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It just became available along with prime too in egypt a few days ago, so may be it won't be far off before it becomes available to india as well.
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I absolutely love this trend, that's gotten so notable post-Epic, of games going free right after they're in a bundle.
Super duper customer-friendly. :|
(Technically Prime isn't free, sure, but 1: You can usually get a free trial for it or, if you're not offered one, generally get a free trial simply by making an alt account and 2: It's still looking to be a much, much better deal than the related ME:LE Choice bundle even at cost.)
granted a lot will probably be their own client
I feel as though they've moved away from that since they dropped the Twitch association. Of the two or three Prime months I've had since they dropped Twitch, I don't know that I've had a single game that required thair App (instead getting a blend of SteamUplay, Origin, and GOG keys). Not to say that'll be the case here, but with so many of the games being EA, I'm expecting those at least to end up being Origin keys.
(Especially as that's not just the norm for EA games offered through Amazon, but also for EA games offered through other mediums, such as Humble- rule of thumb for EA is that they actively want to encourage people onto their client, rather than encourage them elsewhere, so there's a large marketing aspect to how they handle their key promotions.)
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Amazon Prime doesn't give away Steam keys as far as I'm aware. Also plenty of games still require the app. So...
Edit: you also need to give credit card credentials to create an account so it's not that easy to make more than one account (as far as I know). I also found this thread about someone reusing the same credit card info:
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Amazon Prime doesn't give away Steam keys as far as I'm aware. Also plenty of games still require the app. So...
I had meant to say "Uplay" key, not Steam, sorry. That said, as I noted later in, my primary focus was on the EA games specifically being unlikely to not be key-based (with the added intention of noting an overall possibility of getting non-Amazon activations, by noting that Amazon wasn't exclusively sticking to local activations, as they had prior to the Twitch disassociation) rather than trying to indicate anything towards Amazon activations directly [ie, in regards to there being games requiring the app or not].
Rather, never once was I trying to give the impression that games wouldn't require the app, to the point where that conclusion actually seems a bit of an extreme interpretation of what I was saying. Well, I guess my statement of "moved away from" could be interpreted as being more emphatic than I intended, if it was interpreted without the intented correlation to "a lot [= most] will probably be on their own client" and instead was correlated to "any will be on their own client". [Though, given that the current month only has one external activation, such an outlook/intention would be a rather bizarre one.]
[TL;DR:] So, to reiterate my intended initial point: EA games are likely to be origin keys, and it's a crapshoot on if other keys'll be Amazon or external, so there's no way of truly knowing what kind of activations we'll be getting until the promotion goes active.
you also need to give credit card credentials to create an account so it's not that easy to make more than one account (as far as I know)
I can't say I've ever attempted to make a second Amazon account, but I recall the process being described as being fairly easy, with such indications even being made in previous discussions on the matter here on SG. Moreover, the using of different payment information for different accounts is considered a basic practice, even just when making legitimate family accounts for your kids (ie, even if you immediately disassociate your payment information afterward, you still utilize a different payment method to avoid any flagging).
I don't know about outside of the US, but over here it's remarkably easy to get multiple cards to work with. Even those with credit ratings too poor to qualify for standard credit cards can utilize specialized credit cards targetted towards low credit ratings, or can choose to open multiple bank accounts (thus acquiring multiple debit cards). You can potentially even just get additional debit cards by opening different banking accounts (eg, checking, savings) at the same bank. Further, in some cases, prepaid cards can even work for credit card authorization. And that's all before you factor in that some sites also allow alternative payment methods like Paypal (as is the case with Humble, for example).
In other words, there's always a way, and it's always something that can be done relatively easy, and can sometimes be done within a single afternoon, and can typically be done without any long term downsides. In fact, several banks give you cash bonuses for opening accounts with them (typically with the requirement that you keep your account open and above a certain balance for a certain period of time following), so you can potentially even double up on the benefits for your efforts.
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Rather, given that the current month only has one external activation, such an outlook/intention would be a rather bizarre one
Yeah, that was what I was thinking :D
I interpreted it that way basically because you said:
Of the two or three Prime months I've had since they dropped Twitch, I don't know that I've had a single game that required thair App
While it seems you meant not a single EA game, no biggie ("their" not "thair", while I'm at it :D).
Amazon Prime only accepts a very limited amount of pay options actually (depending on your country), and sadly PayPal isn't one of them. It also would not accept my (very common in my country) debit card either. I was only able to make an account through because it had an option that did work for me (don't recall what it was). So I don't know how easy it's in the US, but in Europe you have to pay for credit cards like Visa and Mastercard, and many of those other US cards simply aren't available here (well not in my country of Belgium at least). And debit cards from my country don't seem to be accepted, which you also have to pay for if you want to open a new account (unless you're a teenager).
Also I forgot that they require a unique phone number now too. So while it may have been easy in the past to make multiple accounts (depending on your country), I don't think it's that easy now. It depends how easily you can get your hands on payment options which Amazon accepts and unique phone numbers I suppose. It's probably still doable, don't know how "easy" it would be though.
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I always check it to make sure I get free stuff. Although Mass Effect Legendary Edition, GRID Legends, Need For Speed Heat, and Star Wars: Jedi Academy were Origin keys as far as I remember. I've got them all, so I'm not that excited of that to be fair. I'll probably give them away if I find any duplicates, but it's nice to see that we got options.
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Yeah. I've been using Prime for almost 4 years now. I find it quite convenient since I watch Prime movies, I deliver my stuff with Prime, I give free subs to Twitch users that I want to support and like and I get free games. It's a good package I am not going to lie.
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I'm not using it at all as I don't watch much tv or movies anymore and shipping for Amazon is ridiculous here anyway.
Luckily for me though my sister uses it and she doesn't care about the gaming part lol but if you're not paying for it specifically, it's not a bad deal. You get free games in a package you would pay for anyway.
I have no idea how Luna will be but that probably will change things though.
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Yeah, I do wish Amazon would directly collaborate with Steam, so we'd have more games for steam than Origin or Ubisoft. I get that some games aren't on Steam, but if they are, give them to the boys and girls who use the best platform on the market. 😀
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I won't lie and say I will ignore this but given the past months of games they have selected, and the list given here (which I am guessing are the "big" games) I'm not holding any hope of spectacular offerings. If only because anyone already on Prime in the past 6 months already got all of these in their regular monthly bundle...
I thank you for the heads up though.
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What are you talking about?
Of the "main games" (the ones listed in the OP), not a single one has been free on prime before.
I'm genuinely confused.
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Eh, they don't give steam keys so I don't really care, just give them all to friends that don't have Prime
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Quality steam keys are rarely free. They are usually trash games besides Ark recently. If you're looking for free keys on steam you're probably in the wrong spot.
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I'm not looking for free keys my dude, I'm saying that Prime doesn't give out steam games and I refuse to use other services than steam, so in this regard Prime is useless to me!
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Think that's against the rules but hey just so you know. It wasn't provided as a key it was linked to your ubisoft account.
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I saw this the other day, glad you made this for more people to see.
I've been pretty happy with prime gaming lately. The games alone have been really good lately considering they've had some actual Triple AAA titles (compared to the random unknown indies they had for awhile there.)
All the extras have been really awesome too, especially since I play a lot of mobile games it's been nice theyve had things for the mobile platform too. Prime is practically worth it for the gaming perks alone lol
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Hmm.. I do prefer Steam as my main client but I don't "really" care which client I use in the end. Might actually try out Prime..
Anyone who has it - how does it work? for example - does it also include prime video or that's a separate service? Maybe something important I should know before making an account?
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4+ games free on Luna. Rest you have to pay for. Pretty much everything else is free.
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It's Amazon Prime. That does include Prime Video and their other Prime services. I have a family member who subscribes to Prime. Through family sharing I also have access to it, which does include the monthly games. I think it's a very nice thing to have if you're subscribed to Prime, but I wouldn't recommend subscribing just to get the games in general. With so many extra games coming in July, it might be worth giving it a try.
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For the gaming part, it is usually one or two games as a key for Origin or Ubi, and other games as a download in the Prime client (I never launched it yet so I can't tell about the experience, I'm only adding the games to my account for now). I don't know if you can still play the games after stopping subscription.
Regarding Video and Music, be warned that they are paid services. Prime access is like a teaser: some things are included in the basic Prime sub, but most movies and songs will need an additional sub to be accessed.
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Yes, Prime Video is included. You also get Amazon Music and Prime Reading. With the Amazon store you get free shipping and also exclusive member discounts.
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I just looked this up as I wasn't aware this was part of it. Thanks for mentioning it :)
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Well the first batch is disappointing to say the least. Like a bad Fanatical rebundle except not with Steam keys.
And a bunch of games from "Legacy Games" (never heard of them before but the games look crap) that require... you guessed it, registration to a third party site and a launcher.
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They still havent given access to Prime Gaming in India :'(
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50 Comments - Last post 51 minutes ago by Raggart
had this come through my browser on a news site i go to. Before people complain, yes i know a lot of people are not fans of other clients apart from steam, but to those unaware, it is something to keep an eye out for
"This year’s Amazon Prime Day takes place from July 12 to 13 and it’s been announced that over 50 games in total will be given away for free over the next two months."
translated - if you have Amazon prime, that's 50, yes 50 free games. granted a lot will probably be their own client , and most likely the rest will be origin.........
"30 of those will be made available over Prime ‘Day’ itself, including notable games such as Mass Effect Legendary Edition, GRID Legends, Need For Speed Heat, and Star Wars: Jedi Academy, Jedi Outcast, and Republic Commando."
For those who either missed it when it was given, or were after a free copy to give to a relative ( or friend ), it does seem like a lot of the keys will be keys previously given through monthly prime. Regardless tho of client, i always prefer to have a nice healthy collection of games on various clients , you know, just in case one goes down.
anyways, just letting you good folks know..... don't shoot the messanger
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