Just discovered this website and I love the concept. I started a giveaway but I noticed that several of the entries consist of high level accounts. Is there no way of making it so those who can join are those who don't own the game or people that could really use with getting a new game they don't own?

1 month ago*

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Here we go again Are you sure about that? When i try to enter i see the game exist in account warning and can't enter like normal. But sometimes that really happens with goty editions or games that also contains dlc in it. (I mean bundles on steam) If you are still not happy at the end when the giveaway ends you can check the winners (i see 2 keys) if they own the game or not. If they do you want a reroll and blacklist the previous winner :D

1 month ago*

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The site won't allow you to enter a Giveaway if you already own it. The exceptions to this are DLC/Bundles (and a couple of other little things). So I'm not sure why it would be showing them as entered and owning it?

PS: Welcome to the site, I hope you enjoy yourself! ^_^

1 month ago

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I own the game and cant enter so i dont think there should be any issue.
There are only problems with packages/dlc's, but for base games those who own it cant enter.

Also welcome to steamgifts and hopefully you will have a great time here 🥳

1 month ago

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Hmmm, this shouldn't be possible. The website restricts people who own a game from entering giveaways for it.
There are exceptions tho, like, complete editions with DLCs, they are not detected, but as you are giving away a regular game (awesome giveaway btw!), this shouldn't be possible.

Regarding the users who can enter: we have several groups on here which would fit your ideas. For example there's Unlucky 7, a group for users below 8 wins, or Playing Appreciated and TalePlay, who require their winners to play their wins.

1 month ago

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The site automatically syncs with your Steam account every 72 hours and should prevent anyone that owns it from entering unless they just recently activated the game and a sync didn't happen yet. If someone does manage to enter that already owns it, that is against the site rules and you should not send them the game. You will be allowed to request a new winner in that situation. If you are giving away keys, they will not automatically be sent to the winners when the giveaway ends, you need to click a button to send each key to each winner, so you have a chance to check their account first.

1 month ago*

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  • Firstly - are you sure they own it?
    ... there is a thing called Family Sharing nowadays where people can play games they don't own by accessing other's Steam accounts. It will show their play time, but not necessarily that they actually own it.
  • Secondly - IF INDEED people are entering for a game they ACTUALLY own, this is of extreme concern to the whole fabric of SG! We must tell cg immediately!
1 month ago

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I appreciate this. You're right, the 2 examples I saw which I assumed "many" had the game in their history but I didn't see it was family sharing.

1 month ago

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..., this is of extreme concern to the whole fabric of SG!

The fabric of reality even.

1 month ago

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if someone who owns a game wins it support will always approve a reroll ticket. The site doesn't let people enter for a game they own... so unless they just bought it and haven't synced yet, Anything that is a package is an exception and its up to you if you let people enter for DLC or not(good to put in description)

1 month ago

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I'll set your mind at ease, I own the game you posted and cannot enter, see image.

Sometimes the site doesn't recognize bundles where the user already has it, but for the most part it does a bang up job of doing the work for you.

View attached image.
1 month ago

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Got it. Thanks guys!

1 month ago

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Closed 1 month ago by Dobkey.