I'm a huge arkham fan myself, I have all 3 games (cept AK ofc), I was really looking forward for this, oh well, sigh
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I glanced at the negative reviews and saw no complaints about the gameplay, though. The complaints seem to be mostly about the 30 FPS lock (which can be changed to 60 FPS in the .ini file) and overall bad performance. They might fix it. I really hope they do.
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The game is great, people are just mad about the performance. The main problem is rocksteady didn't make the pc version. They hired another company to do it, so they have to contact this other company to get fixes done. PC was definitely not a priority.
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yeah, no bugs or anything, just port, just the damn port
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Fallout 4's dialogue layout doesn't resemble Bioware's Dialogue Wheel that much... In fact, it is pretty damn close to the ones that appear in TellTale games.
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unless you're a fan of the games, you dont care (me included) BUT when you create an open world game like they do, you sure gonna have some bugs
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What Skyrim has that Batman doesn't, in terms of RPG?
Dialogs? Bethesda dialogs are "Yes, I'll do it" and "No, I won't do it" in 99% of times - and dialogs are what makes RPG game a RPG game. Both games have exp. Well, Skyrim has more loot, I'll give him that.
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There's also customization and most of all, THE PLAYER'S IMPACT ON THE PLOT.
All Arkham games happen the exact way regardless of your choices; nothing ever changers, they have zero replayability value in that aspect.
Skyrim and other proper RPG games provide the player freedom.
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There's also customization - you can change Batman skins, so there's customization too :P
and most of all, THE PLAYER'S IMPACT ON THE PLOT. - and that's great joke. Bethesda and impact on plot. Unless you mean "you must start main quest for dragons to spawn" an impact on plot.
What freedom Skyrim gives? Freedom to explore and say "I will do that quest much, much later". Same thing Batman games give, just with much smaller open-world.
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RPG-ness from high to low:
Morrowind > New Vegas > Skyrim >> Deus Ex > [games ommited] >> Mass Effect 3 > dirt stain on the floor > Batman Arkham series
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Skyrim > Deus Ex? Your RPG opinion is invalid :) .
Unless you mean Deus Ex Human Revolution, then we can just agree to disagree.
But then, you say Skyrim is better than old-Fallouts, Planescape Torment, Vampire Bloodlines, Knights of the Old Republic. So, it's still invalid :P
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Says the guy/girl that stated Batman Arkham Knight is a RPG? Your opinion was invalidated long before mine. And yeah, Deus Ex (any of them) is worse than Skyrim in terms of being a true RPG.
Not even the first Deus Ex, since your customization is mostly just JC Denton's appearance and skills, but it lacks story interaction (apart from the ending and some small details like Paul), that's why Skyrim is a better RPG than Deus Ex for me; even if Deus Ex is my favourite game series of all time.
Hell, I think Human Revolution is a better RPG than the original just because it does involve a bigger range of plot interventions. And the endings do change in the properly amount depending on how you approached the situations during the game (the reason why it works on HR and not in Mass Effect 3 is because DXHR tried to be philosophycal from the start, ME3 does require to have tailored endings).
Fuck, even TellTale's The Walking Dead Game Series: Season Two has more diverse endings than Mass Effect 3 and Deus Ex! It still isn't a RPG because you can't change your character, skills, and choose to diverge from the normal plot development.
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No, I said Batman games are as much RPG games as Bethesda games. That's important detail.
Because for me Bethesda games are not RPG games - for example they lack "cause and effect" element, where if player decide to do one thing, different results will happen over time.
In games like Vampire Bloodlines or old Fallouts you will have slightly different games depending even on such a detail as if you choose woman or man.
In Skyrim? "We Stormcloaks hate Dark Elves. Good thing you came here, PLAYER-DARK-ELF, you will help us destroy Empire and we will not suspect you of being spy at all"...
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I read them, and based on that negative opinion I also played Witcher 3, right after start as I preordered the game.
From that moment, I discovered that TW3 is the best RPG I've ever played and called all of them "haters". They are haters to me, because game is beautiful.
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Not true. Majority of people are scared of posting negative opinions. They are afraid of being called haters, whiners and such. Even when their arguments are valid still they will be probably hated and attacked by many fanboys or other consumer whores. You can see that everywhere. Also some people don't post negative opinions about products bought by them because they fear that it will show that they were cheated or simply that they are ignorant and incompetent.
It's true that sometimes one unhappy customer can make waves and bring negativity to the business or product, but still for the most part it's just internet trolling and such. If you actually read thise negative comments on forums and other pages you will realise, that it's just mindless hatered towards users with different opinions. Not a constructive criticism.
As for the Arkham Knight - the PC version is a joke. Confirmed by my friends who have this game. And they play on powerful rigs, not some wannabe gaming laptops.
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So far on Steam I only have one game a negative review, while rest were positive.
I don't even bother making reviews for games I don't like. I just flat out hide them in my library and ignore them. The good ones or the almost good ones are those that actually stick in my memory enough for me to leave a review.
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Bethesda ruined Elder Scrolls with an MMO. Bethesda fucked over Arkane and Human Head. Bethesda is putting a piss filter over Doom 4.
Trust Bethesda? Hail Corporate!
The only publishers worth a damn these days seem to be Devolver and Paradox.
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1>bethesda didnt make ESO
2>there are 2 bethesdas
3>DOOM4 is gonna be amazing, just like DOOM3
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1> I'm talking more about Bethesda the publisher.
2> Yeah, the publisher that's yet another faceless corporation and the developer that can't QA for shit.
3> You haven't even learned from this AK incident, have you. I genuinely hope you'll be happy with your glorified iPhone case.
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1>if it's the publisher, then it didnt develop the game, it was developed by zenimax, they just sold it under their name
2>dont buy their games
3>no; and I dont have a phone
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"NEVER pre order a game these days"
Gamers are f** hipocrytes. Even if CoD will be so bad as bad rats they still will pre-order/buy this.
Its doesn't metter how bad game is.
Its doesn't metter. They still will buy a pig in a poke so long as it will have some well known franchise or big $$$ for commercial.
Many people hating some games for DLC, releasing beta etc. but then we can read on games websites how big ammount of preorder this games have.
It doesn't meter how good or bad this game is. Only commercial and franchise title matter and nothing else matters
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People tend to mix up Bethesda Game Studios with Bethesda Softworks, and Bethesda Softworks with it's parent company Zenimax Media.
Doesn't help that Bethesda Game Studios used to be called Bethesda Softworks, and that Zenimax Media uses that as it's only publishing label.
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Except 2008 isn't "nowadays" not unless you're old enough to be my grandad that is.
I like how you claim that GOTY doesn't mean anything yet you haven't even touched the game, the only one you've touched is new vegas which isn't even close to 3 in my opinion.
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2008 was not so much time ago ._. unless you are pre-teen 7 years doesnt mean a lot of time. Also 2008 game standars are pretty much the same of nowadays
And Call of Duty has been GOTY plenty of times, so really, dont trust all those big reviews companies, most of them are paid to say stuff (yes IGN and Famitsu, im looking at you)
Also if he doesnt have the game in his account doesnt mean he hasnt played it. May be he played it on a console or bought a CD copy or just pirated it (for example, I did it)
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IGN lol, IGN is dead m8, is now paid to review CoC good
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unity had bugs AND was a bad port, this is just a bad port, still saveable tho
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oddly enough it runs just fine on PS4
while the company you mention, bethesda, still insists in releasing their broken games on console, even fallout4 will be terrible there, they already confirmed its locked at 30fps, not a real problem for us, mostly pc gamers, but i have skyrim on console and it was awfull.
At Least with rocksteady there's a possibility they will eventually fix the pc version
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Batman Arkham Knight uses the latest Denuvo DRM which has been known to be the cause of some performance issues in the past
Batman Arkham Knight uses the latest Denuvo DRM, which has been known to create some rather serious issues in the past, both with performance in games, and even being accused of being the cause of some supposed hardware damaging. The Denuvo DRM protection has been previously used in titles including FIFA 15, Lords of the Fallen and Dragon Age: Inquisition. Certain reports of performance issues in Lords of the Fallen were allegedly been caused by the DRM, while certain users stated that the protection caused damage on their SSDs.
The blame for a poor optimized title could be directed towards the developer, or aimed at AMD or NVIDIA for failing to provide well optimized drivers for the game, and even targeting the publisher for rushing a release or forcing a specific DRM solution.
Truth is, some additional time to iron out some issues could be required with even more updates and optimizations from NVIDIA and AMD. Rocksteady though have delivered a stellar game with Batman Arkham Knight and it’s a bit unfair to aim the blame solely on them, and while disgruntled PC gamers have every right to be upset with the low-level of focus the PC version of the game has received, there are many factors at work here that can be the cause of the poor peformance.
Read more:
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The game itself isn't bad, it's just the same old same old we've come to expect from this franchise, not a pinnacle of innovation or anything, but nice and functional. The problem, from what I understand, is that the PC version is not optimized for shit and even if you cap he frame-rate at 30, it will still work like ass, even with a rocket graphics card, like nvidia GTX 970. Which I find unacceptable in this day and age...
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in fact the game is good, real good, they added many new features, and it's not buggy, just a bad port
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i never said it's buggy, I said it's poorly optimized. They're not even remotely the same thing. Also, from what I saw of Jim Sterling's play-through, I didn't see all that much innovation..At least not in the combat, which is the absolute core mechanic of the game. You can just replace Batman with Talion and the thugs with orcs and you've got Shadow of Mordor. Which is true for all other Arkham games.
P.S. If only it was buggy. That can be pretty easily fixed with patches, but optimizing a game that has this kind of problems because of a shitty port requires a whole different class of hard work. Basically, they have to remake it, doing all the programing part again from scratch. I doubt they'll go through this much trouble. So don't hold your breath too much on the game getting better anytime soon. This is what you get.
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Ive seen videos. People are just pissed about the frame rate. This is a lesson not to pre order but to buy it eventually after its patched
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The only thing bad with batman ak is the optimization (and I'm being affected for it, playing with 7fps is a pain in the ass), it doesn't make it a shitty game...
I laugh at people judging games without playing. Reviews doesn't matter, you can't say you won't like a game if you never try it. And yeah, trust it bethesda, pay $70 for a game, wait for price drops and dlcs and then people paying $10 for the game + dlcs while you will never see dlcs with 75% discount.
If we consider only optimization, 90% of pc games should never be played.
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yeah, the game is bug free and no problem, jsut the port is bad, BUT, you MUST listen to technical reviews, those are different than emotional reviews, and are 100% honest
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We can also blame them for increasing the price . (50->55€)
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The fucking day people learn to NOT PRE-ORDER, this kind of shit will stop. Also, who in his sane mind would spend 70$ on a fucking DIGITAL KEY. Back in the day those prices were justified for good physical editions, but a damn key?? Gimme a break, and yeah, FUCK DEVS
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mostly negative are the reviews, thank God I didn't pre order it, NEVER pre order a game these days, with these greedy devs and money whores... except Bethesda, always trust Bethesda with your life
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