because it's free, mods most likely won't delete the giveaways because it's not massively given for free, but it will be considered bundle. Also by giving away these games the person will only make himself look like a guy who gives only free games and trash.
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If keys are freely given away, in large quantities, in a way that is easy to notice and participate in, and there's no purchase necessary, then they're added to the list [when the person in charge of it can manage the free time to add them].
You'll have to be more precise about dev-given keys, but if you mean keydrops, those usually aren't in quantities near large enough to qualify.
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Usually not enough of those get given out for SG staff to care.
Lets say the threshold is 500 keys, and in cases like that, SG has to just guess which side of that it falls under. Generally speaking, if there wasn't a special page/event for it, they seem to err on the side of 'not enough given out'.
It's clearly not down to a science, but then, there's no real way it could be.
Likewise, public keydrops aren't an issue, since the nature of those mean the keys'll be activated right away.
So you're left with 'publicly available, but only through private communication with the devs'. That generally boils down to 'e-mail us for a code'.
At that point, I think the staff just guesses based off how public the offer was.
For example, Blood of Old was given away free here on the SG forums, and the staff determined that the game wouldn't be considered free because of that- likely because so few people commented on the thread, indicating that likely very few people accepted the offer.
..of course, then the game got given away a ton of times on IndieGala shortly after, so, y'know.
But for a while, you saw a fair number of keys for the game being put up, AND offering CV.
Personally, I found that VERY distasteful, but..
Well, sometimes the system doesn't work as well as it likely ought :P
Does that all about line up with what you were trying to say? :)
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Yup 100% perfect answer! 100/100 score!
but its sad to say a lot of free games are given away these days and I have the worst luck. 9/10 games that I spent money either in steam or bundles are getting free so I decided that I will stop buying bundles. Its so sad to see when you spend money on free stuff.
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orlygift arent free keys. they're raffled
i've participated in plenty of these raffles and never gotten one
there was only one case i can think of where they gave away so many that they ran out of people to give keys to, that being doorways: holy mountains of flesh
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I just won once, was "The Escapists" i guess... Next week the game was free :c
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Well, to be fair, a lot of the games that are "given for free" are given in limited quantities (2000, 5000, 10000, etc) and run out long before everyone can get one. Should we be allowed to give those away? No, of course not.
Just because the system they're using is more time-consuming and random rather than first come first served doesn't make the game you get any less "free." And the whole Fallout thing ... that was 1 key LOL. Hardly comparable.
TLDR: Orlygift is giving out free keys randomly, rather than first come first served. Still in large quanities, however, and still free.
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If you didn't want the key for yourself, why would you enter for it and take someone else's chance away?
Just for CV?
Not necessarily. ORLY gives you entry points for each round you enter on.
They may have been trying to earn points [for a later giveaway] and gotten a 'lucky' win.
I've had that happen to me twice before, with very improbable odds.
In more detail: You're basically always down to 0 points after a win, so you try to earn some from the next game put up. Sometimes you win that game with just 5 or so entry points, even though the average is at 60 or so, among hundreds of entrants.
So it does happen; and so in the case of ORLY, you can't assume anything too harsh.
tl;dr, ORLY has a pretty shitty giveaway system. :P
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That's why I asked.
Besides, if you did win, and you were doing it for points only (for future giveaways) why wouldn't you add it to your account rather than come here to give it away? You get +10 points just for doing a quick review of the game, which you cannot do if it's not registered to your account.
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True. And that's what I did for one of my two games... hhmmm.
Well, what if they already owned the game? Then they couldn't activate it again, and would get the 10 points anyway for reviewing the copy they already had.
So that's a feasible explanation?
Could also be that they'd rather the game go to someone who would enjoy it more (as I did with the other win), which also seems a good mindset to have on it.
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Yep, guess those are all viable explanations. (I actually entered/won the most recent one because it was the only game I wanted from a recent bundle). I was just wondering about the mindset of the OP is all.
I think if I were to win one I didn't want while farming for points for a future giveaway (which hasn't actually happened yet LOL), I'd probably just do a key drop in the forums to avoid any repercussions for giving away a "free game". To each his own, though -- I consider it a "free game" and wouldn't create a GA for it. I don't enter for any that I don't want, though, either. YMMV.
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Oh, no. Definitely wasn't indicating they should post it as a giveaway. Far to the contrary.
Just wanted to cover the bases, before people started making potentially incorrect assumptions =O
I've certainly no idea what the OP's intent was, I just wanted to make sure to give them the benefit of the doubt, first :)
My apologies if I mistook your initial tone as being more accusative than it actually was =O
And yeah, I don't get people trying to push the matter on free games. It doesn't say a lot about their character that they feel they should be able to break rules to get credit for things they didn't personally earn :X
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And yeah, I don't get people trying to push the matter on free games. It doesn't say a lot about their character that they feel they should be able to break rules to get credit for things they didn't personally earn :X
Yeah, that's what I was trying to determine. Kinda seems like re-gifting from my perspective is all, and we all know why people re-gift. I'm actually shocked to see how many people in this thread think it should be alright to "farm CV" with games you received for free. I bet the shoe would be on the other foot if they caught someone re-gifting a win from them. sigh
I just go by the rules as given. Don't give away free games -- so if I didn't buy it, I don't give it away. :P
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I have 150 pts on there and failed some 20 rounds on braveland wizard. but I'm pretty sure this site treats all those raffles as 'free keys' (regardless of the quantity), so you can't use them for giveaways. don't understand the rationale myself, except in the case of that holy mountains of flesh game, laugh.
ed: I should say, for the 'normal' games. Obv. Fallout 4 isn't listed as a free game now, even though they had that extremely generous 24 hour raffle for 1 fallout key
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Feel free, if you want. :)
I certainly usually miss a few of those, who are trying to show such a great act of kindness as "giving away" a free game and sometimes I clean my BL from those individuals, but if you see nothing wrong with CV farming and taking away chances from people, who would actually like to play the game that is being offered in such raffles/massive giveaways, then I'm far from being interested in your gibs.
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I'm one of those "twats". Feel free to blacklist me :)
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Having asked site staff this very question [since for a time ORLY keys were not being added to the free list] they did officially clarify that orly keys [with the exception of the very low quantity giveaways, like 1x Just Cause, etc] count as free giveaways.
Also, whether you have to 'win' or not doesn't matter: So long as you don't have to purchase anything to enter the raffle/giveaway, the quantity of games being given away is the deciding factor.
In any case, at this point, ORLY games are properly being added to the free list:
So as Mullins indicated, if you think a game might NOT qualify as free [due to low quantity], you should just wait a few days and see if it is added or not.
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I don't agree ORLY keys should be treated as free.
If ORLY keys should be treated as "free".
dwarfs!?, Ruzh Delta Z, and TeraBlaster should be treated as "free".
Because "dwarfs!?" be giveaway 100,000 copies by developer himself "here".
Because "Ruzh Delta Z" be giveaway 8,850 copies by developer community (not by individual gamer) "here".
Because "TeraBlaster" be giveaway 4,550 copies by developer community "here".
Come on, that's ridiculous.
Of course, they are free now. Because they are giveaway for free in unlimited amount later.
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I don't agree ORLY keys should be treated as free.
Why are you telling me this? I didn't have any say or consideration in the matter.
Go put in a support ticket if you've a concern with it.
SG giveaways do appear to be an intentional exception to the rule, then, if you're correct- or perhaps the rules have changed, since.
Again, I wouldn't know. I've parroted back all I know on the subject, you'll have to ask support directly for more.
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I apologize.
My English is too poor to realize it is an official reply rather than your opinion.
You are right, I write ticket now, and to ORLY too.
ORLY allow private steam profile get entry, which means the winner can giveaway keys without risk.
It is ok in this point but, however, they asking for review to gain more entry.
This only make fake reviews.
And thanks for your clarifying!
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There's no need to remove games given away here, because if you win one you have to activate it on your own account.
So if anyone uses one of these keys for a giveaway, it will just end up deleted because it's regifted.
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Like it says on the title, Im not sure if it is considered as "free" since you have to win it first. Can someone answer me this please??
EDIT 1: I sent a ticket to SG support and they answered that they remove the games from the giveaway list. The exceptions are the giveaways for a single key, like they did with Fallout 4 and Just Cause 3.
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