Both are great, but giving has never giving me problems with my heart, so that wins.
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Above poster is right, though not quite that bad. The surprise from one win did cause chest pains though.
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I know how you feel Delta. Finally winning Fortix can be a surprisingly heartbreaking moment. No more entering giveaways with extremely low chances. No more devious puzzles to solve for which Fortix is the ultimate reward. It truly is a time of both ecstatic happiness and nostalgic sadness.
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True story.. I feel a lot more sexy since I won fortix, but still.. it is like something is missing from my life now.
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Resident Evil 5 was mine. Given the number of entries, my luckiest win so far.
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You go, Delta! D
I feel the same way about giving. As for winning, I can't say much about that, yet.
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Definitely both, but giving away a surprise gift to a friend that wants it badly, is priceless.
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Agreed. I like the way the friend jumps up and down with excitement. D
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For me it's giving. I tend to buy my games as I'm a sucker for a good deal. I love doing giveaways cause it's fun. I've also just given games to people because I felt like it. I'm not talking bundle games either.
It's just the whole having fun and making friends. Majority of my friends on Steam I met on SG.
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I like giving when the person actually plays the game. When I check their profile a few weeks later to see that they haven't even started up the game I get upset and it makes me not want to give away any more games. This of course doesn't apply to crappy games like my most recent giveaway of Blades of Time.
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It doesn't bother me to much cause I know the person winning it will get to it eventually. Almost all my giveaways are for groups though too so that does make somewhat of a difference.
In my main group WCALOT we actually started a backlog crusade. To start getting to some of those games you may have won. My crusade ifs actually my main focus now on gaming. I randomly pick a game through a random generator and play it till completion. At least that's my goal.
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I've always found giving more gratifying. And, winning is most gratifying when attributable to my abilities, not pure luck.
edit: heh. after reading other posts, I realize you specified "a game". i thought you meant giving & winning in general. :P oh well my answer stands.
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I used to find winning more gratifying, but now that I've won so much, I prefer the giving via puzzles side of things. It's supremely entertaining to watch people struggle on my puzzles as I laugh maniacally in the background.
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I have 3 private giveaways running. I wonder why?
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I prefer gifting; feels good to make someone happy.
Sometimes I feel guilty winning, even more so if I don't play right away.
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I feel guilty.. most the games I have won I have put no to little time into.. I plan on playing them eventually.. its just going to be a while(note skyrim will be played once my steam wallet card from bestbuy arrives(gotta buy dragonborn and hearthfire!)
at least that one won't sit unplayed for a while
also feel bad bcz bioshock infinite sits unfished(I am very annoyed at the save system)
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gasp in horror You have bioshock infinite and you didn't complete it at least once yet?
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As it has turned out that almost nobody has actually played any of the games I've given away, I find winning more satisfying. Most of my GAs were just spare HIB keys so I guess it's no wonder, but seeing the ones I personally like being left unplayed makes me upset.
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giving doesn't have to be necessarily from giveaways, when I get extra keys from bundles or even from amazon packages or small gifts sitting in my inventory I sometime go to the store page and see who all has it in their wishlist and find someone who I think will enjoy it the most and send it there way
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Thank you for your post. It made me go through my old giveaways and find out a user who traded away a game I gifted him...=.=
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Hmm, I haven't thought to check, would probably be too depressing...
Most of the junk I give away is bundle or random sale things, so I wouldn't care if nobody played them. But also gave some Witcher games, and a Dark Souls, which I can't praise enough... If they say 0.0 hours played I'll just cry... :(
edit: cry :(
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In general, it's definitely giving, like even if it's not a giveaway (I find it even more gratifying in fact than giving away a game on SG) because it just feels so awesome when you connect someone with a game that they end up liking. Gave one game to a friend who has now spent closer to 1000 hours in it then 0 hours, and I'm just like wow, I really feel good that I was able to give him something he has enjoyed so much
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I won only 1 game so I can't say that the winning feeling is the 'wooooo-wooo!" for me.
As for gifting, i feel good when I gift, by knowing that someone else will enjoy the game(and that someone is like me, poor or even in a worse condition)
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I like giving, but I had a lot of problems with my public giveaways so I stick mostly to private and group giveaways now :( I used to like winning, but I have no luck these days and feel guilty I didn't get to 1-2 games I won before yet, too sick to play for long :(
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Everybody likes winning and anybody who says they don't is a liar, I prefer winning myself but it's nice to give games as well. I'll be honest here, SG isn't usually the first place I come to give games away, I try looking at the games Steam page first and if a 'friend' has it on their wishlist I'll send the key to them, then I try FB friends then a forum I frequent and finally here. Don't feel sad about getting sloppy fourths though all you SG'ers :p
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