Hey, leecher here.
"Wait, you're posting on the forums?"
Yup, I am!

I wonder, is there/will there be any way to hide contributor giveaways?

I understand why you may want to keep them there, so people who haven't contributed will be motivated to, but I know there are people out there (And hey, I might jump on the bandwagon of "I won a game, here's a game!" fun, maybe not) who will never giveaway a game for financial reasons, not just because they don't view the forums, never say thank-you, and are only trying to profit.

To me, right now, it seems more annoying seeing $1,000 contributor giveaways and $.01 whenever I am not able to be a part of the giveaway. Like games I already own on Steam, and groups of which I am not a part, why show ones I can't participate in that are contributor?

12 years ago*

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Cause life.

12 years ago

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^ this

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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just did.

12 years ago

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It would be nice to filter them out. Seeing contributor giveaways requiring over $1000 to enter is not going to goad me into giving away more games.

12 years ago

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And your point is?

12 years ago

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Well, if there already isn't a way to hide contributor giveaways, I feel there should be a way to hide them. Thus, discussion.

12 years ago

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I use search for the giveaways I wish to enter and then I only spend points on games I will play.

So, using the search function will really help.

Btw you can post a Fortix giveaway and voila, feel free to enter the $0.01 contributor giveaways.

12 years ago

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Yeah but sometimes I have never heard of a game, and find it interesting. Honestly, SG is how I find out about new games (DOTA II, as an example).

12 years ago

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What about the $1000 giveaways? Do you really think everyone has - or should be expected to have - that much disposable income to give away? I'm glad you have that much money, but some people are worried about things like food, tuition, family, ammunition, and other necessary expenditures that come before buying games for oneself, let alone buying games for complete strangers.

If not, then stop subtly begging for more giveaways.

12 years ago

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Is this reply directed to my post? I am perfectly okay with the rules and what other people do with THEIR giveaways, it's their ball and so it's their game.

If people are worried about more things like food, tuition, family then I suggest they concentrate on their own basic needs.

You should stop acting like a spoiled little kid. /rant over

12 years ago

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I'm confused as to how the one telling other people to make more giveaways is also the one accusing others of being spoiled.

12 years ago

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Stay confused. Thank you.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

12 years ago

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Well, start giving something away then.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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What is it about this topic in particular that makes some people think begging is now acceptable? Isn't asking - or demanding - people give stuff away not considered begging anymore?

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

12 years ago

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"who will never giveaway a game for financial reasons"

Hahahahahahah, oh man, I teared up from laughing so hard. Just say you are cheap, greedy, and selfish. Don't claim 'financial reasons' when there are countless games that can be given away that cost less than the electricity used to power your computer this month, or a cup of coffee at Starbucks, or that combo meal at the local fast good joint. If you are seriously that broke, pawn the computer, cancel your internet access, spend less time gaming, and go get a first/second/third job.

12 years ago

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That's kind of a rude reply, isn't?

12 years ago

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Yeah it is, but is true nonetheless.
1$ for fortix is not going to bankrupt anyone.
The contributor giveaways are not that annoying in any case, just ignore them.

Also, he owns 81 games on steam.

Back on topic though, it would be nice to filter giveaways.

12 years ago

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It's valid. Blunt and to the point.

12 years ago

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But it still could be delivered in a more friendly manner.

12 years ago

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Absolutely, but he still has a point. I'm also assuming he was using sarcasm to make his point.

12 years ago

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"Stop buying things for yourself so you can spend more making giveaways I can enter!" is a valid point now? Why?

Maybe try not policing other peoples' finances based on entirely baseless stereotyping, and deciding for other people what is or isn't a "good enough" substitute for making giveaways. You don't have to be at the brink of homelessness to have too many financial worries to do frivolous spending. And yes, buying video games for complete strangers is what most reasonable people might consider less than necessary if money is tight.

12 years ago

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He never said that and I'm not policing anyone. I'm too busy policing myself from frivolous spending.

12 years ago

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He never said that

Let's break it down.

"Stop buying things for yourself" = Things such as "the electricity used to power your computer this month, or a cup of coffee at Starbucks, or that combo meal at the local fast good joint."

"...so you can spend more making giveaways..." = Evident from the disagreeing reply to someone saying they aren't making giveaways for financial reasons

"...that I can enter!" = Evident from being a Steamgifts member.

So yes, that's exactly what he said. Questions?

As for the policing comment, "If you are seriously that broke, pawn the computer, cancel your internet access, spend less time gaming, and go get a first/second/third job." is what I was referring to.

12 years ago

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You just reinterpreted what he said. As for my original statement, it still stands. He made a good point about 99% of leechers. There's a difference between not being able to gift and simply not wanting to gift. There's also a difference between stating the point and telling people what to do.

Take with a grain of salt if necessary

12 years ago

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Oh, I know there are "leechers," people who can give back but won't for selfish reasons - I just think it's wrong to attack people for being a leech, because you can't really prove who is or isn't. The people that pretend to know others' situations and finances are wrong.

IT's sorta like why steamgifts asked people not to call out fake giveaways in the comments. Were people making fake giveaways? Yes. But it got so out of hand that it was driving legitimate and innocent people off. For a long time you couldn't make a legit giveaway for any "exploited" game or Monday Night Combat or whatnot without getting attacked in the comments.

12 years ago

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Oh c'mon with all these threads. $.01 won't kill anyone who is here over a month. There are games or DLCs under $1 and don't try to tell us you can't afford to buy them.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

12 years ago

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Glad you made relevant comment about it.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

12 years ago

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I want a filter to hide public giveaways since they usually have 1k+ entries lol...

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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We'll have an option to hide them in the future, although right now a few other updates need to be finished first.

12 years ago

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Thank you!

12 years ago

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^ What he said.

12 years ago

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Good news, thanks!

12 years ago

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That's good news indeed, less people bothering, everyone's happy.

12 years ago

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Usually if I win a game (Still didn't! D:) I'd YouTube the game, watch some gameplay, see if I can run it, then, if I like it - I keep. If I don't like it/can't run it- The community can have it! :D

12 years ago

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Why enter giveaways for games you might not even be able to run and/or aren't sure you'll like?

Unless I read that wrong.

12 years ago

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from the FAQ: "Winnings must be redeemed on the winning account."

careful with the theoretical regifting there newbie :)

12 years ago

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Contributor Giveaways isnt a way to force people to giveaway games . In my eyes its a way for the people who do give (Since Games Dont just Fall out of the Sky) to have a better chance at winning something . I get your point though .

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

12 years ago

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u do have 80 games. so how the fu** u came up with 80 games, if u are basically sayin "im poor i cant afford toi create a giveaway" ? buy a game when it's on sale on steam then make a giveaway if u really want, no problem.... so u r just whining in my opinion

12 years ago

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It's actually absurdly easy to come up with that many games on the cheap. Don't take my word for it, just look for yourself. Steam lists can get absurdly inflated thanks to the oversaturation of indie bundles. When you can get 5 games for $1, it really isn't that hard to get 80 games (or 69, as that list says). Also, there are several free games in that list, like Alien Breed 2 (which one could get for free at one point) and F2P games. Look before accusing, man.

Not to mention, you're making a baseless assumption that any given user actually paid for every game in their Steam list. I got Skyrim as a Christmas gift, for example - I didn't pay for it.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Yggdrasill.