Do you support Article 13?
Tomorrow there will be another dawn. YT, reddit, etc... won't be blocked :p
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They'll, the companies, will set some filters. Content will be 'filtered', you'll receive what some big companies want you to recieve and you'll keep on living.
Basically the same we all europeans do, but now less shady because legally is encouraged.
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Because the EU is too big of a market to simply abandon it instead of trying to find a way to deal with the new regulatory framework. And in turn no EU authority will block Youtube and Facebook because it would be tremendously unpopular. I am pretty confident we will see few practical effects of this new article, in the end.
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So no blocking will happen? I'm still very skeptical. Just saying "they'll cope" means nothing when nobody except Youtube has any proper Content ID system. With videos, you have sound, timing and so on. How will you content ID pictures now? Mind you, Reddit will get sued if someone gets their content taken in any way and they're not fine with it. You use a Youtube Rewind meme and technically Google could sue Reddit. Not saying this will be prevalent, but are we really going to pretend that companies are happy with risking millions and potentially billions if they really get a co-ordinated attack.
Because the EU is too big of a market to simply abandon it instead of trying to find a way to deal with the new regulatory framework.
You say that the EU is a big market, but they aren't. EUGDPR already crippled Youtube's income a fair bit. Now add the fact that Youtube is already not profitable. Now add the fact that ads are valued less in the EU. Now add the fact that they can be sued to oblivion due to a single user out of millions... if looking at this financially, like you want to bring it to, stopping paying for the EU's bandwidth might actually take Youtube closer to making a profit for once.
So overall, we have one adequate system that would benefit financially from leaving the EU market entirely. And then we have a load of other platforms that don't have good ways of content IDing things, are in the same risk, but might overall lose overall profit compared to their costs here.
I'm unconvinced, but I also hope that you're right.
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When GDPR was passed, half the internet was full of "erhmarhgawd, now half of the US companies will stop their service in Europe, the Armageddon is coming!!!!!!1!!!one!!!"
Yet somehow they all coped. We clicked through a few hundred "yes, I opt out of your shitty spyware cookies" windows and went on.
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Yet somehow they all coped. We clicked through a few hundred "yes, I opt out of your shitty spyware cookies" windows and went on.
Yeah, you say that... yet currently, a huge amount of sites just don't work in Europe. Check any local news site in America and see it for yourself.
Also, for many, you couldn't really opt out. You could say no, but you'd also be booted out of the site. Also, for many, you still had to agree to the "basic" package of tracking.
There was no coping. The entirety of the Internet didn't recover. EUGDPR is child's play compared to this because this time it basically screws over most user-made content ever made. That's a lot. You can change a small technical aspect. Now you actually need to change the entire Internet. There aren't many sites without any copyrighted content. Every newssite is screwed. Every social media platform is screwed. Every site with any content that isn't 100% original and even with that 100% originality, odds are it isn't 100% original.
I try and be optimistic, but the more I see what MEPs are going for with their essays and other statements, I just find myself a bit lost in worry.
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There is an absurd amount of websites I cannot reach from within EU. Wandering randomly, pursuing new cooking recipes, looking for news, trying to find an old tune I've heard somewhere I stumble on "Sorry, Content Isn't available in your country" at least twice a day.
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The EU is a big market, arguably the second largest after USA -- keep in mind it's officially banned in China. How do you know Youtube is not profitable? Personally I find it hard to believe that Google hasn't managed to make it profitable after so many years, let alone with the increasing aggressiveness of their advertising practices. In any case, if you're right it's certainly not the EU's problem, and giving up on this piece of land won't change the situation elsewhere.
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In 2016, Youtube was overall in the red with its financials. Alphabet was fine with keeping it going however, most likely to boost other revenue streams for them. They've been taking solid hits to their advertising profits and through that ad-rates have gone down for all of Google Ads. After that Alphabet hasn't really said much about Youtube and its profitability, but these are things you can assume easily. Non-targeted ads are just less valuable for one. The lack of collected data will also reduce the value and considering Youtube survives off of those mainly, it becomes clear that the market's not in a great shape. Youtube Premium produced their own shows, but those were cut off quite quickly, showing that they obviously weren't profitable. It was rebranded to Youtube Red and suddenly it became more of a budget option with a lot of discounted deals. With the way Google pushed the service and the intensity it was done in, they couldn't be doing too well with their service. It's probably turning a profit now, like some have speculated. We can give them that much. But the massively lower quality service that Europe can provide would suggest that Europe won't be a crazy moneymaker.
The problem with Youtube isn't that they can't monetize it. The problem lies in the upkeep.
if you're right it's certainly not the EU's problem, and giving up on this piece of land won't change the situation elsewhere.
You're right about that. It's not the EU's problem directly. But it will become their problem when people become even more discontent with the situation. The older generation is already dissatisfied with the EU. It's so bad that around half of the countries have popular movements that seek to leave the EU. Now they've also added the younger demographic to it. Five million signatures on The largest petition to ever exist in human history. 45 protests in the span of a single day. 40000 protesters in Munich with hundreds of thousands of people protesting overall. This is no small issue. If you manage to rile up hundreds of thousands of people enough for them to physically show their discontent and millions to sign a petition, then it's pretty bad for the MEPs. 2 months until people can vote. This will be in people's minds in that time probably. It's going to affect things.
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As far as I can tell, it is simply not known whether Youtube is profitable. I have come across this feature article from 2017 ( where a business analyst estimates they have double-digit margins, while admitting he has no certainty about it. Another piece of news from 2016 reports that the increase in earnings of Google that year was partially driven by Youtube ( If you find any recent evidence of the contrary, I will be definitely happy to read it, but I am afraid that the only thing we know for sure is that the data are not publicly available.
Nevertheless, considering that Youtube has a massive viewership and advertisements are more abundant than ever, it stands to reason they are making a profit -- in line with the estimates of the guy I cited. At worst, as you point out in your message, it's indirectly fueling other revenue streams and contributing to the presence of Google on the internet. Regarding the Premium and Red services, I fully agree on their lack of profitability, but this had a minor impact on Youtube's global earnings. Of course, Google/Alphabet is always trying to find new and better ways to monetize their platform, but the failure of one of those initiatives does not necessarily imply a failure of the platform as a whole.
As for the precise contribution of Europe to Youtube's earnings, once again we are forced to speculate. For now my bet is that it accounts for a fraction of the earnings roughly proportional to the economic weight of the region. Three European countries are in the top 10 of Youtube users (, with probably several more in the top 20. In the future, one might envision a certain reduction in profit due to lawsuits derived from this new Directive, but it's plausible that improving their surveillance capabilities (and their bots are already quite good at it) is much more cost-effective than simply letting go one of their biggest markets.
The older generation is already dissatisfied with the EU. It's so bad that around half of the countries have popular movements that seek to leave the EU. Now they've also added the younger demographic to it. Five million signatures on The largest petition to ever exist in human history [...] 2 months until people can vote. This will be in people's minds in that time probably. It's going to affect things.
That greatly depends on where you live, and in any case you cannot generalize to the whole "older generation". In any case, many of these movements that seek to leave the EU are somewhat attractive because they provide an external scapegoat for the whatever the problems of the country are. In any case, I do agree that the coming election provides an excellent opportunity for people to express their political preferences. This Directive has been passed in a democratically elected parliament and votes all over the Europe are free to vote for other parties if they feel inclined to it. In truth, it's no different from an unpopular law passed at the national level.
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many of these movements that seek to leave the EU are somewhat attractive because they provide an external scapegoat for the whatever the problems of the country are.
cough Brexit cough
EU has population of >500 mln, 5 mln is less than 1% of voters. I would not consider it to be huge movement.
And yes, we have elections in May. So it will clearly show what people want, and how strong euro skepticism is.
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It was not clear from the user's message whether he meant the sites would block themselves or it would be the EU taking the initiative.
That being said, you cannot possibly compare Google News to Youtube, or Spain to the whole EU. Google News makes almost no money compared to the enormous source of revenue Youtube is -- there are no official numbers, but I've seen estimates of around 15 billion dollars worldwide in 2016. Given that the EU accounts for 22% of the global GDP (26% excluding China, where Youtube is non-existent), this may well mean that Google would simply give up on 4 billion dollars a year. Makes little sense to me.
Anyways, we'll see how it goes in no time.
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Ironically, thanks to the new directive, Google News may return to Spain: (it's in Spanish). Basically, the new directive is less restrictive than Spain's current law.
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and hopefully people in EU (and hopefully outside of EU too) will mass-boycott the companies who lobbied for this shit.
That's some wishful thinking there. It's mainly record labels and SAG AFTRA types of groups. People aren't aware of who owns what usually and even more, they listen through streaming devices, so it's even harder to keep track. Many might not even know that they support those labels.
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Nah, YouTube will just crack down on anything that anyone might possibly construe as copyright infringing, and a ton of fair use stuff will get pulled.
Unless you're one of YouTube's biggest cash cows, in which case you can do whatever you want as long as you're still making them money.
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yeah i just read the news. sadly this didn't really surprise anyone, did it?
nobody cares about the protest of millions when there is money to be made (and money changing hands in the back room).
next steps? dunno. maybe become radical since the eu fake democracy is on its last leg. maybe even become a dexit supporter?
time will tell. as will the next elections.
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It's bad education, I'd say. When you listen to what the MEPs said, they all thought this would help. That now everyone earns more money and that pirates will be the only ones to lose out. And of course, being politicians, they tend to have a certain hubris about them where they just can't be wrong and that the average person doesn't know that much.
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yeah very few will earn more money i guess (politicians included). at the expense of basically everybody else.
that's not democracy, that's madness.
i mean everybody who was against this will have a pretty strong opinion at this point.
the few who expect to rake in he cash with this law will be ordering another lambo for the collection now.
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(politicians included)
Want to elaborate on that? People tend to say "The politicians are earning from this. Corruption!" to any decision they don't like. This decision sounds like Hanlon's Razor to me. But then again, I haven't kept up with all the MEPs, so maybe you've got some articles that would support the idea that they're profiting from this decision?
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democracy turns to idiocracy when people double my age try to decide over stuff they don't have a clue about and they need to 'educate' themselves with the 'help' of lobbyists.
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the next votes are coming
help keep that topic alive and the next parliament isn't only lobbyists
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When article 13 makes you thinking about being radical and not all the other stuff that germany and EU fuck up then u r a bit late to the party... we help to kill people, that already should be a reason to thing radical...
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The daylight saving nonsense change is basically just a way to distract people. "Hey, look over there! We got rid of the daylight saving nonsense!"
If you look at german newspapers this might actually be the top news instead.
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That's so true! The TV news were full of that today, yet I didn't see anything about article 13.
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The problem with this kind of votes is always the same - the people that can actually make the decisions are mostly corrupt or not fully understanding the myriad complexities in these topics, while at the common people floor, propaganda rages on both sides and again, no average citizen can be expected to know all the necessary info of such complex situations to make a truly informed decision...not to say there aren't, but certainly a minority compared to the mass populace.
Take Brexit for example, I feel it's pretty much the same with how things are going. Ultimately, it is a deeply flawed system but it is what we have to work with.
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We shall go on to the end. We shall meme in France, we shall meme on the seas and oceans, we shall meme with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall meme on our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall meme on the beaches, we shall meme on the landing grounds, we shall meme in the fields and in the streets, we shall meme in the hills; we shall never surrender,
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Your mentality is so shortsighted that I bet you had to use a telescope to type your comment.
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Think of anything that can be copyrighted and all of that will get filtered (at least in Europe).
So gameplay, music (even a video of white noise has been copyright striked multiple times), movies, reviews of any media, journalism, news shows and so on. The only things that won't really be affected, but will still be limited a lot would be stuff like vlogs, random ramblings, etc...
So much of Youtube relies on taking from others to an extent. Fair use isn't really a thing with this legislation. It doesn't matter if ads aren't run on things. If your Creative Commons license prohibits you from using stuff, then that's what it will be. Jablinski Games could be the grounds for Facebook to sue Google for using the Instagram logo in his video. Doesn't help the fact that he's earning money from his videos.
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Steam should change it Terms of Service, so fucked up EU people will be allowed to use a VPN ... I see not a problem using a VPN service on my PC, but it is always bad when having Steam running. And Steam is always-on.
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What I mean is the following: In a "filtered EU scenario" I'd like to use VPN as standard but nowadays I only use it "when I need it", because I am afraid that Steam detects it and blocks my account with 3000+ games in it. Maybe Steam only punishes VPN-store-usage, but who really knows?
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Well you don't want to buy anything from Steam or through Paypal using a VPN, both are huge risks there, that's where the problem of VPN comes in. But you'd be ok just using a VPN with Steam running, because if you don't buy anything there's no proof. But Valve only cares about those who use the VPN to buy things, because for example say you're not in Russia (or some other poorer country) and you use a Russian VPN to buy games at huge discount from there, well that's exploiting Valve's system and costing them lots of money.
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Yeah I know that it SHOULD be this way, but I'd like to be sure.
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The EU. Bringing Chinese conditions straight to Europe, one law at a time.
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Wow why not quote Hitler...
dude it's not even close, no one who shares a winnie the pooh jpg will go to jail :V
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HUNExit please, also POLexit, CZEexit, SVKexit, CROexit, ROMExit SLOExit, ITAExit, and let's form our own union, perhaps no press freedom and no free speech at west EU and north EU but as east EU still remember suppression because of communism we still have survival skills. Let's form our own union before west EU brings us too into their upcoming civil war.
EDIT: dear Europeans, EU parliament vote upcoming, just check which party votes for such things and remember it while voting.
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I'm not sure this is the best approach
better vote for those who were against this
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a little help for german readers: ;)
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HUNExit please, also POLexit,
but as east EU still remember suppression because of communism
You start with two countries where the current governments try to restrict demoratic standards. Seems as if it the suppression isn't remembered well enough then.
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looks like you listen to the non-free press (not like free press existing anywhere anymore, they all serve some overlords, shadow governments or business interests and show news in the way they want) in your country and fall for the propaganda. There is corruption, yes, but not much more than other governments did or the west governments doing. I did not vote for them tho as I think it's no matter which gets elected, all just thieves (and in all country).
However, they were elected by the voters legitimately. How anti-democratic is that? (well, it is for current western governments as they not doing what ordered by big country overlords and it also antidemocratic for other parties whose cant win election and QQing all the day while instead of trying to work they just blaming each other all the time)
They keep saying no independent press here. I suggest you learn Hungarian and watch some news, depends which you watching ofc but there are dozens which not doing other things just full of anti-government propaganda, this includes some country-wide big commercial televisions.
Additionally, everyone can say whatever they want here, everyone can even protest if they want, I can tell you democratic standards works much more right now in Hungary than in Germany or in France where the police killing protesters.
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Well, where to start here..
First off, my post wasn't meant to start a competition like "my country is better than yours". There are certainly enough nationalists who would like to do that, but I'm not.
I didn't mean corruption, but changes and planned changes regarding the jurisdiction and the media. Though I'm surely not standing for turbo capitalism, there's a difference between media behaving biased due to monetary reasons or because the current government enforces them.
First you state that there wouldn't be free press anywhere anymore, then you try to convince me of independent media in Hungary. I don't doubt the latter one, but you notice that you were contradictionary in there, do you? I believe that you can surely get proper information in Hungary if you use several sources and keep being sceptical and question everything. So bear in mind that I can do the same regarding the German press.
"All politicians are thieves." Why don't you stand up for election? Since you were the only authentic and unbribable candidate, every plain citizen should vote for you. But you sure have a good excuse to not do that (just like for not voting). That's sad.
And now I'm coming to the most exciting part: please provide me an upright source for German protestors being killed by the police. To motivate you a bit: I checked your WL and I'd offer you Homeworld Remastered Collection. Go for it!
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my post was neither a "my country better than yours" it just simply pointing out yours not better than mine, same shit. Ruled by same thieves they just serve different business interests. If I would be nationalist I wouldn't have Romanian friends and wouldn't have raided in WoW with 7 Romanian friends together for about 6 years:-)
Why not be a politician? I have a spine. Additionally, I enjoy my work and I wouldn't enjoy being a politician.
And no, there isn't independent press in Hungary, neither in Germany. But all the blames on Hungary in the EU is a joke and true for any other EU member states and EU attack interestingly those countries where governments don't share their planes.
I added the "France where the police killing protesters." later, I meant it only for France, not for Germany, there it not happened YET. It was very funny tho that EU blamed Romania how they handled a protest in 2018 (there wasn't anyone killed by police tho) but they never blamed France for killing citizens! There are different ranking/standards within EU, what one country can do others can't do it. No equality, nor liberty for east EU.
And this is why I would support a separate union, west EU states just keep east EU states for slavery. They not allowed to have own opinions or if they do they try to suppress them. We were integrated into the EU to kill east European companies, create new markets for west European companies where they can sell their product more easily (no custom tax), get cheap labor (prices went up insanely here, salaries not, I am curious how could Germans survive with almost identical food and store prices but only 400-500 Eur salaries AND less, much less for retireds, some even don't get 200 Eur). And that's not because of the government, they don't have that tax income like western countries, when for example AUDI don't want to increase salaries from 600ish to 650 Eur and workers need to protest weeks for it when finally the production breaks down even in Ingolstadt (because produced engine stocks from Hungary out) and finally, AUDI gives up. I finished a good uni, (Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien) so it's not about me but the fact is, that half of east EU about the edge of famine and being homeless. The buyer potential of average salaries was more before the EU than now.
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Okay, I didn't mean that you would have been a nationalist, but that comparison between the countries annoyed me a bit.
Why not be a politician? I have a spine. Additionally, I enjoy my work and I wouldn't enjoy being a politician.
Okay, but that's the issue in the democracy. After decades of it most politicians are professional politicians without a clue of the real life, lurked by consultants and lobbyists with their own interests. We'd need more plain citizens in there instead of politic graduates, lawyers and businessmen.
I agree that standards should be standards for all, but splitting the union for two unions would be a historical step backwards in my eyes.
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as always, I'm mad at the european parliament as it has always been. I'm 100% in favour of a total political union of all Europe, since singularly we're nothing against China, the future India, the States, the richest Arab nations and so on.. in my opinion every European country should unify in order to have a common army, rating agencies, foreign policies, banks and whatever else, the main problem is that neither the centre-right party nor the socialist party, which have always dominated the European democracy, have any kind of good idea about bringing our Europe to a bright future.. I would love to have tons of Europeans here in Italy ousting all the corrupted ones which makes Italy a 3rd world country if taken as a whole, we can't even go inside some city suburbs with our police.. because they would be all killed or, most likely, they all have interests there too.. I think I'll never see a proper united Europe in the right way..
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Social media can be entirely consumed by flames for all I care, but don't touch my YouTube!
In all seriousness though, EU is making it VERY hard for me to support it with such measures. But I am fully aware what "independence" from the European Union (or NATO, for that matter) would mean in my lovely Romania. Kleptocracy followed by another Russian "liberation" after they're done mopping up the floor with whatever's left of Ukraine nowadays.
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article 13 is about online copyright.
Basically you can not copy past works not made by you. add text and re-upload it.
Like memes for example.
Steam-gifts is in no trouble from it.
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some people say that memes gameplays, film criticism are fine, saying that the law , bis 21, amendment 19 that reads: specifies that protected material that has been significantly changed are excluded from the law.
"Uploaded user created content can include small pieces of protected material, for parody, criticism,.... "
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Because art to owned by who makes it, not by whats on it.
But only if you draw, paint ect. it all yourself.
Characters, concepts, and all that are not trade marked // copyrighted.
So drawing Iron man for example isn't breaking any law. Even Marvel can't touch your work.
You just can not use the Marvel logo.
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Not really tho.
You just can no longer use works made by others without actually getting permission to do so.
Youtube, twitter, facebook and all that will remain, for original content is still being made.
Just no memes, we might lose 9gag, that's all.
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Youtube, twitter, facebook and all that will remain, for original content is still being made.
Not as simple as that sadly. Right now there is not a single algorithm system that can efficiently find copyrighted content. Efficiency for Article 13 is a full 100%. A single thing gets through and the platform's ready to be sued. It takes a single kid to upload a "The Flash Season 2 best moments compilation" and they're breaking the law right there. Maybe Youtube sees that and blocks it before it gets uploaded because it's so famous. Okay, so that's nice... now some person makes a song. Turns out the copyright ID system won't let him upload due to some issue with the ID system. Okay, let's say it's 100% original and the copyright system doesn't detect it. A scummy label finds a few similarities and so they issue a copyright takedown. Well, that's what they would do currently. Instead, now they have a legitimate case against the 23rd biggest company in the world (just Alphabet itself) and odds are they'll settle the case. So right there, Alphabet lost millions.
No one has the impossible capability of curating 432000 hours of content per day (now it's even more for Youtube). Original content's all nice and dandy, but most of the biggest Youtubers don't make clean content. Pewdiepie isn't doing that, any commentary Youtuber isn't doing that, documentary channels aren't doing that, gameplay Youtubers aren't doing that, media critics aren't doing that, most vloggers aren't doing that, news channels aren't doing that... who is doing clean content? Pretty much no one.
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reading trough some reactions, and interpretations looks like things will be alright, the only prob major thing that might happen is that some sites might make their rules more specific about what you can and cannot upload.
the whole memes or gameplays will be banned is fake news.
also im not from the EU so am watching from the outside.
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one of the points of the article reads that protected content that has been significantly changed for any purpose, is off the article as long as is in small pieces, just like it is right now, if you use a frame of spongebob nothing will happen, if you upload the entire episode, then sucks for whoever you uploaded to.
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I think the main problem with Article 17 (formerly known as Article 13) is that sites which allow uploads will have to implement upload filters. No problem for Youtube and Facebook (they already have these filters), but smaller companys will have to licence these filters if they don´t want to check every upload themself. So profit for Alphabet and Facebook... And, these filters will never work 100%, so to be sure there will be overblocking... legit content will get blocked, and things that should get blocked won´t. But that´s already the case now...
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I knew this will happen, i prepared for it since 2008. If it goes live, they gonna put a virus to your computer to remove all non-accepted material, so im going rogue after april i guess, or at least not connecting any of my stuff to this computer.
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Neither Steam Workshop, nor Nexus allows hosting copyrighted material. They never allowed it since their inception and actively hunted them down when they could. You are literally fearing something that has been their norm since forever.
Granted, this seems to be the running theme of this thread.
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