Steam page
Kickstarter page

Basically, these people are creating a Mass Effect porn parody with all-original cast of characters. The devs are using UE4 and the results look very impressive. I love the humorous approach and the game looks really polished for an erotic game (they usually very amateurish). Major plot events and cinematics will be voiced.

Gameplay-wise, the game will have arcade space combat and XCOM-style turn-based tactical battles. I don't expect them to be especially deep and complex, though, more like minigames. The heroines will gradually unlock new skills to use in combat (perhaps it will be tied to their attitude towards player), there will also be some biomonsters to act as a regular troops, with lesser degree of customization. Outside of combat, you are allowed to freely roam the space, though the plot would be mostly linear.

The game is currently on Kickstarter, it is already successfully funded, and a minimum pledge that will give you the game is just 10 GBP (about 13 USD). I think it's well worth the price, the only concern I have is about 175 GBP tier, rhich gives an exclusive DLC.The DLC adds an extra location and it will be not available to buy after release. The devs want both make it special for backers and but not too essential for people who will miss it.

So what do you people think of the game?

UPD: The campaign has successfully finished! More than 2 million USD gathered, the game is now in top 20 most funded videogames on Kickstarter!

According to the last Kickstarter update, the game will be released on March 26th. It will have the first few chapters out of 22 chapters planned.

Release trailer:

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5 years ago*

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"A crazed German man moans suggestive words as part of a track on the game's soundtrack. We could not stop him in time."

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5 years ago

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This is the single greatest sentence I've read this week. Even better than "Robot waifu and part-time flying danger noodle."

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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"Strategic lense flares kindly provided by Sony"

Also, why does "hottest babes" mean women with huge breasts?

5 years ago

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Yeah, I'm also not entirely happy with the body proportions, but I guess it fits the exaggerated cartoonish style of the game. The Devs promise that the full cast will have more size diversity.

5 years ago

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Because beauty is subjective and i can't develop my own video game

5 years ago

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huge breasts

Well, the breasts of the characters do all have a consistant size and shape, yes. But the size isn't really the more notable of those two elements, considering the rather.. unusual shape of the breasts. Rather than assuming a fetish for large breasts, it seems more fair to interpret it as the developer having a thumb fetish.

Here, see what I mean:

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5 years ago

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I think you've been staring at the screen too long!

5 years ago

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I'm not following?

5 years ago

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Have you heard of a Doujin artist named Raita?

5 years ago

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"No Pay2Win, no Gacha, no Lootboxes and no daily logins. Get rewarded for winning, not for losing" Sounds good to me

Also, they made me laugh with the three different colored endings.

5 years ago

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Dont you guys have steamgifts?

5 years ago

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I don't.

5 years ago

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Me neither.

5 years ago

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That was the best part of the trailer.

5 years ago

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Looks interesting, dying to try it..
Of course i am asking for my friend... :)

5 years ago

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What are you asking?

5 years ago

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Instead of asking (or speaking) for themselves, some people pretend to ask on behalf of a friend when the subject is exposing or embarassing.
The game looks interesting because of the rather unusual genre-mix, but somehow I doubt it will deliver good enough gameplay.

5 years ago*

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I was wondering what they were asking though, there was no question in their post ;-)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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A Game one can look forward too.
It goot me hooked simply because of the parody character, so if the final game sports the humour style of the trailer it will be great.
The lewd stuff is .... attention inuendo incoming.... the cream on top ;) and it also fit in the parody style as well.

5 years ago

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I'm all in favor of porn games with decent gameplay and good production value. In the end, they're just games as any other. As of right now, we only have on Steam some low effort garbage and VNs which are just lazy slideshows with assets stolen from god knows where

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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So what do you people think of the game?

It is, since a longer time, on my Steam Wishlist.
X-Com parts + Pixel Titties + made in a good quality + a good sense of humor = a sure buy

Answer enough ? :o)

5 years ago*

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I guess it is :-)

I remind myself not to get my expectations too high the tactical battles, since the devs are experienced in animation, not in TBS. But I still was hyped enough to back it on Kickstarter. You should consider making a pledge, too, if you're going to buy the game anyway - it'll cost more on release.

5 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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I actually took a look at this one with mentions of the humour, and it actually seems to be erotica in good taste.
Can't speak to the depth of the gameplay, but if they can hold onto their sense of humour without all the references of the bait trailer, it looks like it would be pretty amusing. At least it's a step up from the chaff porn games that flood the online marketplace.

5 years ago

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Meh. If it was a VN or walking simulator, I'd go for it. Space shooter just makes it look too generic, and that's out of my realm of interests. Sorry, girls.

5 years ago

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I'm not really into games where there's a focus on sex/nudity but I like turn based combat games and there's also some spaceship style combat which could be interesting. I'd have to see a decent amount of combat gameplay as well other in game systems before I could decide if I had any real interest or not. If they took out the sexual stuff it wouldn't bother me at all.

5 years ago

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I pledged, I hate myself

5 years ago

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It's for the greater good :)

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5 years ago

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Congrats, the last stretch goal is unlocked. I'm actually glad they didn't give in to "feature creep" and now just wish to polish everything.

5 years ago

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Thanks for the update, I still hate myself but just a little less now

5 years ago

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Infringing on Tim Pool's copyright

5 years ago

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His video about it.

Sounds like the devs were less than cordial in responding to Tim. Further complicated by the fact that the devs are in Europe, but publish to the US (and elsewhere), Tim's trademark for "Subverse" was only filed this month (none for the game), and I'm not sure DMCA type claims can be made on the basis for a pending trademark.

5 years ago

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Thanks for the interesting info! I'm no law expert, so I guess I'll wait for the court to decide who's right in this conflict. But I guess woorst case would be the devs forced to change the name of Subverse to something else. I doubt that would hurt the game

5 years ago

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It depends on the state/circuit. There was a supreme court recently where I understand it was concluded that the trademark has to be approved before starting legal action.

5 years ago

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So Leonard French on YT reviewed the situation, and now that you mention it I'm surprised he didn't say that the trademark has to be approved before legal action. However, perhaps he glossed over that fact, otherwise that'd be the end of the video ;)

French fixated on the "video game" aspect of Tim's trademark as being something that the European game devs could contest (despite no other trademark apps?) and that the word subverse is evidently in the Oxford dictionary, although its not in others. There's not a clear path for resolution or judgement for this other than one entity renaming or supplementing their name.

5 years ago

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Maybe there was a different video where he covered the case I was referring to. I think it was a conclusion from RBG.

5 years ago

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Sorry but is Tim Pool also making a video game called Subverse? Because copyrights and trademarks only protect the name rights fixed in a tangible medium, not across all forms of media.

Meaning I can make a game company and call it McDonald's no problem. If I make a burger restaurant and call it McDonald's I might run into legal trouble.

So I am not sure if this guy has a leg to stand on, in legal sense.

5 years ago

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It's actually a trademark violation if they can prove that it affects perception of their brand, or easily leads to misperception that the product is associated with their brand. Being within the same field makes that a lot more likely to be an issue [for obvious reasons, really], but isn't in any way a requirement.

Rather, even using your own trademark in ways that weaken its inherent brand association can lead to issues in maintaining your trademark, so it's actually fairly intuitive that someone else doing something that could weaken your brand association would be of issue. would be a good source for reading up on that topic. Namely, the second paragraph:

Dilution is a basis of trademark infringement that applies only to famous marks. With a non-famous mark, the owner of the mark must show that the allegedly infringing use creates a likelihood of confusion as to the source of the product or service being identified by the allegedly infringing use: it is highly unlikely a likelihood of confusion will be found if the products or services are in unrelated markets. With a famous mark, any other use has the potential for confusion, since consumers may assume affiliation with the owner of the mark regardless of the product or service.

Legally speaking, if it was a made-up word that had already been registered, or a brand deemed to be recognizable beyond a specific niche, then there'd be grounds to defend the trademark outside of the same field. Subverse is a legitimate (albeit barely used) term with easy recognizability in meaning (by way of the fact that other versions of the word, such as subvert and subversive, are still part of common use), no trademark was established prior to the other company's usage of the term, and this random youtuber seems to be barely recognizable even within the fringes of his own field.
From all of those elements, as you said, there should be absolutely no legal basis for the legal action the youtuber in question is pursuing. (Which really makes you wonder about the integrity and quality of their lawyer, that they're encouraging the pursuit..)

Anyway, on to your specific example:
McDonald's is a generic name, so it's somewhat hard to defend without there being a clear overlap in application, especially if you yourself have a direct association [eg, your own last name] with the name. However, even with the most solid of legal standing for your usage of the name, McDonald's would inherently be directed to pursue defense anyway, just to show they're still maintaining their trademark (as per the linked page above).

Moreover, given a large company's superior legal and financial capabilities, they'd be readily capable of blocking casual bumps against their trademark even without them having solid justification for the defense, so even a tenuous claim to trademark dilution would be enough of a threat that it becomes rather advisable for developing companies to avoid any kind of overlap with existing trademarks.

However, defense is not required when it can be shown that the trademark holder perceived the infringement to have "minor and inconsequential impact to one's brand" [an exception that's there specifically to give companies a way to not have to over-obsessively defend their trademark for the most petty of infringements]. That, combined with the waste that would come from the associated legal fees, means that McDonald's would be very unlikely to pursue some obscure uitilization of the name, or a utilization within a completely unrelated field.
Of course, if you're talking about releasing to something like Steam, you'd be blocked by Valve at a casual request by McDonald's, so that'd do a lot to maintain your inconsequentialness [given that all other major platforms are curated to begin with]. :P

Thus, while it's a bit more complicated a matter than your "no problem" suggests, in the end you're likely correct in that you could release games under the company title of McDonald's without issue. I mean, I'm assuming your first game won't be called Big Mac and won't involve an obese guy runningsegway-ing around under yellow arches. With that, you may still have some problems. :P

5 years ago*

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I enjoy the study of jurisprudence myself so I might end be one of those idiots who would attempt to litigate it pro se and end up bankrupt over it.

In the end it really boils down to proving perceived 'reasonable' value. Cheerios for example failed hard to trademark the yellow color of their box, which seemed logical to me from the start. More recently, McDonald's was unable to enforce trademark violation in regards to their 'Big Mac' burger. I imagine they will appeal, and it does seem probably reasonable they will win upon appeal.

It's very different from case to case indeed, and I wonder why this guy thought it was wise to make a deal over the name of this game. Publicity perhaps? Whole thing seems kinda funny to me.

5 years ago

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You know, I'm not a fancy hollywood internet lawyer or something. I'm just a regular ol country bumpkin. But if I were the Burger King and some californy picture company released a film about anal fisting called the Burger King I might be a tad upset.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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They already raised almost 800000 euros.
I'm nog gonna throw money at them but will wait until the first reviews are published.

FOW does create awesome animations, but the porn side is pretty much ewww. I dont like tentacles, ogres and dogs and that kind of freaky shit. Hopefully they keep far away from that with this one. Bioshag Trinty was pretty decent though.

5 years ago

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I wasn't familiar with their works until I heard about Subverse, but the trailer got me hooked. Afaik the game will be more vanilla, with the extreme stuff strictly optional

5 years ago

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I searched for "studio fow" (with quotation marks) on my favorite search engine. The first result was their official website; the second, a porn video streaming platform. I feel like that taught me everything I needed to know about this game.

The parody aspect seems rather interesting, but I'll maintain a healthy distance while I evaluate where this goes.

Other than that... The pic that illustrates this post.

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5 years ago

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Well, there was no need of going farther than the first link, as they have all the movies on their official site :D

5 years ago

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But I never even left the search engine's page! :D

5 years ago

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Disgusting filth that shouldn't be on Steam.

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Too bad that the DLC is kickstarter exclusive

5 years ago

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Spread the word, so everyone interested in this DLC can still preorder it! :)

5 years ago

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When I go to SteamStore, I get a site error.
It was not provided to my country.

it can not be helped.
The earth is destroyed. Toss!(ノΘ` )ノ ⌒ 💣 🌏

5 years ago

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The steam page has mostly the same info as on Kickstarter, just more humor. I added some screeenshots to the headpost, picking those that appear on Steam store but not on Kickstarter

5 years ago

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Oh, I forgot that I had to log in to Steam because of "expression."(´>Θ<`)ゝ))
I think it is an interesting game.
However, there is no translation into the native language.
Tell your friends about this game and you will see what happens. (*'Θ'c彡👊))🌏

5 years ago

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At this rate, it will hit another 200k when it ends.

5 years ago

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You mean, another million?
They have gathered more than 1 million GBP, which is really impressive for a game that isn't a remake, spiritual sequel or a game from a gaming industry eteran. They are already in top 30 most funded videogames on Kickstarter, and the campaign isn't over yet.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

5 years ago

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Sounds like you personally checked their hardness. But I guess it's okay if you both are mutually consent and of legal age

5 years ago*

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Aside from the Chinese dropout, you were almost correct. GJ

5 years ago

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Do you know a place to see this list? I am curious what is included in it.
I tried to search for a list but it seems that my Google-Fu is not good enough.
Or i am just to lacy ;)

5 years ago

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Now i realy feel dumb ;)
So obvious and i missed it.
Thank you

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

5 years ago

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This though, I don't understand why these type of comments would usually be present. I can understand not liking a game or a genre of a game. But how does these kinds of comment makes people think they're better than the ones they look down to?

I am curious of the thought process of these kinds of people.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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How did you know that he/she donated money to this videogame ?
How did you know it is a pornographic videogame (you wrote vidergame but i am sure you wanted to type videogame) ?
And what exactly did you understand under "pornographic videogame" ?

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Just saw news about this on another site. Over 2 million dollars. From all the stretch goals, seems like it's going to shape up to be a good game. Pity I don't want a porn game.

5 years ago

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