1-2 Sessions. If by then i still think i dont like it, im stop playing it...
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It really depends on the game.
And to answer your question . Its usually 1-2 hours then I think for a bit to see what its going on and off about the game and is at least the story/gameplay enjoyable and then depending on the result I either bin the game or continue to play it for a bit more.
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Oh yeah 2. reminded me of Mass Effect 3. Most of the hate that game got was the really bad ending. I thought the majority of the game was alright but that ending was really bad.
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Its a pretty much a hatewagon that is still going on even after Bioware redeemed themselves with releasing the Director's Cut DLC that also added some changes to end mission. But frankly, I found the ending of Witcher 3 lacking(especially after you see how little of the whole base game actually affects it ) .
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I never played the director cut DLC. I think I remember looking up the new endings on YouTube. I haven't played Witcher III yet. I had a good time with the second game though.
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I kinda hate Witcher 2 for 2 reasons : 1. Combat - felt choppy and alchemy kinda feel useless without skilling it up 2. Story seems to be aimed at people familiar with the books so for half of the game I was in the black.
Director's Cut pretty much changes the whole ending cutscene (though cant recall what was the original atm) - you get sceens with the major fleets you recruit during the main story, scene with your choice of action at the end and after the Normandy's crash you get slideshow with narration about the future of your remaining crew and races.
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The combat was bad. I played through it on the hardest difficulty for my first playthrough and holy hell that game pissed me off during some boss battles. If you made like 1 wrong move you got instant killed a lot of times.
I've never even played the first game or read the books. I did like the writing though and really enjoyed the world and setting.
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I had most fun in first game since it was an introduction to an universe and need to get comfortable with a new character and that made well.. sadly the same thing happens and in 2 and in 3 so they just feel like stand-alone games in general than series .
Btw in Witcher 2 some mobs get glitched if they get trapped in Yrden xD Including some boss fights
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It's not that you dislike playing the game, but you don't recommend it because of certain reasons. For example Payday 2, I played 1k hours, did I enjoy it? Yes, I have fun playing it, doing all challenges/achievements, but I wouldn't recommend it to others to buy it because of the DLCs, you would need to pay for every single one of them or have a group of friends where one of you buys the DLC so others can join the heist. But even then you are missing out on some of the content unlocked by the DLC.
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In the same boat with PD2. I'm on a break from it because every so often I get bored with it but it just has too much DLC to recommend.
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Isn't one of the reasons that game is hated is because the developers promised they would never add micro transactions and then they added it anyway? I have both paydays but I haven't played them. I just idled both of them for cards.
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That's part of it, but that isn't the whole story.
As for FrozenStalker and I the biggest barrier is the mounds of DLC. It's difficult to recommend because of that. And because it can be a grind, and even with DLC the game is a bit difficult at first for many new players.
It's a complicated issue. I've had friends leave before microtransactions, leave because of them, leave after them, and then some of them have returned.
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It's the reason people could get behind by to complain without being ignored. People were already unhappy with the amount of DLCs, micro transactions were only the last straw. Both games give plenty of challenges if you have a group of 4 players, PD:TH being the harder game while PD2 having more content.
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Not too much. I--and most people--have too many games to play something you find to be a slog. I've begun to put games into the figurative waste bin quicker because of this fact.
When I was a wee lad and I owned physical copies of games, and very few games, I was limited to playing what I had. Maybe I overlooked a game's flaws more readily, or maybe I just appreciated things, I don't know.
But for those of us that have 500/1000/3000 games, it's often quite counterproductive to try to wring fun out of an unenjoyable game. You already paid for it. It's a sunk cost. Your gaming time should be dedicated to finding enjoyment in gaming, not squeezing blood from a stone to somehow get your $0.50/$7.50/$29.99/$59.99 worth when you really can't because if you aren't enjoying it then it isn't worth much.
That's not to say I know how you should play or when you should give up on a game. I'm just saying that most of us have too many options to finish a game's 15-hour story mode only to admit that they didn't like the game, the plot, the gameplay mechanics, etc.
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Yeah I nearly have 500 in my account and I don't put very much time into games I'm not enjoying. Hell I have games in my library that I was enjoying and then I got sidetracked with something else and never finished the game.....
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Precisely. Most people don't seem to have time to play games they know they like--why play something you don't like?
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PerfectWorld (morpg) - over 1000 h
StarCraft 2 (rts) - over 500 h
Diablo 3 (hack-n-slash) - over 1000 h
and more
There are many games that do not bring pleasure, but that you continue to play in the hope of finding something that will entice you. Unfortunately, not all games are able to attract, even after many hours of play ...
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I'm currently playing Risen. I'm about 8 hours in. I really wanted to learn magic, but I can't find the solution for one quest I need to do before learning magic. I'm starting to feel like the game is a burden.
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Or maybe some games are just like GTA V, where both singleplayer and multiplayer are game options, but most people give it an overall negative review solely based on the multiplayer experience. Basically if you read 90% of the negative reviews on GTA V, they'll be about multiplayer hackers, but will also say that the singleplayer story is amazing. And those are all guys with hundreds of hours played.
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That is a good point. I've mainly played GTA for the stories and mayhem. Don't really care for Multiplayer in GTA.
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Really depends on the game. But usually I decide wheter or not to play it after 1-2 hours, although I'm a bit more patient when it comes to things like strategy games (I'm a huge fan of strategy games and know that the beginning of such games can be boring/too hard, but the fun can come in later).
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Depends on the game and why I'm playing it. If I have to review a game but I dislike it, I put the minimum of time I can into it. I try to understand the game, explore its contents and then enjoy it as much as I an but sometimes it's just not possible. But I would be doing a disservice to review something and just say "I don't like it" without giving it a fair chance and then explaining why I didn't like it.
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Hmmm...I would say up to an hour. If it's early access or a big patch was released that changed how the game was when I played it the first time and I think it's worth it, then I will give it another try :)
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I agree how it is seemingly senseless to play through a game that isn't enjoyable. In my case, I played through Trulon: The Shadow Engine and felt like giving up on the game until I saw that it was on many wishlists of friends. The overall reviews used to be Positive on the steamstore page at the time due to the dubious positive reviews from various curators/reviewers (most likely they got the game for free).
My reason for playing through Trulon is to help warn friends and other potential buyers from the disappointment they will experience from this inaccurately rated game. It was my first steam review that I put real effort into writing. Had to restart the game twice as well from the bugs but I think it was worth it because it seems to have encouraged other users to share their negative experiences in the review section.
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there's lots of different reasons i'd argue
first of all if they say it's bad in a review it could be more of saying it's objectively bad, and they personally actually like it
and then there's when it becomes bad/unbearable for them, if its towards the end or perhaps even after the end of the game it'd make perfect sense for them to play until completion, whereas if it's towards the beginning it might not
they could also have a sliver of hope that maybe it might not be TOO bad, or that it'll pick up later
i could go on, but it's pretty much a case by case sorta deal i think
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I'm still struggling to finish Soma - and I want to finish it before I write a review, that will be negative. Which is greatly surprising, even to me as the game looked cool, people LOVE it, the story is great, yet I feel often that it's as enjoyable to play it most of the time as spending time at the dentist's. It will get downvoted to hell, I'm pretty sure about it. But I want to get out of me, how badly designed the game feels for me, and how uninvolved I feel with the game. ( Taking a glance to the negative reviews, besides the obvious haters, the proper reviews mention the same weaknesses I feel the game has, so at least I'm not completely crazy) If I'll be able to point out important gameplay aspects to someone, who will pay attention from it, and knowingly paying attention to it in the future, my review will reach it's goal :)
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"I don't understand how folks can keep continuing to play a game they hate or dislike though."
Welcome to my world... I am a game designer so I should dissect games (especially bad ones) to understand what they did right and how they did it. Sometimes it takes longer than usual (15 min), sometimes I feel like the dev hid something later in the game and push forward. After 15 mins, I rarely find what I look for though.
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I don't finish games that I really hate - like DH games :) But in cases like that you don't have to play long to write bad review.
I finish games if I have mixed feelings about them xD I wan't to see if it's getting better later or I just play to see ending/earn achievements.
Sometimes I give negative review to games that I liked but they did some things terribly wrong. For example Evil Maze - I liked the game but because of weird design decision and/or bug I had to start game from the beginning because I couldn't enter room with the finall boss :/
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It's like The Division. Most bad reviews are from people with 100+ hours on the game, and it's simply because Ubisoft f*cked them over and totally gave up on the game, letting hackers take over and leaving the game lacking in content. I can imagine that being really disappointing for people who used to be very invested in a game.
Personally, I'll give up on a game pretty quickly unless I really want to like it, in which case I'll take months to complete the bare minimum of the game. Abandoning a game always bothers me a lot though, I hate leaving things unfinished.
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I've noticed that some folks with hundreds or thousands of hours of playtime in games will write negative review about game or go on a forum and complain about 'x' game. I think there are some good reasons for this. Maybe they did enjoy the game before and then a update ruined it or maybe they forced themselves to finish it so they could write a full review.
I don't understand how folks can keep continuing to play a game they hate or dislike though.
So my question is how much time will you invest in a game you aren't enjoying before you move on to something else?
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