I played 250 h of battlefield 3 limited edition, is just i never got to play with bikes and other stuf from others dlc.
I played 5 h of arma 2 complete, i got bored of it.

what should i choose now, for the same amount i can get battlefield 3 premiume dition or should i go and get arma 3.

alot of people say arma 3 is better.

for bf4 i need more 15 euro that don t have now.....

11 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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No, just kidding, get arma.

Dillion, 1+ for watching Robbaz.

11 years ago

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just watch gameplays.. and why not battlefield 4 instead of 3 ... anyway for me arma 3 is the best but you have to choose

11 years ago

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I would say, that totaly depends on your preferences.

BF3 DLC's is not that much played at the moment I find (at least on x360), so don't expect lists and lists of servers running those maps/modes (in fact, on x360, I sometimes don't even find a Tank Superiority, or Air Superiority game, even when searching all regions, might be a server browser thing, but still, it doesn't show up for me).

But if you already got bored of Arma 2 by now, also wouldn't really expect you to feel enlightened when playing Arma 3 all of a sudden (even though I never played Arma before).

So if you do like BF3 more, I would say, go for the premium, just realize, that probably also because of BF4, there might be less servers running that DLC. Although that could very well be different on PC.

11 years ago

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That depends entirely on what kind of tastes you have. ARMA has always been about more realistic larger-scale warfare simulation, so it's pace (and UI/interaction system) doesn't agree with a lot of people. Hell, I absolutely adored the crap out of Operation Flashpoint which is like the grandfather to ARMA, but I just couldn't get into ARMA 2 despite it being almost identical (and an upgrade).

You already put a lot of hours into BF3, and if you still enjoy it, that DLC may breathe new life into something you already know you like. Even if there is a chance you will really like ARMA 3, there's also a good chance it just won't 'do it' for you. I feel kinda dirty recommending a modern arcadey "AAA" FPS over a deeper tactical experience with realism, but in the end we're in it for the fun. Sometimes people's differences in tastes is all it comes down to.

Also, you should perhaps read this

11 years ago

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If you don't like Arma 2, you probably will not like Arma 3. It have completly other gameplay, than BF3. Don't expect from Arma 3 much more, than better graphic that had 2.

11 years ago

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Do you think ARMA 3 has a different gameplay than ARMA 2?

11 years ago

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BF3 dies out on PC,many many serverowners switch to BF4.I would suggest against Bf3 Premium.If you want straight arcade action like BF3,save some money and buy BF4,play BF3 in the meantime.

ArmA 3 is way smoother than ArmA 2,so if clunkyness was your only letdown with the ArmA series,part 3 could be for you.It also grants the most content for your money,SP/MP/Coop wise but the overall pace is slower than on BF3/4.

It's your money,spend it wisely

11 years ago

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Many users will also stick with BF3, having bought it as part of a humble bundle, refusing to purchase BF4 (or expansion packs) due to crazy prices and also the little differences in gameplay. I'm pretty sure BF3 will linger for some time.

11 years ago

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bf4 is still broken I'd wait till they say it is fixed. Or get in xmas sale

11 years ago

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Arma 3. enough said. (I've got Arma 3, BF3, BF4, and I still prefer Arma..)

11 years ago

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ok ty for you answers , my conclusion:

Arma 3 is not so much different than arma 2, bf4 also is not such a big improvement that bf3.

bf3 premium is a good offer for 20 euro , not a call of duty game you can find for that price that has all dlc and is new from at least 2011.
bf3 premium has fewer and fewer players.

I will wait for bf4 to have a discount and buy it for it s 10 maps, until then maybe they fix it as it was with rome 2 a beta at launch and after 3 months is more fixed.

ty for answers

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by AndreiHere.