sad story bro?
Show me a game FPS/Moba on steam that is doing good.
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Red Orchestra 2, Payday 2, CS GO, these are all pretty popular games currently
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Payday 2 is a co-op, not PvP. CS:GO is Valve's product. Red Orchestra 2-sad story.
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I don't think you even know proper gaming terminology. No one calls games "co-ops". Sucks to be so anti when there are so many great games out. Try to play better games.
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Wait, what? It's literally a co-op game, what do you call it? Multiplayer? Which can mean PvP or co-op, except it's not a PvP game, so it's more accurately described as co-op. Dunno what world you're living in, but calling a game co-op is nothing out of the ordinary.
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When referring to titles as "PvP" the only other moniker you should be using to differentiate is "PvE". Still, wtf even calls FPS a PvP or PvE? Semantics.
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Don't you find that self contradictory? i.e. Who would call CS:GO a PvP game, when it's an FPS game? Just as who would call Payday 2 a PvE game, when it's a co-op game? PvP/PvE is just generalising a product, whereas FPS/Co-op is being genre specific. WoW is a PvE game, but it's referred to as MMORPG, similar to how SC2 is PvP but RTS, or Diablo 3 is PvE but ARPG.
I guess you could argue it's just down to culture, different people have their own ways that they're more or less familiar with referring to something, but I've never seen PD2 not be referred to as a co-op.
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I agree. I would never call CSGO a PvP game. But, OP uses the term "Multiplayer (PvP)" in the title.
Your classifications are not entirely correct. Of course WoW is a MMO but it's not just a PvE game, since mobs are solely for questing/leveling, there is world PvP and top-level gaming is mostly PvP in Arena and BG -- not to mention the servers are classified as such. As well I'd just call SC2 an RTS but it's not just PvP, since the campaign (PvE) is the reason why the game took so long to release, hence three separate releases for each races campaign. You can also gimp PvP in D3 and ofc there was a massive PvP ladder in D2.
I would never call Payday 2 anything but an FPS. If an FPS is multiplayer or not is something I think that is not yet specifically acronymized or identified yet other than "SP" or "MP" because most games that have multiplayer also have singleplayer.
Edit add: P.S. RIP MMOFPS
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Those were just examples, no one will ever refer to SC2 as a PvE game, just as WoW should never be referred to as a PvP game. They may have the other, but most games will have a hint of both, but with a primary focus on one. I played WoW arena for the sole purpose of PvP and did so for many years, but I would never refer to it as a PvP game because that would imply the game was in the least bit functional in PvP. The game was designed and balanced around PvE, leaving the PvP to be a clusterfuck of imbalance. By those standards you couldn't even call something like CS:GO a PvP game, because you can choose to play a game vs. bots. The options are there, but that doesn't change what the game was designed for.
But anyway, with the context given, the OP was describing the specific genre of game PD2 was to the person who suggested it. Yeah people may refer to it as an FPS game which is completely accurate, but not in the given context.
"Payday 2 is a co-op, not PvP." vs "Payday 2 is an FPS, not PvP."
Calling it an FPS in that context obviously wouldn't make sense, and I know you're going to say he could've said "Payday 2 is PvE, not PvP.", but does it really matter? I don't see how that's any more or less accurate than what he said. They're both correct, he's just more familiar with calling it a co-op game than a PvE game, similar to myself.
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Your logic is broken.
Dota and LoL are good MOBA and they are FREE !
why people should pay for a crappy alternative ?
other F2P are trash or P2W
fps ? Red orchestra ? dayz ?
CSGO has a lot of player cause is cheap and it's good.
COD is ubber-expensive, Am I supposed to pay 60€ for a trashy game without dedicated server ? seriously ?
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Lol isn't on Steam. Dayz is a survival (more a co-op then PvP ) and it dosen't do well at all. Red orchestra is a sad story
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LoL is the biggest f2p doesn't need steam.
Dayz is one of the top played games, your "do well" is not really clear
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I'm talking about games on steam, so why you brouth LOL in this convo I don't understand.
Dayz is one of the top played games? Oh really?
Curerntly it's loosing to H1Z1 and Payday 2 as a co-op game. Not an FPS PvP
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Still, your logic is broken. Must be hard being a kid nowadays.
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It's not untrue that there a lot of dead multiplayer games on Steam. But your reasoning is backwards, the reason why they are dead is not because they were released on steam, if anything that would have given the game a greater chance of finding players, as it go more exposure, the reason is because the game lost a good amount of players to other games, and with time died. This holds true for pretty much all multiplayer only games, sooner or later they will lose its playerbase, as people move on to other games.
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Red Orchestra 2
CS: Source
Arma 3
Borderlands (all of them)
Payday 2
There are lots of great FPS games that are popular. I don't play MOBA's so I can't mention any other than DOTA 2.
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That is a diffrent story. But any moba that entered Steam lost palyers. FPS oh dear, do you even know how many of those are dead.
Shall we keep an eye on the new one? It's called Dirty bombs. We even can have a bet on how long it will take to die.
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Because almost every new MOBA is just cash crab, jumping on bandwagon....
It is their fault, not steam, STRIFE failed in beta and it wasn't on steam and now soon they going to launch on steam for their last chance, and if steam doesn't help them and ofc it wont then they will most likely close game, then DAWNGATE closed and also it wasn't on steam...
Why would anyone play any new MOBA when he can play Dota (with Dota superior F2P model) on steam or LoL and Strife out of steam, and also Heroes is good game when you want max casual and relaxing experience.
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yup STRIFE is a sad story. I liked it tho. There must be something that people can enjoy.
Is Strife comming to Steam?
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Yes, they are coming to steam very soon.
Here is reddit thread
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Little update for strife since you asked about it:
It hit early access 1 hour ago
Here is link to store page
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Hi, thanks
MB I will have another couple of mounts of fun, before it's start to be flooded with not so clever people :)
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it doesn't happen only on steam, just the newest games are taking all attention of players and older games die (even those the best one RIP WOLFENSTEIN ENEMY TERRITORY!)
I mean, even very good games die, because there's "super ultra mega the best graphic" (blablabla) in new COD and "EVERYONE IS PLAYING IT NOW".... ~sarcasm, but people believe it.
another reason is: there are more games than players and it splits 'em up.
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No, I'm not talking about old good games. There are plenty of new ones
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Actually it's somewhat true. With increasing pop-up sales and more and more multiplayer titles people tend to jump from title to title instead of staying with one over a longer period of time. Myself included.
But most games have a core community that still plays them.
For example Down To One. Terribly bugged but a great concept. There are only 10-20 people playing it but they play it everyday and put out announcements when they are going to play so you don't miss it. The developer even plays it almost every day with them.
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It's really not steam that ruins things but the general fact that some games are just more famous and/or better.
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or they have skins and hats :) that cost some cake
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There are games that have things (skins, sets, head, hats) but no one cares. I would put it this way. Those thngs cost cake cos Valve's bussiness-managers really know the way to make people to pay cakes for pixels :)
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Nah man, I spend my chilhood in TF2 :) I'm just immune to pixel-plague :)) Thanks to TF2. It's nothing new now. Hats/skins, Unusual hats/knifes, Strange weapons/Stattracks etc. Well made scheme proven by years of practise of money making on pixels
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TF2 didn't exist during my childhood -- I remember when you had to pay to play TF2.
And TFC was laughable, too many CS tournaments to gaf about TF. :D
Still, your logic is flawed as Steam isn't the reason for games dying. Time is the culprit.
Good luck finding a game that pleases you.
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Pretty much.There's a new moba out every month and not a single one of them is worth a damn.
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Its not just oversaturation of the genre I think. Its oversaturation of games, period.
The fact that you need a comparatively large team and a large amount of work continually going into the game for a solely multiplayer game, despite typically diminishing economic returns, pretty much ensures that indie, less-well-known, and/or mediocre games will fall pretty quickly.
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The match types are quasi-PvE-oriented objectives but the entire game you deal with PvP so it's PvP cuz the objectives are mostly in the background while you just kill.
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Depends.. I guess what you meant it's a normal thing for people to move on to newer and other better more different games.. but yes some games are just too good or there just clearly isn't any other much enough better alternatives for it to die :( thus OP's question steam is a platform full of multiplayer options but is dominated by the market leader's in the/each genre etc.. aka a monopoly.. and we know how hard it is to break or shake a/monopolies.. the only natural alternative is another monopoly takes its place or the ecosystems population gets a bit more dissolved and diluted with more other new niches and more new games haha etc.. e.g. a time before moba's became mainstream.. entered the popular steam gamer's realm the majority of players only played counter strike or portal 1/2 or half life/gmod etc
Thankfully now we are slowly entering a more newer and diverse-er era of a range of new and fun and some even quirky haha (my favourite!) era of gaming.. which will/is spur/spurring a new form and subset of cool new games :)
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I wish Heroes of Newerth, the superiour MOBA, was on steam so it could steal Dota 2 players... but it probably wouldnt... now to see how Infinite Crisis, the new superheroes and super villains moba faires... but its true, many games, their multiplayer being dead...Crimecraft is on its last verges :{ ... fucking quiting devs... i wonder how many are playing GTA IV online, and Warhammer 40k Dawn of War...lots of FPS games are playerless like Dizzel i think... there was one more... RIP will probably suffer the same fate...
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Steam is a haven for RTS games like Dawn of War and Company of Heroes which has a health population and is growing (albeit slowly) after their move to steamworks.
Although in regards to MOBA's and FPS's..... well frankly other MOBA's and FPS's aren't going to do well since that market is oversaturated and although people like crap; they are going to float to the best established crap that's out there. Comes more a loop that people will stick with what's familiar or what their friends are playing rather than risk trying anything new.
I do agree about Red Orchestra 2 dying but frankly I think that's due to the developers not understanding their market properly.(yeah include 2 tanks at launch when armoured warfare servers are one of the most popular servers in RO... smart).
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Don't tell him the good games or maybe he will bring his anti mood to them!
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I don't like PvP games anyway so I couldn't care less. As long as games give me a good single player campaign I'm quite happy.
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Being on steam doesn't kill them, being multiplayer-only kills them.
If any PvP-centric game cannot maintain a player base, it dies and can be almost impossible to resurrect. It's something of a death-rattle. When there aren't many people online regularly to play with, people are less inclined to log on and try to find a match. A small playerbase can easily dwindle and snuff itself out even when there are quite a few people who want to play. Just look at Strike Vector as a fine example.
Free-to-play games will always have a surplus of players to keep it alive to a varying degree, and ENJOYABLE F2P games will often be able to turn enough of a profit to keep some degree of development going indefinitely.
CS:GO is a big name in the competitive scene and it's owners are big enough to keep supporting it even if most of the micro-transactions and new copy purchases dried up. LoL and DOTA are F2P and rely on microtransactions and competitive interest to keep it going. Compared to something like Strike Vector that while having fun gameplay and great polish, it has shorter match lengths, a very twitchy form of action, and no clear way of preventing newcomers from being utterly stomped by long-term higher skilled players. Games like Blade Symphony still have servers popping up, but requires memorisation and grinded practice time rather than improvisation, meaning newcomers need balls of steel to get through the frustration of limited similar-degree competition. Red Faction Guerilla had some great PvP but finding a game required you to wait in a matchmaking queue for half an hour in hopes of someone else logging in and picking the same mode.
Steam is only a graveyard for PvP multiplayer games, because Steam welcomes a lot of games. Those dead multiplayers came when they were already terminal. Instead of blaming steam, blame the nature of PvP-centric games that don't find their longevity.
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Well I wasn't blaming Steam. All I said is I'm going to stop buying those games on Steam. Well put down points, thanks
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EVE online is an MMO. Its content is not strictly PvP and can operate even when there is virtually nobody online, this alone ensures there is more likely to be an active playerbase, especially given it isn't player-hosted.
Though having said that, games like Resident Evil 6 had their PvP content choke out badly. That was more because the main multiplayer content is linked to the main campaigns, and people will always tire of any story mode and move on. It was made worse because invading agents could only join at specific points of specific chapters of each character's campaign. This was one of the huge issues with Dying Light's originally pre-order exclusive "Be The Zombie" mode... but naturally they opened it up to everyone mere days before release, securing a maximum number of pre-orders, removing a huge point of bitterness for non-preorderers, while also minimising the number of people who would become aware of the news and apply for a refund.
Friday Night Combat was another good PvP centric game that died out.
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If it wasn't for Steam, no one would've played the games anyways. Period.
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Dirty Bomb.
Rise of Incarnates
Firefall (Arena PvP coming this year, PvE for the rest, i'd wait)
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All F2P.
Dirty Bomb will go F2P, is giving out several keys every week. Is just early access because of CBT.
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People don't want to play the same MP games forever? The nerve.
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I actually do not mind haha... as long as the gameplay and content is good.. oh and also sometimes if the community is ok and the majority speaks english haha (I know it's weird for me to say this but I have now had way too many bad and weird experiences with the non-english speaking community, literal communication and language barriers sucks yo) .
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Reminds me I really should play.
Gotta rebuild dem epic PvP D2 builds. :D
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Every multiplayer game on Steam is dead or dying not because of Steam, but because:
a) thanks to most people being sheep they buy whatever Hollywood actor tells them in TV
b) and then whoever is not-sheep has to choose from dozens if not hundreds of similar games, but...
c) due to point a, if you want to play with any people you need to buy whatever sheeps are buying and skip everything else.
It's not Steam fault. You can thank industry and gaming-in-mainstream. It has it pros, but here you can see one of many cons.
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Tell us about more of the programming on your magic television where Hollywood actors are dictating the direction of the gaming market.
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What game sells each year around 20 million copies?
What game uses Robert Downey Jr. or John Malkovich to promote itself?
People are sheep. Show them ad with known face and you boost your sales in millions, even if you sell them same thing every year.
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Don't put the cart before the horse. The Call of Duty series was popular before Activision enlisted famous actors for its commercials.
In fact, the sales arc for Call of Duty indicates high popularity quite some time ago, with a peak during the Black Ops-Modern Warfare 3-Black Ops II sandwich and then decreasing thereafter. RDJ didn't stump for CoD until the last of the series' peak sales and Malkovich not until later games, past the peak.
People are sheep. They absorb a tired, clichéd narrative about reality and then parrot it without ever investigating if it is true.
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Most online gets boring after awhile that is why it tends to loose players as time goes on,if it was not for the silly stickers and skins for CS-GO not many would play that either.
DOTA is free and that is why it gets so many players but that can not be compared to paid games.
Payday 2 has a lot of players but the community is split and it has issues with cheaters and over priced DLC with the same broken promises.
Sadly most games that are actually pretty good online get left behind while crap like COD marches on,i will never buy a PVP/Competitive shooter that does not support dedicated servers not with how shitty a lot people internet still is including mine.
Borderlands is really good and not to bad at finding decent players if you like that kind of game,
CO-OP is i think dead so many games have tried it and just never worked out so good,even with GTA online despite the countless things to do people just want to kill each other you would think after awhile you get bored of shooting each other but nope.
This is why i mostly stick to single player,it is just too much work in most cases to find good people to play with and meet up with.When a game is made for co-op and forces people to work together you still come across countless assholes who just want to fuck up your game or let you do the work while they collect the XP/Money or whatever it may be.
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The PAYDAY 2 community is not any more split than any other game series, and cheaters in a co-op game are less of a concern than in competitive games. The reality is that co-op games are about having people on your friends list to play with.
And yes, the PD2 community complains about what the developer hasn't delivered and the large volume of pay DLC the last year. But it also plays the game and buys the DLC anyway.
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I was not trying to imply it was the only one,i was merely commenting on what i thought about a popular co-op game that i have played.
I have not bought any of there dlc in some time,it is more then just about price,it is about the quality of said DLC and how it is being put out every month when really the game needs to be polished and a lot of the of stuff was promised but later added as paid DLC.How about the promised upgrades to your hideout it just sits there full of boxes and pointless and i never use it.
I am sure plenty of people love the game and play it and buy all the DLC but just because people do does not make it a good game.
Imo they need to move onto either Payday 3 with bigger and better and more complex heist or stop milking this damn thing,i do not have high hopes for walking dead game seeing how they done payday 2.
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I didn't say you were implying it was the only split community. I was countering because saying it is split misleads someone who is unfamiliar since it's not really a factor in the community. When splits matters, the original game retains a lot of the base (look at the numbers on Steam for PD2 and tell me that a split in the community matters).
The game is not going to be "polished" in the way you think because Overkill is not yet a true AAA studio. There are a myriad of issues with PD2 that fans of it such as myself readily admit but letting perfect be the enemy of the good isn't a solution.
And they aren't going to move on to PD3. They've pledged two more years of support for PD2 and have other games that they have to finish (such as The Walking Dead game) before they will release PD3.
I get complaining about the DLC. About the "greed". I complain about such things. But The Hype Train event and Spring Break sale were a success (hence the announcement about two more years of support), and at this point in time none of my friends who are burnt out on PD2 are burnt out because of the lack of polish--they're burnt out because after hundreds of hours any game can get tedious, and yes, because people get sick of DLC regardless of how much they like a game.
As for TWD, I do have high hopes for it because Overkill does a lot more right than they do wrong. Considering that their series came out of nowhere, and has only become more popular (it is the most popular co-op game on Steam), I don't think you can just dismiss it as easily as you did.
I'm not defending it because you aren't entitled to have a low opinion of a game. I'm defending it because given the context and content of your post someone unfamiliar with PD2 would be led to believe that the game is losing popularity when it isn't. You admit that it has a lot of players but you imply that it is or will soon be dead or dying and there is nothing to support that assertion at present to my knowledge.
Double edit: We should play some PD2.
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I am thinking no matter what i say you will find a way to pick at it.
Look i dislike the game and i have my reason,and why would i say good things about a game i do not like very much in its current state.
That is like saying hey buy this car its the best car around,then they ask you if you would drive it and what you think of it,You answer with its a piece of crap i would not drive it and it ugly as hell,Then they ask why you said it was good,and i say well because it is the #1 seller it must be good.
Just because something is popular or the most popular does not always mean it is the best.Either way i dislike the game and you seem to be all bent on the fact i do not and shared why i dislike the game.If someone chooses not to get the game by what i say that is on them not me,All i did was share how i feel i never said once to either buy it or do not buy it.
I'm not defending it because you aren't entitled to have a low opinion of a game. I'm defending it because given the context and content of your post someone unfamiliar with PD2 would be led to believe that the game is losing popularity when it isn't.
Seems like you are defending it because of what i said about it,how can you say your not defending it because you aren't entitled to my opinion of it being low,yet say given the context of my post,which means what i said.
Though because of a typo it was taking out of context,
Borderlands is really good and not to bad at finding decent players if you like that kind of game,
CO-OP is i think dead so many games have tried it and just never worked out so good
Did i say Payday was dead or CO-OP in payday 2 is dead??
CO-OP in i think is dead in so many games,they have tried it.
Though due to my lack of typing skills and being lazy it may have came across a little bit from what i was trying to say,either case i never said Payday 2 was dead or that co-op of Payday 2 is dead
Payday 2 has a lot of players but the community is split and it has issues with cheaters and over priced DLC with the same broken promises.
Bottom line is i do not like it and that is that,i hate people who love a game so much that if anyone talks bad about it they feel the need to try down play your opinion and make it seem like they do not know what they are talking about.
You seem like the type of person who buys a game and even if half the DLC they promised is not put out and later put out as DLC and they can not even be bothered with finishing up something as simple as your hideout,but yet some how find time to push DLC and over price it.
While countless people still have issues with crashes,achievments not working,cheaters ruining the game and keep adding stupid shit like infamy
You make millions of dollars yet you can not afford a working drill,you have to fight a piss poor clone of tom clancy and silly ninja and people in bomb suits.The A.I is hit and the only way they make it harder is by spamming more A.I
I dislike the game for valid reasons and points just because you love the game despite all its issues and what not that is fine,hell i like some other games that are a lot find is crap like 7 Ways To Die
You love the game i get it,i hate the game,get over it,the game is not that good i bought it i played it enough hours to know what it has to offer.Countless others love the game and good for them in the end that is all that matters is if the person who bought the product is happy not if someone else agrees with you.
There are a lot more reason why i dislike the game but i did not know i had to go into great detail about every little thing to have a valid reason to dislike the game
I never thought you sucked off over kill never implied or said that,that is all on you,but still does not change the fact you do not like people talking bad about it,other wise you would have not felt the need to clarify "what you think i should have said so my opinion did not stray any from buying it?
The game is not that great as a whole,but it still a lot of fun,still does not change the fact i dislike the game as whole.
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I am thinking no matter what i say you will find a way to pick at it.
Absolutely. Because you keep responding as if you don't understand. I'll get to that below.
Look i dislike the game and i have my reason,and why would i say good things about a game i do not like very much in its current state.
I never said you couldn't like the game. I specifically said I wasn't responding because I didn't think you weren't allowed to have a low opinion. Yet you assert here again as if I implied otherwise. This is why I will find a way to pick at what you say. You are not saying things that indicate you understand my posts.
That is like saying hey buy this car its the best car around,then they ask you if you would drive it and what you think of it,You answer with its a piece of crap i would not drive it and it ugly as hell,Then they ask why you said it was good,and i say well because it is the #1 seller it must be good.
I never said that popularity and high quality were perfectly correlated. In fact, I made very few statements where I championed Overkill. The closest would be where I said I had high hopes for TWD whereas you do not. However, when talking about a multiplayer game's community dying out, popularity is an important factor.
Don't try to use the analogy of cars when you cannot even grasp the reality of a discussion about video games.
Just because something is popular or the most popular does not always mean it is the best.Either way i dislike the game and you seem to be all bent on the fact i do not and shared why i dislike the game.If someone chooses not to get the game by what i say that is on them not me,All i did was share how i feel i never said once to either buy it or do not buy it.
I don't care if you like the game. This is about the things that you said and the impression they give to others.
Seems like you are defending it because of what i said about it,how can you say your not defending it because you aren't entitled to my opinion of it being low,yet say given the context of my post,which means what i said.
I made clear why I was responding and I even echoed some of your complaints. I acknowledged some of them in my initial response and then said that the community buys the game anyway.This is not a thread about about what games you like. This thread has been about why multiplayer games die out. Reading your post where you say that a community is split and that people are angry with the devs doesn't magically make a reader think you are saying, "I don't like this game," instead of "this game's community might be in trouble because of the quality of the game and the conduct of the devs." That's my point. That's still my point. But now I have to make a bunch of other points because you've gone into greater detail about just how much you don't understand what or why I posted.
Though due to my lack of typing skills and being lazy it may have came across a little bit from what i was trying to say,either case i never said Payday 2 was dead or that co-op of Payday 2 is dead
If I were going to counter the assertion you didn't make--that PAYDAY 2 co-op is dead--I would have done that directly. You didn't say that directly. That's why I didn't counter it directly. You implied a somewhat poor outlook by your characterization of a split community and anger at devs. I countered that implication. And I'm not going to say that your statement implies that again because I've said it multiple times in this post and I've said it in previous posts. You clarified that you don't think the community is dying or dead. Good. We finally agree on something.
Payday 2 has a lot of players but the community is split and it has issues with cheaters and over priced DLC with the same broken promises.
And what do you think a reader is supposed to take from this in a thread about why multiplayer games die out?
No, I know I said I wouldn't say that you implied it again, and I didn't. Instead I implied you implied it. But I'm sure you inferred that.
Bottom line is i do not like it and that is that,i hate people who love a game so much that if anyone talks bad about it they feel the need to try down play your opinion and make it seem like they do not know what they are talking about.
Sidenote: You really need to stick with using the same pronouns when making statements. This applies to other segments of your post, but I digress.
I hate people who cannot parse or construct an argument and thus waste my time as I reply to their nonsense. No wait, that's not true. I love it. And I'm pretty sure you don't know what you're talking about. But not about PAYDAY. Your criticisms in general are not without merit. But your responses to me... of them I cannot say the same.
You seem like the type of person who buys a game and even if half the DLC they promised is not put out and later put out as DLC and they can not even be bothered with finishing up something as simple as your hideout,but yet some how find time to push DLC and over price it.
That's never happened. I'm not the type of person who buys very much DLC at all, and PD2 is no exception. I was not part of the community from the start so while I understand the whole "BROKEN PROMISES!" sentiment, it isn't one I have since no one made any promises to me. Let's see. I bought the game and the initial DLC that I purchased on sale, then someone gave me half a dozen or so DLC, and since then I have bought two DLC pretty much full price and been gifted a couple more. And I complained about the price and relative value of the DLC I paid for before I bought it. Like many others. So you're not making a point I don't share. You might want to rework your mental image of what sort of person I am. You'd probably be better off starting out with thinking I am a self-righteous, circumlocutory, argumentative pedant.
You make millions of dollars yet you can not afford a working drill
Really? You're complaining about a gameplay mechanic? Of course it's an artifice. Next you'll say, "A keycard for a security room doesn't really cost ten thousand dollars!"
But this again is a digression. This is not important.
you have to fight a piss poor clone of tom clancy and silly ninja and people in bomb suits.
Okay. That's kinda funny. I like that.
The A.I is hit and the only way they make it harder is by spamming more A.I
Now you're forcing me to defend the game. That's how every game makes wave-based gameplay harder. You introduce tougher and tougher enemies that may be unique to the difficulty level as well as increasing the number of enemies. But you're entitled to criticize this particular design choice. It's just when you criticize stock features of gameplay you should probably offer an alternative that you prefer. Just a suggestion.
I dislike the game for valid reasons and points just because you love the game despite all its issues and what not that is fine,hell i like some other games that are a lot find is crap like 7 Ways To Die
It is fine. It's fine that you don't like the game and it's fine that I like it. It's not fine that you like 7 Ways To Die. I assume that is a shitty flash browser game knockoff of 7 Days To Die. Though to be fair it's also not fine to like 7 Days To Die. Because now I'm arguing to argue. It's also not fine to like whatever game you have the most play time according to your Steam profile. Because I'm the kind of guy who hates that you like things that I do not like or do not like things that I like even if I don't know what those things are. Because I've decided to embrace your hatred of me. Or what you think I am. I am become fanboy, destroyer of haters.
You love the game i get it,i hate the game,get over it,the game is not that good i bought it i played it enough hours to know what it has to offer.Countless others love the game and good for them in the end that is all that matters is if the person who bought the product is happy not if someone else agrees with you.
Ah, but if you got it we wouldn't still be having a discussion. For Love of the Game is a Kevin Costner film that I have never seen in full. I want to; he plays an MLB pitcher and I love baseball. But that has nothing to do with our discussion. But then again neither does most of what you are responding to.
There are a lot more reason why i dislike the game but i did not know i had to go into great detail about every little thing to have a valid reason to dislike the game
This isn't about what you think of the game. This is about what you implied about the community.
Oh fuck. You made a liar out of me. I hope you're happy.
I never thought you sucked off over kill never implied or said that,that is all on you,but still does not change the fact you do not like people talking bad about it,other wise you would have not felt the need to clarify "what you think i should have said so my opinion did not stray any from buying it?
I said that I wasn't sucking them off preemptively not because you implied it but because I held out the dim hope that you wouldn't confuse me with a fanboy but understand why I responded in the first place. That's why I took the step of listing my own complaints about the game. To indicate that it wasn't about whether I liked the game or not. I did it with a humorous opening. Apparently this is something else you did not get. Perhaps that is my fault. Tone is not so apparent in text. I will take the blame here.
Sidenote: This response, while serious, is peppered with what I consider to be humor. Perhaps you disagree.
The game is not that great as a whole,but it still a lot of fun,still does not change the fact i dislike the game as whole.
My responses to you are not that great as a whole, but they are fun. Still, that doesn't change that you parse arguments like a PAYDAY 2 drill drills.
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Actually, Hype Train wasn't a success, it was massive fail that was saved by Hotline Miami 2 deal (where pre-ordering HM2 gave more Hype Fuel).
Like they said - they expected 50000 people to buy their $20 Hype DLC. Turns out, only 20k people bought it. Barely 40%. I'd say that's rather bad score.
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Firstly, unless you want to assert that Overkill are liars, they tweeted that there were only 250 Completely Overkill DLC left on the last day of its availability; which is consistent with what I saw amongst my friends and on the page listing the remaining packs available on the website--many people waited until the four masks were revealed before buying the DLC.
Secondly, the assertion that the Hype Train event was saved by Hotline Miami 2 has a critical flaw: it relies upon the precept that Overkill panicked, realized that they overestimated the dedication of the player base and enlisted help to reach their goal. Which is a fine assertion if we can positively say that Overkill had no intention of implementing their collaboration identically or similarly to the way that they did. Unless you have a source you can share, you can't.
Thirdly, the most important factor was the Spring Break sale and reveal of PD2 DLC. You want to assert that without HM2 the 10th wouldn't have been reached? Okay. You want to say that it was a "massive fail" without HM2? Get your facts about the Completely Overkill DLC sales straight and then retry stage.
Snark edit:
P.S. The pledge of support for two more years indicates that Overkill/Starbreeze are pleased with the revenue the event raised for them. Unless you wish to assert that their collaboration with Dennaton and tinyBuild included revenue from the sales of those studios' respective games, Over/breeze's announcement indicates that they themselves are satisfied with the event.
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Well, they did announce 20k sold out of 50k in their close-to-event-end Steam announcements. Maybe they sold more, they didn't announce any bigger numbers on Steam.
We'll see if they are really satisfied with this event when they make another one. If it will be another "buy DLC" event - then it will mean it was a big success and they were happy with it. If they will do something else, then we'll know it was a fail that was saved by completely different game that was bought by people who might have never heard of PD2...
As for PD2 support for 2 years - well, they do have to eat. And since making few mods for few weapons gives them tons of money, I don't see why they should say "PD2 is finished, wait for TWD now, see ya".
Ps.: As for liars... Well, safehouse. :P
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Show me the close-to-event-end announcement where they said they had only sold 20K of the 50K. Regardless, thank you for admitting the possibility that you may be mistaken about a key part of your argument.
If they choose to do their next event in a different fashion that is proof that this event was a failure saved only by the collaboration with Hotline Miami 2? This is not a logical statement. That isn't the way promotions work. Popular advertising campaigns get changed before they lose effectiveness all the time.
Anyway, here are a few reasons why they might not do it again.
They don't have a bunch of content to release all at once and are thus unable to replicate an event of the scale of the Hype Train. They choose a different sort of event.
They do have a bunch of content to release, but they want more of it to be paid for and thus cannot produce an event like the Hype Train.
They do have a bunch of content to release, but they want to release it all for free. Hahaha. No.
The tone of the community and feedback they receive changes and they decide to use another tack.
They think they have a better idea.
A million other things I haven't thought of.
Also, about their announcement about support, you again create a false dilemma. They do not have the choice of saying they're going to support the game for two more years or saying the game is finished, wait for another game we're working on. They also have the option of what devs and publishers choose to do the vast majority of the time: making no announcement about the nature of their support at all.
Comment has been collapsed. "Thanks to all who understood its purpose and who supported us thus far! Lots of noise from people standing by the side of the rails - but for you 20 000 heisters that put your money where your mouth is WE SALUTE YOU."
HypeTrain is their second event. Before that, there was Crimefest (where they wanted 1.5 million people in their Steam Group, and for that they unlocked bunch of free stuff and in the end John Wick, which was nice "duck you people", since he would be in-game anyway, as he's a movie advertisement bought by whoever-made-that-movie).
If buy-DLCs-for-free-stuff event was successful on it's own, then there is no reason to change working formula, isn't it - lots of free money, since all they have to do is put some new particle-effects on default masks. But if it wasn't a success on it's own then they will be forced to change formula to get players to jump on train again. (of course that's assuming they will make big events again; they might not; but since they already done it twice, they might do it one more time - they do have 2 years).
As for announcing long support - they actually have to announce that kind of stuff, since there are stockholders who will sell their stocks when they stop talking they are successful.
If you'll look at developers and publishers, nearly everybody gives information how long they plan to support their games - like Witcher 3's "we have DLCs planned for one year" or Activision's "we have 3 CoDs being in work right now, one from Black Ops guys, other from Modern Warfare guys and people who just finished Advanced Warfare already started to plan their CoD that will be released in 2017".
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That link is the day of the reveal of the DLC, as I'm sure you read. Another 10 days were left to buy it and more people bought it in the week after the reveal than in the month before.
I am aware of the prior event leading to Hoxton Breakout but considering that wasn't reliant upon purchases, but of people joining the group, it isn't the same sort of event. Your logic about "don't fix what isn't broken" is flawed though, as there are a myriad of factors to consider in repeating an event in precisely the same fashion. You can try to sell your false dilemma but I'm not buying it.
And as for long-term support, you used as an example huge publishers, as that has been what huge publishers have begun to do. That's not something that Over/breeze needs to do as they aren't in the class of Activition, Blizzard, et al.
Also, there's a huge difference between announcing the development of further editions of a successful series and other products that will generate revenue and telling the player base how long you're guaranteeing support. Yes, Starbreeze is a public company on the Swedish stock exchange. It's also one that employs about 93 people (per Wikipedia). They're not Ubisoft. They're not EA.
First false dilemmas (that Starbreeze must do business the way huge publishers do) and now false equivalences (that an announcement of support without specifics is as useful to investors as the announcement of new products in development and actual revenues earned).
Still not buying.
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So, CDRed is now a big publisher? Because for some reason they just shot their feet by announcing buy-to-pay DLCs, causing lots of people to cancel preorder with note "will wait for GOTY" - and all they had to do was wait few weeks, release game and then announce "so, we make DLC now".
Or Cities: Skylines devs? Are they big bad EA since they already announced they will make both free patches and normal buy-to-use content in the coming months?
All more-than-two-people companies talk what they will do with their games. Beside Valve, which is private company not on stockmarket.
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Did I say only large publishers make announcements about products in development or support for released products? I countered your assertion that Starbreeze needs to make their announcements with the same motivations as the huge ones. There is no doubt that many publishers and developers make such announcements--even small and indie publishers and developers. The contention is whether the need to do it, as you asserted, primarily or firstly to appease their stockholders and partners, rather than as part of catering to their player base.
We're not disagreeing on whether such information is disseminated--we're disagreeing on the primary motivation. If you want to stick to the idea that Starbreeze makes such announcements as part of the same corporate fiscal year/quarterly earnings/GDC/E3 corporate merry-go-round, then that's fine. Don't be obtuse and try to straw man my argument by acting as if I said that only EA, Blizzard, et al, make such announcements. You described a specific motivation for such announcements and said that "[Starbreeze] actually have to announce that kind of stuff, since there are stockholders who will sell their stocks when they stop talking they are successful." Make statements in support of the idea that Starbreeze made their announcement primarily to prop up their stock and help Wall St. forecasts of their quarterly earnings rather than firstly to inform their rather loyal and vocal player base with whom they have a far more personal relationship with than any of the massive corporate publishers I contrasted them with.
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Since I want to be clear that I didn't respond to suck off Overkill, I'm going to list my PD2 complaints here:
Game crashes a tiny bit too often. It doesn't crash often enough to be really harmful to the experience or base, but it crashes often enough to be annoying. That the good mods make it crash even more often is a non-factor.
No dedicated servers. This must be remedied in all future Overkill projects with multiplayer. One of the weirdest experiences I had playing the original PAYDAY was having the entire game freeze while someone joined. It was odd and jarring and part of the reason (along with not having friends that played) that prevented me from getting into it. While it's better in PD2, the desync and other assorted issues (losing connection to host, the fact that it seems like connections from North America to Europe are routed through Mars) are definitely problematic and below the standards of a game on Steam that is ranked as highly as it is.
Card drops for random items. This is nonsense and should not be repeated. Took me forever to get an Obama mask.
Too much pay DLC between Hoxton Breakout and the Spring Break event. All of the DLC between the two were pay DLC, and there was $54 worth (including the Overkill and Completely Overkill DLC at the beginning of the spring event). That's a lot of DLC for 4 months when all you get are some weapon mods, a couple of characters, three new heists, and mystery DLC. I was starting to get very annoyed myself but the recent free DLC was good enough, and the last pay DLC was perhaps the best weapon DLC so far (at least in terms of fun, if not balance). Also, I've bought very little of the DLC at full price. I've been gifted about half of it and most of the rest I bought at decent/steep discounts. But even so.
Post-heist screens are cosmetic; cash/EXP/random item are granted immediately on heist success. I wish you could skip all that shit. At least the team could vote to skip. It's a waste of time.
Infamy. Adding 20 levels at once? Terrible idea. Grindfuckingfest. But good business, since all of my friends who have PD2 but aren't burnt out played a fuckton in March, as did I.
Hey, I remember when cash mattered. It doesn't anymore. This is an oversight and a design flaw that needs to be remedied in future PD games.
No real anti-cheat. A game like PD3 might have VAC, according to the devs. Too much work to add it into PD2. Not gonna complain too much. When I see a cheater I kick them if I am host (if the game doesn't auto-kick them) or I leave the heist if I am not.
Workshop/Market integration. If Overkill wants to squeeze money out of people they should trick people into buying $70 skins for their guns and $30 for masks in the Steam market. Or they could be really awesome and integrate these things into PD3 really well.
There is no 10.
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I'm not getting any other multiplayer (PvP) game on steam. Every game is dead or dying. Any Multiplaer FPS or Moba is dead or barrely breathing. As soon as they enter Steam they loose players to Dota2 , CS:GO and die. Well there are couple of co-ops that are doing OK. MMORPGs are fine cos Valve doesn't have anything to kill those. But it's a sad story bro.
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