Looking for 3 players to co-op in Boarderlands: GOTY Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot larger challenges.

Fair warning : Larger challenges are too much of a grind and takes almost one and half hours to two hours.

You have to complete "Prove Yourself" mission to access the larger challenges in MMUR.

7 years ago

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I would love to do those challenges once again in MP. :D

is a modded game/Char ok with you??
I absolutely love Blitz (shock trooper) and would like to play some harder matches with him. Gear is pretty much legit few mod items but absolutely fairly balanced (no shredder shredder, invincibility crap or other op items)

add me if your interested. :)

Important edit: modded and vanilla game wont play well together (or at all)

7 years ago*

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Its fine.

7 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by TFrostPG.