Just got an e-mail that offers one year of humble choice premium for 99$.
I quote:
"$99 annual membership offer with promo code HOLIDAY21 expires January 4, 2022. $99 annual membership offer for new and canceled Humble Choice members only. Users in Russia and China are not eligible.

3 years ago*

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View Results
....worth it.

This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago

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Wake up! It's 8,25$ for 1 month :D or you want 9$ for 1 year? o.0

3 years ago

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People are never happy.

3 years ago

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Wow now I can get all the golf and bird sighting games I ever wanted. Guess Amazon Prime is waaaaaaaaaaaaay better

3 years ago

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good joke

3 years ago

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Spoiler: still doesn't worth it

3 years ago

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Hell no. 6months for 6$/month is the real deal. Mine expires with November. Im pretty sure they'll give it to me again once i cancel. If not, good by IGN. Your bundles are pretty bad the last year or so.

3 years ago

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Not really. You can pause with this at any moment. With those other offers, you cant. So this way you can easily choose what bundle you want and not have to worry about getting bad bundles.

3 years ago

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With recent bundle quality that sounds like years of pausing for 99.

3 years ago

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The big problem with pausing a yearly is that you end up losing a month of subscriber privilege. I've been pausing many months, and now when I do keep a month active, I don't get the 20% shop discount :x
AFAIK this doesn't happen when you skip a month on a monthly payment

3 years ago

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oh wow thats stupid. The rare times I buy through the store is when I got my 20% otherwise there's 0 point to giving them money when I can get it cheaper elsewhere. Its where I got most of my final fantasy

3 years ago

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For the publishers that enable the discount.

A lot of publishers only have 10% instead of 20%, and some even have 0% instead of 20%. :(

I was thinking that 20% came out of humbles 30% markup, but I guess the publishers actually take a hit, is why it varies.

3 years ago

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I wasn't aware HB took such a crazy markup. 30% is the very same as Steam, isn't it? And unlike HB, Steam bears the cost of hosting and distributing the game files...

3 years ago

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It is pretty standard overall. One reason I think GMG can give the discounts they do...

3 years ago

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I guess so, but I mean, people are always criticizing Steam's markup (particularly compared to Epic's), but I never saw anyone complaining about key sellers having the exact same markup while having much much lower operational costs...

3 years ago

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Yeah, it is weird. Considering everything Steam does, full distribution, handling payments in just about any country. All the features supported.

It was kinda funny to read stat some developer gave about sales in Epic being 1% of total. And other stores like GOG not really being worth of the support effort due to low sales... Maybe Steam is too big. But as customer, not my problem...

3 years ago

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humbles 30% markup

I don't believe that's true. Unfortunately I can't find anything about HB's exact commission. I remember reading rates far below that for several web stores quite a while ago, but I can't find anything now. Is that just a guess on your part or do you have a source?

At least I was able to find what Microsoft takes in their store. It's 12% (source: https://www.theverge.com/21445923/platform-fees-apps-games-business-marketplace-apple-google). That sound more like what I believe resellers usually take (again, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about this).

3 years ago

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Did this last year. End result never again...

Also cancelled subs only? They are really trying to get rid of classic users...

3 years ago

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Oh yes, they are trying to get classic subscribers to drop their sub. They sent me an €86 for 12 months, but only works if you are unsubscribed. lol.

EDIT: Yeah... That's the $99 one I got the other day, it just converts to Euro when you go to the site.

3 years ago

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Same here, got this offer last week and considered it until I saw I would have to cancel my Classic subscription to do it. Last year I got an offer at Christmas that was 6 months for $36, maybe that will happen again, but it won't matter if they make me cancel to do it.

3 years ago

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I don't really get HB's strategy tho. I mean, if they want Classic users to cancel their subs, I suppose that's because they want them to eventually pay more than $12 for their Choice bundles, but the thing is... with all the offers going around such as this $99 for 12 months, the $6 for 3 months or even 6 months... plus the $4 coupon they'll throw at your face when you pause a few times in a row... I can only guess that a whole lot of people end up paying (way) less than $12 per bundle anyway. So what's the point?

Also... I'm not sure if people realize that the less we pay for Choice bundles, the more likely those bundles are to contain games that have already been bundled and games that might be considered of lesser quality than, say, their "regular" bundles have. Devs/publishers certainly get more money from HB's regular $10-$12-$15 bundles they're more expensive than Choices and have less games too so I suppose it's somewhat easier to get them to have their games bundled in a regular bundle than it is for a Choice bundle.

3 years ago

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In the realm of speculation, HB may have encountered a number of publishers who were like: "So, if we put our AA(A) game from a few years ago into a monthly, we do get $2 per copy? No, thanks.". And based on that HB's reasoning may be to do another year of "cheap" monthly, to then have average income from subscriptions at some $15 or more, at which point they can approach these publishers again and ask: "What about $5 per copy now, which is barely below what you sold the base game for in sale recently without DLC?", to then be able to push higher ranking titles, without some $6 special offer.

In any case, I'll stick it out with classic for some more time, especially when it still is possible to pause. And for some reason, I didn't get an email with that offer anyhow.

3 years ago

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That's an interesting take on the matter, I hadn't thought of that. I could almost see that happening... Although HB would have to change how the donation part works. If I remember correctly, using the custom option, you can set the amount going to publishers to 0. But maybe that donation thingy is just a smoke screen... since we're speculating, perhaps that HB already has a set amount of money going to charities and publishers and don't actually take into account how customers adjust the sliders.

I didn't get email either. And even if I had, I wouldn't have taken that deal. Having to pay the full subscription upfront is a bit of a turn off for me.

3 years ago

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The thing is, I've been paying $12 the whole time and don't pause very often. I never got any of those deals. I did at the beginning but it wasn't for classic subs, but some people cheated by gifting the 6 months to themselves. I didn't actually know you could do that. The people who were cheeky enough to try that in the first place are the ones who continue to get the $6 deal. I haven't been complaining about the price of the bundle or anything like that. If I like enough in the bundle to make it worth 12 (at least 2-3 good games), then I don't mind paying for it. But maybe if I was getting it for 6 per month, I'd get spoiled too.

I do feel like they are trying this tactic to get us to drop classic and it probably does come from a place where they regret making that deal with past subscribers. Maybe they want to make bigger and better bundles, and maybe too many of us are on classic. But then, that makes no sense either.

I don't understand why they keep giving the $6 for 6 months deal to people who still hold a classic plan while pissing the rest of us off a little. Surely they know they've spoiled those people now and they'll never want to go back to paying full price, or more than $12, even if they made the bundles better. And you know as well as I do that people are inclined to complain no matter what is in the bundles. Oh, it won't be the same people each month, but you can't please them all, at least, not all at the same time. Haha!

You're right, their strategy is weird as heck.

3 years ago*

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I'm pretty sure the $6 deal could not be gifted.

3 years ago

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The original deal was because I was offered that deal. You couldn't buy it directly for yourself, but people then found the loophole of buying as a gift and activating it on their own accounts. Humble let it happen, so it wasn't seen as "against the rules." lol. Then they offered the same people a renewal of that same deal, and some people who were pausing a lot got offered the deal too on the second go around.

3 years ago

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I think you might have it confused with the $99 for 12 months deal which was giftable. The comments from the original $6 deal say it was not giftable.


3 years ago

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I was sure there was a giftable 6 dollar deal. Maybe it was 3 months?
I could be wrong, my memory is generally kinda crap though, to be honest. LOL

3 years ago

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At this point I think it's cheaper to cancel the subscription and (group)buy the games I want from the guys who get all these coupons like $6 or $8, or whatever they come up with this month...

3 years ago

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Maybe that not pausing often is the reason why you don't get HB's offers like a lot of people seem to receive? Although I'm also on the Classic plan and have paused perhaps more than I have bought their bundles since they were rebranded as Choice instead of Monthly... aaaaand I don't really receive any kind of sweet deals from HB either. Oh, I do get the $4 off coupon from time to time if I pause 2-3 months in a row, but that's about it. Whelp, I did receive their $6 for three months offer last October for some reason. I was very, very surprised to get that email. Apart from that... they sent me an email last year offering... wait for it... wait for it... a whole dollar off for unpausing my sub. That was laughable.

I do feel like they are trying this tactic to get us to drop classic

Actually, the best way to get people to cancel their Classic sub would be to remove the option to pause. :3 But that would definitely cause quite an uproar and I'm not sure if HB would dare try that. As I've said, I did get the $6 for 3 months offer, which I took, but since you can't pause, I'm not sure if I would bite again. On one hand, it's super cheap for 10 games but... if you reeeeally don't want to try any of those, meh? I'd rather put that amount on a bundle that contains at least one game that I want.

Surely they know they've spoiled those people now and they'll never want to go back to paying full price, or more than $12, even if they made the bundles better.

Not at first, no... but say HB starts putting out "good" Choices bundles, better ones... I think those people who were spoiled with recurring $6 offers would possibly go back to purchasing them. The itch to get shiny, new, great games might win them over again after a while. You can't count on Group Buy/ bundle splits all the time to get the games you want. The sought-after titles are the ones that are either kept by hosts or are taken super quickly. I'd say the same thing applies to trades. Grey market? Eh... sure, if you only want to pay the cheapest possible and don't care about the consequences of supporting the grey market.

Anyway... yes, their strategy is super weird. I don't know where HB is going with their Choice bundle, time will tell. Maybe they'll eventually drop it. For now, I don't mind the Classic sub at $12 for 10-12 games if I can pause whenever I want. And I wouldn't mind it either if HB would reduce the number of games to 6-8 if that meant better bundles overall.

3 years ago

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What I think they should do is just stop giving classic subs any discounts. They might have some quota to sell, but still it is the most obvious solution. With that they would eventually drop sub or keep paying full price. Or use same price as other sub on deals like this.

3 years ago

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Hmm, yeah, you'd think this would be an obvious solution... but if I understand correctly, deals, like the one mentioned in OP, that are available only to new and canceled subs can be "abused" by Classic users. I am under the impression that you can create a brand new account, take the deal and gift it to your Classic account. And HB apparently allows that. If that is indeed the case, well... not only would your solution not fix anything, but by allowing that behavior, HB actually helped creating the problem.

Now, if you also include that $4 off coupon that we sometimes get when pausing a few times in that solution of yours... Whelp, I can't speak for others but personally, that would not make me cancel my sub. While a coupon like that might entice me to purchase a bundle I wasn't that much interested in, not having access to said coupon would simply make me pause without giving the bundle a second thought. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

3 years ago

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Imagine trying so hard to get rid of loyal customers...

3 years ago

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Well, if you pause more often than you buy (and/or often purchase from other stores), I'm not sure you can be considered a loyal customer. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think long time customers is more appropriate in this case, since we got the Classic plan because we were buying those bundles when they were still called Monthly.

3 years ago

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My $6 subscription for 6 months ends this month and I'll cancel it just before full price would be charged. I hope, they'll offer me another deal; if not, we'll see.

3 years ago

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It gets worse with every year. Six euros is a good price for the quality of games given.

3 years ago

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What means "premium"? You get something more, then you would get with the classic plan?

3 years ago

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Classic is the best plan. Premium = 9 Choices, Classic = 10

3 years ago

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Well then...it's a "not worth it" ;)

3 years ago

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This is not worth it at all. If you pause long enough they give you the X months for $6 USD. And if you buy this, you won't get any other offer or the discount coupons they sometimes give.

3 years ago

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I don't know if it is necessary to pause to get a $6 coupon. I wanted to pause and I directly got the coupon.

3 years ago

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You don't have to have paused, but if you wait until last week of the monthly bundle and go through the process of pausing, they'll almost always give you a $4 off coupon or more, and you can't get those if you don't pay month to month.

3 years ago

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The $6 per month deals are not guaranteed, though. If you are someone who buys every month it might be worth it to lock in the $8.25 per month deal for a year (though you are paying it up front, not month to month.)

3 years ago

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But a single deal of those $6 per month nets you 3 months for $18 or 6 for $36 instead of 12 for $99 And you can almost always get the $4 coupon so, you literally end up paying almost the same but with no benefits with this deal.

3 years ago

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The 6 dollars per month coupon is without unpaused. With this we can pause. So its much preffered in my opinion and get only the months we really want with games we will play.

3 years ago

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I use a combination of PayPal and a virtual card, so, I just don't charge that month and manage to not pause and maintain said coupon, but yeah, I understand not everyone can do that.

3 years ago

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What do you mean by this? You let the payment fail and it'll let you keep the coupon for next month?

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Ah, good to know!

3 years ago

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The $4 coupon being cheaper only applies if you are a classic subscriber. The premium plan cost is $19.99 per month. I've never paid that. I only buy when I get coupons, but that is what they charge.

3 years ago

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You're right, I didn't consider the cost difference between Premium and Classic plans

3 years ago

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I got a $ off coupon about 4-6 times in the past years, usually it was only 2$ off. Also got 2 6$/3 month deals in this time window. Your example of "almost always" can be quite far from actual always.

3 years ago

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From experience, if I pause early, it'd give me a $2 off every couple of months, but if I pause late, they usually hand out the $4 off one. What I wanted (but failed) to say was that, they almost always give a coupon. not necessarily the $4 off one.

3 years ago

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I got $4 off every other month like clockwork. One month is full price, next month is $4 off and repeat.
Haven't received $2 off myself at all. Sometimes I pause instantly, sometimes later.. doesn't change for me

IIRC if I decided to skip even with offered discount, it carried over to the next month and back to alternating months for full / $4 off

3 years ago

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Skip for me, get all 13 last month (December 2020 include to December 2021 also include) for 6$/month for 10 month, and 8$/month for 3 month (so 6 x 10 + 3 x 8 = 84$ for 13 months)
With that, get many games to play, a huge backpack of games to play (more than 200), so skip for me except if i get the famous 6$/month.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

3 years ago

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Why even keep it at this point? I mean, I pause a lot but not 20 in a row...

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

3 years ago

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I will never give up my classic plan!

3 years ago

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Rather no... you pay year and 2 months later they ban you for some stupid reason. No thanks. We offer gift link feature.. oh u used it! BAN! :D

3 years ago

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Yeah, well I guess they're trying to crack down on big time resellers...

3 years ago

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This was a bad deal for me a year ago... I bought this last year and I still have 11 credits left.

3 years ago

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This is much preffered than the 6 dollars for 6 months without unpaused. Because with this we can pause any months we want and take the months with the games we will play. Even a month with only 2 games we want to play is a month that its worth. Its 7.16 euro per month. Its 1.5 coffee for 10 or 12 games.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Never again

3 years ago

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What happens if you pause it? I have the classic subscription, but they never have games I wanna play this year.

3 years ago

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You can pause without issue's

3 years ago

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Coupon not valid? I mean I redeemed the coupon but I can't check out.

3 years ago

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Shouldn't give cheap packages, but finally fill them with meaningful games again, or at least just put one or two in. It's been a dung heap for months

3 years ago

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Lol, IGN trying to milk people again.
Pausing every month since ages, and buying games I want from Group Buy. Costs me less than 6e/month and I have the pleasure not to feed IGN ;-)

3 years ago

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How does Group Buy work? If I only want one game from Humble Bundle how do I do that?

3 years ago

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do you belong to the group buy group on Steam https://steamcommunity.com/groups/groupbuys

you then either post or check the group buys available or post what you want always go check what people have for sale

3 years ago

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Fair amount of risk and revealing privacy info. You gotta trust strangers with your paypal money which also gives them your personal info. Idk if it's worth it.

3 years ago

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look you asked and i don't see why or how it's trusting people with your paypal money -it's not like your going to give them you login details or credit card info is it? - i don't know where it says it gives them personal info i mean don't you shop online already by card - this isn't even as much of a risk

3 years ago*

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Some users accept Steam wallet as well, so it's not about revealing personal info at all then.

3 years ago

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yea I'd much rather do that than paypal. thx for the tip.

3 years ago

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Because you're giving money to someone with no idea who or how trustworthy they are?

When you make paypal transactions with anyone it reveals your name and address to them and vice versa. Yea businesses have your personal information too but you typically don't worry about being potentially doxxed by them if something doesn't go their way.

A business taking your money and not sending you the goods can usually be resolved fairly easily. Sending money through Paypal using the Friends and Family option, which I see requested in the forums, is non-refundable and commonly used for scams.

I'm sure most of these group buys are legit and they aren't bothering to try to scam you out of a few bucks or cause drama but like I said there's risk.

3 years ago

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Of course there is a risk, but you can minimize it by checking people's profile and reputation. In my personal experience, I bought dozens of keys from Group Buy people and I never had any issue, never ever. Anyway, it's almost always about very small amounts.
There are also some sellers / bundle splitters who accept other ways than Paypal.
If you want to go this way, my suggestion is to keep an eye on the Bundle Split and Group Buy subforums in Group Buy group, at the time the monthly is revealed. There are always a few people posting offers. There is a subforum for people willing to buy but it will be way more efficient to answer to an existing offer. Of course, some games are most wanted and can be hard to get. I guess in the past 18 months, I had to buy from HB only once, for that reason...

3 years ago

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I can check their profile to see if it's private or possibly some dummy account but there's not much to check in the way of reputation. Steam profile comments are not reliable. I can see if they've been VAC or game banned. They might have a steamtrades or barter page and I could see if they have any rep there but that's about it. I'll keep groupbuys in mind if there's a game I really really want.

3 years ago

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With gift option does it extend a Classic Plan?

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Heh, I still haven't used all the months from the plan I bought like 2 years ago. Monthly pause FTW!

3 years ago

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I got it on 25 oct 2019 and extended it until June this year... Imagine how the HB where in these past years, some of them i got just to use the months i had left...

If you can still pause months and they don't force you to use the 12 months in a row... Maybe you can get something interesting to play one month.

But all the games i got on HB Choice went free on the Fortnite Store and later on Amazon Prime Games... So i think it's not worth it at all. Better get a 99$ game or several games that can last you for a year.

3 years ago

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i don't know what people want it's not like they where promising GTAV x12 in terms of the level of games - yes some months are bad but to me this comes to less than a £1 a game - easy yes (i only said maybe before if i can afford it)

3 years ago

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If you calculate like that - divide the price of the bundle through the amount of games - then you're probably still better off with some of Fanatical's Dollar bundles. Otherwise it's not just some months that were bad, there were exactly 3 games I was slightly interested in since June - and I managed to grab those for cheap through group buys.

3 years ago

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your telling me the dollar bundles are better for games you want to play? i mean for giveaways i buy $1 bundles of course

edit: some good games in dollar bundles of course and all but trading games from choices is so much easier - especially when most everyone on here can't wait to hate on them

3 years ago*

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No, what I was trying to say: there's not much I'd like to play (or even try) in either bundle. It was you, after all, who started dividing the bundle price through the number of games - I merely offered some food for thought, that you might get even more games for your money with those dollar bundles. Sure, Choice may be better for trading, but (speaking of my experience for the last 5 months of Choice bundles), trading is basically all they'd be good to me. Trading, which is (ironically) also forbidden, according to Humble's tos.

3 years ago

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oh fair point to be fair give me a dollar bundle any day for giveaways as i like more giveaways rather than price eg: 40 - 1 point rather than 1 40 point game

3 years ago

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where is the harm in buying it with this discount? you can even pause your subscription status midway to save your creds for better months

3 years ago

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The harm's in giving them $100 upfront with the risk of never finding anything I really want. Sure, I can pause, but what's the point pausing like 6 to 10 times in row? It's still a decent deal you're not picky, but as it so happens, I'm extremely picky. Even this month, which is generally considered to be a "good" month, I'm only really interested in one game out of the whole bundle. Also: while you're on this deal you will not get any better deals, like $6/month for 3 months or 6 months, like they offered me before.

3 years ago

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I know there were times, when the monthly bundle was 12€/month, but it went up to 17,99€!
If I pay 100€ for 12 months now, it would be 8,33€/month, which is a discount by more then 50%. I don't think, that they will go down further, even when I wish they would.

I see your point, but they have most of the times a few games I like and the Rest is for the Community.

3 years ago

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Okay I should have mentioned I'm still on Classic. So it's $12 for me still (USD not EUR) ... when I threaten to pause they offer me $2 to $4 off almost every time. So that's $10 average price even when I don't pay them $100 for that deal upfront. They also offered me a 6$/month for 6 months once and $6/month for 3 months twice. So yes, they can go further down, obviously - they just don't when you paid them for a full year upfront anyway.

3 years ago

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yeah, I sadly fucked up with my classic plan a year ago :/
so if you're still on classic, you're completely right.

3 years ago

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I'm extremely picky

Well, here lies the "problem". :p

3 years ago

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How do you game the system to get the 6$ / month for 6 months deal?

3 years ago

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