Is there some kind of " what happened previously " thing where it tells you all about what happened first? do you need to know all the story? Thanks for the answers ^^

9 years ago

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Should i play it if i haven't played any metal gear but peace walker ?

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Hmmm maybe you should play Snake Eater first (wich is before PW)

9 years ago

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I just realized this is on 3DS. Now I need it. There goes my weekend fun bucks.

9 years ago

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I have heard it's a nice version. And it's a great game, if you are a fan of the saga then it's an awesome game. Have fun! :D

9 years ago

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Controls are pretty wonky, and the FPS are pretty bad, but it was my first Metal Gear game and I do not regret it.

9 years ago

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Yeah? Ididn't play that version myself so... xD A hell of a game to start with. It's the first in the chronology. Man, all this talkin about MG makes me wonder if Konami will one day finally bring the HD collection to steam... :(

9 years ago

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can't tell for sure - reading the prologue, playing through MGSV GZ and listening to all the
tapes gave me a picture of whats going on, and made want to play Phantom Pain
(mgs I & II were the only ones i cared to play through before)

still have a Metal Gear Solid HD Collection on X360 rotting unplayed
much like every MGS released on PSP ... lack of motivation

9 years ago*

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I'd play something else m8. MGS is a game for console peasants. The only PS I own is a PSP so personally I have no interest in MGS

9 years ago

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I haven't played any of the series/saga/potato so far and hmm I'd be a bit reluctant to dive straight in at V without knowing anything. I did that with GTA V mind you, but not really the same thing.

9 years ago

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Ground Zeroes has a "previously on Metal Gear" synopsis. Phantom Pain just throws you straight into the mess.

If you already played Peace Walker without having played 3, or the "Solid Snake games", and that didn't bother you, then I don't see why you shouldn't play Phantom Pain. But you should definitely play Ground Zeroes before it.

9 years ago

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If you are a veteran of the series and really enjoy the story, its going to sound weird not having David Hayter doing the voice, so I would think being newer to the series, if you enjoy the new game enough, go back to the other games and see where it all started. Also did you try Ground zeroes?

9 years ago

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No , i didn't.

9 years ago

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I think they might eventually release a David Hayter voice over DLC.... shit, I'd buy it :)

9 years ago

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As much as I miss David Hayter, I can see why they did this, but I do wonder if the game would feel more familiar with David.

9 years ago

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I'm a bit surprised you played PW without 3, considering how much the plot threads from 3 are referenced in PW.

9 years ago

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Ikr , i didn't even knew about metal gear , then a friend of mine told me about peace walker for psp and we played it together... it was really good ! but now i feel like mgs3 it's too old to play :(

9 years ago

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MGS3 has aged pretty well actually (especially subsistence). Looks much better than PW too.

9 years ago

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Read the wiki on the story & see if that batty as a bag of flying bananas story makes sense. If it looks fun sure, otherwise watch actual gameplay videos to see if it looks fun before buying it.

9 years ago

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I would watch a Youtube video or something, those Wikis could now potential spoil MGSV for OP.

9 years ago

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I have quite a few hours in. It's funny how very little MGS knowledge you need for this game compared to any of the others ones, where it was almost essential.

So far there are very little references to other games. You don't even need to really play Ground Zeros to get into PP. Although you should for some better context, or watch a video of GZs, it isn't a long game.
Although I'm not super far in the game. So that could change any time.

I'd say yes, I mean you might miss a couple references and throwbacks, but nothing major, however it is since to already know the characters, and see how they have changed and stuff.

I always prefer starting at the first game of the series. Like Hitman 1, Ass Creed 1, etc.

9 years ago

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You have?: No
You should?: FREAKING AND ABSOLUTLY YES!!!!1!!1!one

9 years ago

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A friend of mine has not played any of them and is enjoying it, Peace Walker still ties in alot with this game and shares many of that games features such as the Mother Base System and Fulton. So yes, have a blast! (Metal Gear Solid 3 is one of my favourite games of all time, so check it out if you get a chance.)

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9 years ago*

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I love the Peace Walker style Mother Base/Fulton stuff. It will keep me playing way tooooooo long.

9 years ago

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Yeah it is an addicting feature no doubt!

9 years ago

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go watch all vids in youtube lol

9 years ago

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Coming from someone who started on the series with the very first Metal Gear on the good-old, never-caught-on-in-the-US, MSX2 systems, I find this comic to be very relevant. In short, you can drop in anywhere in the series and enjoy the game for what it is and does.

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9 years ago

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Ha ha ha ha ha that's great.

9 years ago

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Yup. I only ducked into the franchise for part of four, and that sums things up nicely.

9 years ago

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Its easy to get into MGSV:TPP but the problem is you might get a bit confused with some points, most of which were put into MGSV:GZ, but from the length of MGSV:GZ i'd just recommend someone else playing it.
MGSV:TPP though, I recommend it so much, there is so much to do, it'll be worth the money.
I myself have only played MGSV:GZ and a little bit of MGS4 but part from that nothing else and im still enjoying MGSV a lot.

9 years ago

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I've been playing it with minimal knowledge other than MGR:R (which, uh, doesn't really count) and Peace Walker and a quick run (okay, many runs, but mostly for the gameplay) of GZ and I've been enjoying TPP a lot. I think there are some nods to the earlier series which I'm missing, but the cassette tapes are good for catching up.

9 years ago

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You should play Snake Eater just because its an amazing game. 5 does a decent enough job delivering backstory.

9 years ago

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The story in MGS3 is just classic. You don't need the other games since it's a prequel. Just a good old spy story so-starring a man who makes a gun out of bees.

9 years ago

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And the main character will eat anything. Anything.

9 years ago

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mm Tasty

9 years ago

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If you are playing for fun then no.

If you're playing for the story than FUCKING YES! There are moments in the game you will not get without playing previous titles.

9 years ago

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I'm new to the series, so I was wondering the same thing :/

9 years ago

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If you are not interested in the story, go ahead. If you are, then play the rest first and still be confused about what's happening and why. But I'd highly recommend at least watching the cutscenes from the rest of the series.

9 years ago

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Sorry but for me no
You can play it and adapt to the game nicely
But you won't feel the "feel" anything I mean
You can understand it more by playing MGS3

After that maybe you can understand the references
Like "You're pretty good", "Snake? Snake? Snakeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!", "Kept you waiting huh?" or even why cardboard box??

9 years ago*

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u need ...mgs 3 ps2
mgs portaple ops
mgs peace walker
mgs ground zeros
u can just watch the move of each game in you tube

9 years ago

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