I have a couple of games in mind that I can use for the next puzzle, can you help me choose 3 games, please?(Poll Requires Games to Vote)
Can't vote because I don't own the games, but obviously this first one will win.
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You can reply with the 3 games that you want to see in my next puzzle, instead!
Ignore the poll, lol.
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Can't vote, however I'd suggest Superhot or Undertale, since they are on my wishlist :3
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Just give me 3 games that you want to see, instead!
I know, I know... Noob's mistake of mine :(((
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The two were in the poll, so you want one more? Enter The Gungeon then. I pre-ordered it myself, but it's so amazing it would be a great giveaway for people that don't own it.
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I suggest Stardew Valley, Undertale and Superhot :D
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Your poll is missing Fortix. Shame on you!
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How could I? :O
But I don't have the budget for that awesome game, lol :P
Just pick Bad Rats and be done with it! :D
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No! I recently won and played Bad Rats. It is sooooooo bad, I don't want others to suffer. At least for a while, until I have a stock of copies again ;)
My vote is for Stardew Valley.
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But... But... You don't see cats exploding in full HD graphics, right? xP
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Heh, I'd love to give everything away for nothing. But I'd like people with determination!
To work hard for the games! For those who worked hard, they got games that had 10-20 entries! Look it up! Big chances of winning! :D
Did I convinced you already? ;3
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Awww! But you say that, and you'll come later... :3
You'll have the chance for the best game ever, if it's voted! Bad Rats GOTY Edition! I'd kill for a game like that in my giveaways entered! xP
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I think you start to get cool at level 4, congrats on the new level :) Nah, level 10 are elitists or scammers :p (so many blacklists coming my way). I look forward (I think :D) to your next puzzle. I don't own any of these games but I'd go with Undertale, the other games don't interest me but I guess I'd go with Stardew Valley and Superhot if I had to pick three.
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First congrats for your level up ;)
For the game, i got them all except bad rats and the culling but i'd actually say:
Stardew Valley
Enter the gungeon
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SUPERHOT, Undertale, (both wishlisted!) and Bad Rats ;) I also reached level 4 yesterday... Grats! I want to do a train as soon as I get enough money
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Ha! Only one vote per game, but if you wish Stardew Valley, then you get it if the votes are high! :)
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Awww, I'll never get people to gift me stuff! :(
Congrats on getting an amazing game, nonetheless! :)
Yeah! Been hearing that Stardew Valley is amazing... sniff Shame that I need something nice for my next puzzle, hehe!
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Ah! Haha! Then never mind! xP
cues X-Files music... Gift me Stardew Valley... Gift me Stardew Valley...
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You are the type of person that wants to see the world burn, huh? :P
Edit: HA! I saw your unedited message first! Thank you! xD
Oh! And the puzzles will not be that hard, more like... an experience! :)
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Ah! Fellow SG achiever! Yes! I understand your point! :)
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Ok! So, yesterday, the energy in my house went down, from 3 P.M to 1:30 A.M, I had no lights...
No TV, no computer, no videogames, no cellphone (Batteries were dead...) Nothing...
I was almost in the verge of insanity, but then lights went back on and everything was fine again...
So! While I was surfing the Internet again, to recover myself from everything that happened, I forgot that I had to give away the keys for the winners of my puzzle, so I decided to do that.
There are some I didn't give away (since the winners aren't on, at the time), but as soon as I gave away my other games, I then reached level 4 :)
Am I now a cool kid now? Or... The cool kids are in level 10 only? :(
Oh, by the way! I'll be making a new puzzle in a week or 2, if possible, when I get enough pocket change... in my pocket...
For the mean time, perhaps you want to vote for the games that you might want me to include in the next puzzle I do?
The most voted will be included and people will then be able to participate, as long as you solve my puzzle.
I have faith you will choose the good games (Choose Bad Rats, please!)
DISCLAIMER: If Bad Rats is among the most voted, I WILL include it in the list of the prizes given after the puzzle (I also need to complete the achievement in SG achievements for giving away Bad Rats! :3)
Votes so far!
Stardew: 25 votes! (The "perhaps" obvious winner!)
SUPERHOT: 23 votes! (A very nice and peculiar FPS where you control the time by moving, can you change the fate of the games below?)
Undertale: 18 votes! (Very popular game, it was meant to be here at some point! But you can change it!)
Enter the Gungeon: 18 votes! (Tie again! Will you break the tie? Or will you let Undertale be the king again?)
Bad Rats: 12 votes! (Oh noes! The horror! My favorite game going away! NOOOO! You can make the change to put this gem back where it deserves to be!)
The Culling: 5 votes! (Well, I'm surprised this one is the lowest! It's a nice Survival game and all!)
Potential Final results!:
The games to be given away are gonna be the follow:
Stardew Valley
Undertale/Enter the Gungeon
Since, it's still a week or 2 before I can do the puzzle (also, I'm thinking in something very different, so I might try that first instead ;) ), you can continue to vote! Change the destiny of these GA's!
Thank you for voting!
Edit: Oh no... Don't tell me I messed up the poll... facepalm, facepalm, facepalm
Ok, guys, let's do this. Ignore the poll voting, reply with the game you see here that you want to see in the puzzle! :)
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