Mildan can you answer for my little question from previous thread? (if its too big help, then write it, pls) "There are four digits as answer. Two below 0 and two above 0. First two are in {-1,0) and second two in {2,4} (if we count answer mistake it'll be {3,4}). Is this right? If yes... i don
t know how to format it well..."
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Still don't get it. sin(v) = 0.2863 has many solutions where sin(v) crosses the line y = 0.2863. I thought you want the angle between sin(v) curve and the y = 0.2863 line, but the answer I get with that is wrong. Can't see other meaning of this question.
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how to write number with decimal? with the dot '.', or ',' , and how many decimal digits?
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I've solved x on part 2, question 1 but I don't understand how to enter it. I've tried every possible combination I could think of. Does the x = xx.x part mean we should just replace the x's with the answer?
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But my answer is just a single digit. Is that wrong?
Edit: never mind, I was confused about x being on both sides, but I got it now =)
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I'm trying to use the second hint but I don't get the ascii part. I don't know what to enter where.
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I also don't get the ASCII thing regarding 0, nor do I get Q2 P1. The answer is a single digit, but x = # doesn't work.
This is really pissing me off. 30 sec wait times and the most rigid accepting system...
Not to mention the numerous errors. Here's another. Q2 P2: The text equation is different than the picture equation. The text is incorrect.
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Make sure you have a space surrounding the = sign.
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I swear to God I had the spaces and it was rejected. It was in the AutoComplete indicating I had already tried it, yet now it works. I give up with Q2 P4. I'm dense as shit with that vague hint.
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why don't u redo the puzzles with 0 mistakes and post another thread here, in turn you apologize again and maybe remove p2q5?..
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Man, this is ridiculous. I'm absolutely sure I got the right numbers, but not certain how to answer it.
Lowest to top, does that mean a big negative number is lowest or is it top?
And does 1 decimal means 1 decimal place for all answers, or does it mean only 1 of the answers are a decimal.
And does the mistake mean x=3 or x=3.0 with the decimal rule....
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I honestly have no idea how I'm going to get a real solution on Q4 in part 2. You're saying I should use the hint here, but the hint doesn't make any sense to me.
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Okay, that makes sense. I should have known that as a programmer.
On to part three!
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P3 Q1, is c the segment AC, AB or CB? Same for a and b ?_?
edit: found it, for those in the same situation c = AB
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Am equally puzzled in Q3 Last puzzle. I do not comprehend what the question wants! HAHA!
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Hello and welcome to my first puzzle/quiz tryout (remake of first topic since the close button is way too close to the edit button.... Sorry <.<)
This is a mathmatical quiz / puzzle, at around a new high schooler level, and if not you could quickly look up some stuff and try to figure it out by that, anyways... As the title says, it is for Portal 2!
Giveaway ends the 24/6/12 - Which means you have a little more than 6 days.
Start here!
If you're not into the puzzles.. You can enter my first giveaway here!
Do leave a comment on what you think is good, or if I made an error, because that would suck, but otherwise, best of luck!
IMPORTANT: Seems like I made a typo on question 3, it's supposed to be: ...+ 4^(-0.5) -... Sorry for the confusion!
IMPORTANT: If you run into a question and you don't think it has an answer, try 0 in an Ascii table and type that in (begin with capital letter) - Oh and it is not the char you type in, it is the description.
IMPORTANT: Part 2, question 3 is lacking a + sign. 1st line is supposed to be 3x + 4y - 23 = 0, again.. So sorry!
IMPORTANT: Part 2, question 5... I was an idiot.. The middle part of it is "x = 3", instead of 2.9 as it really should have been since I was looking at it wrong. Sorry >.<
IMPORTANT: Part 3, question 4... I have no idea what I was doing, the correct answers are "B = 26.2, C = 33.8, a = 9.03" but somehow I managed to screw that up. If you hit those numbers, you are awesome! Here's the answer that I ... for some reason put in there. "a = 3.9, B = 52.3, C = 85.7" Again.. Terribly sorry for these mistakes.
IMPORTANT: Part 4, question 5.. Yet another typo.. I am so awesome with these, sorry for all the confusion. 1st line is: "2y - 3x + 6 = 0"
IMPORTANT: Part 5, question 3.. People seem to have a bit of trouble with this some about the wording. When I say add the function I just mean we have two seperate functions in the same coordinate system.
A little hint for you people, if you're having problems with part 2 question 2, remember what you can and what you cannot divide with.
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