I am looking for the German version of this demo. Maybe you can play it in your native language, I can't translate the questions into German language though, but no problems for the answers.
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Yes, I'm downloading it but it's very slow and the mirror doesn't work anymore. Almost completed, anyway.
EDIT: Well, I can't use it for this giveaway, it's an older version and doesn't work on my system.
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Resolution higher than 800x600 causes readability issues
That's a demo-only problem? I have played Gothic 1 on higher resolutions and never had any problems with that.
Anyway, cool idea. I won't enter, considering I beat G1 and G2 three times and G3 one time, but I'll definitely try to solve the puzzle.
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I meant that might causes problems. For example with my 22" monitor (1680x1050 as native resolution) I have readability issues with 1024x768 and higher screen resolution, as the font size is too small.
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Awesome idea. I'm going to try :D
Just started the Gothic 1 demo, I'm in love with a new(old) game <3
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Bump. Gothic 1 on Steam doesn't support all the language of the retail version. English, German, and Spanish only. French and Italian aren't listed. This problem is for Gothic 1 only.
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Interesting. My dad played the Gothic series and I reckon he quite liked the games. He asked me to kill a final boss for him in one of them, because he couldn't manage (at least I think it was Gothic, maybe some other game tho.. some fight on a floor that was changing patters, disappearing in different places etc.), but otherwise I haven't played the games myself. May check out your giveaway :)
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You're likely right as I don't really remember the game :) My dad just wanted closure on it and couldn't manage the final boss. It's true that he did play Risen, too. My father is into RPGs and completed (or, khem, nearly completed) quite a few of them.
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Really good idea for a puzzle.
First Gothic game blew my mind back in the day. It was really like nothing I've ever played before. Second one was bigger and better although by that time novelty wore off a bit. But I didn't really like the third one, mostly because it was too long and too buggy.
Since I played all the games, I'm gonna go hardcore and try to answer the questions without refreshing my memories.
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I am glad you all liked this idea. Indeed, Gothic 3 was a buggy game and obtained many negative reviews for this, but the game experience has changed a lot since the first release, as many patches have been published, though too late. He became a very stable game even before the release of the Enhanced edition.
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Never played Gothic, only Gothic 2 and 3. Nevertheless, good luck to anyone :)
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Bump. A list of community mods for these games from WorldOfGothic the most important Gothic fan site. Some of them are working in progress, such as the Gothic 1 Reload Mod (video) and the Gothic II Graphics Overhaul (video, video).
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The giveaway starts tomorrow.
I found out today who plays Gothic 3 on Steam have to update manually to the Enhanced edition, unfortunately it isn't automatic despite it is an official patch.
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You can play windowed by editing the Gothic.ini file ([Gothic Folder]\System\gothic.ini) and set the variable zStartupWindowed from 0 to 1. This can be a bit useful to answer the questions if ALT + Tab doesn't work. While you are at it, you can increase also the variable "bloodDetail" (from 2 to 3) if you want see blood in game.
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Hmm, this looks like it will require some sort of effort on my behalf...
(exits tab)
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Did you get a window with an error message? Can you send to me a screenshot of it?
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The hint will tell you if you can keep trying or if you chosen the wrong way. Read read carefully the question.
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If you have a problem, please report less informations you can or contact me in private.
For example: I am stuck at Q6, reason "crash" or "I tried all the possible answers".
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See also "Report problems" section above. Don't add me directly on Steam, please.
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I am stuck at Q5, reason: I tried all the possible answers.
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Please be sure to read "How to enter" section above to verify whether you can enter the giveaway. I forgot to add a warning at the beginning of the questions: you can't enter the giveaway if you already played Gothic 2 or 3.
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I'm stucked on that 7th question and hint just confirmed that what I already know. I'm wondering maybe there is a random feature there and when you planned that question you got different "answer"... cause I got a several stuff in here, some with multiple lines, tryied lots of way to write an answer with it, but no succes...
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I tested very well the last question, it isn't random. You can get into the SteamGifts chat and PM me from there, but I don't think it is really necessary.
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I made a mistake there, I am working on a solution. Please, add me so I help you.
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You can find the answers playing the demo, you risk of wasting time with Google, Youtube, Forums...
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This is a puzzle giveaway for Gothic Universe, which includes the following classic action RPG games by Piranha Bytes (same creators of Risen 1 and the recently released Risen 2):
Gothic is a video game series for hardcore single-player RPG fan, if you are looking for an easy and short game, with a lot of visual hints on how to solve the quests, where you can walk through the game world without worry of the consequences, these games aren't suitable for you. You are a stranger very weak at the beginning of the game, you need experience points to level up, learn different skills, work hard, and so, depending on your in game choices, while the story evolves, you will become a warrior, a mage, a thief or what you want.
This is the first of a series of videos made by a Youtube user that shows as Gothic 3 looks like with the recently released (April, 2012) Enhanced edition patch applied that improves graphics and fixes a lot of bugs (stuttering problem included). I preferred to make a puzzle based on Gothic 1 to protect against spoilers people who wants play these games, enjoys the story and the free roaming. Despite of an outdated graphics, I think it is a great game that deserves to be played more than others...
How to enter
This is a demo based puzzle giveaway. You have to play a bit the demo of the game, solve some quests and then answer to some my (not hard) questions. I am editing this post Saturday to add the link with the questions. In meanwhile you have time to download it from a reliable source (see below for a list) and install, verify if it works well on your system, even play it and determine whether you like the game or not. The giveaway ends Sunday.
Please don't enter the giveaway if you already played Gothic 3 or Gothic 2 (don't matter if it wasn't a Steam version). Unlike my previous demo based giveaway, I made harder to solve the puzzle without playing the demo, you solve the puzzle playing the game more quickly than browsing the web.
Feel free to talk about the game and request support about how to play or if you experience a technical problem, but please don't spoil the puzzle, don't post hints, and of course don't share the final giveaway link.
Questions - Question 7 fixed - Timer
Q3 Hint: Be careful when you open the letter the first time, something might to change later unexpectedly.
Solution - Giveaway
Download links
Unless I change my plan, you need to download Gothic 1 Demo only for the giveaway. Gothic 2 and 3 links here if you are curious and don't care about spoilers (Gothic 2 starts where Gothic 1 ends, and Gothic 3 as well).
Gothic 1 Demo ver. 1.08j (English)
Gothic 2 Demo
Gothic 3 Demo
General hints about Gothic 1
Report problems
If you wish to report any problem privately, you can get into the SteamGifts chat and PM me from there, or send a PM via Steam Forum.
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