I don't even buy or own any Ubisoft games on Steam because of their client and no Steam family sharing.
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what a shame. i wouldn't want to miss out on some nice games, just because i have to do 1-2 extra clicks to start them.
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Might be dumb for you, but I don't like how I need 2 accounts to play a game, specially for online. Also there is no Steam family sharing, which is a good way to make me not buy a game.
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Well, if you want to miss out on great games like Far Cry 3 or whatever just because you don't want to install another software (which takes like 1 minute and you already have at least 20-30 programs installed on your PC so one more won't make any difference anyway) so...
It's your choice.
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There's no lack of other games that someone can play. For example, I'm perfectly fine with avoiding any and all Origin exclusives, just like I don't mind not having access to console exclusives on PC. For every game I pass on, there are hundreds of others I can play.
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Of course. But if all it takes is to install some software (which all of us install every few days anyway, be it programs for video editing, some audio editing stuff, graphics editors or just drivers - it's all the same, a piece of software) and run it then I think it's not worthy to just shove those games off simply because of that.
Let me put it this way - looking at Far Cry 3 and 4 I will gladly download a piece of software and install it which takes 1 minute and 100mb of my hard drive capacity.
Of course I've been using UPlay for years but you get my point.
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To me it's not about download time or disk space, it's the principle. Some people are Ok with getting their games from various services, I prefer to stick to as few as possible for convenience sake. I vote with my wallet by not buying games on platforms I chose not to support. If I'm alone in this, then it won't matter. If I'm part of a huge group, then companies will reconsider. As I said, there's no game for me that warrants my buying on a platform I'd rather avoid. I have a huge backlog so I won't miss anything.
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The principle = convenience. I said it many times and will say it again - people have it too good nowadays. In 90's a kid could spend a month trying to run a game and then play it in 10 damn FPS. Nowadays guys won't install software for AAA games which they can run smoothly. It's a form of laziness and hubris if you ask me. Principle is just an excuse.
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What, we can't have opinions anymore? I am not interested in their client and would not like it on my computer.
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Just ignore the shill, these people are too brainwashed into company loyalty and see anyone who wants a practical solution as spoiled and pretentious.
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When did I ever imply anything about having loyalty so steam?
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Can't come up with an argument, what's the matter? Stay buttmad.
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My argument was that some people would rather just use steam rather than uplay, mainly because of the way uplay often does not work; remember Assassins' Creed II and Watch Dogs?
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I was playing games back in the day where they came in 360k floppies, used a 4-color palette and the internal bleeper for audio. I've had game that couldn't even be installed on my 20 mb hard drive because of copy protection, games that came on 9 floppies that had to be swapped when moving fron one area to another, games where I needed to have a special config with just the right TSR an memory manager loaded. I used to prefer hard copies to digital download because all my games were in the same place, my bookcase.
So now that the digital era is upon us, I chose the convenience of having most of my library in a single place. It's not that I can't handle the complication that arises from having my games spread all over the place, it's that I choose to have them in a single place. I work 40 hrs/week, take care of my kids, spend time with my wife and like to work on personal projects. I choose convenience because it suits me and I won't miss any game that's not available on my platform of choice.
You call it laziness, I call it common sense. Principles are more than just an excuse. You might not understand it now, but when you grow up to be an adult you probably will.
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Oh, so I'm not an adult. Good to know you know me better than I know myself.
Now that you explained your situation though I understand. I was referring to spoiled kids who wouldn't even bother downloading anything simply because they're too spoiled. There are tons of those in gaming world.
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I might have been a bit harsh. I really should stop posting when I'm cranky and tired. :P
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It's principle. I refuse to support a company with the separate launcher crap because it encourages other companies to try it as well. What I don't want is to have to make two dozen accounts so I can play video games and have to keep a password manager just for the privilege of playing games I've paid for.
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Remember the days before family sharing. And it's not like other clients offer comparable service.
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But they added that feature for a reason, why avoid it?
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I don't entirely rely on it but it is one of my main things I do like to check before buying a game. I would rather buy an expensive game for me and my brother to play than buying a cheap game just for me.
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family share is rubbish and worthless
they could at least allow 2 people to be logged in playing different games i could see not allowing the same game
but what is the point of family share if someone wants to play while your playing or logs in without knowing your on to just log you off
so saying i will not use X program because of family share is a bit much
but it is a free world so anyone can choose what they want to do
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rubbish? worthless? why the hell do you think that? it's an awesome feature. sure, it doesn't allow 20 people to play the same game at the same time, but i think everybody should understand why they won't do that. but even this limited access to someone else's library is awesome. i have lots of games on my account, and i share my lib to some friends. and since i don't play 24h/day, they are able to play my games for a reasonable amount of time. they already finished some games, which they didn't have to buy themselves. i am really glad valve implemented this feature. and i can't understand people who say it's worthless, just because it has reasonable limitations.
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The first game I ever bought that required a UPlay account: Anno 2070. Guess how long it took until I could actually play my purchase? 2 weeks. Because the license servers were down so I couldn't activate the game... I had never felt more urge to pirate the game than then.
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It is not, for me at least, about the "1-2 extra clicks". Its about needing to have and know another account info, the added layer of DRM which adds NOTHING to the consumer's end, and dealing with the problems presented by said extra DRM layer. If it was like GoG, perhaps some or most people who refuse to buy ubi's current batch of games would reconsider, but the extra layer of DRM does present additional complications for running a game/software.
Some problems I have personally come across using Uplay and Steam stacked DRM.-
Game unable to be downloaded/redeemed.
DLC unable to be redeemed, or not given access.
Game unable to be started, unauthorized error
Game unable to be started, ubi master server down
Uplay wrong version error.
Game crashes to desktop.
Lagging or choppy game play. This ranges from cutscenes to actual play time.
Save game corruption/unrecognized/deleted.
It isnt my PC being too weak to run the game, or my rig being unstable. I may not have a 980 or a Titan black, but my SLI 670 is more than enough to max out FC3. Ive had no issues with any of my ubi games AFTER cracking the uplay client.
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but as some people's defense, uplay won't even start. that's how shitty their client is.
edit: i finally decided to check forums for troubleshooting but page won't load. dafuq ubi?
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then ubisoft has a personal grudge against me. i'm not even kidding. okay, i'm kidding with the personal grudge but not with uplay not running and forums pages won't load. ._.
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finally managed to browse ubisoft sites (ubisoft.com, forums, uplay etc) using hola unblocker but can't contact support because it won't let me log in. lel. seriously, ubisoft is shit. .-.
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I'm not. I said I'm against piracy but I would understand if people pirated the game for being unable to buy it on Steam.
Valve DRM is not really a DRM. Or at least no in a bad way. Most people love Steam, it became the biggest and best store people buy games nowadays. It's not even considered DRM really. Just something you use daily if you're a gamer.
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Why would you understand that? It's like understanding someone pirating a game because it came out on the XBone instead of the PS4. Publishers / developers have the right to choose what distribution platforms to use. That doesn't make piracy OK.
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Because I understand that not everyone has the same views as you, for example. Some people are so used to piracy because it was considered something normal in their environment that it's hard for them to change the habit. And that situation certainly wouldn't help them make the right decision. And don't give me that "it's thievery" because obviously digital downloads is a different matter than stealing something physical. So I understand that some people (and good people at that) might have a different (not necessarily evil) view on this. I don't share this view, but I understand it.
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We can only tell the good or evil of a person by the actions they take and/or the intent of those actions. Depending on the school of thought you subscribe to, intent has anywhere from 100% to 0% effect on the judgement of actions.
Stealing is stealing. It doesn't matter whether it's physical or digital, if you're taking something you haven't paid for that wasn't offered free to you, then you're violating someone else's rights. Clearly the action of piracy here is wrong, and you seem to agree with that.
Now, all that is left is to ask what their intent was. They are not stealing something to feed themselves or their family. They are not taking something that was stolen from them, or that they were promised through a contract but which was not delivered. It's purely greed and selfishness at work in the mind of pirates, and an utter disrespect for other people's rights.
The idea of otherwise "good" people doing bad things is a base misconception born of people's eagerness to make excuses. People want to extend this moniker of "good" to those around them perhaps out of some generosity or perhaps because it waters down the notion of "good" so that they themselves more comfortably fit within it.
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Don't twist my words Ceil. I said I'm against piracy but I do understand that someone might have different view on this.
For example in my country downloading music and movies for your own use is perfectly legal as long as you don't share it. In other countries it's piracy so most people would deem these actions as wrong. But here it's legal. Downloading games and software is illegal though but you get my point, I hope. It all depends on how we were raised, how old are we, how much we care about those rules, what kind of moral code we have and how the law operates in given country. Most of my friends play pirated versions of video games, always have, ever since I was a kid and they are good people. So maybe that's because I'm more understanding. I don't know, either way, it doesn't really matter. Because I encourage people to buy video games, every time we talk about it. Me saying I understand is a different way of saying "well, maybe some people have different views?". And if a person is truly a very good person, always helps others but every once in a while will download a game then can you say that because of that this person is "not good" or evil? That would be ridiculous lol. We're not perfect. None of us is. And I bet that even the most anti-piracy guys downloaded a game/mp3/movie at least once in their lifetime. It was very common in the 90's. It's easy to talk now when you're all grown up and earn your own money.
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Thanks for the compliment on my argument. Yes, that's exactly what I did, compare piracy to rape and murder from a logical standpoint using what's called an analogy. The logical argument being, just because people have different subjective views on crimes bears no relevance to their objective ethical basis. The extremity of the crime makes no difference to the argument. In other words - and I'll make this real simple for you to understand - piracy is bad, some people might disagree but their opinion doesn't change the fact it's bad. In the same way, murder and rape are bad, some people might disagree, but again their opinion doesn't change the facts. Whether you think piracy is "bad" and murder is "really really bad", or piracy is 3% bad and murder 87% bad, doesn't change the logical conclusion.
Also I wasn't aware I was under any obligation to address each point of your post. I'm not sure how it's even relevant for me to do so, all you're doing is justifying why you think piracy is ok when I've already made the point that one's opinion on a subject doesn't alter the facts of the subject.
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It was not my intent to twist your words, I'm sorry if I did so (though I'm not now 100% sure where I took them wrong).
As for your rebuttal, morality and legality are not the same thing. Yes I'm sure that growing up in a country where piracy is legal, or being part of a culture where it is acceptable or even encouraged (e.g. a lot of places on the internet, or some countries like Russia) even when illegal, has an impact on people's disposition. It might help explain certain people's choice to pirate, and in that sense we can understand why they make that decision.
However, in the post I was initially responding to, as well as in this most recent reply, you seem to be talking about "understanding" more in the sense of excusing their actions. This seems supported by your suggestion in the OP that Ubisoft is "basically asking for it". Please correct me if I'm wrong.
It's good to consider that other people have different views on a subject, but ultimately we must take those views and our own and weigh them when trying to decide what is morally right. The only other option is some kind of relativistic morality whereby nothing is objectively "good" or "evil". And I don't think we want to go down that road. We can still have sympathy for people that make bad decisions, but we must remember their decisions are bad and there is no excusing them so long as they continue.
As for being perfect, no most people are not perfect (I don't like saying "no one is perfect" because I believe some people have been or have been very close, and it feels like kind of an excuse people make these days). I am not perfect. I will admit that as a teen in the 90s I pirated some music. About 4 or 5 years ago I also pirated about a dozen movies. Now, the key differences though are that a) I never, even back then, claimed these practices were "good" or right... b) I admit I made the wrong decision... and c) I have discontinued these practices. Also, for the record, I have no job and no income and lots of debt. It's certainly not easy in this position to not think about piracy.
Being a good person is not easy. It doesn't mean not making mistakes, but it means owning up to those mistakes and correcting them as soon as possible. It doesn't mean just being good when it's convenient or easy. It doesn't mean taking advantage when no one is looking or no one can stop you. There is no law against me picking up someone's dropped watch and keeping it, never telling them I found it, but that would not be right. I could be nice to all of my friends, help them out, and then go home and beat my wife. I might decide to shoplift a little because I feel like I've "earned it" by being a "nice guy" all day.
Society needs to become much less free with that "good" descriptor.
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Yeah, I think I agree with all you said.
But I'll clear something up for the sake of our discussion:
I don't excuse their actions but I do understand that they may have different views on this or maybe they are now where we were 5-10 years ago (like you said, you pirated some stuff back in the day, maybe they're the same age as we were back then, maybe they think it's right and no one told them it's wrong or they just can't rationally accept that, like I said it's not black or white to everyone) so it's not up to use to judge them especially that we were like that too. Most people have. Everyone has to come to this thought that it's wrong and to the decision to stop doing that by oneself. Were we bad? Didn't we deserve sympathy simply because we downloaded some stuff from the Internet? I guess I'm just merciful haha, I don't know.
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That's called "rationalization," son. Keep in mind that should Steam decide (for any reason) to delete your account, they have the right to do so. Good-bye Steam games, and there's nothing you can do about it. You don't own squat on Steam. You just have the rights to use what's in your account.
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Son? That's a good one. Don't belittle me, kid.
Now, have you ever heard of Steam deleting your account without any serious reason? I mean, unless you breach their TOS you won't have your account deleted. Saying "it still might happen" is paranoid talk. Valve is not stupid. They won't delete your account without a very, very good reason. I heard people have been banned in the past but only temporarily.
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Me, a kid? I suppose you could call me that if you're over the age of 60. )
Seriously, though, I wasn't belittling you. I was trying to point out to you that you are contradicting yourself while trying to sidestep inconvenient facts. If you are more invested in "saving face" than in seeking truth, however, then my efforts are futile.
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Steam is a DRM (but not only, now it's also a platform, a community and so on) and yes, in theory all those games are theirs, you don't own them and they can delete your account if you break their TOS. I'm not arguing that it's not true. But it's very unlikely to happen and even though you actually just "borrow" the licence for those games and don't own them you still feel like you do, don't you? You can play them any time you want and you can download them and you have them listen in your account.
I think that's the truth, wouldn't you agree?
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I can't argue with what you think is the truth; you know better than I do what you think, after all. )
Setting that aside, however, I would tend to agree with your summary. There are just two points I would like to stress. One is that Valve reserves the right to delete your account for no reason at all. They do not do this, of course, as it would be bad business, but they retain the right. Second, we have no idea as to the likelihood of our account (or even Valve) simply disappearing. It can happen---and does for some unfortunate people---but we do not expect it.
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You could just ask if you have heard of steam deleting anyones account. Even account owners that are "suspected" of CC fraud can still log into their accounts and use their games, they just are banned from buying anymore until they at least talk to support. The best you could say is being banned from a vac server, which steam is hardly the only or first provider to do.
Even if steam did ban game accounts, they wouldnt be the first or only ones to do that. Origin, Uplay, GMG, every game service, even those on consoles have the "right" to ban you and remove all of your games.
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Well, I prefer to buy games that don't have steamworks functionality beyond drm from GOG. They don't have drm and many times they are cheaper there.
But when Steam version offers more, I choose to pick steam. And the reason I can live with Steam and Origin and I couldn't with UPlay and GFWL was that with the latter cracking a legally purchased game often made mayor improvement, mainly in terms of game stability - and Steam didn't broke any of my games since many years (it did in it's very beginnings).
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Steam has a DRM option but it is not a DRM in itself. It's a platform for buying, downloading & running your library of games, and many of them are actually DRM-free. There's a lot of titles, mostly indies, where you can just copy the downloaded folder and run the game without Steam.
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How can you tell whether anyone can or can't do it?
It just hasn't been done, that doesn't mean it isn't possible, it only means there was no necessity to do so. When HL2 came out, there was a massive outrage because of the DRM. Today, you can choose whether or not to use Steam as a DRM for your game, but does that mean it was impossible back then, or just not applied?
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I believe you misunderstand me and/or Steam as a DRM.
While I agree with you that technologically-wise it's possible to use UPlay/Origin just as a delivery platform (without involving DRM), the fact of the matter remains that since the respective owners of each platform limit the platform to their offerings only and given their history and policies regarding DRM, they chose not to and will continue to do so.
As for Steam and DRM, please take note that many developers use the platform as a delivery system and chose not invoke its DRM option. For example I would like to point out Paradox and their PI; you only need Steam to download (and update) the games, but afterwords you can uninstall Steam and continue to play the games.
TL;DR, theoretically you are right. Theoretically.
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I still beg to differ.
DRM is just one of many Steam functionalities. Automated software maintenance, account security, cheat detection, in-game overlay with browser and instant messenger, voice chat, screenshot with instant publishing, trading, achievements, SDK, Big Picture, cross-platform capability. I really use Steam daily as a gamer tool, and I have it running most of the time, because it's not interfering with normal OS operations and other software.
What does UPlay have? It's not a rhetorical question, because I haven't used UPlay since spring and currently I don't even have it installed. I used to launch it only when I need it to download one of my 3 UPlay games. In opposition to Steam, I launch it because I have to, not because I want to, and I close as soon as I can, because I have no use for it.
Same goes for Origin, but at least Origin gave me much less problems while used and I like Origin GUI a lot more.
Maybe some day UPlay or Origin will become useful tools. Right now they're little more than online deployment software.
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Well, I only wanted to be perfectly clear about usefulness of steam compared to its competition, and not to be taken as fanboy whim.
Actually, I hated steam the same when it was only a buggy downloader once.
And I really was curious what UPlay recently got, but you limited the answer to "several functions", so I still don't know.
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Well Uplay is a complete trash even compared to Origin, which at least does what is supposed to. Pirating a Uplay game goves less problems that owning a legal one there, since you avoid all idiotic stuff that can give you problems by using Uplay, though I'm not pirating anyway.
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I still it's wrong to pirate a game just because you don't like a piece of software you have to install in order to play it. It's a game - you don't have to play it and it's a product which means the developer sets the terms of use. Don't like it? Don't buy it.
But at the same time I kind of understand that such practices as shown in this article may throw people off and steer them into playing pirated versions of said games.
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Those titles are big enough to stand without Steam.
On the other hand I feel like they are begging us to vote them as the worst company this year, instead of AE.
I used to like Ubisoft very much: lots of games I liked were published by them. But now... after they'll release Beyond Good and Evil 2, they are dead to me.
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It's just that they have turned bad. In a weird way. They are sabotaging their own games and a part of their own audience.
"I used to like their games": they make/made good games, but now they are only copy/pasting them. They sell well, so I won't tell them not to do that. I'd just like if they spent a bit of that money on experimenting, which is how they got those games in the first place.
I have the same "standards", they changed their way of making games.
Coming to Beyond Good and Evil: they defined it as "a big mistake" just because it didn't sell too well. I just hope they let Michel Ancel finish the sequel (either as an official "BGaE2" or not), then they can release all the Assassin's Creeds they want. <- it's not like we needed more than 1 per year. :/
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I dont mind about having to use UPlay to play certain games... the only difference is that you have to do what, two extra clicks? three?
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LOL, that means Far Cry 4 is gonna be for FREE! Oh yeah!
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Looks like they wanted to price them at more than £49.99 in UK but Valve didn't let them
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Ubisoft does release great games but Uplay is, indeed, quite crappy. I had problems with it a couple of months ago which resulted in me emailing support back and forth for 4 days. In the end, the issue was resolved... by me. Based on my experience, they are awesome for feeding you canned responses but quite incompetent to provide real help.
That said, sure, they don't need Steam but... why risk losing sales by not making your games available on that platform?
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I bought all my Ubisoft games retail way cheaper then on Steam. And on launch. I bought Heroes 6 CE retail on day 1 for 35 euros while the same edition 60 euros on Steam.
Same for Blacklist, Conviction and the AC games.
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I was not being ironic, I really wait to see that. There are some titles I could grab if they went low on price. Very low price was only reason I got Blacklist.
But I usually don't buy a game if it's known to have major, gamebreaking issues, unless it's mighty cheap, like 3 euro or less. And sadly, most of new Ubi catalogue does have isssues.
Well, if they brought their classic titles to UPlay with reasonable price tag, I would have a bit more than 3 games there.
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I was comparing the retail games that are redeemable on Uplay and the Steam edition. Also, I have the same prices for Ubisoft games here on both, Uplay and Steam. But as I was saying, I don't buy them from Uplay, I go for retail.
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I'm not in the UK, but I'd say that the games haven't "been in steam" for quite a while anyways. The newer (as in last 2-3 years) Ubi titles still launch UPlay if I launch from Steam, so I have both of them up anyways. If I try to launch directly from Uplay, then some of the games even say "This is the steam version - go launch from Steam", but it will still start UPlay when the game starts. Although usually I have to restart the game 4-5 times to get UPlay to realize it needs to do its part.
If I were in the UK, the major thing that would prevent me from buying a Ubi game is that Steam has specials more often, and I don't even bother checking Ubi store for deals. No deal, no buy. I'm done buying games for full price that won't work until they're half the price anyways, regardless of the platform they're selling on.
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The most likely reason is because Ubisoft want to (and are, on the uPlay store) charge £50 for it but Valve won't stand for that shit.
Good riddance.
If it was in the US, trying to charge $80, it'd be an uproar.
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"Too much" is an entirely subjective thing. It may be more than you want to spend, but then, don't buy the game. If enough people don't buy the game, the prices will come down. That's how a free market works.
Companies are not "assholes" for exercising their right to sell their products for the price they want in the stores (online or offline) that they want.
You are not entitled to Far Cry 4 or any game for that matter, just as companies are not entitled to your business. But, again, it's not something to get angry about and you certainly have no justification for feeling wronged or imagining that companies are "assholes".
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In the case of regional pricing, then it is "too much".
Why should we pay £50 ($80) when Americans pay $60? It's not as bad as Australia, but it is unfair.
They can exercise their right to sell for ridiculous prices, but that doesn't mean it's acceptable.
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£50 translates to 64€ or $79. You think this is okay? And please, stop using the word "entitled" at every opinion you don't agree with. People are entitled to criticism as customers, they have their right to express their opinion on shitty business practices.
People are pissed because they are trying to screw us just because they can.
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People certainly have a right to their opinion, and I can understand people being disappointed and/or choosing not to buy a product they feel is overpriced. That's OK. I would not call that entitled.
However, when you start getting angry and somehow imagining that the companies are "screwing" you or being "assholes", then you're crossing the line into being entitled. Also, it's not a "shitty business practice" if the market supports it. If people are willing to pay $79 for the games, then so be it. We are not entitled to games at a price lower than what the market will bear.
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ofc theyre screwing us, their goal is to empty your wallet and dlc/the unending tide of fifa/broken on launch day are proof theyre not fussy about providing us with anything in return, when toyota's cars dont work they fix em, when games dont work they dont give a monkey's, gamings the only industry where screwing your customers over doesnt cost you money im sad to say
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It's better if you ask me. Why would you buy the games on Steam? Just to pay more and have Uplay running in Steam?
No thanks. I buy my Ubisoft games on UPlay or retail, never on Steam.
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I dont mind Uplay at all. Its usually always cheaper (espc on pre-releases) to get the big Ubisoft titles cheap because of Nvidia promos and such via trade or Ebay.
Hell you can go on Ebay now and get the "Pick Your Path" coupon (allows you one of AC Unity, FC4, or The Crew Uplay versions) for about $35-$50. Thats cheaper than Steam.
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great, did the Ubi's CEO came out of his cave to say some nonsense again? that guy is always fun... except for the Ubi's PR department... those poor people. i will go ahead and say that the retarded £50 tag is because piracy... piracy and cinematic experience, that's Ubi these days.
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"Splice me poop deck! Yarrrrrhhhh!!" screamed former Ubi customers across the UK...
Ubi really are the worst sort of imbeciles. The kamikaze pilots of PC gaming... They never seem to miss an opportunity to take out both themselves and their customers in a glorious fireball of self-destruction.
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Only in uk? Ac unity and far cry 4 disappeared from my steam store even tho I'm from Lithuania.
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Seems like I'll be doing that in future with ubi games. I bought both ac unity and far cry 4 and now they fked with me like this.
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I already search them at the mexican steam store, they are gone. Those freaking bastards cant even let us choose a gamertag at their shitty Uplay nonsense.
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359 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by ceeexo
I don't support piracy in any way but they're basically asking for it lol.
Edit: So people report that in various countries (US, Poland etc.) games like Far Cry 4, The Crew etc. also disappeared from the Steam store. No more Ubi games worldwide on Steam? Ubi is a joke. They will lose more money than they can imagine because of that.
Edit 2: Seems it was a mistake and new Ubi games will be available on Steam for everyone except for folks in the UK.
Edit 3: New Ubi games are back in Steam Store for everyone except people living in the UK. Well, I'm sorry folks.
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