This idea is...
15seconds and one key i was interested in is ninja'd already..yeh.
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I've imagined it as giving the bracelet directly to the person saying "hi, I'd like to make someone happy, here's something for you, it's handmade by me. I have a blog too where I show people that you can make somebody happy with just a small gift and being nice to them so would you mind if I'd took a picture for this blog?" - I'd answer "of course".
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I would love it; and why is she worried about being found childish since the reciever don't know who made it in the first place?!
places where people sit down and look around for a while and rest a bit are great places for these presents. The presents might be overlooked or thrown away if put in buses or restaurants or something
blog would be fun to capture the faces of people finding the presents. But a lot of work and more fun if you can get an audience for it. involves some work...
people here sometimes decorate lampposts with wool...
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It's K. writting:
I've heard about this idea of decorating lamp-posts, it's called yarn bombing ;) I thought it was some sort of event that takes place once a year, but I've read more about it.
And thanks for advice! Maybe you're right about buses. Gifts might be overlooked there.
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damn, it even has a name :)
I like the idea of turning 'ugly' public objects into something nice, a litlle work of art. Brings a smile upon my face everytime I see one. So maybe something similar is something for you too!
Keep on the good work making random strangers happy! in a way it's sorta like steamgifts!
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Is this inspired by the person leaving crocheted Pokémon at Pokéstops?
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Ah ok, hello K :)
My answers:
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It's K. again ;) Thanks a lot for encouraging words. Libraries and bookstores would be really perfect for leaving bookmarks, I have to try that! Currently I'm trying to set up some sort of blog, both for stuff given away and to share pictures of what I made.
I wanted to "target kids" to give them some bracelets but I didn't know how to approach them. I'm worried that I'll look like this (visualisation gif):
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cmon... she calls herself a hag? dude tell her she isnt.
EDIT: also u can always leave an anonymous email on the package saying they can post images of themselves with the bracelet IF they feel like it.
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1 No it isn't childish. And if it were, there is nothing wrong about being childish in your spare time.
2 No idea. But it should be some clean and friendly areas. So park benches are pretty much perfect.
3 You already figured it out, the blog seems ideal.
4 Maybe share the joy of creating and sharing? Teaching kids in a Kindergarten maybe. You could use the blog to propose your idea to them.
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There is nothing childish about it, I think it's a very cute idea :D I think the gifts being used will depend from what gift it is and the person who receives it. For example I wouldn't use a bracelet but I would keep it in its gift wrap forever. I would use a bookmark and I would also keep its gift box. There is no way I would throw away something special like that. Also I love handcrafted gifts no matter the quality.
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That's adorable, anyway be careful, leaving a shady package in a metro or in a public place can lead to big misunderstandings.
I've seen a few stations closed because "someone left a package and ran away"
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1-It's a pretty good idea and the pitures look great. I would love to find a bookmark like one of those (I work with gloves, so not much of a bracer user...)
2-If she is happy with it, of course it is worth the effort. With the blog on air, she can post pictures of the gifts being placed and some tips about the place, so people can go look for it.
3-The blog is a great idea. Put an email with the message so people can send their selfies with the gifts. Waiting to take their pictures can be very time consuming and maybe frustrating.
4-She could accept requests on the blog and randomly choose one or a few every month. The person would pay for shipping and agree to send a picture as soon as receiving it.
She can also post some tutorial videos on how to make it and give tips to beginners.
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It's K. writing:
Thank you for your ideas. I'm trying to set up some sort of blog to post pics of given goodies and other handmade things. I might use some of your ideas if the whole blog-thingy works out. Especially #4 and some tutorials. But it'll take time to make it possible.
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1.) I really like this idea, it's a nice surprise for everyone who comes across it.
2.) I don't usually go out often, but the places that you guys are already leaving surprises seems like good places. The bracelets and bookmarks are really cute, I wonder if you could do key chains?
3.) you should definitely put up a blog, it might encourage others to do the same, and the comments would be fun to read. I don't think you should wait for a comment for the "victim", or post an email, but if you make a blog, you could probably leave it on the note so people could check it out.
4.) I doubt your fiancee will look insane randomly giving away things, it might be a little weird, but it's still a nice surprise. I can't seem to think of any other ideas.
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Love the idea!
Yours presents are small in size and can be easily put on a bus, metro, train-seat, in coffee-shops, in stores, ext. The crowds there make the "gifter" invisible. And if somebody spots you, a smile and "shush" sigh with gift to the person will make it good.
For the "feedback part" - a simple link and/or QR code to FB page/blog will make it easily accessible for the modern-day social-ninjas. With the simple "Where did you find me?" and "Did this make you smile?" questions it'll be a great start.
There's books on the bus and trains already. Last winter in some cities of Bulgaria we made winter-coat "presents" for those in need. Can't find now useful links of course! But giving is always great!
I am 31 y.o. and smile to strangers everyday. In the 99% grumpy population, if I get 2 smiles back, I know I made someone's day better.
Smiling makes you happy. I'm a chemist, trust me!
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I think it is an adorable idea. I think there are people who will be happy about it but also those who do not care. In this regard I would think it is better not to stay close to watch the reactions because it can be discomforting. Also it is more interesting for the receiver if there is noone close so it stays mysterious.
If you want reactions I would suggest making the blog-post and just leaving a web-url with the gift. So people can visit the blog and tell what they thought (and post screenshots). This way she will mostly get positive feedback since the non-carers usually do not comment. She just have to think if she remains "anonymous" in the blog.
As for places it is hard. Depending on how long it takes to find the gift you have to consider the weather. In the open rain will be a problem. But you can't tie those gifts everywhere like in a book store. It will raise suspicion and stuff like that. Also the "giftcard" needs to emphasize it is a gift for a random stranger so they know it is okay to take it.
This is everything coming to my mind at the moment. Maybe I'll add later.
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Hi, it's K. :
Thank you for every useful tip you gave me. Of course on the attachet notes it's said that it's a gift for whoever finds it etc. I'm more and more into creating a blog. It'd be the easiest way to get some feedback from the gift finder. I'd just love to know if my crafts went into good hands. ^^
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ok, first i have to say that's a very kind idea and more people should think that way... :)
FIRST ANSWER: i am 30 years (male) and make sometimes Origami and leave them in the train or bus i took, maybe someone find them and smiles and gets happy... we are never too old to be social...
SECOND ANSWER: she should choose the places carefuly because of the new "terror" in the media all packages standing around alone are suspicious and if someone calls police it can be a bit trouble... :P if she makes scarfs, hats and those things too she could give them to homeless people first, they don't bite (maybe smell) but will be realy happy about a gift and that people thinking about them (not feeling alone)... if she places them at public places like a library she should make a good readable card with something like "This gift is for the person who found it!"
problem could be that most people are afraid of taking things, because it looks like robbery or something other...
THIRD ANSER: the idea with a email / blog / internetpage is very good + never give your privat adresses away... surprising people that found the gift could be an arkward situation btw but who knows...^^
PERSONAL REQUEST: i life in germany and if your fiancee is ok with it i would gift some of them to people in my local area... :) i would pay the package too...
i would like to write more but im busy right now...:P
Have a nice day...! :D
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Hi! It's K. writing:
Thank you for reply! It's encouraging and useful too. I'll make sure that my packages won't look suspicious :]
About your personal request - I think it would be really awesome and doable but I need time to make it possible. First of all I'll try to set up some blog and fill it with at least minimum content. Second of all - prepare goodies. Handmade craft can take many hours, there are items that can be made in 0,5h and some of them takes 8h and longer.
If I send you few things, would you be that kind and write something in your native language on the attached notes? And also mention the address of blog and email me pics of left gifts (Like #2,#3,#4 I uploaded). I know it requires some effort but I'd love to post about them as well. Maybe whoever finds it in Germany will say a word or two ;)
You too have a nice day :) I can't wait to know what you think about it.
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Reserving this spot to write a proper reply after I reach home. I can't type properly on the phone. Takes too long.
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i cant spend much time but i want to answer this about beliving it is too childish
the worst thing in life is thinking that you have understand and the best is keeping an child eye
(well the traduction in english is surely pretty bad but whio cares if the idea is still there I hope)
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Hi guys!
At the beginning, I wanted to apologize for making pretty long post and I also have to mention that I didn't create it entirely by myself. My fiancee wanted me to write this post to ask for few things and share some ideas. She's got several questions about 'real life' giveaways. Well, what's the better place to ask for advice about gifting things than giveaway website? ;D So, my fellow SteamGifters, please share some thoughts.
The whole idea is based on handmade craft so here's some introduction. My lovely fiancee has a hobby - she's using strings to make pretty things, mostly friendship bracelets, but crocheted stuff as well. She wants to share her passion with other people and make them happy by giving them something unique and made with love. That's why she came up with this concept of random gifts - prepare a bracelet, attach a short note with few nice words, use some ribbons to make it look like a present and leave it in public place. Some random stranger finds the package and hopefully it makes him smile.
FIRST QUESTION: What do you think about this idea?
She's very insecure and she's worried that it may be considered as too childlish for 25 y.o. hag (Her word, not mine) and she's afraid that no matter the effort, the given handmade items are too worthless to really make someone happy. So what do you guys think? How would you feel if you found package like that? Would you wear/use it, give to someone else of throw it away?
SECOND QUESTION: If it's worth the effort, what's a good place to leave the package and what else can be given away?
She has done that few times before leaving bracelets on park benches. She thought of some other places like buses, cinemas or cafeterias but it could be easier to be spotted and she'd rather be mysterious gifter. What are the other public places you could leave a gift without drawing too much attention? And what else can be given away? Other ideas were crocheted bookmarks, coasters, amigurumis or even shawls or hats, but the last two positions might be too costly and personalized for such random gifting. Any other ideas?
THIRD QUESTION: Is it good idea to set up some sort of blog to post pictures?
My fiancee'd love to know the reaction and some basic information about the person who finds her gift. One option is lurking behind the bushes, waiting for the 'victim' but it can't be done everytime (Once waited on a distant bench for about an hour without any success) and it's kinda creepy (Well, who cares ;D). What would be the safe way to make a contact? Create a blog with pics and add to given bracelet a note with link and some description asking for a word from that person? Or give an email for possible contact? Or is it completely useless and unnecessary wanting to know anything about that person?
FOURTH QUESTION: What else can be done?
What are the other ways to share her crafts with others? She always carry with herself bundle of bracelets she wants to give away but doesn't know how to offer them without acting like a crazy idiot. What else can be done to make something good?
I uploaded some pictures of previous packages (1-4) and the ones prepared to be given in near future (5, 6). 7 & 8 are photos of bundle of bracelets she carries with herself and on the 9th photo are prepared bookmarks.
Thanks in advance for any constructive comment.
She might answer for some of your posts by herself. We'll let you know who's currently writting ;)
Sorry for no giveaway, guys. Currently I'm short of money. But have some freebie keys to be ninja'd. Basic ninja protection requires to remove 'pizza' from the code. Hope you'll make use of it :)
Litil Divil - TLR6D-P55IT-L5TGG
Enclave - 7V0BY-0ARCA-GC7F9
Two Worlds - Game of the year edition - VHR8A-D3AWpizzaL-MZ2XI
Commando Jack - 0ApizzaDAB-TCJAA-JJHZZ
Commando Jack - RCZ0F-IJpizzaYP9-YDW28
Soul Gambler - YJY3H-W662pizza2-FGQ33
Soul Gambler - D6pizza4L3-VLRKH-JDD0R
Mechanic Escape - 0PJpizza2Y-0E92E-XLNTF
Mechanic Escape - 0X59Y-K4W09-2B07pizzaK
Mechanic Escape - 23GNXpizza-DVNR9-N6T0I
Mechanic Escape - 2D6AV-0280F-pizzaEKJEX
Mechanic Escape - 2JF0A-HJMpizzaZ9-0EX2T
Mechanic Escape - 2M38pizzaP-CJRHD-FFC87
Shadows on the Vatican Act I: Greed - Fpizza8FXA-976PK-RD06V
Shadows on the Vatican Act I: Greed - pizzaEVV5L-PPFGA-HQI6T
Shadows on the Vatican Act I: Greed - EX3MV-JRAFXpizza-7Y6YP
Space Hack - 94Q52-7FTKJ-GApizzaF0C
Space Hack - 94XQJ-CM3Xpizza3-WY5IM
Space Hack - 3B5N5-YAIpizzaTN-HFJVM
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