Unfortunately can't help myself, but I'd recommend you to also post it at http://math.stackexchange.com . So far they never failed to deliver an answer to my questions.
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Not really my cup of tea but this looks promising... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Householder_transformation
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I teach math, in other language unfortunately. Though I'm afraid I cannot explain well in English, I'll try.
(a, b) -> (X, Y), reflected by y=4/3x
First, {Y-b}/{X-a} = -3/4 (for they need to be crossed by right angle)
Second, {Y+b}/2 = 4/3[{X+a}/2] (for their middle point needs to be on the said line)
Solve two equations.
X = {-7a+24b}/25, Y = {24a+7b}/25
The matrix
[ -7/25 24/25]
[24/25 7/25]
(Edit) In terms of theta... we use them only for rotation, not reflect. But you may know theta by using calculator.
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I do not know the answer by heart... But, hey, we can figure it out; you want a linear transformation which takes:
i) v1=(cosθ,sinθ) into v1=(cosθ,sinθ) -- that will keep the line y=mx in place, immovable.
ii) v2=(-sinθ,cosθ) into -v2=(sinθ,-cosθ) -- that will take (a vector which is orthogonal to the line) to its negative.
And that is it -- if you know how the transformation operates on a basis, you know the transformation itself! Just take a matrix with the "outputs" in the columns:
A=[cosθ sinθ]
[sinθ -cosθ]
And make another one with the "inputs" in the columns:
B=[cosθ -sinθ]
[sinθ cosθ]
The matrix you want is A*B^(-1), that is:
M=[cosθ sinθ] * [ cosθ sinθ] = [cos2θ sin2θ]
[sinθ -cosθ] [-sinθ cosθ] [sin2θ -cos2θ]
just as you found online... Why doesn't it work for you? Taking M*P should give you P'.
Let us test this: when y=4/3 x, we have cosθ=3/5 and sinθ=4/5.
So cos2θ=(3/5)^2-(4/5)^2=-7/25 and sin2θ=2(3/5)(4/5)=24/25, and M is:
M=[-7/25 24/25]
[24/25 7/25]
just as Luthienjish found around here. :D
So, according to this, the symmetric of P=[2;1] would be P'=MP, you can finish the calculation.
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Luthienjish's response gives the right intuition and the easiest way of solving the problem, OP.
But note that the matrix you found online was actually correct: reflection across a line can be factored into the two linear transformations, as Luthienjish explained. First, you reflect the plane across the 45 degree line; and then you rotate the plane counterclockwise by twice the difference of the angles, from the x-axis, of the line of reflection and the 45 degree line until the transformed line of reflection coincides with the 45 degree line.
The first transformation interchanges the unit vectors (1,0) and (0,1), and has matrix ((0,1), (1,0)) like balloonmial said. A counterclockwise rotation by φ sends (1,0) to (cos φ, sin φ) and (0,1) to (-sin φ, cos φ), which implies that the second transformation, rotation by φ=2(θ-π/4), has matrix ((cos(2θ-π/2), -sin(2θ-π/2)), (sin(2θ-π/2), cos(2θ-π/2))=((sin 2θ, cos2θ), (-cos2θ, sin2θ)). Thus the final transformation has matrix ((cos 2θ, sin 2θ), (sin2θ, -cos2θ)).
Expressing the slope m=arctan(θ) of the line of reflection as a ratio of numbers y and x (the height and base, respectively, of the triangle between the x-axis and the line of reflection) and setting h=sqrt(x^2+y^2) (the hypotenuse of this triangle), we determine that the final transformation has matrix (1/h)^2 ((x^2-y^2), 2xy), (2xy, y^2-x^2)). In other words, the point (a,b) maps to (a cosθ + b sin2θ, a sin2θ - b cos2θ) = (1/h)^2 (a(y^2-x^2) + 2bxy, b(x^2 - y^2) + 2 axy).
In particular, when m=4/3, the transformation has matrix (1/25)((-7,24), (24, 7)) and (a,b) maps to (1/25) (-7 a + 24 b, 24 a + 7 b)). In your original example, the point (2,1) is reflected across the line y=4/3x to (2/5, 11/5).
All matrices above are written as lists of column vectors, i.e. ((a,b), (c,d)) stands for
a c
b d
with the appropriate brackets.
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tl;dr: How do I reflect (2,1) across y=4/3x with a transformation matrix? Formula?
What is the transformation matrix that I multiply a point by if I want to reflect that point across a line that goes through the origin in terms of the angle between the line and the x-axis?
In other words,
y = mx
θ is the angle between the x-axis and the line.
The position vector P
[ a ]
[ b ]
is a point on the same plane as the line.
The vector P' is P reflected across y=mx.
What matrix do I multiply P by to get P', in terms of θ?
I've looked online and found
[ cos(2θ) sin(2θ) ]
[ sin(2θ) -cos(2θ) ]
but I tested it and it doesn't work for me.
Also, examples with the vector
[ 2 ]
[ 1 ]
and the line
y = 4/3 * x
would help to stay consistent with my tests.
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