Do people and broadcasting services (TV, radio, etc.) in your country play Happy New Year by ABBA in New Year Days?
Nah, I mean, I personally only stream a handful of shows, definitely never watch overpriced and outdated 'classic' television programming. And I don't even know anyone that uses non-online radio stations anymore =O
It's a new age of media, with new ways of approaching products and customers, and while there are some satellite radio options that are decent- if overpriced compared to making your own playlist or using online radio- basic television just hasn't kept up with its streaming competition.
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I feel like it is slightly different where I am, where streaming hasn't catch up yet (but it is starting). The youngest generations find other ways to watch tv shows and also give up on tv (but not many yet), but there is still a lot of programming. But it is mostly really really bad. Very few frenchs tv programmes are good in my opinion, because they are unable to match that new age of media you are talking about, and when they are trying, it is caricatural. Some channels also try to import some programming from USA, but I think (and sincerely hope) they are the worst programming from there, because they don't have a lot of money. The only channels who will stream something good are either expensive, or have a lot, A LOT of adds.
So when I (try to) watch TV, it is ofter terrible and unintelligent things. Cartoons are honestly often the best part. So, this is what I meant.
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The only channels who will stream something good are either expensive, or have a lot, A LOT of adds.
Yeah, that's what I meant, as. well. While we probably get a decent film on TV more often, based on what you said, it's mostly identical to what you're describing.
TV is a hot mess of advertisements and poor selection, or at best, a grossly, extremely overpriced affair where you still don't get any control over what you watch.
By this point, it's basically a scam, to be honest.
Be it clean energy or improved presentation of media, things are just far too slow to change.
I mean, Ford bribing the government to postpone clean energy requirements on cars, the RIAA's nonsense about pursuing digital media torrenting rather than using the funds they spent on making a legitimate platform for people to do it legally..
It's gross how these companies prefer to maintain the status quo by harming others, rather than making sound business decisions.
Well, that whole side-topic aside, the fact is that digital media has come a long way- and for all Valve's issues, steam is a good example of that.
You can easily access what games, movies, TV, and music you want now, cheaply and responsively.
There's really no reason to spend $30.49 to $159.99 a month (actual local prices) on TV alone, when you can watch what you want online for.. well, Netflix is 7.99 a month, so that's a good reference point :P
And some companies, like Funimation, actually offer a lot of their shows for free online.
And, of course, digital rights are a bit curious- much like a video rental store that buys a copy of a film and then can freely rent it cheap, people are technically allowed to put up their copy of a film for others to freely stream, so long as no duplication of content occurs.
so if your video provider doesn't carry a show? You're usually fine to find a copy to watch elsewhere.
Rather than make a robust, responsive streaming service, TV keeps peddling its obscene prices and low content :/
Or, to tl;dr it:
Viva la internet :)
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Six more hours here and I will begin 2016 by playing video games!
Could you answer my poll? I'm really curious about that.
Here's something for your effort.
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