DEFINITELY you made a very important, and great attempt. I have been trying something similar for a while and it definitely helped, but I gotta be honest.. It is a hard journey.
No matter how hard it is tho, just try to focus that you decided to change NOW and the past years that you wasted are the PAST. Try to focus the future. Whenever you feel like you are late, remember that you wouldn't be late if you started this a year ago and that means you won't be late again a year later.
Lastly, anyone you love.. your mother, father, gf/bf, close friend etc... force yourself to spend more time with them and make them feel you love them.
Actually, I find outside help very helpful. Do you want to stay connected to share our progress to each other? Sometimes when you want to give up, the thought of saying "I failed" gives you courage. At least it gave to me ^^
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Sure I don't mind, i'll send a friend request!
Also i'm really not sure what to expect and honestly i'm expecting to turn tail at the signs of trouble. I haven't had to like, genuinely endure physical hardship in a long time. Most of my hardships have been very emotional, personal issues. I'm scared and worried about it honestly.
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honestly i'm expecting to turn tail at the signs of trouble
Do you want me to be honest? You will. This is the exact reason I suggested to talk. Actually your loved ones would be much more helpful. Tell them your plans, and ask them to check on you. It is harder to give up when you make a promise.
I haven't had to like, genuinely endure physical hardship in a long time. Most of my hardships have been very emotional, personal issues. I'm scared and worried about it honestly.
I think your problem is similar to mine. If you think about it, its not about emotional or physical, its general lack of balls to push yourself whether it is work, sport, emotional stuff etc. Playing video games to forget about your issues doesn't count as enduring. Enduring means healing, fixing.
Hopefully that didn't come out very negative haha :D If you are serious about what you are started, it will be better. Don't forget, you create this situation by ignoring it for years, and you can't expect it to over in days. I always remind me this, and I suggest you the same ->
Whenever you feel like you are late, remember that you wouldn't be late if you started this a year ago, and that means you won't be late again a year later.
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I can relate to almost everything you said.
A great place to start is the gym, or simply taking good care of your body and staying fit. You'll be happy when you look in the mirror 5 months from now, and would want to achieve more. If you're already fit, you need to seek discomfort, get to know new people, fill your day with events even if the day would get tiring. Find a new hobby, or get back to something you've liked but stopped. You can also plan a gaming discord night with the boys and gals once or twice a week in case you don't have any plans. Stay awesome!
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Honestly, I feel that.
It's probably naive, but I often think about these days how humans could've found our paradise if we weren't so greedy and put so much focus on -things-.
I really just, want to be fucking human again. I want to look people in the fucking eyes and just be real, honest, share experiences and memories. Stories. Share burdens and hardships.
I'm so tired of the constant one-sided relationships and impersonal nature of the world now.
It's a part of why i'm doing this journey, I just want to find something actually worth a damn out there, worth hanging onto, worth fighting for and living for. I'm just so tired of how empty, hollow, and shallow my life is.
I have a bunch of nice things, but I feel empty inside.
I constantly think and talk about how I just want to feel gravity again. Nothing feels like it matters, everything feels so vapid, meaningless. I feel like I live a life without any consequence and I hate it so much.
I want to feel like my decisions and choices matter again. I want to feel like i'm living a friggin' life, not biding my time with hollow pleasures until I finally kick it someday.
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I don't entrer the GA, just hoping that you will find what your searching for. Sorry ly english is very bad
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I honestly think you've taken a positive decision for your life, because it seems you really know what you're doing and what you want. In my case, I've been doing that over the past year, step by step. Not the same problems, not the same solutions, but I think we have a similar attitude, but I'm going way slower as energy is scarce. As fas as gaming goes, I think I'll keep playing and collecting, but I'm getting rid of lots of stuff and leaving space to allow more positive people in my life - even tho I'm amidst a personal crisis.
Wherever you may roam, I hope you find good people and things.
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so whats your project except get rid of things you consider as useless or toxic? I don't understand how it will change your life to leave steamgifts or reduce your wishlist but i respect your choice. May you have to experiment more , wish you the best anyway
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small renunciations cant change your life. Radical changes could, as not having computer anymore, not having credit card anymore, going living alone in the mountains, things like that... But reduce a wishlist or leave a website is not a radical change for me. I dont know you so i still dont understand your procedure but I think you should dig more into yourself to find out what you want to become. Thats not because you are on fanatical or sg that you're rotten, otherwise we're all . When I was younger i did radical changes in my life and gone forward on the road with nothing, then i came back from the dream and put back the foot on the ground because i didnt want to live forever on the road. I like comfort, and my cats like it too lol
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Small things can change your life though, especially when you start to build up on them. Just cutting out soda is huge, just reducing snack food intake is huge, going out for a run, not smoking anymore, watching your alcoholic drink intake is huge.
You don't need to do something "radical" to change your life like getting rid of your pc or credit card. That's kinda extreme, especially since those items are necessary in many peoples day-to-day life.
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no smoking anymore or stop drinking alcohol is radical for most of accustomed . Sounds radical to me. But i dont disagree with your words. Just for working you have to open a bank account. You cant leave the system for all you're right. That's why i said you have to put some water in your wine and accept the society is not what you expected to be afterall and deal with it.
Nowadays it looks inconceivable to do such things but its possible to live without computer or without credit card. It tests your ability to adapt to have nothing or not having things that most people have.
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It is courageous to make radical decisions and it is incredibly powerful. Once you start taking control of your life, know what you want, and most importantly, what you don't want, that turns in time into a superpower.
I sincerely hope you will find what you are looking for.
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No idea why this thread became a meme and everyone started making jokes about it. Almost feels like I'm on Reddit, where a new meme gets popular and then people run it into the ground...
Don't let the naysayers bring you down or change your mind, do what feels right for you.
It's better to have tried and failed than to live life wondering what would've happened if you had tried.
Good luck on your journey and hope you find what you're looking for.
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Lmao I had no idea, I just looked at the threads and saw that XD Didn't even notice that was going on.
But i'm not bothered! I just went out for my second run today and I connected with some cool new people last night!
Also thank you! I really appreciate your message : )
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Live your truth. Is this is something you feel will help you make a positive change then go for it!
The only thing I can really offer is a little caution. Sometimes these kinds of big changes can be like crash diets. When we get a surge of inspiration and/or willpower, we can try to seize them too tightly and burn ourselves out by doing too much at once. Crash diets rarely work because it tests our willpower to a severe degree, whereas a diet that is only a small but sustained change is much more likely to stick, even if the result is far far less pronounced. The thing about small permanent changes though, is that we can stack them, and we can add upon them once we have become accustomed to the previous positive change.
Good luck in your endeavour to find a more fulfilling way of life, but please be careful not to burn yourself out or crush yourself under the sheer size of the plan. There is no shame in a more gradual adaption, but like I said : You do you. Life is not infinite, so finding what you feel is the most nourishing lifestyle and realising whatever happiness you find is really important. Pacing is also key to making changes stick ;)
Take care for now!
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I appreciate reading this.
Things didn't go so well, and i've spent the past 6 months recovering from my failure. Much I had to come to grips with and accept to get to where I am today. I'm hoping to attain one of my dreams next summer. But for right now, I have to ride out a difficult winter and see what other lessons there are for me to learn.
Things in your message do hit home though, and I needed to see this. Thanks.
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Try not to be too hard on yourself. The opposite of taking a risk to find a better way of life, is to stay static and never try to improve.
Even though things didn't go so well, you still moved out of your comfort zone and took an honest shot.
Sometimes the only way to learn is to dare to make the mistakes / get unlucky in the first place, y'know?
I hope the recovery period is as quick and easy as it can be, and that you get some measure of peace of mind soon.
And if you're back? Welcome home, be it just for a quick pit-stop or as a passive regular.
Rest up, not all adventures end with riches and glory, sometimes all we get are scuffs and bruises, but it's all experience after all! :)
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That's true. But I got a lot of riches along with my bruises. Thankfully, they were worth it. I've never felt such impenetrable overwhelming fear in my life. But I found a lot of happiness in my misery.
Also thank you, I will definitely keep that within me in my journeys ahead.
Whatever next summer brings. At least foreseeably, my new partner will be joining me for this journey. I think honestly, it's a good thing. I think they will teach me much about just living and appreciating the moment when we're out there together. Even if we don't end up making it to the beaches of California.
They help keep me grounded in ways I didn't expect. I really value that.
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I remembered a couple of songs. I hope they like you.
Shadow Of The Day - Linkin Park (Road to Revolution: Live at Milton Keynes)
The Educated Fool (2015 Remaster)
Waiting For The End [Official Music Video] - Linkin Park
You are well done to set out your thoughts well. I wish to build a new wonderful life.
Brand New Day
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some of those didn't work, but I appreciated you taking the time back then to send me these. I'm assuming the videos just got taken down or something over the past year. I really liked the waiting for the end one. Thank you for sending it my way.
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Blessings! o/
I hope you've been successful at restructuring your life, and if not, i hope you gained some valuable knowledge from your struggles throughout the year.
I too battle with excess things that surround me, and try to keep focused and motivated towards that which truly matters and effects my life and health. Like simply brushing my teeth and making my bed/cleaning my car.
When i find myself losing my battle with depression, instead of a game or movie, i find it feels much better to accomplish some menial chore. Like cleaning the gutters, or repotting a plant. Something to reset your mental and emotional focus.
This time of year i try to avoid consumerism and greed, and instead focus on trying to see what heart there is in this season of giving and sharing, in order to create holidays that i care about and heal me. Instead of one's that bleed my energy, and make me pay out the nose to keep up with everyone else's consumerist habits.
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I get that. I try to let things that were meant to be, only, fall into my life now these days.
Also yeah, I agree. I often find that when i'm starting to get on some junk mentality or process of thoughts that will only serve to make me sad, make me bitter and upset about the world, or etc. I will just get up and do something else. It doesn't serve me, only hurts me. Not to say there isn't a time and a place to -feel- some hurt. Sometimes, pain just needs to be felt, and a space needs to be held for it. But it's good to not let it rob you of other things in life.
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🙄Oh well...welcome back to SG for the first time in nearly a year?😊
In any case, the people of SG are always warmly welcome to return.
I can say the same for myself, who was hit by a car accident a year and 11 months ago and has been in rehab for a long time, but we all can't do what we can't do.
Please act according to your own "experience time. It is not necessary to match others, but only moderately.⏳
Thinking in another's time is not necessarily a happy thing.🤔
In addition, human experience time varies with age. These seem to have a significant impact on perceptions and values.
It is often said that as we get older, time feels shorter.
Often tell people that if they push themselves too hard, they'll go bald! I warn people.(」・Θ・)」Hey look my head!🔊
As you get older, you are more likely to be attacked by various demons such as alcohol, drugs, doctors, religious people, and agitators.
Hope you can continue to have enough time to distance yourself appropriately from such things.
I hope you can spend your days doing as much as you can, but with some goals and something good to look forward to.
Happy Holidays(人Θ'o)
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Oh no.... not religious people! Please God(s)! No! Not your servants!!
Also yeah, the time thing is hitting hard right now. Everything felt so long. But after this summer, I realized just how incredibly short each year is, my life is. How each day comes at us with the speed of a bullet train. Its kind of made the motions of the world seem ludicrous. The concept of taking it slow an impossibility when days weeks and years flutter off the calendar caught in a hurricane.
It's really difficult on me right now and i'm not really sure how to feel about life and each passing day. I don't really know how to -take it slow- now. I keep getting that message and I think it's what the world wants from me right now. But I don't know how to do that when things and issues stack up so blindingly fast. How every day has the potential to be radically different between when you wake up to when you go to bed.
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Well, I, who am rumored to be an oriental island monster, an alien or an AI................................
I interpret this as wanting to hear different opinions from others.
You might consider that this would be extreme and ask others.
Not a bad way to start a conversation, is it?
Speaking of the earth, we are all over the words "war" and "pestilence" and "hunger" and "energy crisis" and "energy crisis. You are probably in the midst of being swept up in the word "war.
I have been watching those situations since February in connection with SG's "Ukraine debate" from the premonition stage.
And it seems that there are poor families everywhere in the world whose lives are being tossed about by them.
People who feel that people have their attention and expectations on them lament the "shortness of things (lack of time).
There are many reasons why each day seems to fly by, some healthy, some mental, some ill, but if you feel too strongly compared to others, you may want to talk to them and ask, "Do you care too much?" You may want to ask yourself, "Do I care too much?
On the other hand, what if you feel like you are not getting the attention and expectations you deserve?
You may be looking for ways to do what you can and want to do while keeping a close eye on your life.
Or maybe you spend your life constrained by the rules of the community or society around you, or by your family's circumstances.
Well, if the most common voice around you is "take it slow," you should make a list in a notebook of the things you think you "have to" do.
You can also think about how many of them can be categorized as "don't have to".
You can show both of them to someone you trust and ask them which ones you can put off and which ones don't need to be solved in a hurry.
Humans spend a lot of time interacting with other people.
We spend our time surrounded by processed products.
Some people who have a hard time interacting with these things and exploring their own choices may end up in places like Buddhist temples or Christian monasteries, but it is not too late until their lives are in dire straits, public institutions are unable to help them, their families are in bad shape, and their distrust of people has reached a critical point. People are very eager for perfection and the best.
People want perfection and the best, but the right thing to do is to get "just enough" to get by.
If the price is a stomach ache, a headache, or hair, you can laugh it off, but things will go better if you stay healthy and take it slow.
In any case, "daily life" is being "evacuated" in the world.
It would be nice to prepare what we can and want to do when we come back to "daily life," but even if we want to hurry now, all the costs and efforts are enormous and not affordable.
If you really feel bad if you don't do something, you can try doing something similar to research or studying for a certification.
The whole experience will feed you, and the end result will usually be a good feeling.
Don't worry about spending the rest of the year leisurely playing games, there are less than 24days left.
🎶👨💻Have fun🎲🎶
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(12/7/22) Hey everyone, its been almost a year since I was on this site. A lot has happened, it's been a very difficult, stressful year full of wonderful things, terrifying reckonings, deep depression, and acceptance of various grief.
To start, I think as a person, i'm a lot more happier and complete than I was 10 and a half months ago. From physical things like working out to be healthier, getting outside much more, developing my personality. As well as finding more of a place I belong in the world community-wise. It's been extremely hard. So much of how I perceive the world has been challenged, changed, and let go.
So much pain that no longer serves me i've had to let go. Learning to live here, in this moment, has been an extremely ruthless journey. One I still haven't come to terms with or fully accepted yet, but i've been trying. It's something that I had to learn to accept after my failure of trying to journey across America this past summer. I found that to do this, one needs to truly find peace with whatever the world throws at you, and to not try to enforce what you want upon the world.
But in my journey of this truth, i've found strength I didn't know I possessed. And because of it, I have been able to let go of so much. I managed to reconnect with my father, take risks I didn't know how they'd turn out, and put myself in scenarios that brought me great joy.
I've been starting to find the things i've been genuinely searching for my entire life.
I think the most special thing is that i've been starting to want things, been wanting to actually start a career, maybe go back to school. Try. I've been wanting to try again in life. Not just passively idle by on the luxury and seams of comfort and mild unsatisfying pleasures.
It's hard to say precisely what i've gained in the past 6 months of my life. But I know i'm a person so different from when I started my 6 month journey of fear, where I experienced non-stop dejavu due to inconceivable fear and recognition the way of life I came to know, of pre-determined safety and comfort at all times is fundamentally incompatible with the happy life I want to attain.
I'm finally walking away from my dejavu potentially, it's hard to say. But i've been gaining the courage to accept each moment as it comes. Truly every moment is uncertain. You can't even precisely predict what will happen 30 seconds from now let alone a minute from now. The world has shown me at almost every turn, so many of my ceaseless predictions would be wrong.
This all sounds a bit strange, but yeah. I don't know. In so much of my internal chaos, i've been starting to find community. I've been finding that so many people find my spirit and self beautiful.
In this time between now and this coming summer. I'm seeking to learn how to learn and live in pursuit of new experiences. To learn how to engage with the community and world further. To challenge myself and try to increase my skills and expertise in the things that truly interest me. As well as stay committed to new hobbies that my heart found in reading, photography, playing the guitar, solving puzzles, dancing & singing.
To anyone who originally started trying harder in life due to my past message. You're doing great. And even if you fell off, it's ok. Dust yourself off, it's a part of the journey. We can still make it to our goals. You just need to find the strength within to keep walking a little more each day, to believe in yourself and your dreams.
Keep walking, I believe in you.
(1/22/2022) Alright, I won't be checking the messages here anymore. Thank you all so much for the uplifting and kind words you've shared with me and candid advice. I really appreciate it! I hope maybe you guys can use this thread as a place to talk about moving forward in your lives, whatever that means to you. I wish you all well! thank you for the 8 years of games, threads and discussions, and community posts! Good bye everyone!
Since my post's blowing up, i'm putting these here for some people who want a frank, candid, brutal talk about life.
Clean, facts-based, rated E for everyone informational:
Grim, filthy, crude, rated R for Adults version:
There's a lot to criticize about the lather, but I think it's important to use it for what it's worth. It's very raw, and raw things aren't meant to be pretty to look at.
I recommend the former, but I recognize the lather can be useful for some people. It's a great wake-up call video
I know nobody really knows me or anything, but i'm leaving SG.
Over the past year of my life i've been finally taking the time to seriously look myself in the face and ask myself what I want from life, what I want to do with my life.
It's so incredibly easy to just keep exchanging time for comfort when you're young, because at that point in life you're rich with the stuff.
But i'm nearing 30 and like, I recognize I have not only nothing to show for it, but all my years of self-pitying and wishing and wanting but inaction and indecision to actually try to carve anything worth a damn out in this life worth experiencing has left me ten years down the track that I minds as well have not even bothered existing.
I'm doing a major restructuring of my life and letting go of the past and trying to figure out what I want to actually achieve and get out of life.
Money and fancy tvs, nice cars, expensive clothes, has never been a motivator for me in life, i'm much more of a person who lives for the experiences I share with people I care about.
It's all super confusing for me and i'm not sure where to start, but I know I need to start, and so start I have been doing.
I have so much pointless excess in my life, from video games, to books and graphic novels, worthless plastic figures and all this stupid junk I surround myself with that adds nothing to my life but be a vain attempt to fill a hole i've been neglecting to meaningfully fill within myself for years.
So in all that excess, i've been getting rid of a TON of my belongings over the past months, and videogames has been up and coming on that chopping block for awhile. It started with deleting my fanatical account, cutting my wishlist from a massive 300+ games to a cool 33 (trying to make it lower!), and now i'm deleting my humble bundle account and leaving here as well. After this i'm gonna go through my library and delete a s-ton of games that I don't think would be meaningful to me and interesting uses of my hobby time.
So, this is farewell guys. I've been frequenting this website ever since I was a teenager in college, but it's time I open a new chapter in my life and find something worth doing this thing called life for.
Nothing scares me more than the fact of how much time we all waste every single day, and I want to find a life that's more interesting and meaningful to me than the endless rat race and grind that is modern work culture. I get to everyone it's just some fairytale dream, and I know it's not going to be as cracked up as movies and media portray a alternative life style to be and i'm still going to have to work just as hard for it. But still I just think there has to be a life out there that's more worth it than the crap i'm doing right now, because I just can't face myself and the grave of living a passive empty life like I have.
I wish you well everyone! Here's some GA's for the road!
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