I picked up the Ultimate Edition two or three sales ago, but I'm just popping in to compliment you on choosing to give away the best one.
I'm...trying to be optimistic about 4, I guess. Unless I win it I won't be playing at launch. I actually didn't hate 3, but the writing is pretty dire, and it looks like 4 is focusing on areas I'm not really interested in. (Companion romance, base building...)
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Yes I am, might even buy a new GPU just for this game since theorically I can't run it ^^
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It runs on Creation, the engine of Skyrim; that was one of the first things confirmed. Just as a comparison: the switch from Windows 98 to Windows 7 contributed more to the difference in actual graphical hardware requirements between the 2002 Morrowind and the 2010 Fallout 3, than what the game engine really demanded. FO3 ran fine on an Intel HD 3000. And Creation is still the same engine, just rewritten to support multi-core hardware and 64-bit environments.
So if you can run Skyrim, you should be able to run FO4 the same.
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So-so. I will play it eventually.
Thank you for this option. Everyone is either in BethBoy+ mode thinkingor as cynical as me.
It may be an enjoyable action shooter/MineCraft hybrid. Heck, maybe they did hire a writer this time as some rumour suggest, so maybe this won't be the same "story" they rehash since Oblivion.
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Depends on your definition of decent. If you mean one with actual choices and branching storyline, then no. Bethesda is incapable of doing that ever since Oblivion. Heck, even Morrowind's quests were mostly two-choice scenarios, if you really think about it.
If you mean something above the almost two dozen "collect infinite amounts of this junk item for money" ones that made up half of Fallout 3, then yes, I believe they put more effort into the fetch quests, which I assume will mostly be about the base building now. And if you enjoy killing mobs, the trailers promise a lot more of that.
I'll try to do the same I did with Fallout 3 after I saw the first ghoul who were obviously turned into zombies. There, I switched off the game and didn't touch it for months. Then started playing it as Rage 1.5, as something not even remotely Fallout but just another dungeon crawler. Then I put almost 700 hours in it (not many shows due to FOSE and offline modes).
FO4 promises better theme park map, but the MineCraft parts make me worry. This is the so-so part for me. I don't expect the writing to be anything more than background noise that must be neglected, as for all Bethesda GS games, but I'm hoping for a good map at least.
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cool but i can't play it because i'm stuck on dual core and 4 gb ram! :((
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Im not sure what to make of it, yet. I loved Fallout 3 back then, but couldn't get into New Vegas after that, it just felt like more of the same, in different color.
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Gameplay in Fallout 3 and Battlefield works very differently though, unlike Fallout 3 and New Vegas. That's why I mentioned "they both play the same". The only similarity between UT'99 and Deus Ex is the engine. Perhaps some of the soundtrack too.
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Gameplay and the map design in FO3 and NV works differently too. So is the crafting system. And the battle system. The only things that are the same are the engine and the UI. And even the scripting engine isn't the same because Fallout 3 mods don't work on the New Vegas engine. Heck, a team of people have spent years porting FO3 into NV with a mod, but it's still not working 100% due to the massive changes.
So, "the only similarity between Fallout 3 and New Vegas is the engine."
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No, because Fallout and Battlefield don't look or play the same. Neither do UT and Deus Ex.
At least not in the way that F3 and FNV similarities go. I'd say there are way more similarities between them, than differences.
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Still, I read so many comments of people liking one but not the other, that I think the difference between the two games is tangible. I played both (not completed though) and I must say I enjoyed them, for different reasons as they really feel different.
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Oddly enough, I'm psyched for Fallout 4, despite never having really played a Fallout game. There just seems to be so much to do in the next game that I can't help but get excited (<3 all the customization)
Now, I say I haven't really played a Fallout game, because I did technically try New Vegas last year on PS3... For about 30 minutes, before losing interest due to the control scheme, and returning it to Gamefly (rental). I've always preferred to play shooters on PC, so I didn't really give it a fair chance on console.
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I'll only play it when certain mods release,
I haven't play Tales of Zestiria too because lack of DLC that been released.
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Already finished Witcher 3 and the first expansion :(
I wish they showed us more of the world and quests of Fallout 4, they have barely showed anything so still don't know what to expect from it, really.
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Thank you Exinferis. I only played the original and Fallout 2. Fallout 3 and New Vegas are in my wishlist for some time, but I hope sooner or later to take them too.
Regarding Fallout 4 I'm not very enthusiastic, just because I can not play it on the machine with which I am now.:)
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Best of luck then ^.^
In case you didn't see them, there are two more public giveaways for FO3 (level 1) and FO:NV (level 4)
Who knows, maybe you'll own both games real soon ^.^
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Thank you Exinferis, you are very kindly. I will certainly participate, but I am not in a hurry in no way.:) Even now I have a good enough and some even incredibly good games to play, so I will not be bored.
I guess you will soon enter the bunker and we will not hear anything from you soon?:)
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if the writing and quest deisgn is as good as it was in New Vegas, they def yes, but ill wait and see what the peeps say.
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of course im excited, i cant wait til goty goes down to $5,90 so i can grab a copy too !!
so yeah as excited as one can be knowing how most likely i wont get it to play for another year or two :D
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329 Comments - Last post 19 minutes ago by Tsukichild
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1,604 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by BaconChizBurger
So we're only two weeks away from Fallout 4.
I've been waiting for this game for years and when the news finally hit at E3, I had a nerdgasm.
I had a couple of bucks left on my account and decided to make a Fallout: New Vegas giveaway for those who weren't able to play it 'till now. Hopefully the bots won't find it:
EDIT: BONUS SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NybY4V4bK0
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