I was waiting for my bus and then the bus arrived, I stepped in and tried scan my ticket and the screen says it's not available/working or something like that but that ticket supposed to work. So the driver says it's not working/good or something like that then I intended to move to the back and see if another scanner would read my ticket but then the driver suddenly and disrespectfully told me to buy a ticket with cash or get out of the bus. The problem is not that I didn't had money, the problem is that that **** rat behind the wheel agressively, rudely told me to step out the bus, plus I was in a very very bad mood and it was cold outside.

So now tell me how to annoy or revenge this prick.

And why I want to do this?? Because he was treating me like a piece of crap!

Sooooooo, please guys give me some good ideas how to take my revenge, but only How?

10 years ago*

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why dont you try to drive a bus all day, everyday and be nice to everyone at the same time? :D

HEY, it happens!

10 years ago

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I never seen such rude drivers, I was be in the wrong bus today...

10 years ago

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everyone already had a bad day, sometimes it's contagious

10 years ago

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Blow the bus up

10 years ago

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Don't, he might actually do it.

10 years ago

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Only if I could lol

10 years ago

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Sounds like a bad idea ;p

10 years ago

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To be honest, I wouldn't respect you either after you try to "annoy" him. Why not just call the bus company or whoever is responsible, and tell them your experience? Name the bus line, direction, time, and where it happened, and they should know who was driving at that time and maybe you get lucky.

10 years ago

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Hehe, this might come handy somehow, thanks :D

10 years ago

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It's annoying to do all this, but probably you have higher chances to get this guy out of that bus, if you know what I mean. ;)

10 years ago

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I don't care what would happen to him all I want him to learn some respect with passengers and at all

10 years ago

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Well, I guess that's something you can't change. Some people won't learn, especially when they're grown and shit. :D

10 years ago

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Messing with him is only going to remind him that there's a lot of assholes in this world. I get that you were wronged, but go through proper channels. Getting told by your boss that passengers are unhappy is way more of a lesson than anything you can do to him.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Yeah, only OP is merely saying that "I want him to learn" crap as a justification for his own entitled, whiny, immature want for revenge due to his stunning inability to just drop this slight disrespect.

10 years ago

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He made the right choice. He maybe could have waited until you scanned it at the back, true. But how is he supposed to know you're not just a 'leecher'? (I don't even know if this word can be used outside of SG, lol.)

10 years ago

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Well, at my first route today nobody told me a word, even the driver, but when I had to go home then that bad driver started to act

10 years ago

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give the guy a break, the guy's a bus driver ffs, his life's not all fun and rainbow as it is. just ride another bus.

you deserve to be treated like a piece of shit for even asking for suggestions on how to fuck with a person's life even going so far as wanting to damage the thing he's using to make a living, just because you felt insulted.

10 years ago

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Ride another bus? I had to go home very far on foot when it's very cold or wait 'till another bus arrives and maybe I would be kicked from that bus too!

10 years ago

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If you're worried about getting kicked off from a completely different bus, maybe the problem is with you then..

But seriously, a normal and mature person wouldn't be doing what you're doing. Just deal with it and leave the guy alone.

10 years ago

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What's the problem with me? Is that logically thinking I would be kicked off from another bus and would need to stay in the cold?

10 years ago*

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so you wanted to ride the bus for free, and got told no.

10 years ago

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So did you actually tell him you were going to try a different scanner or did you just continue into the bus even after your ticket didn't work? I see people trying to get on the bus for free all the time and I'm guessing the bus driver does too...sounds like he was just doing his job

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

10 years ago

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that,or just stalk the bus driver until work time is over and then have fun :D

10 years ago

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You have no idea, no idea, what is to feel really hopeless in such situations, you may say yes but I won't believe you so please go away with that "grow up" mentality of yours ok?

10 years ago*

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Hopeless is not knowing where your next meal is coming from or how you're going to pay next month's rent. Or any manner of life altering situations.
Hopeless is NOT "oh dear, someone was mean to me. My life is over and I don't know what to do."

Grow up.

10 years ago

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You could've just say: it's ok, you'll get over it or something like that instead of saying grow up, DUHH!

10 years ago

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Oh, really? God you're an immature ass. I've seen bus drivers act racist to Turkish people in the bus, here, for not being able to speak Dutch or English. That's a definite cause for anger, resentment, and action - and I did stand up and walk to the front of the bus when it happened, and I mouthed off at the guy and told the Turkish old lady to just sit down, and I would pay her fare; after which I asked all of the driver's info, and basically shut him the fuck up with sharp critique (everyone on the bus was cheering me on, too), then took the issue to his company with an official complaint and threat of going to the police and reporting racism if he didn't shut his bigot face, quick. What you've posted is nowhere near such a case. What you've posted is a guy just being rude to you, and you being too much of an ego-centric and immature child to realise the guy might just be having a bad day, and learn to drop such very minor issues and move on with your life. The way you're posting; the tone of all your posts, the USE of CAPS, everything about you, reeks of an ego-centric, immature fool who needs to be smacked down a peg or two. With your attitude, if I met you in real life, you'd have nothing but disdain and disrespect from me, too.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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+1 :)

10 years ago

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Why don't you get off this forum and go play some more CoD to unleash some of your pent-up rage first, kid? I'm not going to help a rage-kid who uses words like "faggot" derogatorily gain revenge on someone doing their damn job. You had no valid ticket, get off the bus, or buy a new paper ticket. If a bus driver lets you stay on anyway, that's nice of them, but don't think you're entitled to stay on just because you had a defective ticket that should have worked. The fact that the driver was being rude could be due to a gazillion different things that have nothing to do with you. His wife could have been giving him shit at home, he could have been dealing with people who had no ticket before you several times, he could have even been nice to someone else that day who had a similar story of a non-functioning ticket who then screwed him over by just not trying to scan it at the back of the bus, and leaving the bus a few stops later. He could have been having a shit day - we all do sometimes. The fact that you were also having one doesn't entitle you to take revenge on a guy who - again - was doing his job. You can't even call it revenge, since the guy didn't technically do anything wrong other than be rude to you. If you now do something nasty to him, you're the rude and childish jackass, not him. Heck, you could've shown a shred of maturity, have bought a ticket and said something about how rude he was being, put him in his place politely yet sternly, then sat down, and this whole thing would not have been an issue.

The fact that you apparently didn't have the balls to say something about him being rude when it happened, right then and there, and now are shitposting on a gaming and giveaway-related forum of strangers looking for cheap, nasty tricks you can play on this guy rather than just dropping it or deciding to be a man and confront the guy in a normal manner the next time you see him shows how much of a coward and weasely, snivelling child you are. Take a good look in the mirror, OP. Grow the f up.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I wish you were that driver, go to a driving school and learn how to drive a bus ok?

10 years ago*

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By the way, weren't you a cat before?

10 years ago

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Yep, lemoncat in fact :D

I switch avatars every so now and then.. But my Steam nickname will always be - or include some form of - Shinobi :D

10 years ago

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lol you are an entitled asshole

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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As a rule, grown men in poor jobs don't react well to entitled kids.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by chimpanzeeSeven.