you need to be richer than bill gates to start playing
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Your answer to Q3 is wrong, pal. Since the release of Warlords of Draenor, you can only buy the base game (including every single expansion before WoD) and the current expansion (Warlords of Draenor). The same goes for Q4: Contents from previous expansions are still avaiable.
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There are mounts and pets which you can buy with real money; and they can't be bought with gold. Not legally, of course.
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...they have been doing this since 2010, or 2006 if count TCG loot cards, and some of the profits went to charity. Selling cosmetics is pretty much standard practice for every MMO (or F2P in general). It is not like they have better speed, the EQ2 mounts actually give stats.
So ya you can be displeased about non earn-able content but it is no where near unique to Blizzard nor are they anywhere near the worst offenders. A quick google even shows only 19 of the 300+ mounts are bought.
And take what you "hear" with a grain of salt, those satisfied tend to be quiet while those unhappy make alot of noise which is true in more than just MMOs. For every loud complainer probably 100 who are happy, neutral, or at worst apathetic considering how many complain vs millions who don't. Comment sections are well known to be cesspits of communities.
Cata was very linear but the content held up in quality, and I was glad to see threat/resource management and CC return after it became completely irrelevant in WotLK. Some of the bile directed at Cata is just the typical backlash when something nostalgic for gets destroyed, for example new Darkshore can just be depressing if you knew the old version well. Admittedly I am biased for that expansion since Hunters had some great times in it, including pet taming challenges that took planning to not die at and seemingly every fight taking some kind of kiting or trapping.
Sorry I just tend to ramble and play devil's advocate, which puts me on the 90% positive side (does that mean I am angel's advocate?) more often than not sadly. I just get tired of WoW being the ultimate flamebait or the rose colored glasses glossing over glaring flaws of earlier expansions, none were perfect but each did some things better than the others. Personally I quit the last time at end of Cata simply because had been in that world to long, tired of that type of questing in general.
(Most of the numbers said in this came from 2 or 3 minutes of Google total)
P.S. : Got longer than thought it did, always looks shorter when typing. Sorry for the ramble. TL;DR they been doing it since 2006, thus vanilla on it's pedestal, and Blizzard is far from the worst or only one who does. Think before you hate.
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Rip-off? These are absolutely unnecessary things. In every december you can buy a pet, and the money from that will go to charity (this year Red Cross will get it). But it's still optional to do...
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you can find deals for complete expansion.
the world changedafter each expension, so there is no way to play the really original WOW, but it's the same "story".
you need a monthly sub and the game. not that expensive, but the main problem is that it takes all of your time. great story... haven't plaayed the panda expension, other than that, Cataclysm is favorite story arc for solo player
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1.You need to buy the battle chest and the current expasion Dreanor
2.About the story you should play warcraft and then world of warcraft
4.In some ways yes, because there are some things that ppl don't do anymore and you need a party to do it, like raids.
6.Nothing just in-game time
7.There is a mount and pet shop with real money
8.there are 6 if you count vanilla wow(wow, burning, lich, cata, pandaria and dreanor)
9.right now battle chest if 50% off so is 10$ and the expansion is 50$, battle chest give you one free month
edit: maybe if you want to check wow just buy the battle chest and play if you like it buy draenor and one more month.
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There are a lot of movies about the story in .My favorites are about the ashbringer (about 3 hours long, lol) and about the War of the Ancients.
Also you will have to play all warcraft games to understand the story or read the books, I have read only 8 so far.
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2.go to base game which includes basic expansions+buy a subscription launcher launcher, it downloads everything you need (don't run from any disc if u get it irl, download the game from there instead as its the latest build), also you need loads of gb free..i suggest you have anything between 40-60gb free on your hard disk
6.if you like it, only then get warlords of draenor (wod) which includes a lvl90 character boost
I must warn you the game is like heroin. I had 15maxed out (lvl+gearwise) characters in mop. It was difficult for me to get off it (I have done every single quest til the end of mop, done 3/4 of all achs+most of the rarest mounts in the game with 0.01% drop rate). It's all fun but I suggest you don't do it unless you want to waste your life away. Blizzard are one of the worst companies at customer service and tbh that got me off it 2 months ago for good after about 7years. Instead of paying for a wow subscription now I just buy games on steam sales; I believe other developers who listen to and pay more respect to their customers deserve more respect. Also the WoW community is a bit 80% of players are c*nts whereas the other 20% are ok. Also battlegrounds in pvp are full of bots (secretly run by bliz to keep shareholders happy), and in mop they added russian servers to the eu, which led to lots of russian cheaters (with lag hacks) flooding on eu servers (if you are in usa it won't affect you), there is also maintenance time every wednesday for half the day..and sometimes bliz messes up big time and it can take longer.
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Just chill and start playing. If you have the battlechest and WoD that's all you need to pay (and the monthy fee ofc). After that just get immersed in the world, get friendly with the mechanics, get a guild, all that stuff. There's really no point in over-complicating it, you simply won't be able to handle the whole game for first run. Give it time (and I mean a lot of time) and you'll see.
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Question 1: What do I need to buy from a local game shop/online blizzard to start playing WOW?
-- Head to (Blizzard gaming 'portal'), there is no 'base game' or 'Battle Chest' anymore; it's 'World of Warcraft' that you want (on sale for 50% off). That gets you base + all expansions except Draenor. Apart from that; an approved payment method and a shitload of time to waste.--
Question 2: I do not want to miss out with any of the story elements, so what is the name of the first World of Warcraft that was released? (There seems to be catacalysm, burning crusade, pandaria, etc etc. Pretty confused in all this)
--There's no main storyline as the more traditional RPGs have. You get dumped in the world and just happen to experience stuff.--
Question 3: Do I have to buy each and every WOW update / expansion pack to advance further in the story line?
--Each expansion / content patch unlocks things such as new areas and classes. See e.g. for fine details.--
Question 4: If I buy all updates, will I miss the story line covered in the initial updates?
--Yes. Locked content is just that, the world advances and you have to move along with it.--
Question 5: Is my blizzard account only sufficient for playing WOW?
--Account-wise a account should be enough for any and all Blizzard services/games.--
Question 6: Except in-game time, what do I need to buy for WOW?
--Red-Bull. Lots of it. Everything you need in-game, is earned in-game. Fluff from Store is optional.--
Question 7: Once I buy the game, game-time, expansion packs, are there skins/items like DOTA 2/LOL which I might have to buy?
--All in-game apart from advanced fluff.--
Question 8: How many expansion packs, updates are there in total?
--Five expansions, countless (mostly minor) updates.--
Question 9: What would be the collective price for all these? If I want to start playing WOW, how much should be my budget.
--Unknown. Depends on yourself and how much your actual life has value. 7.50 buys all but Draenor currently afaik and that includes 30days gametime. Count on 12 every month additionally for the fee and another 30 for each expansion.--
If you do start, make sure you get a Recruit-a-friend thing going before you buy/register. See for benefits.
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should only have to buy base game, and latest expansion
base game should come with one month of game time as well
there are optional pets and stuff you can buy, but nothing anywhere near required
overall cost of startup ~80
and 13-15 a month depending on how often you renew(1 month, 3 month or 6 month)
you can buy everything at
EDIT: added linky
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wow 90? hmmmm really?
now you can reach lvl 100.
the battlechest was a starter pack from wow
still exist
he doesnt need Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria or Warlords of Draenor tp start playing wow.
an till lvl 20 u can play free.
(this is from eu-german shop. change it to your region and buy only vanilla)
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You missed the parts about it being an obsolete product which is not for sale nor is it coming back into stock and the link they put up going to the same version I mentioned in another comment above? WoW Battlechest = gone.
For the rest, I'll just point you upwards to my comment before my reply to you.
Also, please don't call the whole silly 1>20 trial anything more than that. You can hardly do anything in-game even compared to the demos on other MMOs: it's a first glance, nothing really more.
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Guide to playing WoW.
Step 1: Don't play WoW.
Step 2: Use the $15/month you just saved on games that are actually fun to play. This includes the original Warcraft strategy games.
Step 3: Gift Fortix.
WoW is a dinosaur. Giant, imposing, but utterly irelevent to the modern world. If your idea of fun is to embark on an epic quest to minmax hotbars, deliver bear asses, and tend to a garden of stats in a world that had long lost its magic and wonder, then by all means go for it. But if you just want to pretend you're not getting bored when doing fuck-all with your off-time, try weed. If you want adventure, story, challenge, growth, or just about any level of actual psychological stimulation, well, you have the collective accumulation of thousands of years of human effort and creativity to browse. 90% of it may be crap, but 10% of loads and loads is still loads. You have limited time on this Earth. Do you really want to spend it with an elaborate Skinner Box?
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I've played more than 200 hours on private servers. And i regret nothing. Almost led me to buying a subscription for real, if I had the money to.
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Something seemed no one else said, you can create a starter account free. All classes/races, not locked out of any zones (beyond higher lvl stuff killing you). Maximum level of 20, chat/mail limitations, a cap on gold. You can upgrade from there if you feel like it. I have one to hop in for nostalgia purposes once in awhile when not subbed. Pets, mounts, titles, and toys all carry over from main and are usable on Starter.
Their standard practice is to put the prior expansions free with the base game when release a new one so you should get up to Mists of Pandaria with the base purchase (which would also include 30 days gametime). They also send out free 10 day trials multiple times a year to lapsed accounts, mine just expired.
Just by the nature of MMO you have missed story, stuff changes over time. The Cataclysm expansion basically did a total overhaul of the original 2 continents, so for example the zone Darkshore is now in ruins and some of the first quests involve finding out who did and did not survive from the original.
Since Cata the storylines tend to be self contained within a zone, you start the story at beginning of zone and it resolves by the end and you move on. Some characters carrying over.
The Christmas holiday event is ending soon, alongside quests and achievements there is also a set of lootable gifts which have new things each year. The 10th Anniversary event is also ending soon, by logging in during it you unlock the Molten Corgi pet (it just follows you around, can have it battle other pets like Pokemon).
On topic of being your first MMO welcome to the genre, I know the world size can be intimidating. WoW is one of the most user friendly of them and is still the undisputed king of the themepark sub-genre. If do start and need any info Wowhead is one of the primary resources for general information.
If not for lack of trial I might point you at Guild Wars 2 for your first taste just because it is about as casual friendly as can get, no expansions to worry about, and no sub. I call it the tourist MMO due to how well suited it is to just hopping in and out at will without worry about keeping up in gear or anything like that.
Could also try Guild Wars 1, but that is more of a pseudo-MMO, everything lobby based and can used AI henchmen if want to solo. But there is alot to it, no sub, and plenty of story. Plus you can earn cosmetic stuff in GW2 by playing through it. I think it might have a trial, but as I said it is atypical for the genre.
Rift or Lord of the Rings Online are both F2P and very similar to WoW so could give them a try, neither quite compares though.
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This. I mean, go to the site and sign for the free account, see if you like the game.
As an alternative (Crystalis suggested a few) I would suggest Everquest 2. It's free to play with an optional subscription (which will let you play any SOE game as a subscriber), but what's available for free is a lot.
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EQ2 certainly is one of the best alternatives but it is also probably the most intimidating due to world size, mechanics (like the combo or religion systems), dated UI, and huge skill bloat. So many redundant skills with only difference being a different name or element.
IIRC I played it to around lvl 40 Warlock and cleared Butcherblock Mountains. Might of continued if not for the skill bloat, F2P limitations (most of which have been lifted in the last year), and just being burnt out on that style of questing in any MMO aside from The Secret World.
I did love many features of it though. Like the way it handled rare spawns, getting better at fighting types of enemies more do it, able to learn the language of anything (so the gibberish a gnoll is speaking is possible to actually understand one day), the housing systems, collections, heirloom quests (remakes of popular EQ1 ones) to name a few of the great parts of it.
Everquest Next is pretty much the only upcoming MMO I am seriously watching, seems to be one of the only ones really pushing the envelope. That and I was watching Storybricks before it got involved in EQN. So far Landmark is looking pretty good for being early/mid beta, it is both the Alpha of EQN and a standalone Sandbox game to itself where players will have GMing tools.
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Just play on a private server, post WotLK is garbage, It's too expensive and Blizzard don't even care about the players anymore, they don't deserve your money.
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Then try LoL. Basically the same, but the game is always getting updates (Events, characters, reworks, that kind of stuff). Yeah, you might want to punch me in the face, but believe me: I play both games, and they are both pretty good. The main difference is strategy (Which haves more importance in DotA) and the action (More of it in LoL. Pointless action, but fun).
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If want a bigger MOBA change of pace there is Smite, third person action controls (WASD instead of mouse clicks) and most spells are skillshots. It has a large variety of maps that come and go on a rotation along with the usual free god rotation.
My personal favorite among MOBAs, never was a big fan of them, is the Heroes of the Storm alpha although it has felt good enough to be released since I got in in March. Unfortunately if you want to play it just gotta be lucky for now. But it is pretty much the only moba to break the mold, even Smite holds to it pretty strongly. I celebrate the removal of the item system, from the start (in WC3) it was nothing but making the most of inherent limitations in that platform and tended towards the convoluted.
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It is moving to beta sometime next month so chance of getting in will only go up, Good Luck. It has felt ready for release for months IIRC they just want to get more heroes and maps in before do, already have 33 heroes and 5 maps.
Progression could use work too, currently you stop getting rewards level 15 out of 40. I think did see they plan to unlock ranked at higher levels, and it is not the first time they have changed that so can hope. Right now it has less rewards than Hearthstone.
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Start from watching south park episode "make love not warcraft" and if you still want to waste your life and money that way consider buying account from someone(i guess it might be better and cheaper than buying game with all dlcs and grinding spiders).
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Confused on how to start playing or WHY to start playing?
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How to start playing:
1) Don't
2) Don't, you'll save a LOT of money
3) Don't you;'ll have time to do important stuff like eat and poop
4) Don't, you'll keep your friends
5) Don't, you'll keep your complexion
6) If you're STILL determined to waste your money, waste your time, lose your friends and lose your complexion, go buy yourself some crack, you'll have more fun AND make new friends
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You already got good answers, but I think I'll give you more :)
Question 1: What do I need to buy from a local game shop/online blizzard to start playing WOW?
Question 2: I do not want to miss out with any of the story elements, so what is the name of the first World of Warcraft that was released? (There seems to be catacalysm, burning crusade, pandaria, etc etc. Pretty confused in all this)
Question 3: Do I have to buy each and every WOW update / expansion pack to advance further in the story line?
Question 4: If I buy all updates, will I miss the story line covered in the initial updates?
Question 5: Is my blizzard account only sufficient for playing WOW?
Question 6: Except in-game time, what do I need to buy for WOW?
Question 7: Once I buy the game, game-time, expansion packs, are there skins/items like DOTA 2/LOL which I might have to buy?
Question 8: How many expansion packs, updates are there in total?
Question 9: What would be the collective price for all these? If I want to start playing WOW, how much should be my budget.
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you can try the game up to level 20 for free, gives you an idea of whats going on
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You're free to do what you wish, but I'd like to suggest you don't. Not because of mindless hate like other people, I actually very much enjoyed it. The problem is that it consumes your life if you aren't careful. You're paying $15 every month to play, so you feel like you should play or you'd be wasting your money. If you've ever heard someone say they were addicted to WoW, they probably weren't exaggerating.
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I always think about WoW as cable television. I pay for it, but I don't have to use it all the time, and it's still not wasting money :)
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I guess it also depends how much one spends per month on games. Back when I was playing WoW, that was literally the only game I played so the £11.99 a month or whatever it was wasn't a big deal to me.
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I want to start playing WOW recently, but I'm confused where to start. This would be my first MMORPG.
I have a few questions:
Question 1: What do I need to buy from a local game shop/online blizzard to start playing WOW?
Question 2: I do not want to miss out with any of the story elements, so what is the name of the first World of Warcraft that was released? (There seems to be catacalysm, burning crusade, pandaria, etc etc. Pretty confused in all this)
Question 3: Do I have to buy each and every WOW update / expansion pack to advance further in the story line?
Question 4: If I buy all updates, will I miss the story line covered in the initial updates?
Question 5: Is my blizzard account only sufficient for playing WOW?
Question 6: Except in-game time, what do I need to buy for WOW?
Question 7: Once I buy the game, game-time, expansion packs, are there skins/items like DOTA 2/LOL which I might have to buy?
Question 8: How many expansion packs, updates are there in total?
Question 9: What would be the collective price for all these? If I want to start playing WOW, how much should be my budget.
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