Hi borhene, if you want to join the first step is going to be putting your game details to public as stated in the main post under group rules and then we can see from there.
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Hello, I'd like to join the group and I picked Gryphon Knight Epic from my pile of shame for Option 1
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Hi again! I have finished playing Gryphon Knight Epic, actually wanted to stream it but I got some issues with Twitch. I played the game on controller, it was pretty fun. Completed it in 3 hours on easy difficulty. I tried to beat the boss on normal difficulty but gave up after few attempts. I got some achievements and 12 screenshots posted on Steam.
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I'm sorry, it didn't say anywhere to wait. I followed the instruction of: 'Comment with the name of the game before you start playing it and comment again when you finished playing it.' Do I have to do another game then?
Well it says to wait in 4th points but I thought it was to 3rd point since it comes after it.
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It's okay! I enjoyed playing it anyway, possibility to join the group was kind of a motivation to got back to games won and not played for various reasons. I hope to hit level 2 this year on Steamgifts. And thanks for letting me know. I appreciate Your help!
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It is actually alright to start playing before my confirmation (as long as it wasn't also played before the comment was made), but they just risk to run into the fact that I might say either "no, change the game" or "no, you cant join" and the playtime was in vain. But games should be played nor horded anyways so I guess even that situation is not too bad :D
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Hi SirChrisSwan, you can join by having played Gryphon Knight Epic since your playtime was after your original comment.
There is an issue however, in the 10 minute gap between you sending the join request on Steam and your comment here I was sorting group stuff out, saw your join request, saw your games were set to private and that you didn't comment anything on the thread so I rejected the join request assuming you were just another one of those people who send a join request on Steam but don't actually bother reading the thread. I have sent you a friend request on Steam so I can invite you to the group, please message me when you accept it so I don't forget to invite.
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I'd like to join with Option 2. I have either already played all my won games (some of them through family share), or I don't care enough about them to devote my limited time away from Yakuza right now :)
I have some HB Monthlies with multiple non-selected options to choose from, maybe Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3
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Hi pgetsos, you are welcome to join with option 2. Please request to join the group on Steam here and I will approve it as soon as I see it.
or I don't care enough about them to devote my limited time away from Yakuza right now :)
That is perfectly fine, just please keep in mind that group wins need to be played within a month of time so make sure you have time for the game before entering for it.
Side note CSD3 is one of my favorite games so if you give that away I hope however wins it will enjoy it as much as I did :)
Edit: approved.
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I would like to join with Option 2! Maybe Factory Town would be a fun game to give away with 91% positive rating. Alternatively (or at the same time) Beat 'Em Up Final Vendetta is a lot of fun. I already own it for Switch so I don't need the key.
I have a bunch of GAs going right now so I'd only be able to open up new ones in 2 days! Thanks for your consideration.
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Hi User2342, if you want to join then please set your game details to public as shown in the main posts.
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Join request approved, welcome to the group! Please make the giveaway as soon as you can :)
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I'd like to join the group with option 2, I got plenty of keys like CryoFall, Indivisble, and Children of Morta. It would be nice for my giveaways to actually be played lol
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Hi fluff77ball, you are welcome to join with option 2. Join request approved, welcome to the group! Please make a giveaway as soon as you can :)
Quick note: Children of Morta doesn't count for option 2 as it is marked as given away for free in the past (it is only a restriction for the first giveaway, if you would like to give it away in the future it is not a problem), the other 2 games mentioned would be fine.
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Thank you so much I just set up the first giveaway so were good to go!
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Hello I would like to join I was given elden ring (not a steamgifts though) and would like to complete. The only game I actually won here doesnt seem to work on my steam deck unfortunately so i cant play it.
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Hi funnyduck99, I gotta say your comment does not give a good first impression.
First of all
I was given elden ring (not a steamgifts though) and would like to complete
this is not how this works and you already have playtime on the game.
The only game I actually won here doesnt seem to work on my steam deck unfortunately so i cant play it.
and thats on you for not checking if something works or not. But on top of that you claim that without even having tried the game and considering Steam got plenty of playtime registered on Windows I have to assume you have an access to some sort of PC so this just seems like a weak excuse to me. Mind you the game wouldn't have counted anyways because it doesn't have achievements, but considering this is a group for people to play their wins and "my pc can't run it" is not a valid excuse yea....
So I am gonna say no for now, but you can try again in a few months when hopefully you have some wins you can play.
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Ok thanks for your answer though I would like to clear something up, I haven't really started elden ring yet the playtime I have of it is just me fiddling trying to fix the right settings to run well on steam deck as I was getting huge input lag, I still am at very start of the game and also about the game I won yeah it was just some random one I joined and it is a very obscure game that had nothing out on whether it is deck compatible.Anyways thanks for your reply and I hope I win a game soon.
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Hi Kehai,
i would like to enter with option 1 using Zombie Bowl-o-Rama, i've started playing it yesterday and have 19 minutes on it.
From the post
Option 1: Showing your commitment by playing a previous won game on SteamGifts that you did not yet play.
As for Mountain it is not really a game you can finish so that is not going to work either.
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I guess finishing career mode in PGA TOUR 2K21 should work. Let me know when you beat the game.
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Hey, it's been a while. Firstly, I'd like to apologize for the delay in responding. I tried playing PGA TOUR, and while I enjoyed it as a relaxing game, it wasn't the type of game I would be able to devote enough time into fully finishing in a reasonable amount of time, as I had other games to play/wanted to play, and this one was honestly getting a bit painful to play.
Therefore, I would like to reapply if that's possible, but this time using option 2.
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Join request approved, welcome to the group! Please make the giveaway as soon as you can :)
And once again sorry for the delay in responding, I have been pretty busy in the past weeks.
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I am a developer and would like to join with option 2, by doing a group exclusive giveaway of 50 copies of our game Trackmaster: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1042930/Trackmaster/
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Hi DrKrilleMaster,
generally the game you give away should not be acquired for free (in your case your own game), however if you would like to join the group just to share your own game without entering giveaways on your own I can make an exception here no problem. Let me know :)
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I do not plan to participate in any giveaways. Just want to share the game and can leave the group afterwards. :)
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Alright, you are more welcome to join and share your game in that case! Join request approved, welcome to the group :) You might have to resync your SG account with Steam to see the group in the list groups to share the giveaway with.
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Hi, I'd like to apply using Option 1.
That the game that I would be playing is Lost Ember which I won on SG today. The game has 33 achievements and a main story completion time of 4 hours according to HLTB.
I'll post an update and apply to the group on Steam once I've beaten the game.
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So I don't repeat myself I will just link my comment I made about this a couple of weeks ago.
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Hi PoeticKatana, you are welcome to join by playing Lost Ember. Let me know once you beat the game :)
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Just finished the game with 22 out of 33 achievements
Caveat: I created a new save slot after beating the game and replayed the initial section to knock out an easy achievement. This caused some of the achievement counters to reset. You can see my actual in-game progress in the screenshot.
Steam join request sent.
Sadly, I didn't enjoy the game as much as I thought I would, but I didn't hate it either. It was a chill, casual experience.
Things that I liked:
Things that I disliked:
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Congrats on beating the game! And thank you for the explanation, review and screenshot :) Sorry to hear that the game was not as good :/
Join request approved, welcome to the group! :)
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Hello last time I wanted to join I hadnt won a game yet but I finally won a game. So if i understand right, if I beat the game then i can join? Game is called Hunting simulator. it has 30 achievements i just checked
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Hi funnyduck99, no, you did not understand right.
So I am gonna say no for now, but you can try again in a few months when hopefully you have some wins you can play.
I said ask again in a few months, it has been 2 weeks.
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Ok my bad I thought you said that because you assumed it would be a few months until I won a game, not because you were mad I didnt completely understand the rules first time
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Hi - I’m interested in joining the group using option 1 by playing one of my own won games called Strider. Thanks in advance!
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Hi - I actually beat this a few days ago. Unfortunately, I forgot to take any screenshots. Is that alright? If not I can try and beat the game again and take some genuine screenshots from beginning to end (after beating the game it resets and starts from beginning). Thanks!
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For new members unactivated wins, multiples wins and trade bans are not allowed. what means multiples wins? U wont let me to group cuz of that?then what to do so i can get in ? Or Option 1 will work 4 me and thats it?then can i apply game with only playtime? Like this:"Some games don’t have achievements, stats or leaderboards. How can you tell that the winner’s playtime isn’t just for idling cards?
We can’t. If the game lacks any metrics other than playtime we encourage winners to post a screenshot or two from their playthrough, and to write a few words with their impression of the game (a short Steam review would be great!). If you created a giveaway you may also add a note about this in the giveaway description. Suggested text: “Please post a couple of screenshots from the game and, when you finish, write a few words about it / a short Steam review”. This would not be enforced as a group rule - you are free to blacklist those who did not do so. However if a group admin has any suspicion that a game might not have been played properly they can request some screenshots showing the progress so as a winner be ready to provide that."
If not then why members can?there is no difference,just if one member and if one is going to be so pls allow me to do option 1 like this with game only with playtime :) cuz its best game won. Curse. Thx to it ill be able to send group request faster and its already downloaded and i have slow internet i just want not miss running giveaway of vehicle battle game
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Hi uvbfgwuogfvu, you are not welcome to join the group.
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Even if ill prove that im serious about playing wins?like serious sam which im playing right now
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Requesting to join without leaving a comment bellow will result in an automatic rejection.
New Join Request - October 7th @ 5:30pm - GreenElephant requested to join
Join Request Denied - October 7th @ 5:37pm - GreenElephant's membership request was denied by MouseWithBeer
Among other issues, but I am not gonna waste my time explaining those because you already fail on this one.
Even if ill prove that im serious about playing wins?like serious sam which im playing right now
What? Do you have multiple accounts and are signed in on the wrong one? This account has never won a Serious Sam game on SG neither do you have any of them in your Steam library.
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U right
Im sorry
New Join Request - October 7th @ 5:30pm - GreenElephant requested to join
I was not serious at that time, now i can give a result playing games thats the matters right? So give me shot pls and ill start playing wins cuz this great group motivated me and remind me that time should be wasted only 4 the best, u cant turn it back, "later" can never come
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I cant see anywhere what not gives me to try join group via option 1 so pls can u explain and give me idea what i need to improve?all wins must be played?there is no rules i violated so why i feel u feel hate to newcomer?if there is no reason its not fair to accept requests from ones and not letting request to others and not letting know about that in post so there is better feedback if u place that info in group somewhere ty
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Hi uvbfgwuogfvu, you are not welcome to join the group.
I am not changing my mind and with every message you just make me more and more sure my decision is correct, so now please stop asking.
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Annoying other group admins over it gives you even less of a chance to ever join (which was 0 to begin with), so stop.
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Hi Syntrix82, you are welcome to join the group but the giveaway needs to be done right after you join not within the month. You can let me know whenever you are ready to make one and I will accept your join request at that point :)
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Sorry for the late response, but join request approved, welcome to the group!
No worries, the one month limit is just for playing the giveaways you win :)
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Thank you for sharing! I enjoyed my time with that game so I hope however wins it will too :)
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Hi 0ta, you are not welcome to join the group, sorry.
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Requesting to join without leaving a comment bellow will result in an automatic rejection.
And from what I can see you have done that to a lot of groups. And if you can't follow basic instructions how to join a group properly I don't have much hope you will follow the group rules once part of the group and I am not willing to risk it.
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I am not denying it i have joined many groups these months, got rejected by some of them; but haven't been kicked from any cuz i am usually good with rules. About "taking risk" you're right you gain almost nothing from it, however would also be able to kick anytime so it's not really was a "risk"
Note it I'm not trying to insist, which is why i'm replying to my own comment instead of yours. Even so, you won't be mad if I try again next year, right? (will be happy if you answer this positively by chance)
Since this is one of the few groups I was planing to stay very long time.
Good evening to anyone who sees this o(^▽^)o
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Hi Valac, there is no restriction at all when it comes to region locked giveaways. Only catch is that the giveaway you make to join with option 2 needs to have a valid winner which with a region locked you run in a higher than normal chance noone would enter the giveaway (but generally as long as it is not region locked to only 1 or 2 countries it should be fine).
And sure, if you decide to join in the future let me know :)
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So... I've "beaten" the game. Only after defeating the final boss for the first time I realised that I wasn't sure when a roguelike with no story can be considered beaten. But now I've defeated the final boss twice in normal dificulty, completed a loop (consecutive run that allows you to maintain most of your items but makes the game much harder, mainly by throwing 2 bosses at you at every battle), unlocked all alternative biomes that I know of, and unlocked every character, wich sounds good enough.
I really liked how much liberty this lovechild of "Nuclear Throne" and "Enter the Gungeon" gives you when it comes to picking your approach on bosses and look forward to both playing it on coop and geting good enough to beat one of the harder difficulties instead of getting my butt handled to me the instant the second boss appears.
I'll keep playing it anyways so I'll understand if you disagree with me on the beaten status due to something like achievement % (Though I will say the ones involving beating x amount of a rare enemies seem rather grindy and can only come with time), this is just where I believed best to call it a win since it's not too clear in this kind of game.
A few screenshots of the game: https://imgur.com/a/so4DwB4
My achievements: https://steamcommunity.com/id/valac13/stats/1304680/?tab=achievements
Thank you for the attention :)
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I would say your progress is more than enough to be considered as beaten for sure :) Glad to hear you seem to be enjoying the game as well!
And thank you for the screenshots! :)
Join request approved, welcome to the group!
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Hello I would like to join your group, but I haven't won any giveaways here yet. Am I still able to join?
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Hi KrypticKathulhu, since you don't have any wins you have 3 options how to join:
1) Join by making a giveaway (option 2)
2) Pick any unplayed game with achievements from your Steam library and play that instead (you need to let me know what game before you start playing it)
3) Wait till you win something and play that
Let me know what you would like to do!
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I'll do the second option, does the game count as finished when the story is over or when all achievements have been earned?
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It just need to be beaten aka finished the main story/levels the game has. Anything else on top of that is not required.
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Alright, I'll do Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc. I just got it two days ago.
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I hope you will enjoy Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc more than I did. Let me know once you beat the game :)
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Hi KrypticKathulhu, we are currently in the process of clearing out all our old join requests and I came across yours. I would like to know if you would still be interested to join the group?
If I won't get a reply in a week I will simply mark you as not interested to join on our list, but you would still be welcome to join once you have beaten the game :)
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Hello, I'm still interested. I'm waiting to play this game on my Twitch channel and want to show myself getting the achievements there. Would it be possible to use a game I've won since I've won some giveaways now?
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Yep, you can change the game if you wish, you just need to let me know which game before you start playing it.
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I'll be switching to Neon Girls. I haven't started that one yet.
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Alright, let me know when you beat Neon Girls then :)
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I've finished it and really enjoyed the art!
Do you need to see any screenshots? If so, where do I share them and do you need them censored since the late game ones are 18+?
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Sorry for the delay, life gets hectic during the week. I have finally approved your join request :)
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Hi Lucifera, you are welcome to join with option 2. Join request approved, welcome to the group! Please make the giveaway as soon as you can.
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Hi mast0d0n, if you would like to join first please set your profile correctly to public like shown in this part of the main post:
You need to set and keep your Steam privacy settings for My profile and Game details public (example);
Edit: some digging later it seems like you were a member in the past and you left on June 17th 2021 with no unplayed wins. So you can rejoin no problem, but you gotta switch your privacy settings as stated above.
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Yep, looks good now.
Yes i was a member but i took a year long break from steam and steamgifts so i didnt want to occupy space,
We don't have activity requirement or max number of members so there is no need to do leave in the future if you decide to take another break.
can i get an invitation i can't seem to send a join request.
I have sent you a friend request on Steam to invite you. Send me a message when you accept so I don't forget.
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- Make sure you are not violating any SteamGifts rules;
I will let you figure the rest yourself.
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i found some website with SGTools: Data processing and analysis for X-ray scattering download link im sorry i will not download some random link :D
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Right now there's nothing to see there.
Did you maybe mark any of your wins as received first and activated them only later today?
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It normally isn't if you don't apply to groups while you have missing games on your account.
Eventhough it's normally not a problem I would still recommend against it. What if the key had turned out dupe?
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Just to be sure... the "alternative" would have to be the same game.
I'm just saying because it's a common mistake. At least it used to be when I was still more active here.
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Maybe I'm just being stupid right now but he comes up clean.
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Hey, I'd like to join by playing Ghostrunner which I just won :)
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Hi DarkDreams1, you are welcome to join by playing Ghostrunner. Let me know once you beat the game!
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I finshed the game and got all (non-DLC) achievements on top of that because it was a really cool game :D
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Glad to hear you liked the game! :D And congrats on completing it (except DLC)! Join request approved, welcome to the group :)
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Hi Rorss, since you don't have any qualifying wins you have 3 options:
1) Joining by making a giveaway (option 2)
2) Pick any unplayed game with achievements from your Steam library and play that instead (you need to let me know what game before you start playing it)
3) Wait till you win something and play that
So yea, what you asking for is one of the possibilities. Let me know if that is what you wanna do and what game it is going to be.
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Either Tell Me Why or Little Nightmares will do fine. Let me know once you beat one of them.
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Congrats on beating the game! Please request to join the group Steam here and I will approve it as soon as I see it :)
Unrelated to this group, but related finishing more games: I can recommend BLAEO for keeping track of your games. Website, where you can join.
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Very sorry for the delay, I have approved the join request now!
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Hello, I have Lake to give away and would like to join and do it here.
I haven't won any giveaways here so I think I should be in good standing, but I'm pretty new to Steam (I've done all my gaming for ~5 years in Switch) so please let me know if there's any problem with my account.
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Thanks! I see that I'm a member of the group on Steam but SG hasn't synced yet. Do I need to manually sync or just wait?
Also are there any group guidelines for how long a giveaway should run or contributor level restrictions? I don't see anything in the FAQ but I wanted to make sure before making my first one.
Edit: just found where to sync my Steam account on SG
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I see that I'm a member of the group on Steam but SG hasn't synced yet. Do I need to manually sync or just wait?
Go here
and press "Sync Account"
are there any group guidelines for how long a giveaway should run or contributor level restrictions?
First giveaway should be exclusive for the group, that is the only requirement. If I recall correctly the rest is up to you to decide.
There are also no specific rules for regular giveaways you will make in the future within a group. You can set any level, any regional restrictions, any length, share giveaways with whitelist or other groups.
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From the looks of it you have figured it all out and made a giveaway (thank you for sharing :) ). I just want to confirm all info you were given by AndyFrost and DarkRainX is indeed correct!
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22 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by Formidolosus
13 Comments - Last post 18 minutes ago by moronic
34 Comments - Last post 30 minutes ago by VahidSlayerOfAll
355 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by aumeilo
331 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by MyLittlePoPo
915 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by Insound
15 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by Sooth
15 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by Carenard
285 Comments - Last post 15 minutes ago by pizzahut
10,141 Comments - Last post 18 minutes ago by Sno1
1,913 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by DufWhite
55 Comments - Last post 39 minutes ago by pizzahut
117 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Devirk
12 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Fluffster
The group is currently closed for new applications. If you apply anyways I am gonna assume you can not read and therefore I have no hope you read the group rules so you will be unable to join the group when it reopens.
Playing Appreciated is a group for members that like to play games they win and for giveaway creators that like to see their games getting played. This sounds simple, yet requires commitment and dedication from members by filtering out games they like to play from all group giveaways and when won playing those within one month. In return members will get higher chances of winning games they want and creators will know their giveaways have a high chance of getting played. The group has more than 1000 members and over 25000 historical giveaways.
Group rules
More information and detailed rules please see the FAQ.
How to join
You can't join at the moment, we don't accept new members.
Final notes
Requesting to join without leaving a comment bellow will result in an automatic rejection.
More information and the FAQ are available via the Steam group.
Current group giveaways on SteamGifts
Group website where all playtime is tracked
Old application thread
Feel free to comment below if you have any questions!
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