Hey guys!

So, I recently came back to the community after a long time away and I am trying to get in on all this train fun, but I can never join because sgtools says I have unactivated wins.
Tbh I don't even know for what game that was, this was ages ago, but going to my won giveaways I see there are 2 games I don't have on my library, but how can I fix it? These games don't show me the key so that I can't just activate them now :(

Any help is welcome :) cheers!

EDIT: thanks for the discussion guys, I will try to contact the original GA creator and fix things that way :)

7 years ago*

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By purchasing those games and activating them on your account. (Assuming you did receive them. If you didn't, NEVER mark received unless you receive the correct game promised in the giveaway.)

Afterwards nobody will ever know.

Also from what I can tell you only have 1 unactivated win: Darksiders II

7 years ago*

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I see. There is a problem then. Darksiders II, as it was by the time I apparently won it, doesn't show up like that on steam anymore.
If I follow the game link from the GA it redirects me to the steam front page, and if I search for the game, it now only shows me there is a "darksiders II deathinitive edition". I have a feeling this would be considered a different game by the system.

7 years ago

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You're right about the deathinitive Edition counting as a different game but if I'm not mistaken both Darksider remakes come with the original versions as well just like the Bioshock Remasters.

But please confirm this yourself before you buy the Deathinitive Edition ;)

7 years ago

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but if I'm not mistaken both Darksider remakes come with the original versions as well just like the Bioshock Remasters.

In the sense of getting a free upgrade to the next version, that's correct for Darksiders 1, but for Darksiders 2 you only got the upgrade if you owned both the base game and all three DLCs for the game.

As far as retroactive obtainment of the original games goes, neither SteamDB nor the store page indicates you get the original games by buying the new versions. That's not surprising, however, as the earlier games had (iirc) a different publisher.

7 years ago

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Thanks for clarifying Sooth :) I tried to find out by looking at the depots on SteamDB and couldn't find it there but I wasn't sure depots was the right place to look.

I guess the best way to get them then would be buying a key from a trader since both original Darksiders have been bundled a couple of times.

7 years ago

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Of course, getting the original game is such a wash now- not because Deathinitive is better (the remakes are purportedly much less stable), but because there's just no way to get the DLCs for the original game anymore. Which really sucks, because personally I really don't wanna pick up Deathinitive just for the DLCs I'm missing. :S

If it's possible to contact the GA creator, it'd likely be much more agreeable to all involved to try and work out a way to get the GA deleted [ie, by providing the GA creator with comparable CV in games] (or if Deathinitive isn't lower CV, get staff and the GA creator to agree to a substitution and update to the listing).

7 years ago

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If it's possible to contact the GA creator, it'd likely be much more agreeable to all involved to try and work out a way to get the GA deleted [ie, by providing the GA creator with comparable CV in games] (or if Deathinitive isn't lower CV, get staff and the GA creator to agree to a substitution and update to the listing).

Also good suggestions.

7 years ago

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It's what I did recently when I was in a similar situation. The creator was really nice and was happy to delete without any sort of reimbursement, but I insisted and offered a few games to choose from, I think it's the fair thing to do.

7 years ago

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Yeah, most people here are rather reasonable most of the time.

Sadly this doesn't seem to be an option (or at least involve considerable effort) in this case since this particular GA creator stopped using the site 3 years ago. However if OP is able to get in contact with them they would most likely agree to delete since the game gives 0 CV and they are not using the site anyway.

7 years ago

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It was a pretty similar situation with me, but thankfully he was responsive when I contacted him on Steam

7 years ago

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GA creator was online on Steam 13 hours ago.
So there is still a chance that he can contact the creator.

7 years ago

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the GA creator didn't re-roll you?
maybe you can contact the GA creator if that's the case, ask them if they still have the key and (maybe apologize?)

7 years ago

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Darksiders II removed from steam store, and idk - if u buy Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition, will u get original game too?
if no, i have bad news for u 😲

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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IMHO, non-activated wins should have a probation period.

Not applicable to habitual non-activators.

7 years ago

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non-activated wins should have a probation period.

They do. As soon as you have been punished you're clear from SteamGifts point of view.

SGTools however is like a private club which has their own set of rules on top of the already existing Steamgifts rules.

7 years ago

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If someone has already been punished by SG and they won your GA you have to send them the gift.
If there was a probation period people could habitually neglect to activate wins ;)
Edit: If by "probation" you mean a period of time after which the infraction doesn't count any more.

7 years ago*

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I mean if someone didn't activate only one game 3 years ago, SG ban forever is a bit harsh.
A year or so I think is enough, if it's a one-time thing.

7 years ago

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Since you apparently didn't understand me the first time let me explain again: SGTools is in no way affiliated with SteamGifts.

And GA creators can already put an expirery date on infractions when creating a SGTools GA. It's just the vast majority chooses not to do so.

7 years ago

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g2a? there are few sellers of original darksiders 2

7 years ago

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DS2 is 7 euro on G2play.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by BPMorais.