oh fringe we will weep and knash our teeth at the loss of you.
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while i am on the topic of good old Weinland i remember this Ronald Weinland, Doomsday Prophet, Found Guilty Of Tax Evasion back in June. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/21/ronald-weinland-tax-evasion_n_1616666.html
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She says its on 22 December; I'm not saying she is right or wrong since i do not know.
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It was my first so I can't say how bad it was. :)
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a bit late for this thread... we Aussies could've told you this 22 hours ago... (10pm on the 22nd over here)
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This doomsday "prophecy" is based on the Mayan calendar. Which means central time. It's now 5:19am 12/22/12.
I wish people would give this shit a rest though, before they make some idiot militant drill a hole deep enough into the ground to where setting off a nuke would do a lot more harm than anything else. I for some reason imagine it to be a Russian.
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Given that several nuclear tests have been carried out underground, would a big hole make that much of a difference? I'd say it would be less destructive - all that rock would absorb all the force and the fallout... I thought that was the main reasoning behind subterranean nuclear weapon testing. I suppose the cavity left behind could cause a sizeable crater - swallow a city?
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If you dug a hole deep enough to where the shock could affect the molten iron core of our planet, you could cause a variety of disasters to happen. Yes, we have subterranean nuclear testing, and yes...It's considered "safe." But if someone knew where to dig and how far, and was looking to destroy our ecosystem, this is how they'd probably get it done without causing fallout that you can't possibly survive.
Sounds like something out of science fiction, but the science is sound enough. Suppose someone dug into Yellowstone and set off a nuke. Or even close to it, close enough to give it that final push. Yellowstone houses a supervolcano that, if it erupts, will send molten ash and soot into our atmosphere, killing off all light. The ash will be super-heated, and most plant life will die. Fault lines will crumble entirely. Etc etc. You've seen 2012. It's not very...accurate...But it gets the picture in.
EDIT: To add, I should note that it would be nigh impossible for an enemy of the USA to put a nuke anywhere near Yellowstone, it was just an example of a scenario that might work well enough. I should also note that there's I think four supervolcanos over the entire world. I'm pretty sure if you make one blow, it'll cause enough pressure to make others do the same. Terra-forming on a grand scale.
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I knew about but hadn't considered Yellowstone :P. Guessing you've heard of Krakatoa? Yellowstone is supposed to be much larger if it blows :o
I hadn't considered the possibility of an artificial Earthquake / Tsunami duo either.
And no, I haven't seen 2012.
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I've heard that 2012 is good. It's on my 'to-watch' list.
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Actually it is in fact not the 'end of the world', but instead simply the 'beginning of the end'.
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Oh yes, as every second passes every person nears their end.
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Just cause the Mayan calender ended on the 21st of December 2012 doesn't mean they predicted an apocalypse or the end of the world... Its just a common misconception. For that matter if you have a calender hanging on your wall or a diary with the dates marked you might notice it ends in a few weeks or a year an a few weeks if you have bought next year's already.
And you are a long time behind some of the world, its nearly the 23rd in New Zealand my mates are telling me and will be the 23rd in under 2 hours where I am in Australia.
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Again, Mayan calendar is based in Central time zone, and so it would go by that.
Still, I agree with what you said. The Mayans didn't predict anything like the end times. Mayans have even gone on the record to quote Revelations. How "we will not know the day or the hour." If we had some huge planet coming for us, or a meteor or comet, we'd have seen it years ago. NASA can't be keeping that secret, because there's a few million astronomers like you or I, myself included. No solar storms for this year (May 2012, and we have no real evidence to support that it's going to be a storm) and then there's the idea of polar shift. This would take hundreds of thousands of years, and all it would affect is our sense of direction.
The plausible thing to think of is supervolcano. That puts the fear in me. But we could actually round out when that'd blow.
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I'm sorry but polar shifts can (as far as I am aware) happen pretty quickly (not thousands of years!) and it wouldn't just make us get lost.
I think I read somewhere that the magnetic pole shifts every few hundred-thousand years and it is over-due a change. The big problem with that is at the moment the magnetic field stops all the charged particles (ions) from space from reaching the Earth surface - Aurora Borealis / Aurora Australis is a visual effect of this. When the poles 'flip' this nice protective field around the Earth disappears during the time of the switch (and probably until the field re-stabilises) and so the cosmic ions wouldn't be stopped and would play havoc with all electrical systems on Earth (similar to the effect of an EMP weapon). Given the cosmic ions have very high energy, it wouldn't do any good for any life-forms on Earth either.
^ I'm willing to be proved wrong on anything in this post, if you can back it up with creditable sources. According to Wikipedia (lol) past geomagnetic reversals haven't been linked to extinction of any species, but I guess the electronics point is valid.
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That should have everything you need. And also, I meant magnetic field shift.
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Yep, but in spatial or geological timescales, that is 'soon' :P
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I know! And I was all ready to use our new weapons on anyone who attacked us... That and I wanted to see Jesus!!! :D
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Nobody noticed but we actually all died. The thing is that the afterlife is exactly the same so nobody could tell the difference, and since we all died at the same time there was no way of knowing.
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yeah, but they had a nice laught when UNIX/FreeBSD/some Linux servers went from year 1999 to 19100
if an email box doest have any activity for, say, 6 months, it is deleted, guess what...
true story, I had an IRCd running on a north american server and all my users lost their nick, GREAT! (not)...
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I sure know you could only be being sarcastic, microshaft works SO good lol...
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Thats all i am going to say its Dec 22ed now where all still here Worst Apocalypse ever.
now someone tell me whens the next Apocalypse coming.
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