Want to know why getting Whitelist/Blacklist?
Whitelist for whatever reason.
Blacklist for whatever reason.
Good enough reason for me.
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I wasn't expecting to see my profile pic, now it's making me laugh even harder than usual :D
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Maybe with Blacklist, an annotation (not required) as to why. But then that would still create dialog or discussion that would further instill more dialog, perpetuating reason to Blacklist in the first place. It is a touchy subject, one that I care to stay away from. I would rather members be free to do what they wish, how they wish to, so long as it is not creating a harmful environment to contaminate the community.
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Folks already know for the most part why I white/blacklist them but to force someone to explain why they don't want to give you free stuff is silly. Just let it go mate, there us better things to waste your time/energy thinking about.
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There's no invalid reason to whitelist/blacklist someone. If you get blacklisted by someone, live with it. You can't do anything about it. The guy doesn't like you and that's that.
Anyway, I checked your profile and found out that you have won MAGIX PC Check & Tuning 2015 TWICE!!! That should be enough to figure out why people are blacklisting you.
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Edit that last part out please. That is calling out and I am just drunk enough now to start an argument.
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Someone get this man another drink. Maybe then he'll start a fist fight.
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I lie, I promised someone I would not be argumentative nor fight and restrain myself from that type of interaction as best as I could. But still, member should not be so quick to post such. But it is whatever. I have bottle to finish and typing makes my hands not feed me drinks.
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Just drink more. At this rate, all that typing is going to give you arthritis. (Btw, that's me on your shoulder with the pointy tail and pitchfork, whispering brilliant advice into your ear.)
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Technically, this isn't "calling out" because Maui is referring to old history rather than bringing anything new to light. Personally, I steer clear of such things.
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It would have been better to have just written the first bit and left it at that.
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This is the only thing that would cause me to vote for notes on blacklists.
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No need to know why or who blacklisted/whitelisted me.
i once suggeseted a count of how many black/whitelisted me. to each his own reason.
i don't blacklist or whitelist. you are all the same to me, small pictures on my monitor ;)
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Meh, I'd just like an option to put notes on for myself... not for anyone else to view.
Forcing ppl to put reason for blacklisting and for it to show to the blacklistee is going to just brew up tons of bad feeling and probably create arguments where there probably wouldn't have been one originally.
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I would like the option. So as when people enter my GA's they can see why I blacklisted them.
Like not saying thank you after you won a giveaway. They might even learn.
Edit but only if stating a reason is optional
Edit2 the one white/blacklisted must not have an option to reply.
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Well a quick view of your GA and reading some rules will tell you why
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I have MANY reasons for Blacklisting people...from making idiotic comments to incessant annoying trolling (rather than clever trolling, that's fun to see), re-gifting, winning multiple copies of a game, trying to make GAs for free games, making misleading GAs...bitching about being blacklisted...winning multiple copies of a game...
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One hand it would be nice to know if saying a certain something got you blacklisted. You could try to avoid repeating it in the future and ending up on more blacklists.
On the other hand the reason listed probably wouldn't say, "used some racial slur," it would just say, "asshole." Lazy people would probably just put something like potato just to fill the box.
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there's already one hehe
maybe it' doesnt have to be a comment but combobox like this (comment optional)
-Breaking rules (optional comment)
-i hate you (optional comment)
-potato (optional comment)
-etc (optional comment)
something like that (potato is a joke though)
this way it's only 2 click and no need to write any
p.s whitelist and blacklist have different list
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On a certain idealistic level I support this - I think everyone deserves to know if they've been excluded from something, so they can take appropriate action - but other factors have to be considered, and I don't think it would be appropriate for Steamgifts.
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if then you could force ppl to write reasons other than: "because i can" it would be a nice idea.. but in general i got to say
it is completely up to yourself to black/whitelist someone.. and it doesnt really make a difference does it?
btt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2AitTPI5U0
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I'd like this feature to be added. Just so I know why I've white/black listed someone. I tend to forget stuff a lot.
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On old SG, I had my blacklist in a handy txt file with reasons and stuff (even including a fancy redeem system depending on why you got on the blacklist. On new SG it's just too simple to blacklist people so I no longer update that txt.
(Of course I haven't done a GA in ages so no one really gives a shit anyway)
So no, I don't think knowing the reasons would make anything better, I personally don't care on whos blacklist I am or for what reasons, they had their reasons, accept it and move on.
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This was already proposed and discussed, and judging by arguments used, will not be implemented. Personally I'd like to have it as private for my eyes only, so I don't have to keep it off-site.
Asking in public for BL reason, you should expect nothing more but general reasons. Otherwise it would be calling out. And first thing, you should ask yourself what you could have done wrong and, before asking for removal, what you did to make it right.
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Brilliant idea, it's interesting what the SG staff think about it?
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I mean i give close to no fuck bout what random scrub on the internet thinks of me , and what is a good enough reason to blacklist people.
However there are those special childs with brain issues that just blacklist you out of nowhere , and don't even bother responding when you ask them why :)
I gave up on trying anyway . Its like 3 times that i wanted to enter some Forum GA , and i could not cause the Creator seem to have blacklisted me for some reason ...
Funnyest thing was the 1st time was when my account was like 2 days old and i haven't even used that place at all :)
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"Funnyest thing was the 1st time was when my account was like 2 days old"
Some people don't want to have to deal with a newbie who might not know how the site works so they blacklisted you for it. I'm not saying that it is the right thing to do but since I have no control over blacklists and whitelists I just continue on with my day and don't let it bother me. If someone is that much of a prick to have no valid reason to blacklist someone else other than "because they can" then I probably wouldn't be associating with them IRL anyway so no loss. If anything, not having to associate with a person like that is a plus as far as I'm concerned.
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Um ... dude ... i just had made my account , didnt even know how the whole place work.
So i see in the forum section beneath the giveaways a Birthday train or someshit like that.
So im like lets see what that is , i click on the giveaway ... and you cannot view blablabla, cause you are blacklisted
So im sitting here like wtf ? Asked the guy why did he blacklist me , since i've made the account 2 days ago and only had entered like 2-3 giveaways @ that time ...
No response
I understand your point of view , and you are completely right ... but i still find it SemiRetarded a thing to do ... :)
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forcing people to give a reason for it is honestly a waste of time
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just as title said, i hope this become a feature
it means, when someone White/Blacklist people the have to write his reason, WHY
dont have to write long just simple reason is enough. copy pasta if there's more than one, it's not that hard
not just click it and done, that way people will know why did he get one
it's even better if there's a form to know who whitelist/blacklist you (like giveaway entries)
as a matter of fact i get whitelist and blacklist without knowing the reason
if people just saying, "hey you get blacklist because you deserve it", what reason is that?
as a matter of fact i was also blacklisted by someone i just knew (from forum), never interact not even know him before.
i can only wondering WHY (since they mostly ignore it if asked why blacklist him or just saying general stuff you broke some rules)
thanks for reading and no potato, i already eat it
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