Nice. But my question was how much time did you need , just wondering.
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Nobody cares, this game is just a pure shame to gaming only with his DRM.
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Why is diablo 3 "pure shame?" Have you played it ? Did you play first 2 sequels ?
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I don't play singleplayer games that need a full time internet connection just because blizzard is afraid of hacking. So no diablo 3 for me, never.
Anyway for Diablo and Diablo 2 i'm still searching to get them, i see what they look like in term of gameplay, not sure i would like it, but it deserves a try.
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Dude... just how old are you anyways. I grew up playing d1 and d2.
BTW making accusations on something you didn't even try , that's lame.
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if you grew up playing D1 and D2 you would know that D3 isnt as good as D2
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He never said it wasn't as good as D2. He is just pointing out that Kurokawa999 has no right to call it "pure shame".
Now as someone who has played all three Diablo games. Yes, it is not as good as Diablo II. HOWEVER it is still a very good game for what it is. If they had released it now with all the patches it has had to hate and called it ol-baid people would have prob loved it.
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Opinions. It's ok for someone to like something you don't.
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I don't really think TL2 will be better but i'm sure it'll be good.Very good.
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No it'll be better Diablo 3 went to shit after the first patch and was basically put on easy mode at all times. Plus I don't have to be online at all times to play Torchlight 2.
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Diablo 3 does suk compared to diablo 2 but i think torchlight 2 is gonna be amazing :P
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It's going to have alot of players but it won't get that far... People comparing those 2 games are just plain stupid.It's like comparing bf3 to mw3 who the fuck cares , if you like it you buy it.stupid comments are stupid
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Well for me Diablo 3 was a shame compared to Diablo 2 =( it just didnt get my attention as much as diablo 2 still does but when I think alot of people will like Torchlight much better than Diablo 3 but for me Diablo 2 will be at the top of my list. also my comments are not "stupid" they are comments with my opinion if you think peoples opinions are "stupid" then you do not accept the way other people think because they dont like something you do like.
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I'm just saying that comparing those 2 games is retarded. I really doubt TL2 devs are trying to surpass d3 , they are just making an epic sequel to their 1st game that was awesome.
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You can compare the two games because there similar games. And I think they are just trying to bring out a game that everyone will love. I don't think they see a point in "surpassing" diablo 3 when they just want to bring another game to the community of gamers.
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Since release it took me one day for each of the first three difficulties and then I quit while playing inferno. Not just because of the false sense of difficulty, but I was already kinda tired of it.
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Diablo 3 is in a pretty good spot right now after the most recent patches. If it launched in its current state, it would have made people a lot happier. I've started playing again a bunch since the patch, and I'm really enjoying it. Stuck at Ghom at the moment though, and need to farm up a lot more.
The problem is that current internet culture is resistant to accepting that something has improved or changed for the better. Nostalgia inflating expectations + some EXTREMELY standard launch balance and server issues resulted in a huge portion of the community becoming jaded about it overnight.
The only legitimate complaints remaining are that in non-hardcore there isn't an item sink, so the market will just continue to inflate and items will lose their value and the AH will replace grinding, and the servers lag a little every once in a while. (Greatly reduced since the server load is very small at this point.)
Paragon levels re-introduced the infinite level grind that was 90-99, and inferno is now set up in a way that 'finishing the game' will take over 100 hours depending on class, luck, and AH use. (Making for a substantially longer 'campaign' than almost any other title. (+/- Dicking around for weeks on end in the Elderscrolls games.) )
So what do we have now? A good dungeon crawler, with great community tools, achievements, varied classes, increasingly improving balance and player choice diversity, and PvP coming (soonish(Blizzard tm))
Which is why I love to push people on what they do not currently like about the game. Most make complaints are simply no longer valid due to changes, or are fueled by modernization of games.
(+/- The 'it isn't dark enough' complaint, which while technically true, seems really f---ing stupid. Turn down your gamma if you want to have a harder time seeing stuff, the game looks fine.)
(+/- No longer having to re-level a character of the same class to use different skills efficiently, again, technically true, but really f---ing stupid in my eyes. You are free to do so now, you being unwilling to do so is why this change is actually a good thing for 80%+ of players.)
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It's kinda funny. Blizzard said what's going to be in game and did it exactly like they said. Then bunch of trolls started spamming how game "sucks" or whatever which makes no sense.Rage kids will rage...
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It was pretty rough at launch. I think there were a lot of very legitimate (but temporary) complaints made.
I've played Torchlight, and Path of Exile, and Diablo 2 (Hardcore ~93 Amazon within the past 3 months.) and frankly, I like Diablo 3 the most. PoE is fun, but it just feels unpolished right now. In a lot of ways it feels too similar to Diablo 2, which is probably why a lot of people like it, it fuels their nostalgia and looks good. (Reminds me of Titan Quest graphics.) Did Diablo 3 change stuff? Hell yes it did, they improved quality of life across the board, they made it easier to interact with friends and make friends with strangers you've played with recently. Class balance exists, the infinite level grind has meaning to the very last level. Changing things is usually good!
I played 2 to double-check nostalgia, and sure enough, I wasn't interested in making the 5000+ Hellmode Baal Runs to hit 99. Third party item sites abound, the majority of the population are bots, or PKers, or both, or terrible at the game. Levels stop mattering after the mid 80's for most builds, and the content is incredibly repetitive.
I hate that internet culture makes the majority 'right' and the minority have to defend their thoughts on something, rather than requiring that both sides be capable of articulating their opinions. It gives a tragic advantage to poorly thought out ideas because they are said first, and people latch onto them.
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I still love d2 , it had it's pros and cons :)
And yeah , i'm quite satisfied with the game.Worth every penny i spent on it .
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That is true. When expansion came out , that 800x600 resolution was amazing.New item sounds , new weps , whole new act. Blizzard is not stupid , they will add something eventualy
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Haven't tried the game since the Paragorn Update they did, i'll download the game again and give it a shot.
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Well this just made game more interesting to farm. You're gonna grind alot but with decent MF gear you're gonna get alot of rare items. And yeah Legendary items are now good and unique , it's not just looks.
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With paragon the game is way more fun. Decent gear finally to sell (yesterday sell one amulet for half million and before that i didn't have money to play in inferno since i was always repairing). Paragon is the saviour!
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Sounds really interesting then! i'll see if i can save my lvl60 barbarian from eternal slumber and actually finish act 2 inferno.
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The most fun part is inferno. Farming items and perfecting your character into a powerhouse is what makes it fun,atleast for me.
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After all of those troll comments , i'm not even sure if you're trolling or not.
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It's a little late but congrats since i didn't finish the game yet in inferno xD I'm with one DH in level 60(4) in actIII. I quit to try to pass that but at least i'm having fun now doing money in actI. That Ghom guy is just wtf?! And i have 70 hours in my char so still early to finish this.
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Just farm , something will drop and it'll make your char a freaking powerhouse
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Try playing now , WD's are now buffed alot . It's not that bad now
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But i think you'll stick to GW2 for a long time , i'm still thinking about buying it.
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Act 1 and 2 are not really that hard. You can get decent gear for like 5kk and finish those 2
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Any1 tried Whimsyshire Pony Land in diablo 3?like wTF
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I can't get Ghom in my current gear. I can't burn him down quick enough. Room fills with gas, and I run out of health before he does. Farming 1-3 up to him for a while, but not finding a lot of upgrades. Hit level 6 paradon just now. /sigh. Feels like an MMO though, kinda nice.
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You are doing it wrong. You must kite him around, but very slowly, and by using every free space possible, including the middle. Otherwise you just make him fill the room up too fast. I was using Smoke Screen with Lingering Fog rune, Preparation with Battle Scars, Bat Companion, And Caltrops with the 2 sec immobilize. Entangling shot with Justice is Served for 6 hatred/attack, and Cluster Arrow with Cluster bombs. Those bombs are amazing, both for farming, (with this skillset I only die to ridiculous champion packs, and my gear isn't all that great) So the point is, try to kite so you can snare the most stuff possible, and then nuke them down with 2 cluster bombs, usually should hit the boss too, then run out of gas clouds, poke and slow with Entangling shot, also always place caltrops in the clouds too while excaping. Just slow them as much as possible.
Given you are a Demon Hunter anyway. But from what I hear, it's easier for melee, because they build durability from the get-go. My Demon Hunter has no Lifesteal at all, nothing, just Preparation and the pots. And still managed to get him down. :<
Hero She had actually a bit weaker gear yesterday, when I downed him.
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Witch doctor, both hardcore and softcore sadly. (Well, not sadly, just different, I really enjoy it.)
DH is in act 2 still, basically a secondary toon. Having more luck with Dex gear, it has already basically caught up from A3 drops now. Friggin int gear... /sigh
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Hm , I finished Cydaea with no problems.I couldn't kill Ghom alone so i went to pub game then some wizard actually tanked him in that poison.That was exploit by him but whatever :D
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She's impossible for me. Ghom is killable because even though he's a gearcheck, there is still room for your skillful kiting. Cydaea.. she's just ridiculous. Managed to get her to 30%, and that was a very lucky try, because no matter how I'm trying to get the little spiders to one place, they are just everywhere. No room to move at all, because they come from all angles with their bullshit melee range.
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Well tbh i liked even hellfire. I finished all 3 diablos on all difficulties
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So i kicked diablo's ass with monk on inferno...
I was wondering how much time did you need to finish inferno difficulty and with what class.
Here's my time
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