Hi SG.
I am curious what you as a user/we as a community think about the following case:

In a discussion within our forums here at SG, user A tells user B to kill himself. User A gets reported for that comment and gets a suspension for it.
How long, do you think, should user A be suspended for that comment? See Poll.

By the way, this is no hypothetical question.
That incident happened four to five months ago. User A got suspended two days for that comment.

3 months ago

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User A tells user B to kill himself. How long should user A be suspended?

View Results
1 day
2 days
3 days
1 week
Several weeks (please specify in comments)
1 month
Several months (please specify in comments)
1 year
Several years (please speciffy in comments)
Permanent suspension

Although I'm all for this community to be a nice place, so we must learn to treat each other with respect, kindness, and understanding. It's a place where people give out of kindness, so don't take anything for granted.

3 months ago

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S/he would get a month from me, if it was the 1st offense and there were no additional circumstances. No less than a week in any case, so I find just 2 days quite upsetting.

That's because I know, how upset usually people are about such comments. Tbh, for myself I don't really care. If I don't deal with a kid or someone heavily disturbed, In the worst case I may just bounce the ball back saying: "And why don't you show us yourself, how to do this?" Because, if after a shouting match someone is going to be upset, I usually try to make sure, that it's the person, that have started it. Tough luck ;)

3 months ago*

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I have been thinking for days about the answer I will give. Reading the answers of others, I concluded that it depends on some factors.

If the victim is someone who has heard much worse on the internet, they will likely be immune and not care. But if the victim is one of the members we need to protect, then I would want a strong punishment for the abuser.

If the abuser uses scripts and logs in once a week to collect his loot, a week's punishment will seem like a day's punishment.

Judging from the above, and taking more into account the protection of good members, I would like the punishment to be some (3 or 4) months.

During the pandemic, a guy, said to me: "And what do you care about your life?". I asked him if he really means it, after some seconds of silence, he realized that he should think before he opens his mouth. But here from writing to sending the message takes some seconds, so he wrote it knowingly (maybe cold-blooded is more correct).

3 months ago

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Without knowing whole case... Imposible to say!?

U forget Poll posiibility:

3 months ago*

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how long would the action suggested by person A last for?
I'd go with a similar length of time for the suspension...

3 months ago

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Anybody can be caught up in their own emotions and say something stupid to someone else, I think very few of us here are "innocent" in that regard.
So any measured response would have to not only look at the reported comment, but also at the users history of being reported for similar comments/activities.
I can see how it feels like a short suspension for such a comment might seem low, but if it was a first offence and the user otherwise is nice - then I can also see how it can be an appropriate response just to mark that it isnt OK to behave like that.

3 months ago

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