How much more will this bundle *TILTify* you in comparison to last year's?
Donation page:
Note: this page goes live December 1st at 5pm GMT and this link won’t work until then!
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Nope. They seem to like Tiltify more than Humble Bundle.
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i thought humble actually gave drm-free downloads along with steam keys when possible. tiltify last year just emailed a bunch of steam keys without any drm-free options, so it's likely less drm-free and steam-only
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The games will be revealed tomorrow (1 Dec 5 PM GMT).
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True. Hard to support when you live in Latin America or other poor countries.
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Not only is the price relatively higher in countries with lower income, but you also have cheaper Steam prices there, and thus it's also a worse deal if one views it as a game bundle.
(Of course partially depends on how much companies like Curve and Versus Evil inflate your price relative to Steam's default conversion suggestion.)
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Yep. It cost 25% of our minimum wage/salary. lol
In the last 2 years our currency became even weaker so everything is expensive now.
I miss when I used to buy bundles 4 years ago.
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i was looking forward to this but they better have something stand out for that price
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relevant info from the faq in the reddit post:
This year’s rewards are more streamlined - consisting of Steam keys to 55 full games, plus 2 discount codes and the latest CODE charity pack for Call of Duty Vanguard and Warzone.
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still full games might be rebounded ones so full games are still not guarantee of worth of money
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true, there are a handful of jingle jam games that seem to get included every year
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it says tiltify has updated their key delivery system, so hopefully it'll work better this time around. i do miss the daily reveals but i'll still make a donation and hopefully come away with some game keys i'm interested in! i usually hang onto my extra keys for a while so people interested in them aren't out of points entering the flood of giveaways right away when a bundle comes out, but the duplicates from this will need to go up right away again.
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Call of Duty Endowment
Legit well intentioned charity
Legit sounds like a really dirty mod for CoD
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if it was a dirty mod they should call it CoDpiece
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Oh go on, you know you love us really.
Also, in case anyone takes what you said literally: there's a US, a Swiss, two very much international UK-based, and two medical research charities. Plus what seems to be a for profit business, Open Bionics - I think it's probably for their foundation though.
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It has nothing to do with "you". I do mind just as much when Humble prefers to pick US exclusive charities, as their selected partners.
Anyway, I consider the selection to be pretty poor for an international audience. Sorry if my preference to contribute to poorer countries is too outrageous.
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I wasn't being at all serious, don't worry. Your charitable preferences are entirely up to you :)
I did think it was worth mentioning the rest in case anyone took your "exclusively on the well-being of Brits" literally. I then read last night that they are asking for a donation to one of the charities on the list, it won't be spread around all of them, so there's a chance anyone could find something they agree with on there.
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The slightly embarassing truth is that after ten years of our economy lurching towards to 1% and foreign business we rely on charities to an absurd degree, to point where it's a little surprising to see fairly narrow military/animal charities rather than Trussell foodbanks or some such. But hopefully they'll have a Humble style slider to let you pump £35 into Warchild, one would have to try pretty hard to have a problem with them :)
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Actually you pick just one of the charities, you don't need to spend money on all of them. And you are absolutely right about War Child, they are the obvious choice here.
It's still annoying me that international charity events so often end up mostly benefitting some specific nation's organizations. The least they could do is to include some UN organizations.
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If this is anything like last year: Make sure to select a Reward with your donation, or else you may not get any keys.
Rewards were not selectable right after the donations were open.
At £10 more than last year, where last year only had 2-3 cheaper games on my wishlist and I had close to half the games, I think this will be an easy pass for me unless they hugely step up their game.
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all i remember about last year was some random dlc for amoung us - we never actually got amoung us of course
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the year before it was even worse. baited people in with an advent calendar that would unlock new games every day and it was mostly random dlc
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um what are you on about just because i bought a bundle means i'm my son ? you do know Steam exists outside of this one website right
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how do you know - you don't even know what's in this one
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I'm holding my breath but I might still bite for charity's sake.
But somehow the "claim keys before they expire - this is charity, not a purchase" thing rubs me the wrong way. I mean, if it was a bake sale, yeah you don't wanna sit on moldy cakes and cookies because people paid for them and don't pick them up, but keys should, technically, be able to last forever. granted this may be in part to combat the grey market, but still, idk, that just feels iffy.
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well why don't they ask for the money without giving us any games and see how much they would still be getting (some but not anywhere near as much)
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no what i mean is people moan about how bad the games will be and how worthless for the price they are but will also "donate" to this and "just get given keys" rather than donate to a charity without getting keys - so in the ned most people will buy this bundle for the keys and not the charity aspect
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I think if it was just anyone doing keys for charity, people wouldn't be moaning as much, but since Yogscast started (as far as I'm aware) somewhere decent or even great and has been in decline since, the bar has been a lot higher than they kept hitting the past few years. Add to that the increase in price and people are a wee bit frustrated in advance. Obviously there's nice and not so nice ways of airing those grievances. It sort of went the "I expected nothing and you still disappointed me" kinda road.
In the end though, if nobody voiced their complaints, nothing about the situation has a potential to improve. It may not be ideal but if the games get people to donate despite the moans, that's still a net positive to the intent behind it, at least.
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true - i will more than likely be buying it for my community train
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Yeah that was quite the fiasco, wasn't it. The key delivery without reveal function was also kinda iffy for me, trying to keep track of what's been used.
I'm still on the fence, partially because I'm not done allocating my overall christmas budget this year. I'm interested in some but also have or don't need a bunch. Watch me forget to check back in time, which makes my decision for me, lol.
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Just use to decide for you ;>
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You can give the coin sides descriptors and those are saved for the next time.
Might be shameful to admit, but a lot of my Steam Sale purchases are decided that way:
(For smaller games by simple majority, for bigger games until the coins are unanimous or counting the overall 'coin votes' over several sequential flips...)
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Well, a bundle would still be one purchase decision, right?
For bundles, I think my primary approach has been like "okay, I want these games, and this is how much I would want to pay for each... is the sum more or less than the bundle price?".
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This sums things up pretty well - "This is a donation reward - not a purchase!"
By the comments on mulitple Jingle Jam threads including this one, it's clear a lot of people are looking at this as a purchase. If you're looking at this as a purchase you're more than likely going to be disappointed, the event is about donating to charity and the games are just a bonus for making a donation.
Special Effect is a great charity I like to support. I was hoping to see St. Jude and Extra Life in this as well.
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Also its worth noting that you might not even get the reward.
"Are there a limited number of Jingle Jam 2021 Game Collections?
Yes. Rewards are limited to the first 100,000 eligible donations (at least £35/~$47 USD in a single donation with the reward selected)- so don’t delay!"
So 'if' someone wants to donate explicitely for a reward.. they should do it fast.
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The game list is pretty nice in my opinion so I wouldn't be surprised if it sells out quicker than previous ones.
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Supposedly this is a list of the games?
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easy pass
at least its not a ton of dlc's and demos this time
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insta buy - was going to buy anyway but easy purchase now
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41€ is way over my game budget, even more if I consider the recent expenses and trying to save up for a PC before my laptop goes up in flames/smoke.
Not a bad game selection, quality-wise! It's like I'd happily get 5, and the remaining is 50:50 between not interested or owned.
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from what i see in the network request, it will only send the data to stripe. i'm not sure if they do anything else though.
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the price is way too over my budget, even if i wanted to treat it as a donation. some games look interesting though.
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All the SubIDs
SubID | Package Name |
277999 | Anodyne 2: Return to Dust |
68237 | Barony |
426301 | Disc Room |
536542 | Embr - Retail - Digital (WW) |
71944 | Empyrion - Galactic Survival (64bit) |
55693 | Hearthlands |
369065 | Helheim Hassle |
445098 | Jumpala |
572065 | Just Die Already - Retail - Digital (WW) |
84189 | Make Sail |
387955 | Murder by Numbers |
398082 | oco |
134808 | Pathway |
335970 | PictoQuest |
232507 | Project Winter |
427201 | Radical Rabbit Stew |
35951 | Samurai Gunn |
435035 | Scoot Kaboom and the Tomb of Doom |
466175 | Sizeable |
238972 | The Void Rains Upon Her Heart |
222690 | The World Next Door |
484115 | Urban Trial Tricky |
225814 | Wildermyth |
140228 | Witch It |
538777 | XTHRUST |
81526 | 12 is Better Than 6 |
50542 | 20XX |
158595 | Barotrauma |
157192 | Boreal Blade |
130640 | ClusterTruck |
41675 | Crowntakers |
112913 | Farm Manager 2018 |
112194 | Figment |
351908 | Fling to the Finish |
56082 | Four Sided Fantasy |
145163 | Golf It! |
102567 | Northgard |
166868 | PC Building Simulator |
73106 | Ultimate Chicken Horse |
337058 | Unrailed! |
27708 | Rising Storm Retail |
232041 | Heaven's Vault |
32278 | Hyper Light Drifter |
349667 | Kao the Kangaroo: Round 2 |
358875 | Kind Words |
176485 | Murderous Pursuits |
99166 | Pankapu - Complete Edition |
194247 | Regions Of Ruin |
64170 | Shift Happens |
101987 | Surviving Mars |
254999 | Tales of the Neon Sea - Complete Edition |
138436 | The First Tree |
315075 | The Haunted Island |
157583 | Valfaris |
449805 | Wheels of Aurelia |
84673 | Rising Storm 2: Vietnam |
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☃️❤🎄 Yogscast Jingle Jam 2021 🎄❤☃️s
1 Tier, 56 Steam Items
01 Dec 2021 - 14 Dec 2021
View this bundle on: ITAD -
Useful links
Yogscast Jingle Jam 2021 - Information on reddit
Tiltify - Jingle Jam FAQs (including redemtption instructions)
Yogscast Game Jam 2021 on
Yogscast' live Twitch stream
VODs on Yogs Live
Once you receive your keys please redeem them before January 2022. Keys may expire after the 1st of January and Jingle Jam, Tiltify and the charities involved are not liable to replace expired keys! This is a donation reward - not a purchase!
Initially, Rising Storm 2: Vietnam was featured in the bundle instead of Rising Storm.
Some of the first people who bought the bundle received a Rising Storm 2: Vietnam key instead of Rising Storm. (source)
Other people seem to receive Killing Floor instead of Rising Storm (source)
Keys for Rising Storm 2: Vietnam were sent out for every purchase after the bundle ended.
🔑 Full list of subs
Free DLCs to claim:
!addlicense ASF 535096, 478143
Keys validity
but some might be deactivated already (source)but some might be deactivated already (source)❔ = unknown / no info
❌ = the keys expired (duplicates reported multiple times)
⚠️ = duplicates reported (once)
✅ = the key will not expire, confirmed by publisher
46.56 USD | 41.07 EUR | 35 GBP | 59.51 CAD | 65.33 AUD | 3.449.27 RUB | 295.53 CNY
• Call of Duty Endowment Timeless Pack
• 35% off any purchase on the Yogscast store Fresh Merch Store (US)
• 35% off any purchase on the Yogscast store Fresh Merch Store (UK)
• 35% off any purchase on Yogscast creator collections
• Displate Discount Code
☠ - Game was free at some time and does not grant any CV if given away.
⚙️ - Steam is learning about this game, therefore some features will be limited (no card drops, achievements won't count, the game will not give a +1 to your library etc.) More Changes Addressing Fake Games
* - the game was featured previously only in Build-a-Bundle / Pick & Mix bundles that are usually priced to high for the games to receive partial CV (exclusions apply) and are therefore not included in the bundle count.
Charities supported
📝 Note about referrals
SteamGifts by default modifies all,, links from all threads, adding the SteamGifts referral code. Whenever a user click or shares a link to one of the sites listed above, SteamGifts will earn a commission.
By using these reflinks, SteamGifts will receive $10 for new subscribers, 5% of Humble Store sales, 15% for bundles via the Humble Partner Program.
If you prefer, you can disable referral links from your settings panel.
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