So, some guy took all the books in Oblivion, formatted the text and the relevant images, printed it on parchment paper, and bound it in leather. It is over 900 pages!

Here is an article on it with a download of the fonts, images, text, etc. that you will need to make your own.

Here is the guy's reddit post on it.

There are images of the book at both links.

I think I am going to try my hand at bookbinding. :P

13 years ago*

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That's crazy. I wonder how long that took.

Wait. "Relevant Images"? I hope that doens't apply to The Lusty Argonian Maid :s

13 years ago

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some people really have too much time on their hands.

But its awesome and I envy anyone having such ideas and actually doing it :)


13 years ago

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  • some people really know how to make the best of the time they have


13 years ago

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Great work. This is something that would make me buy a CE edition of the game. Usually they add some crap.

13 years ago

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what did I win by reading these books when I got my hands on them in-game? eternal damnation!!

13 years ago

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If only Oblivion was a half decent game to justify all this effort...

13 years ago

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Why must you come and spoil a good thing.

Go sit in the corner of shame and feel the shame seep into your callous, unloving body.

13 years ago

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He has a valid point though...

13 years ago

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I actually want to buy this thing from him. It would go great with my Septim coin! haha.

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by ajmmin.