Hi, I'd like to join via option 1. The game is Beholder 2, last game I won.
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Hi Nidetag, you are welcome to join by playing Beholder 2, let me know once you beat the game.
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The game is beaten. My achievements and some screenshots from the end of the game:
(About the Wise Leader's desire to be killed)
(My favorite ending with the liberation of people from totalitarianism)
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Congrats on beating the game! Join request approved, welcome to the group :)
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Hi, I won a game "Calico" that also includes this group but I am not a member yet. I will still play it in a month but is it possible for me to request to join this group via Option 1? Thanks!
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Hi Mertcan, you are welcome to join with option 1, but I just want to clarify to make sure: you want to use Calico for option 1?
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Thanks, yes I will play the game anyway. So if it is a fitting game for you I would like to choose Calico for option 1.
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Hello! I would like to join via option 2 with Lovecraft's Untold Stories
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I want to join the group by playing cyberhook, a game i earned in sg,
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Hi GrowingStrong, you are welcome to join by playing Cyber Hook, let me know once you beat the game.
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Finished the game, pretty chill game. Recorded a short video of a harder then usual level in cyberhook.
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Congrats on beating the game! And thank you for the video, appreciated :) Join request approved, welcome to the group!
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Hi TMMIMITW, you do actually have a win that you could play, however due to other reasons I have decided against letting you join, sorry.
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Looking at your profile raised multiple red flags for me, that is as much as I am willing to elaborate in the comments here.
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how can looking at my profile raise multiple red flags, not even just one?
all you can see on my profile is that i have been using this website for 4 weeks and that's pretty much it.
if you wanna talk privately i can talk to you on discord or steam or something because what you're saying is making me extremely uncomfortable and making me look like a supervillain or an evil person trying to scam others.
i honestly don't care about the giveaway anymore, you can add me to your blacklist but the condition is you talk to me first to clarify things because you're making me look like a bad person on public when i have done nothing wrong to you or to anyone or acting suspicious.
i literally wasn't even asking to join now and was just writing a compliment to you about the idea...
and yes i know this sounds like i'm overreacting but due to personal past life experiences this really hits a nerve.
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all you can see on my profile is that i have been using this website for 4 weeks and that's pretty much it.
I am not talking about your SG profile, I am talking about your Steam profile. I been running this group for 4-5 years now, after a while you learn patterns as to what people cause trouble and what people manage to follow rules without any problems. And as stated your profile raised multiple red flags for me for the first group of people. And I am not gonna say what those are publicly for obvious "I don't want people to try to cover those up" reasons.
something because what you're saying is making me extremely uncomfortable and making me look like a supervillain or an evil person trying to scam others.
I am not saying either of those things. All I said is your profile is raising red flags for me for being a member of this group, I didn't say you actually did anything bad. I am just not comfortable letting you join the group due to that, I dont have any other issues with you.
you can add me to your blacklist but the condition is you talk to me first to clarify things
I have 0 plans to bl you and I have nothing against you, but sorry, you don't get to make demands what I should do.
and yes i know this sounds like i'm overreacting but due to personal past life experiences this really hits a nerve.
Yea, you kinda are. Once again I didn't actually accused you of doing anything, I just said your profile raises red flags for me.
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well, first of all sorry about overreacting, but like i said i just had very bad toxic experiences in the past in my personal life that lasted for years and your answer sounded like something they'd say, which i know is not your fault.
imagine writing a compliment to someone and going to sleep then wake up to them saying sorry it has nothing to do with the games it's just you.
for the red flags all you can see on my profile is me idling 11 games which is not against the rules and me owning some games that i havent played which can be both explained.
all else i see is some kids i met in valorant making sex jokes and the racist guy giving me a jester profile award.
and non of them sound like "patterns as to what people cause trouble".
anyway, have a nice day since you probably wont give any more details because you " don't want people to try to cover those up"
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You are correct, I won't give any more details. Have a nice day too.
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Hi MouseUK, you are welcome to join with option 2! Join request approved, welcome to the group! Please make the giveaway as soon as you can.
nice name :)
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I want to join the group
and choose option 2 and create a gift
I understood all the rules. I will only participate to play the games I won
this will be my first group :-)
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Hi buddhabrot, what game would you be giving away for option 2?
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I took another good look at your account because I knew something wasn't quite right and my suspicions were confirmed. You are not welcome to join and I think you likely know why.
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I would like to join via option 2. I have some games that I've been giving away but would like them to go to those who might enjoy them by playing.
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Hi vanderjaght, you are welcome to join with option 2. Join request approved, welcome to the group! Please make the giveaway as soon as you can :)
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Thanks for the invite, I have submitted my first giveaway here: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/Col2B/undertale
Excited to contribute to the group with more giveaways :D
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Hi NecxGen, since you don't have any wins you can pick any unplayed game with achievements (you just need to tell me which one before you start playing it) from your Steam library and play that instead if you prefer? Either option is fine by me, but I just wanted to let you know you have that option as well so you can decide properly :) Let me know what you decide!
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Fine by me! Join request approved, welcome to the group! Please make the giveaway as soon as you can :)
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Happy to be a part of the group now ! Giveaway has been made: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/Rco9L/dishonored. I'm quite excited to share games with other people :)
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Thank you for the giveaway! I hope whoever wins it will enjoy it :)
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I would like to join using option 2!
I am new to this whole forums and groups section of Steamgifts so hopefully this will be a great experience!
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Hi vinroy7, you do not fullfill the join requirements and are therefore not welcome to join.
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I assume the reason why is because of the games from 7 years ago when I was in middle school that I never played.
I took a re-read through the rules and it is probably the activation thing that is preventing me from being accepted into the group. Is there a possible way of somehow seeing the keys from that long ago? It would be really disheartening if mistakes from that long ago is preventing me from being able to join groups once I actually became serious about the website...
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You appear to have some unactivated wins, maybe you just deleted them from your Steam account and forgot about it?
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How would I be able to fix this? I was very immature and silly back in the days, so I didn't consider the influence this would have on my account in the future.
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I will probably just buy the games and activate them in my account since the issue I have here is that I simply lost the keys from that long ago.
Thank you so much on helping me find a fix for this! It has been preventing me from doing a lot of things on the forum section of this website regarding groups and other giveaways, so it was very disheartening. I really appreciate the help :)
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Thank you from me as well for responding and helping them :)
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Before you go buy them check here if they are maybe still visible and you can activate them. Otherwise your only option is to buy the games yes. I already declined your join request on Steam, but if you do fix this up you can still join the group. So if/when you do it give me a headsup and I will check if everything else looks good to me and then send you a friend request to invite you to the group.
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THANK YOU SO MUCH! I was able to activate 2 games from those giveaways I never activated, and I just bought the last missing one on Steam. I should be good to go now, but sorry about how suspicious that may have looked.
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That was quick! All look activated now, glad you got it sorted it out! And I have done the rest of my checks and all looks good to me! I assume you still wanna do option 2?
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Sorry for the late response! Could you please upload a couple of screenshots showing you have completed the game? Thank you!
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No problem MouseWithBeer! I wanted to upload lots of images of interesting game characters during my play but "Steam Overlay" doesn't work inside this game. I think it's because of their game-launcher but i'm not entirely sure, it's the first game i have seen this issue. Had to use ALT + TAB every time a friend wrote something and Steams ingame screenshot didn't register either. I did managed to get screenshots with the regular "Print screen" button on the keyboard and paste into Paint, but later found out that steam doesn't allow uploads from desktop? :O
Do you want me to upload screenshots somewhere else or do you know another solution to this that i'm not yet aware of? Thanks!
Here's the last thing you see in the game after the final cutscene
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I did managed to get screenshots with the regular "Print screen" button on the keyboard and paste into Paint, but later found out that steam doesn't allow uploads from desktop?
You can actually do it, you just need to save the screenshot in the correct folder (same folder when the game would normally save screenshots in) and then you can use the image uploader from Steam like you would normally to upload them.
But the screenshot you uploaded is even better than normal image screenshots so all good! Thank you for that :)
Join request approved, welcome to the group :)
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Hello, I would be interested in joining the group, my account is really recent and I'm still figuring things out, so I would understand if you prefer not having me on board until I get a bit more experience and give away a bit more games on the plateform.
Otherwise I don't mind either option :
In any case have a good day and I hope you don't mind me trying again later if the current state of my account is not quite satisfactory.
Thank you for managing this anyhow !
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Hi Izhuark, sorry for the late response! Being new is not a problem in your case at all. Either option is fine by me so please just pick one of them (I know you said option 2 is preferable, but I would just like a proper confirmation that it is what you will use if you don't mind) and let me know which one it is and we shall continue on from there.
Also if you have any questions about PA or SG in general feel free to ask :) And have a good day yourself!
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Hello, it's okay, I've been a bit busy anyway.
I actually would prefer option 1, would Monster Sanctuary be okay for it ? ^^
(I will probably still gift minoria eventually once I join, but taking option 1 right now will encourage me to play a game from my backlog and play more efficiently for to fit the criterias of this group.)
I don't have any question right now, but I won't hesitate to ask if I think of anything.
Thanks a lot and good day once more !
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Playing Monster Sanctuary will do just fine! I hope you enjoy it and let me know once you finish the game :)
Thank you, you too!
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Hello, I took a bit of time but I finished the game, I had a lot of fun with it. Got sidetracked because of side content, holiday/new year stuff and other games but I guess it should be alright. ^^
Here's a screenshot : https://puu.sh/JxcNP/16a54fd692.png
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Congrats on beating the game! Glad to hear you had fun with it :) Please request to join the group on Steam here and I will approve it as soon as I see it :)
On a completely side note looks like you got hit by the same weird bug a fellow group admin had in November on one of his games where the achievement unlocked (the "Illusionist" one for you, completely different game for him so not game related) but there is no unlock date associated with it. Do you recall anything weird/odd/unusual happening around the time it unlocked or anything worth of note? This is completely unrelated to joining the group, but I would just love to know what might be causing this particular issue because Steam support wasn't of any use and it is an extremely weird.
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Thanks. I have sent the request. ^^
Interesting, that's weird indeed. I can't really help you sadly, it has been more than three weeks so I don't remember any details. What I can say is that it was the last achievement I got during that play session (the two other show correctly) and that it still shows up correctly when I look at my achievement from the steam app achivements recap (as opposed as looking at my achievement page). As for what might have caused it, I think I might have closed the game soon after getting the achievement, maybe ? I can't really be sure though... I'm pretty sure there wasn't any game bug at that point.
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Thanks. I have sent the request. ^^
Join request approved, welcome to the group! :)
and that it still shows up correctly when I look at my achievement from the steam app achivements recap (as opposed as looking at my achievement page).
Yep, was exact same situation with the other group admin as well if I remember correctly. It is really really weird.
As for what might have caused it, I think I might have closed the game soon after getting the achievement, maybe ?
I can't imagine that would cause it unless you would have actually closed the game right at the exact moment you got the achievement.
But thank you very much for answering my question and providing the idea you got. It was more of a shot in the dark in case there was something memorable about it as I am really curious as this is only the 2nd time I ever see something like that happen (tho there is some rare reports of it happening in the past).
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Hello, I'm very new to this part of SG, so, could you explain to me if I could join with Option 1 if I didn't win anything yet here? I have many games that I didn't play yet (mostly just idle time and gaven for free across the years, some of them just were not my priority, etc) at my library. Please, feel free to take a look at my profile, I'll wait for an answer to understand how this works. In advance, thank you!
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Hi andyosbourne, sorry for the late response. Yes, you can indeed join the group with option 1 without having won anything. You can pick any unplayed (idle time is fine) game with achievements and play that instead. You just need to let me know which game it is going to be in a reply before you start playing it.
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Nice, I'll have a look at my library and put some options here
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Looks like you have actually won your first giveaway (congrats!) since the original comment, so preferably that should be the game you pick :)
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You should have confirmed to me that you are going to play the game. But since it is not like you have any other wins you could have played I will accept it. Join request approved, welcome to the group!
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Ahh, I'm so sorry, I thought it was implicit since I won The Fall and, until now, it was the only one. Thanks for accepting me, anyway! =D
I forgot to upload some screenshots to my gallery, do you want me to do it?
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Well a confirmation of "yep, gonna play that" would have been nice, but it really doesn't matter in the end of the day and I am not gonna be annoying over it.
And nope, all good! While option 1 states you should upload them I will only specifically ask for them if something doesn't quite look right to me (tho they are always super welcome to be uploaded) and all looked good to me in your case :)
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Hi Gi0rdan0, since you haven't won any game on SG yet you can use any any unplayed game with achievements from your Steam library instead. You just need to let me know what that game is before you start playing it (my making a new comment, not editing a previous one as if you just edit it I don't get a notification and therefore can't approve the game as appropriate to play to join the group with it).
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Alright, I hope you will enjoy Call of Juarez: Gunslinger then! Let me know once you beat the game :)
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Congrats on beating the game. Join request approved, welcome to the group!
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Hi seli, we are currently in the process of clearing out all our old join requests and I came across yours. I would like to know if you would still be interested to join the group?
If I won't get a reply in a week I will simply mark you as not interested to join on our list, but you would still be welcome to join once you have beaten the game :)
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Alright. If you would like to reapply in the future (can also be a completely different game) feel free to do so.
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Hi DeGTb, you are welcome to join with option 2. While region locked giveaways are perfectly fine please note the giveaway you make to join with option 2 needs to have a winner. But we have quite a lot of members from the CIS region so I don't think that should be an issue at all here (its more of a heads up).
Join request approved, welcome to the group! Please make the giveaway as soon as you can :)
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Yes i done, thanks for approved! <( ̄︶ ̄)>
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Thank you for the giveaway! I hope whoever wins will enjoy it :)
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Hi xkingpin, you are welcome to join by playing Ryse: Son of Rome(note: 2 hours of idle time). Let me know once you beat the game!
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Very sorry for the late response. This one proved quite a challenge for me to figure out how exactly to respond. But I think I do have a proper answer now:
You are not really supposed to play the game in offline mode (which I assume what happened here with the Steam Deck because a lot of things are off). This is only mentioned in the group FAQ and not in the main post (I will fix that now to make it clear) so I can not blame you for playing in offline mode at all. So I would still like to accept your playtime for Ryse: Son of Rome and let you join the group. However before I do that I would like to ask for 2 things:
From FAQ:
\14. Can I play using offline mode?
No. Playing in offline mode prevents us to see the real amount of playtime a player has accumulated. Sometimes Steam goes down or the internet disconnects randomly and that is fine, it is not something that can be controlled and won't be held against you. Just don't intentionally play in offline mode.
Once again my apology for the late response and sorry for the inconvenience.
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Hi Mouse,
You're right, I didn't catch that in the FAQ/rules. Sorry about that and I see why you have that rule now. I played my SteamDeck when I was away from home and pretty much exclusively played the game like that. Now that I understand the rules, I agree to them and won't be offline during playtime if I am to win any of the games from the group. I also uploaded the screenshot of what happens when I click the achievements option in the game, it just opens the steam overlay with the achievements open.
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You're right, I didn't catch that in the FAQ/rules. Sorry about that and I see why you have that rule now. I played my SteamDeck when I was away from home and pretty much exclusively played the game like that.
Don't worry, it should have been made clear in the main post as well. It just hasn't really been an issue where someone played pretty much almost the whole game offline before so I never even thought about it.
I also uploaded the screenshot of what happens when I click the achievements option in the game, it just opens the steam overlay with the achievements open.
Ah it is one of those games that just does that. I appreciate you trying at least :)
Since you are fine with the requirement to play group wins online then please request to join the group on Steam here and I will approve it as soon as I see it :)
Edit: approved.
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I would love to join this, just recently started using this site properly again but the only games I've won are years ago and they aren't valid. Currently trying to win another so I can take part.
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Hi dorkknight, I took a look and it seems like you do actually have a win that qualifies: The Showdown Effect. Let me know if you would like to join playing that.
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I think that's multiplayer only, so I thought it wouldn't be a good game to do. It's delisted but I could still earn achievements, though it may be very difficult to get a game.
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Ah fair, I didn't actually look into the game past you not having any achievements in it and the time HLTB claims for main story. Looking at the achievements now it doesn't seem to actually have any campaign/story/proper progression ones so it would be hard to judge what would count as "beaten" anyways.
Since the other 2 games (for the DLC I am looking at the base game) don't qualify either as they have been played you have 3 options:
Let me know what you would prefer :)
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Thank you for getting back to me, I think I would like to go with option 1. I would like to play Journey https://store.steampowered.com/app/638230/Journey/ if that choice is okay? I got it during christmas and have yet to try it.
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Damn, what a game. Very beautiful to look at and the music was excellent :) I uploaded alot of screenshots while I played :)
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I would like to join by doing option 1:
Will be playing Darkwood.
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Hi UmiKitsune, we are currently in the process of clearing out all our old join requests and I came across yours. I would like to know if you would still be interested to join the group?
If I won't get a reply in a week I will reject your join request, but you would still be welcome to join in the future if you change your mind :)
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Oh sorry about that I'll just join in the future haven't have much time to play nowadays. Thank you for the notice though!!
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Alright, I will reject your join request for now, but feel free to request to join in the future again once you got more time :)
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Hi sahar89, I am afraid you are not welcome to join, sorry.
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I would like to join by option 1:
i don't know if it counts or is acceptable, i played Call of Juarez which won 6 years ago and finished it this September with all achievements. played the silent age, played duke Nukem, and didn't like
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Hi JackReaper1, please reread the instructions how to join with option 1. None of those games count.
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Would like to join by option 1: will play the darkness 2
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The Darkness II will do fine, let me know once you beat the game.
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Looking at your achievements you have 7 of them unlocked at the same exact time when they should not be achieved like that. Please provide both an explanation as to how that happened and proof that the game has been indeed beaten.
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Had a connection problem so was playing offline and when the connection got fixed steam uploaded all achievements of it at the same time
since I'm planning on doing 100% on it, in the next few hours i beat NG+ and don difficulty achievement as well, you can wait for that if there is any doubt
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Apologies for the late response.
I assumed that might be the case, but I still wanted to make sure and thats why I would like to still request screenshot proof anyways (from what I seen it should be pretty easy to prove it was beaten from the main menu itself and that is good enough for me) even if I saw that by now you did actually complete it. I hope you understand I just wanna be thorough when checking applications as we had problems with people cheating in the past and it is nothing personal. Also please request to join the group on Steam so I can approve it once you upload the screenshot.
As for playing offline please note point 14. "Can I play using offline mode?" from the group FAQ once you become a member of the group.
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Hi there! I would like to join. Unfortunately I didn't notice this post until after I started the play a game you won challenge for January with my only unplayed and trackable win, so I don't think I have any games that qualify for Option 1. I would be willing to join with Option 2.
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Hi Wit, since you don't have any wins that you can use to join with option 1 you can instead pick any unplayed game with achievements from your Steam library and play that instead (you just need to let me know which game before you start playing it). Or you can stick with option 2 if you wish. Either one is fine by me, just let me know which one you would prefer :)
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I think I will still join with option 2. I'd like to give away
Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan
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Hello. I would like to join by playing Hades however since it's a roguelike game it'll be too difficult for me to beat the game so soon. Especially since it's my first time playing this genre of game. Is it possible if you could evaluate based on playing hours?
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Hi qquinnzel, please reread the instructions how to join with option 1. Hades won't work. You can either:
Let me know.
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Both Sense - 不祥的预感: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story or Fran Bow will do fine. Go for whichever one you prefer and let me know when you beat either one of them.
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Hi qquinnzel, we are currently in the process of clearing out all our old join requests and I came across yours. I see you have beaten Fran Bow, but you never replied to me that you have done so. I would like to know if you would still be interested to join the group? If I won't get a reply in a week I will simply mark you as not interested to join on our list, but you would still be welcome to join in the future :)
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Alright, I have approved your join request, welcome to the group! :)
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22 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by Formidolosus
13 Comments - Last post 18 minutes ago by moronic
34 Comments - Last post 30 minutes ago by VahidSlayerOfAll
355 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by aumeilo
331 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by MyLittlePoPo
915 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by Insound
15 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by Sooth
15 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by Carenard
285 Comments - Last post 15 minutes ago by pizzahut
10,141 Comments - Last post 18 minutes ago by Sno1
1,913 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by DufWhite
55 Comments - Last post 39 minutes ago by pizzahut
117 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Devirk
12 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Fluffster
The group is currently closed for new applications. If you apply anyways I am gonna assume you can not read and therefore I have no hope you read the group rules so you will be unable to join the group when it reopens.
Playing Appreciated is a group for members that like to play games they win and for giveaway creators that like to see their games getting played. This sounds simple, yet requires commitment and dedication from members by filtering out games they like to play from all group giveaways and when won playing those within one month. In return members will get higher chances of winning games they want and creators will know their giveaways have a high chance of getting played. The group has more than 1000 members and over 25000 historical giveaways.
Group rules
More information and detailed rules please see the FAQ.
How to join
You can't join at the moment, we don't accept new members.
Final notes
Requesting to join without leaving a comment bellow will result in an automatic rejection.
More information and the FAQ are available via the Steam group.
Current group giveaways on SteamGifts
Group website where all playtime is tracked
Old application thread
Feel free to comment below if you have any questions!
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