative interactions can tend toward being a minority of those a company offers. But a pattern of negative behaviors, no matter how small, is always going to be a known risk of that company, and it's always advisable to pay attention to such reputations and interact with the company in a manner which protects you from the possibility that you may be affected in such a way as well. In this case, that means always backing up your IG keys promptly after purchasing them.

Past that, if you haven't been personally aggrieved by your interactions with a company, and you don't find their reputation reliably distasteful enough to avoid them on principle, then there's really no cause to cease purchasing from them based off hearsay, no matter how emphasized it may be.

So no, I don't begrudge you going along with your past impressions.. but just, for your sake, you may want to consider not making the mistakes I did, just in case you do one day encounter a similar situation with them.

7 years ago

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[^] Luckz
Shouldn't you post the same here as in ? :)

Comparing poor IG to oh-so-evil G2A, but letting shady TG off the hook without a big speech?

I thought Tremor had a good reputation?
All my personal experiences with IG have made it clear they (at least on occasion) operate well below any acceptable standards. G2A has a similar reputation, one that, even if all other complaints are pushed aside, is regularly emphasized just by the very overt existence of G2A shield, the site's seeming tax fraud, and the site staff's public disregard of those they interact with.

I really don't have anything to say about TG one way or another.
HumbleBundle has been nothing but fantastic, DIG and Bundlestars have never given me any sort of problem to begin with, so they've never had to fix anything for me (though multiple SG users have complained about key issues with BS), IGS has given me notable problems, but has yet to fail to fix them (albeit grudgingly).
By contrast, GMG and IG have been outright scummy, explicitly rude, and regularly have engaged in matters that are problematic for the wallets of those affected.

G2A shoves their issues in our faces on a regular basis, which is what makes them stand out more than IG and GMG. Of course, they also seem to take deep pride in ensuring they come across as the scummiest-appearing steam sales site of all, while IG seems to do it out of an odd, destructive capriciousness, and GMG out of a weird, thuggish underhandness- so I suppose G2A may in fact be the worst of the lot. My interaction with G2A is limited, especially compared to GMG and IG, but they're always so public about their misdeeds that it's pretty easy to firm up opinion of them. Nevertheless, my primary experience is wit GMG and IG, so those are naturally the ones I emphasize spreading awareness on the most.
Meanwhile, with Tremor, WinGameStore, CubicBundle, OtakuMaker, and so many other Steam-related key sites, I simply don't have any basis for any sort of firm opinion on, given a lack of familiarity with the sites, a lack of negative public presence, and a lack of consistent complaints about any specific element of them [in fact, for the sites listed, I've yet to see complaints of any sort].

I'm really not sure what angle you're pursuing with this mention, but at the very least, from what I know, I think it's safe to say that TG is still far less scummier than the three sites I do complain about (especially as, going off the comments on this topic so far, their issues here seem to derive from a poorly considered new site feature, rather than off a deliberately problematic element of the site)

If you want to be the first to give me some sort of negative feedback about TG, by all means, I'll add it to my tags. But at the moment, I simply have nothing to form up into a speech- well, as far as direct focus on TG's conduct goes, anyway. :P

7 years ago

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HumbleBundle has been nothing but fantastic

I've seen bundles randomly refunded there, plus always hiding information about region locks or censored versions...
Their tech support also always takes at least one week to reply to anything. Admittedly they do reply, but typically the only help they can offer is refunding bundles.

DIG have never given me any sort of problem

Had to email them multiple times for missing games, but at least those always got added then. So buggy, but fixes the mess.
(DIG nowadays doesn't even store your old keys for you anymore! They just delete them after XY days.)

IndieGala and Groupees on the other hand are probably where I've gotten the most of my Steam keys from, and the ratio of problems-per-key is obviously very low given the sheer volume I've bought.

Primarily, I don't understand how people can badmouth scummy sites like G2A happily, but pretend that other resellers like TremorGames were somehow saints. They too resell HB keys, and reselling HB keys is against HB ToS no matter who does it.
How does "trade in things for magic fairy points" or "install malware on your devices for magic fairy points" not strike people as scummy by default? How are Kinguin and friends worse?

7 years ago

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Go twitter. I literally used harsh tone (polite words, just harsh tone) and they replied to me fast.

7 years ago

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Sending them your ticket ID there, or?

7 years ago

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No. I didn't even send ticket. I said 'I bought bundle and I got problem bla bla. Be responsible'

Then they asked my email.

Then I replied them.

Then they solved my case.

That's all.

7 years ago

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I had to get support from HB just recently since a couple of my gift links got used without me sending them to anyone and they helped me solve it within a day... I made sure they had more than enough info to fix it and it was really fast.

7 years ago

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I've had a invalid key from them only once when i tried to activate it it was gone about a year after the bundle had ended so they had no keys for that game left but said choose any game on the store matching the price of that game i chose a game and they sent a key right away

7 years ago

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I think someone's just trying to look smart. Or maybe he's referring to the fact that indiegala (and a few other sites) bundles have happy hour and thus early buyers who don't understand happy hour are victims. Well, just let them choose what they are okay ;o)

7 years ago

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"happy hour" is just paying less per bundle in the same vain of "1+1" promotions in retail stores.
It's not as though you actually save money - it's make-believe save.

7 years ago

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I'm afraid you've missed out then, just like I did for a year.
Look into group buys :) I buy most of my Indiegala bundles for around 1€ each.

7 years ago

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"The contents of this exclusive deal will be announced and delivered after 4 am PST on March 30th, 2017. "

Then, on March 30th... I'll look at the offer and decide then.
No blind purchases from me.

7 years ago

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You won't be able to purchase it on March 30th as it will only be sold until March 29th, before they reveal the games.

7 years ago

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I found out about the group a few months back.
Still, the above does not detract from my original statement.

7 years ago

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How is it make-believe? I pay between $0.8 and $1.2 per IG bundle. How is that not cheaper? I get only one copy of each bundle.

7 years ago

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You're ignoring my main point. Please read the original statement as a whole.

I'm a bit constraint with time, so sorry if it's not much of an explanation/debate.

7 years ago

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You claim I buy 40 bundles, but then the bundles each are not cheaper, because I have to buy 40 bundles.
In reality, there are 40 people who want this bundle and split it, so it's much cheaper for each. I get and pay for only one bundle.

7 years ago

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Weekend now - got time ;)

This is the same old marketing trick as always - "buy X, get Y".
Matter of fact is more money leaves your pocket than you wish/intend for. The fact that you then go to further lengths to recuperate some of the loss is somewhat irrelevant to the point**.

If to exaggerate, it is akin to me saying that I can buy a high-end car [Mercedes or better - not too familiar with cars] for only 1000$ - as long as I'll buy them in bulk [20 million] and manage to get rid of the rest.

**Some would even say it is in fact an indication of the opposite - that it is not worth it in the first place.

7 years ago

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In practice, I give 1/3 of the price of the bundle to the guy who buys 40 bundles.

Of course if you don't have a group buy situation (which you claimed to be aware of and which "does not detract" from your statement), or are equipped with a legion of card farming bots that Steam keys are fed to, it's indeed like buying fifteen watermelons for the price of seven, when all you wanted was one. But particularly in the case of group buys, the end price of a bundle is a fraction of what it would otherwise be, and you end up with exactly one bundle, not tons. The rules of the Group Buys Steam group don't even allow you to come in and buy more than one.

7 years ago

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I still don't understand IndieGalas "happy hour", bought plenty of bundles from them and never felt ripped off. I guess you're supposed to mark the bundle as a gift when the site says 'happy hour is on' and you'll get two copies of each game instead of one?

7 years ago

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It's complicated. You need to buy the bundle in the first week, then on the second week it goes on happy hour for a couple days. You can buy as many duplicate bundles as you like on that day, just mark them as 'gift', and they'll accumulate on your account. Except for every extra bundle gift you buy, you actually get 3 or something. Since you can buy up to 10 extra bundles, that's about 41 bundles you can have overall. If you find 40 other people who want the bundle, then you can split the price and everyone pays (11 * bundle_price) / 41. So you're effectively paying around 1/4 of the original bundle price.
It's effectively more complicated because sometimes the happy hour price is higher than usual, but yeah overall you ALWAYS save money if you group-buy and just wait an extra week.

Some people have specialized in buying indiegala bundles because they end up so cheap and make great retrade material. But like all great retrade material (otakumaker, groupees build a greenlight...), more and more people end up knowing about them, so more and more copies end up on the trade market, so it's harder to retrade them. Personally I only buy an indiegala bundle when I have at least 3 games I want in it, otherwise it's way easier to just trade for the games I want. I've only bought 2 indiegala bundles in the last couple of months. Both in happy hour.

7 years ago*

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Fully agree. These Happy Hour deals mostly appeal to gifters, traders, resellers and collectors.

The more common private re-sellers (not stores) have a 5% markup on average. So if you buy a bundle from them, instead of IG, you can often find it for roughly 75c to $1.75ish for the full bundle. But that comes with its own set of risks/rewards. There is no recourse for a sale gone bad (except through the pay service protections) or means of being credited for revoked keys.

7 years ago

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I think someone's just trying to look smart. Or maybe he's referring to the fact that indiegala (and a few other sites) bundles have happy hour

except for Happy Hour issues, which they tend to be good at addressing

Not at all sure how you got that, but I suppose it still beats looking like I flunked Elementary school English.

Plenty of times in the past HH hasn't properly registered as gifts, despite marking it as such, but IG has a reputation of [and I can personally attest to] them replacing such purchases correctly, and sometimes even with bonus copies of the bundle thrown in.

I'm not sure how to detail their actual issues any clearer than I already have.

7 years ago

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Not everyone in the world is taught English in Elementary school, thank you very much.

7 years ago

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Is there € price? because that price is for UK, and UK is not EU. And € prices where always the cheapest there.

edit: anyways and it's very disappointing, very expensive, they include their broken Just Cause 3 that's why it cost so much.

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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€11.99 is the EU price

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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yeah, just edit it
thx for info

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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? Did I missed an MSRP value somewhere?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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It's a different deal:

NA: 5 mystery games for $9.99. ----> MSRP value $80.
UK/EU: Just Cause 3 + 3 mystery games for £9.99/11.99€. ---> MSRP value ???

7 years ago

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That MSRP is for the North America box, not the European one. There is no mention of the total MSRP for the European box, so it's a faulty assumption that it will only be worth $80 USD total. The european box may end up being worth more.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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Yea but NA may not get Just Cause 3 from the looks of it

7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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US: 5 Random Games for 9,99$
EU: 1 Just Cause 3 + 3 Random Games for £9.99 / 11,99€

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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€11.99, nope.jpg ... also looks like they've learned their lesson lol:

*Please note: All orders on the SE Spring Surprise Box 2017 are FINAL and refunds or exchanges are not possible with this order.

^ on the UK one, no special note about refunds on the EU one

7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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Yeah, guess they learned from last christmas... JC3 makes it tempting to jump in again though.

7 years ago

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The last box they had if you were in North America you couldn't get a refund but for the UK apparently you can.

7 years ago

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I will just wait for it to come out and buy whatever i want from it on steamtrades .... 10£ is far higher price then 10$

ITs exactly 12.3781 which is almost 25% more >.> nope

7 years ago

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And from the wording on the site, it seems the US version has 5 games and the EU/UK version has 4. Sounds fair...

7 years ago

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Quality > quantity, it has 5 games but not a single confirmed good one, they can just throw in any old games of theirs as they usually do :\
Not buying anyways, SqEnix doesn't have the portfolio to keep these packs fresh.

7 years ago

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Indeed, they don't. Maybe for a bundle once a year, but more than that, nope.

7 years ago

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Anyone know if the US version will be region locked?

7 years ago

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+1 on that question, wondering too :3

7 years ago

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I doubt it. I think the reason they are revealing a game to European customers has more to do with trying to undermine the desire or possibility of refunds.

7 years ago

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i dunno. i have ff13 trilogy, life is strange, ff6-7-8-9-10 even type0 hd, Deus ex Human Rev. i dont think it will give Mankind Divided so i'll probably get bunch of dupe games if i buy this. Although they might give Hitman intro pack which i dont own.

7 years ago

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But Hitman Intro Pack isn't really useful now, is it?
It's a free advert for "please buy Hitman Season One", which then is a paid advert for "please buy Hitman Season Two".

SG trains > DLC trains

7 years ago

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I have ff7... I've been wanting to buy these, but never have money, lol. This time I actually do have some, so I'm very tempted, but I think the Humble Hooked on Multiplayer bundle is more tempting...
I do want to try to get more FF.

I did get ff13 used for like $5 for PS3, though, and haven't tried it yet.

7 years ago

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Seeing as FFXIII-2 and Type-0 are the only games I still want from them, I'll pass. With JC3 "early unlock" it's highly unlikely to see either of the aforementioned titles in this box.

7 years ago

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Same-ish. I'd want FF 10 and before (will never happen, these are technically eidos bundles) and LiS but that's 5€ on a sale. Having a confirmed game for this time is actually good IMO :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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wtf? why is it 12 euro here?

7 years ago

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US: 5 Random Games for 9,99$
EU: 1 Just Cause 3 + 3 Random Games for £9.99 / 11,99€

7 years ago

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yeah i saw that after i wrote
That means US wont get Justcause? :-.

7 years ago

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Looks like it.

7 years ago

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We don't know. It would be interesting if we did anyway.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I take it you're a swallower.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Well, if you really wanna go there... I'll take being french over having a dork face like yours any god damn day.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Well, Square Enix pulled out a dick move and you enjoyed every second of it.

Laws are here for a reason. What you see as abuse not only doesn't matter, but also, you're basically saying that every single european should go fuck himself because a small percentage, according to you, abused the system? Sorry but yeah, you're a swallower. A gullible one.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Got any proof to back that up?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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Yeah. You're making up things and talk out of your ass to blindly defend a company that's not paying you, since you failed to provide proof about how the majority of europeans are dirty abusers. Clean your mouth after you're done.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Report me if you will, I couldn't care less.

I don't fail to realize anything, I just don't give a shit about your personnal story altogether. What I do care about however, like I said below, is you insulting europeans for absurd, if not pharisaic, reasons.

I'll repeat myself, Europeans don't "deserve the middle finger" because a minority of the buyers decided to refund. Even if it were the majority, they were disappointed with the product and decided to use the law to protect their rights. If you think that's wrong, you're taking the company's side, hence, you're swallowing.

Now, if you still can't see how wrong your stance is, I can't do anything more I believe.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Oh and one more thing, ever heard the saying "talk shit, get hit"? Don't be surprised I'm talking shit when you are.

7 years ago

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Thanks. Can't fucking stand these "swallowers" as you said.

7 years ago

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Love how people talks without having any **** clue of they are talking about. It's like you know all of NikolajDegtjarjow life.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This discussion doesn't make sense anymore, I'm laughing. I think we're all basically agreeing.

7 years ago

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I don't know anything about it, I'm only judging how he's basically insulting europeans because his lovely company decided to fuck europeans over for whatever reason he made up in his mind.

7 years ago

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You are asumming that he loves the company, well, i was there when he was so mad with last 2015 xmas box that he didnt refund, but he wont bought anymore to his "beloved company"

7 years ago*

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The sole reason I decided to post was because I don't think it's okay to say "europeans deserve getting fucked", no matter the reasons. With that being said, I don't think anything can justify raising the european prices. Still, to answer you, I never used the refund function as I never bought a Squeenix bundle.

7 years ago

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For me is like HB monthly, you have 1 game (this one is pretty good for his genre, and was wanted by most of the people that "gambled" with the boxes)... a little more expensive than US? Well, i guess that if they do this is because they got a shitload of refunds

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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+1, thanks for noticing this

7 years ago

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it's possible for that both bundle is entirely different package
NA get 5 games with worth 80$, meanwhile EU get 4 games with JC3 with unknown value worth

as for NA bundle, best possibility is FF X-2 (since the last one is FF LR)
i'll be surprised if they give us DQH (Dragon Quest Heroes) instead the FF series

7 years ago

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It's definitely not the same package as one offers 5 and one has 4 games.

The last time they had a box both has the same games and NA got it first and I know several people overseas who canceled once they saw what was in it.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Consider it that way, if this were a Humble Monthly with JC3 being the early unlock, I think a lot of folks would jump on that deal. Now $12 for a Humble Monthly is only slightly cheaper than €12 for this one (talking about the Euro version that does guarantee JC3 after all).
That being said, I'm not interested in JC3 and the last surprise box was the first one I ever bought. Unlike so many others, I liked it and kept most of it, but I haven't even had the time to check it out. Apart from that I already got basically all the SE-games I'm interested in, with the exception of The Turing Test, maybe.

7 years ago

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Yeah, but Humble Monthly gives 7 games not 4. Even with the monetary difference being low, I would go for Humble Monthly anytime if I could afford and had to choose one of them. I can't see this SE Surprise box ever being worth it. I know most people enjoy FF and DQH, but that would be a waste of money for me.

7 years ago

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Well yeah, though just because it's more games doesn't mean they're better. For example: from my point of view, in the last Humble Monthly (the March one with Warhammer), only the early unlock game game was any good. In the end, I gave away all of it. So my point is, if someone likes what is guaranteed (JC3 in this case) and isn't totally broke, it's still a good deal. Of course, you're right, Humble Monhtly offers more variety, while this Square-box may only contain stuff published by SE, so it also depends on whether you like their stuff or not. Personally, I agree DQH is definitely not my thing either. I'm still uncertain about FF, so I'm quite happy I got "Lightning Returns" to check out in the last box, so I can see if I like it or not. So I'll probably pass on this one.

7 years ago

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I don't remember the last HM, but they all had around 3 games from my wl that I really want. If I could I would sign up for the whole
With the SE surprise box, chances are that I would own the games or didn't like them at all. I already own most of the games from SE that I want [except last Tomb Raider and last Hitman].

7 years ago

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In a way, I don't even pay for any of my games or bundles, I get the extra cash from Clixsense. Wouldn't be a big deal to get a whole year's HM subscription like that, but I still don't like blind purchases and subscription models, so I'm not a regular subscriber. I just bought the February bundle because of XCOM2, found the other games in that bundle quite appealing and figured I'd stay for March to say thanks. I didn't have high hopes, planned to give a away Warhammer anyway, but it was still a bit disappointing, that there wasn't a single game I really wanted to keep in that bundle. I don't blame Humble and it's not like it was all trash, just wasn't my cup tea. For now, I'll take an extensive break from HM, unless there's some very good early unlock that I really want. I also managed to win a few of those games from the Humble Monthly bundles I didn't buy here on SG in the past. After all, if I bought every bundle myself, there wouldn't be anything to win anymore. More often than not, I'm here with my 300P and no giveaways to enter. That may also work for "The Turing Test", if it's in the Spring surprise box. Can't think of anything else from SE that I want right now.

7 years ago

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Well this is idiotic. It kinda forces you to buy both because nobody knows if it'll be the same games or not because of the different game counts. Does it mean the NA one is without JC3 since they revealed that it's in the EU one? Did JC3 replace two other titles that's in the NA one? BAH!

7 years ago

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Crap. If they revealed Just Cause 3 in the NA version, this'd be an easy decision - no real interest in JC3.
But now ... it could be anything in the NA version. -_-

Edit: except a boat.

7 years ago*

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it could be anything

even a boat? (^▽^)

View attached image.
7 years ago

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There. Fixed it for you. :P

7 years ago

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Whoa, slow down there, do you even know what a boat is? A boat could be... anything!

7 years ago

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I wonder why are are offering different packages at different prices. :thinking:

7 years ago

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Maybe some region restriction on part of the bundle :\

7 years ago

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In Europe, you buy Just Cause 3 and get some bonus, so you can't refund it.
In USA, you're buying probably-same-stuff-what-was-in-previous-bundles and can't refund it anyway.

7 years ago

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In Europe, you buy Just Cause 3 and get some bonus, so you can'tCAN refund it.

Fixed that for you.

7 years ago

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That's the intuitive direction for American expectations to go, but actually, unless you've started downloading the product (or in the case of Steam keys, perhaps just activating them) you should have two weeks to refund in the EU regardless of other factors. That's about a half-week past the launch date, even if you order immediately.
It's more likely the separation is due to Just Cause 3 (or another game) being region-restricted, and the NA-oriented bundle being a way to not lose out on NA purchases.

7 years ago

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Hmm are these Steam keys? Ive been waiting for JC3 and on sale its 12.50 most of the times so it seems like a good deal :)

7 years ago

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Yes, Steamo.

7 years ago

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Well am interested in JC3 but not that much for 12€, idk why but i totally feel 3 others games will be trash titles :)
and non refundable :D am able give for JC3 $4

7 years ago*

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Agree with SketCZ, 4 - 5€ for JC3 is enough but 7€ for trash is crazy... i stop to collect garbage.

7 years ago

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Hmm, this or HB monthly...

7 years ago

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HB Monthly hands down!

The Witness is marvellous.

7 years ago

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I like puzzle games, so I think I will get the HB over this, thanks!

7 years ago

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could i buy america´s one for redeem it in europe?

7 years ago

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The earliest boxes were marketed only to EU and UK, but were purchased and activated successfully by those outside of the regions. Likewise, I believe none of the past boxes have had any issues between the EU and NA, as I recall the games being freely and consistently being posted to SG without issue.
Of course, this is the first time we've had region-specific bundles, which may indicate something new with these. If the games are region-restricted, you may not be able to redeem them, even if you are able to purchase them. On the encouraging side, NA-locking that excludes the EU is quite rare. Being that it's a mystery bundle, it'll be hard to predict any surprises that may pop up, until the bundle launch reveals them.

One complication is that EU's consumer protection may not apply, since the NA bundle is indicated to be a NA-specific storefront, and explicitly states that no refunds are possible. So that's something to bear in mind.

If you're in other parts of Europe, both increased region-restriction likelihood and reduced consumer protections come into play.

7 years ago*

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Seems like a no-brainer for JC3.
Let's see what else we get along with it (and if EU really is different than US).

7 years ago

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