well i finally sat down and did a bunch of research on the subject and connecting ps4 headset to pc seems janky at best. ill try it someday.
in the end the only reason i got it was for the children to play with when there here during the holidays with the ps4. but i would like to hear some first person experience if any1 has tryed.
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I remember bookmarking this a few years ago haha
I did go through this and it worked, though it was a few years ago so I won't be of much help with it anymore haha
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it seems like everything i researched is at least 3 yrs old.
so the head tracking worked alright without the camera?
from my understanding is the headset uses censors and infrared light tracking via the ps cam. and from what some people say it looses your position often, both in room and direction of head, because its relying on only censors without the cams tracking.
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I only sat down and played a little bit before deciding it works but I rather want a PC specific headset
It tracked just fine but I couldn't use the move controllers and couldn't see where my hands were while in game so eh, wasn't for me.
I assume it would be better with a controller.
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ya the controllers cant be used on pc without buying some other device that costs as much as the headset.
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this is a visibility bump for the gives..mostly, i ended up writing a book.
after the bull shit hell i went through hooking this thing up to the ps4 i have been demoralized to try to get the headset to function on pc.
i learned today that i was %100 right about "vr". its novelty and nothing more. skyrim sucks in "vr". R.E. 7 sucks in "vr". i fight the controls more then i do enemy's, and im down over $100 because ps doesnt do refunds. its nothing more then a Wii strapped to my face. dont bother getting any "vr" headset. they are no better then the vr booths at the arcades 20 yrs ago, just lighter, less cords and better graphics. looking around is cool, it really is!! but its offset by the fact that you have to re calibrate your controls every 10 min and the fact the motion capture doesnt fallow you, you have to submit to the limits of the motion capture.
but at least my consumerist, pokemon catching, day1 dlc buying grandchildren will like it for a few hrs.
in a few months this thing will be back on feebay where i found it(i got it for a great price and may actually make a profit), maybe.
i learned today the saying is still valid. simple minds, shiny objects.
when this shit gets really cheep i do recommend it for watching movies, it gives the illusion of a theater screen, nice and big. add surround sound headphones and there is no point in going to the theaters. but for gaming its nothing more then a few mins of awe and novelty.
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truth is psvr sucks. and its a hardware issue. the box that it plugs into is supposedly the reason for the constant drift. bought psvr on day 1 and used it maybe once. i changed my tune about vr after i bought the first quest and now im hooked. I cant even go back to playing flat fps anymore even if i wanted to. quest tracking is spot on and zero setup. no wires even for pcvr. kinda regretted getting a pc for vr but mainly cause i was being cheap and my first pc wasnt good enough and not upgradeable so i had to start over. there are good games for pcvr but most have to be heavily modded and the best games are vr modded flat games. some to note are payday 2, risk of rain 2 modded, (skyrim is one thats supposedly good after modded, same with fallout 4) gtfo, elite dangerous. also 2 giveaways i see popping up i hear are good are wingman and zero caliber. also alien isolation (modded) both subnauticas (modded with gamepad) and star wars squadrons are all on xbox gamepass. but cause im lazy for the few extra minutes to get pcvr going most of my time goes to quest native on pokerstars and population one.
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so far of all the games ive tryed the best i found is walking dead saints n sinners.
when it comes to vr fps games i have no interest in any that you have to teleport. i would of gotten a pcvr for HL alex the day it came out, but the fact they made it teleport means i had/have zero interest.
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its optional. its mostly early vr games that relied on teleport
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bump for gives, 2 days left.
im surprised only 1 person every tryed ps4vr on pc. i still havent tryed. if i ever do ill post what i went through here.
across the web the basic setup is the same but one article says change this. some youtuber who talks to slow, didnt write a script, says "um" all the time, and doesnt know what a tripod is says do that but not this with no explanation as to why and so on, it seems like it will be hrs n hrs of trial and error.
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meh vr is novelty.
i won an auction for a ps4 vr headset and it should be here tomorrow. i was wondering if anybody has had any experience hooking it up to the pc. the steps seem pretty straight forward and the software is cheap, but nothing is a simple as it seems. i just wanna know how its working out for you?
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