its 30% for winning one game/copy of everything that you entered and ends this specific day. Not on all GAs.
30% means as well 70% chance of not winning.
Edit: and its 30% accumulated. The winning chances for each game is lower!
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We don't "need" this percentage. The percentage is just there for those who are interested in the chances of winning something. As others have said, a 30% chance of winning is also a 70% chance of not winning, so in this case, you are MORE likely to lose than win as 30%<70%. It's just a matter of time and volume of giveaways entered.
You can find giveaways that have less entries by lurking the forums. Users tend to make private giveaways and share it in a thread. Even if it's a less desirable game, there will people entering it for the sake of entering it, especially since it is a Level 0 public giveaway. I see you're on your way to Level 1, so once you gain a level, you will be open to more giveaways.
There are also giveaway groups you can find in the Group Recruitment section of discussions where you can join, and depending on the group rules, enter exclusive giveaways to that group.
I think it's best not to get too bothered by these statistics.
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DO NOT POST is this site a scam? No its not. Many people have won 100's of games, the average user enters 1,000's before winning anything. There are numerous threads on "how" to win, the best way to increase your odds is, get involved in the community. So giving away games to level up will give you access to games with less entries, posting on the forums and taking part in events will increase your chance(there are always numerous great events), take part in puzzles(a lot of people can't be bothered to solve them so you have a better chance of winning), basically anything but entering level 0 public GA's with 1,000's of entries increases your chance of winning.
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you're here for AAA games which costs 60-80$? Good luck. They have the most entrys....and are 90% non-existant in reality^^
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but even a "100% chance" dosnt mean, you will win a game^^
two giveaways with a 50% chance will end in the stats as 100% as well but you dont need to win any of them^^
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Making stupid threads reduces your chance of winning .
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Yes, the thread is stupid. Try searching dicussions and you'll find a shitload of threads like that. You'll also find users making fun of such threads because they are stupid indeed. All you need to know was explained above which you could have understood by yourself. 30% chance of winning for this specific day still means you have like 0,01% on winning that GTA V and maybe 0,4% for that shitty 1P game. Congrats. You just passed 4th grade of maths. Now less whining, more thinking and making giveaways. Good luck.
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yeah, have fun, im not really into maths, so what? P.S. i didn
t mantioned GTA or anything AAA game, it was about just for anything. yeah, i agree, it was my fault i didnt read previous threads, but hey, i saw a one about movies, so i don
t wanted to waste my time...
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Comment has been collapsed. (ok you got it^^)
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Take a second look. Most wins are from Whitelist or group giveaways.
To get on other user's whitelists you should give aways great stuff, create nice events (trains, puzzles, ...) in the forum or just be a great person in discussion.
To get into groups, take a look who is recruiting.
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To be honest, there are quite a few games given away where nobody expects the winner to play them. Sure, there are junk games where some people may genuinely enjoy them, but especially with the lowest-tier greenlight trash, even the game "developers" just want the card transaction fees and not delivering something people may actually play.
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Well, I personally think there's a difference between hoarding games by buying them and hoarding games someone is giving away.
About your edit: I'm also pretty sure everyone joined for winning, not for giving. But I still see a difference between trying to win what you want and trying to win completely anything.
Anyway, this discussion is pointless since it's a matter of opinion so everyone's right in a way.
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entered every GA i could at first too, until i got 2 or three games which are really trash... but you get the feedback: hey this site works and isnt scam!
Then i switched to entering only GAs i would actually risk a play xD
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Yes, but it is up to chance. Still, there are about a million users and so far nearly 2.5 million giveaways were created (and the amount of the actual keys given away is higher, since the site average is larger than 1.00 games/giveaway).
This means that if this rate keeps up, everyone should win at least 2 games on average while they are here.
"On average" though, since the balance is anything but even. Just ask zelghadis, I think he should be over 2500 games won here by now. :3
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like said before: be in some groups which create GAs, be nice to get some Whitelists, solve puzzles... (i won most GAs with puzzles) read discussions and join trains. and most important increase level. Much higher chances.
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and most important increase level
I actually droped down sometime in night too
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working on getting back my level tho. Got a bunch of keys, but the games arent on the GA-list. Have to wait for support now until they added them...
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Are you sure those games were not given out for free before?
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Uhm...actually no. I only checked if they are on the bundled-list (they are) - stupid question of me this time: is there a list for free games as well? xD
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Edit: I swear to god you are the most unlucky person I know when it comes to this :/
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If you tell us which games we can tell you if they have been removed on purpose. Support is already overwhelmed recently as it is so it would be good to cut down the number of unnecessary tickets ;)
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Sorry to tell you that but yeah, you can close that ticket as those games have been removed on purpose to keep people from farming CV with free games and thus won't get added back.
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screw me.... again such a mess....should check beforehand^^ (but thanks!)
mousewithbeer knows my struggles in gaining level....its just...not funny anymore (ok it is...but still....)
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Yeah, I know it sucks but if it maybe helps a little bit the same thing has happened to most people here. I got burned a few times myself (for example with Deponia and several others) that's why now I always check Create new Giveaway first before I buy something I want to give away.
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I'm not sure how many times i did this already but
Giveaways Entered
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he clearly cannot be accused of leeching....interesting account tho!
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You won't win much unless you:
1) level up to 7+
2) enter events with puzzles
3) join a closed group
For 1 and 3 you must make your own regular giveaways. And for 2 there also may be specific restriction like lvl, ratio etc. Nobody likes leechers.
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This is a place to give games....
"GIFTS" in site's name doesn't mean getting gifts, but that is matter of perspective,i guess.
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Join a group if you want to increase your chance to win a game.
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Piece of advice. NEVER trust those percentages on your personal stats page. I have had 5 days in the last 3 weeks where mine was listed at 32-35% chance of winning for that day, which is quite high for me, and have won nothing those days. Then last October Ihad a less than 5% chance of winning one day and won a copy of Doom.
So NEVER trust the stats and NEVER expect to win.
I mean, look at me. Every day I go out and every day before I walk back in I say to myself 'Nope, no spacecat today'. And every day for the past 4 1/2 weeks I have been right. It can be frustrating at times but if you keep expecting to win all the time then you will just feel frustration..................
Unless you are Zelghadis who seems to have a personal, 'special' relationship with Spacecat since he wins on a daily basis.
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You entered +/- 20000 giveaways and won ~100 . What are you complaining about ?
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I didn't mean to sound like I was complaining. Basically, I was just saying that the stats don't mean anything and that you should never expect to win all the time. I mean it is nice when I do, but when I say that thing about no spacecat to myself every day and don't see him, then I'm never disappointed. In fact, it makes me smile.
See, I never think negative. I'm always positive about being negative about things.
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A point here. Compare my entries and wins versus this person's. I think most of it just comes from being on whitelists or entering high-level GAs. That's the "strategy" if you want to increase wins.
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They don't lie but they also don't necessarily have a close relationship with the actual reality :)
I remember a (not so good) joke a teacher told me when I was starting an epidemiology post-grad:
Three statisticians go hunting, one misses the duck by 1m up, the second by 1m down and the third says bullseye.
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i needed more than 800 entries, before i had my first win. you're not doing anything wrong, you simply need to understand how small of a chance you have in each giveaway as level 0 user. :)
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The answer I'd give you would be to give away something, ANYTHING, to hit Level 1. Or more to go higher up still. Then you can enter the GAs that are locked to people who can meet level requirements.
Or just chat a lot on the forums and be interesting. Gets you on whitelists and in groups and stuff like that.
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so many cows around here. Good thing my truck has a bull bar attached...*jk
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I got 30% of winning, they say, but nothing... not even a 1p game!!! WTF I`m doing here?
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