babiiiiiie ;;;;; She's so small and cute
youll do great!
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It's 1 and the same cat. :) But yeah. :)
I wanted two, but my mom said you just get 1, i am stubborn always wanting my way and both, but apparently there was also something wrong with that other kitten, it went all beyond me and through my mom, so i am totally clueless there on what really happened.
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I used to tease a lot in the beginning with these titles when i was here. But it were whole different times then. p
I can understand that, i am afraid too, like am i feeding it right, am i handling it right, i think it goes the same for getting a human baby, like oh i can't do t his, but eventually you manage to learn it.
You also don't want children, is there something mentally holding you back? Else this would be a great practice.
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nothing mentally holding me back.
for children have to get the right partner first.
I did have a dog in the past as a teen, was a very hard day when cancer took him... but the freedom my brother and I gained that day... It is hard to give that back up.
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Oh i know, i lived with my moms cats for 2 years, but they had rooms sometimes they weren't allowed in, so constant door open, door closed, not tripping over them on the stairs. I was actually relieved too that i didn't had that "stress" anymore.
But that was a house, this is an apartment.
Dogs require more maintainance (in my opinion) cats are much more independent, they do their own stuff, you don't need to walk them out, and therefor i think no reason for you holding back on it over that, you still keep (partial) freedom.
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when is feeding time
When the very young cat decide means that "always" ^^
And they can get really annoying when you aren't a fast enough can opener, special in the morning or whenever their majesty want to eat^^
I recommend to have more or less the same times set as "standard" for the wet food (can meat etc.) and for between a bit dry food that the cat can grab whenever she wants.
That way the cat learn, at least partly which one is the boss (fully isn't possible with a cat, you will learn this lesson soon :-D), it don't smells badly all the time and you don't have a lot of flies around the food pot.
And yes, you will learn all needed stuff and don't need to stress yourself.
The only thing you maybe should read about are toxic plants for cats, because you could have such ones in your flat and cats like to bite in nearly anything... so better don't have the wrong plants available for her.
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And how they always keep walking around your feet (or even climb on the kitchen counter) where you almost trip? It's how my moms cats are atleast. :p
It's more like with my (poor) sleeping habit how i can adept it to his pattern, not that he knocks at my door at 7:00 "feed me human", then again my moms cats are patient enough till about 11:00 (when she wakes up).
Well i have to be careful with my balcony door, and do have weird insects (dragon like) and mosquitos inside sometimes, but i always catch them, and sometimes a (small) fly) but i always get them (which was easier when i still had a ceiling that was 2meter and not 2,50 now) but with my germphobia thing i hate to keep flies flying around.
That's my main problem, i stress too much, too often. :p
The only plant i have is a tomato plant outside on the balcony, i want many plants and green on the balcony (or indoor) but for the moment there is a whole list that needs to come first, but how do you figure out which ones are wrong, google each plant or are there certain kinds?
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Young cats don't wait.
She will correct your sleeping habit that it fits to her hungry times :-DDD
You hadn't the chance, 20 years ago, the time when i moved out of the house of my parents -and with this from each of our cats-, to look the critical plants up in the www.
I, strongly, assume that it isn't a problem to search with something like "toxic plants for cats" to get a list or to find in a cats forum some info.
Can't help in this case because i had nothing to do with the plants in our house, so i don't know the names of the ones that weren't allowed in the rooms that the cats could enter.
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I will throw her on the balcony if it's 5:00 :P (No seriously, i already sleep rotten since i moved, not that i ever slept properly but a headache, dry mouth, i don't know if the whole ventilation system is working properly (since mine gives a red light sometimes while the neighbours orange, even my neighbours got no clue about the whole thing).
My mom has/had dozens of plants and her cats nibbled on all of them, they even shredded my fake christmas tree.
But more fun for them is to knock the vases over, they broken over 10. I am like mom why even bother putting up new ones.
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This baby is adorable! Our kitten is going through adolescence now and she's a handful. Pro tip when your kitten reaches that age: if you can't get them to stop doing something you don't want them to do, distract them. In my case, that simply involves scrunching up a piece of paper into a ball and throwing it. Works better for our kitten than any toy because it's perceived as a "new toy".
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Not exactly adolescent yet, but close. She's 5 months old now (adolescence begins at around 6 months). She's naturally active but became even more active lately, curious about everything, jumping all over the place, trying to test boundaries with everything. That age may be a bit demanding but it's infinitely endearing and entertaining. You'll definitely love it.
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Awwwww such a little cute thing
Leaving cat themed giveaway for Snowie 💖💖Wf/calico
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Lugum, I am happy for you, this will definitely be a good companion to make some of the loneliness go away.
Enjoy 💗 So cute
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nice Lugum, the cat looks amazing and i think it will and can brighten up your days and your life!
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Thank you,
How much is enough? My moms cats they were brothers they have eachother, so my mom never played with them, but if you are alone i do feel offcourse i need to give them the companionship (and i struggle if they can be okay alone, but i couldn't get 2 cats even though i wanted to). i am going to buy toys like a tunnel, laser, a hedgehog that shakes, probably like my moms cats they are quickly done with it, but still.
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Safe your money, all that toys are only interesting for a very short time (= wasted money and space in nearly all cases).
Take empty toilet paper rolls, ear cleaning sticks, a slim rope, feathers, make a paper ball from paper that you don't need anymore. All this things will be, at least on the same interest level for the cat as the bought toys and you can put them away and use a week or later again. When they are destroyed, replace them, finish :)
Young cats play a lot ... you will see it when she is awake, run and jumps around. When she is awake and you can't cuddle her, she want to play. It give nearly nothing else, when they are young, besides eating and sleeping.
Oh and she will hunt the flies and all other insects (free toys) -ok, a few cats have fear for insects too but they are the minority-
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I totally agree with you for the toys made from old stuff. Plastic bottle cap are good too.
If you really want to buy some toys, ping-pong (or tennis table, not sure how it's called in English...) balls are a good idea. They are quite resistant to scratches, roll when the cat pushes it and make an attractive sound when they bounce. And your furniture will replace the tunnel when the ball goes underneath.
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+1 for the ping-pong balls.
They are, on top, bite protected because of the round form.
But be sure that you be often the one that can collect them below some furniture when the cat lost the interest. Of course only till you collected them because in that moment they are interesting again.
You will learn your place (ball boy^^) in that game :-DDD
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Yeah they are great bug catchers although i don't think they can reach a 2,50 meter ceiling. :p
Thanks for the tips, well as i mentioned several times i rather wish they have a playmate themselves, but couldn't be possible, so i have to give them companionship, i just hope i give her enough time.
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Cats are not picky. Anything they can push around can be an entertaining toy. Mine likes it best when I personally play with her, though. I made this thingy on a stick and she goes crazy for it. I made it a bit fancy because I already had the materials, but it would have been just as effective if it were an empty toilet roll on a hemp string.
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5 minute sessions are good enough, I think, as long as you interact with the cat on a daily basis. I simply let her "catch the prey" and drag it to hide it away when I'm done, this way she doesn't notice that I'm the one ending the play session.
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In my experience, cats like the interaction more than the toys. My cat really loves paper balls, and I used to fold up a toilet paper roll with treats inside and she could play for hours. They love to chase stuff, but you don't need to buy one of those fancy sticks with feathers, just tie some rags to a string (just be careful - fine threads and strings are super dangerous if the cat swallows it) and drag the thing across the floor like it's small prey. All expensive, cute and fancy stuff I bought my cat was ignored.
From what I've seen tunnels are a blast when the cat has other cats to play with, but by themselves they don't care that much. I'd maybe look into those cat towers with partially covered niches, so she can climb, hide, and have the higher ground to feel safe :D
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1 of my moms cats likes the tunnel, but especially when you held your feet across of the gaps, then he would grab your foot (sometimes even with their nails). The other not so much, but he doesn't like more things. He is the quiet type, and the other the "bossy" one.
But that bossy cat is crazy on it's own, he also liked to be rubbed with my socks, laying down almost like it was sexual to him. The other quiet one loves to give paws on my head. :) But since i moved they aren't so close anymore.
My mom already bought a cat pole (and i only got so much space) i wish i had some more say in certain things, but you know moms.
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And uh... Kittens have A LOT of energy. Just don't play with them too late at night or they will get kinda hyper. I guess people would say to play with her until she's tired, but some kittens just have infinite energy. I'd say to play with her once or twice a day, until one of you is tired lol.
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Not winning the jackpot yet. ;) And the odds i would get a cat were slightly better.
Well no actually it went way quicker, because i expected to have atleast 2-3 weeks before i thought it would arrive, and thus also mentally prepare myself, but now it's a few days.
She has this housekeep, that knows someone on a farm with kittens, instead of giving me a straight number, it always went through her and the rest.
First i would get this white one (Snowie) then she said no the one with the red face (i wanted both), but then there might have been something wrong with it and maybe even another nest, yesterday she was you get a cat tuesday, i am like uh whut? Okay..
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So, is it still not a sure thing whether you're gonna get it? 🤨
I was referring to something you said in the past, about not having received a call yet from 'someone', and you were theorizing that maybe that person didn't want to call you because they knew you'd be sad because of the bad news, but you also didn't want to call them because you were afraid or something? I was wondering how that situation worked out, if that makes sense xD
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No it goes 100% through, hence why i said my mom called yesterday to say i will get the cat, else i wouldn't be making a whole topic about it and post pictures. ;)
My first sentence was a joke on how much i would want to win the money lottery and also keep that faith for years but that it hasn't worked out so far (but millions people want that) i know in US odds are ridiculous but here at one point we had one with very good odds until they didn't sell enough tickets anymore and the prizes dropped (although you can still at random weekly win 1 million for 5 euro, and main prizes 20000).. :p
I don't really catch what situation you are referring too (feel free to post it in a giveaway or even here i don't mind), the people on my call list are very minor (and i am happy with that, that i am not one of those people constantly on their phones). :p
There was the situation that Snowie i believe was the only kitten still left, and if someone else picked it first before me/my mom that i might have not been able to get a cat, that is true.
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Amazingly cute! I think you'll make a great couple. It looks she is a lil sad, probably it will make a lot to her to have you, and that kind of cats is very grateful. I foresee a lot of love flowing between you both. Wish you the best!
I'd like to correct you in one thing: some house cats can be very independent, but mostly they go between moderate and absurdly too much dependence to their owners. My cat was in the last case. So you need to get to know her before realizing how much time (even days) can you leave her alone. Dependant cats without enough attention or owner presence go irascible easily.
Of course street cats are true survivors (Kung Fury reference) and truly independent. Tho they know to who they can go for a nice dinner.
Another thing that called my attention in this thread is that yes, cats will try to catch flies. Even flies so tiny that you can't see them and wonder why they're moving their head like that. However, that ends the very moment they actually catch a fly, give a chew or two and spit it trying to remove the awful flavour from their mouth. I saw my cat do it with a pretty big one. Since then she looked how they flied around, but never went after them ever again.
Want to have her entertained when she doesn't feel like playing? Make her a place next to a window. On the outside ledge/windowsill/however you call it, put breadcrumbs daily, so birds get used to visit there. Snowy will gleefully watch for hours how birds come and go, walk by the sides, etc. Ofc never open that window!
My last advice is: cats like having their place. Being anywhere they want, but also knowing there's a place they can always go to be by themselves or have a nap without interruption. The best place would be near a window so she can see something else than the room, with a small blanket or catbed to be comfortable, and preferably if sun falls there during the morning. Cats love sunbathing but house cats often don't have a place to do so.
Remember If you have a dog, you own a dog. If you have a cat, the cat owns you.
Man's best friend is the dog; cat's best friend is a xenomorph.
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Yeah, you are the first one telling the exact same thing, i am like ahw so cute and adorable but she has something sad in her eyes, i am telling it to my mom and she immediately goes oh you don't like the cat? I am like no mom but offcourse i can just say she looks a bit sad? And maybe she is, i think she was also the last one out of the nest, so maybe even some feeling of being abandoned.
But it was even in the first picture of her (the last in the OP).
Thank you, i will give her all the attention i can. :)
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What an adorable kitten and name :) It'll be so much fun and you'll both make each other very happy! Pets always make every day brighter, it really helps mental health to take care of someone else! My dog and cat are my best friends ♡
I saw someone say that cats will break a lot of toys, my cat is really energetic and goes absolutely nuts sometimes but she's never broken a toy, they only start getting a bit dirty, you can buy some cheap soft mice, catnip toys and other stuff at the dollar store, she loves those feather wand fishing pole toys the most :) A little scratching post is very good and they also all seem to love these little spring toys!
I had a blonde kitty named Parker, he was so sweet (and sometimes grumpy!) Here he is and my cat now, Mariposa ♡ Last one is a googled pic of the spring toys
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Thank you. :) Yours looks cute and adorable too (but aren't most, well except grumpy cat :p).
I know it can help people, and hope it helps me too, but in a way i can't shake off feeling selfish, not giving her a playmate (except me), not the biggest of housing spaces but i hope that eventually goes away and she can find enough to do, and for me she can have the whole balcony for herself. And my mom says they can be totally fine on their own from time to time.
Yeah i think the fishing pole ones cats just dig (atleast what i saw from my moms cats).
The springy things i never seen before.
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Thank you :D Cats do love to sleep a lot (google says 12-16 hours) so they don't need constant attention all day! They love to relax on their own and I'm sure they don't care about the size of your home!
If you ever decide you may want 2 cats, lots of shelters apparently love when you foster a cat, I think they will usually only stay with you for a few weeks, giving room to the shelter until someone (or you) adopts them! You can see whether another cat will be good or bad :) (It also depends on each cat's personality or background) I wouldn't stress about it! Cats are happy to play and cuddle with humans and cats!
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Yeah my moms cats also sleep a lot, but then again so does my mom (on the couch) so they just crawl with her. I would draw a line not having them in my bed.
But extra cats is always extra food etc (and my finances atm are not stable enough, maybe if it was different) and maybe you get attached to one.
Plus there is always the chance i get my moms 2 cats too in the future, then i would have 3.
If i would have a normal house or atleast bigger by then, 3-4 it's also all not so much a problem, but especially in this day and age a lot of things are unpredictable and uncertain.
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They stay indoors for their own safety and the safety of the local wildlife. That's one of the terms of the rescue that we adopted them from. We give them lots of toys and lots of attention to keep them occupied. :) Ours isn't a big house, but large enough to give them a good deal of space to run around like little maniacs.
They were already in the US when we found out about them. They were rescued by some British organization operating in Ukraine. They evidently rescued 30+ cats from the ruins of a small city in Kharkiv, including these two. Apparently there's too little demand for pet cats in the UK and Europe to accommodate all of the rescues in Ukraine, though, so they export the cats to other countries where they'll get adopted. Two of them were taken in by a local pet rescue organization, and we adopted them from there.
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Take good care of her! Pets are some of the best parts of life
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Actually i have no cat game gifts (aside from garfield but no CV).
First it was oh weeks to decide, then it was oh weeks before it comes and now it's like a matter of days till it arrives here, and i am kinda freaking out not knowing if i will be ready for it all.. Gonna name her Snowie.
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Special Donators, thanks.
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