Obviously, some friends decided that they should buy the complete season of Life is Strange, but then they thought that they could also take advantage of it and give each episode away to the others, since they would activate the game in their library either way. That way, they would get free cv. That's obviously it.
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Individual episodes cant be detected by SG and they give 20 CV each
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Some people just get too obsessed with numbers and exploiting the system I guess
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Great catch that people are indeed abusing these DLC to increase CV level.
he's not the first btw if you check that list.
Better to watch other DLC as well for this behavior.
Btw very stupid of the people who did this, as they lost access to SG permanently.
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Perm does seem kind of harsh though, considering each violator did do legit giveaways before that point.
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Yes.. it does, but I guess you can't fool with the system in place!
edit: yeah, but I guess it only applied to people doing 5 entry giveaways for 5 copies which is just stupid exploiting. I only clicked on one user and saw exactly that, though.
double edit: I guess it's not too harsh when you look at it. I didn't notice it was the same 5 entries for multiple giveaways. I just assumed they were 5 random people each time. I still didn't look at them all to determine it, but it looks like it's pure abuse and fake giveaways to alternate accounts or something.
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Harsh? I disagree. Knowingly abusing a system for your own interest is not only a dick move, but a very stupid one. Play with fire, get burned.
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Disagree entirely. People trying to cheat the system deserve everything they get.
They will not be missed.
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generally SG does not give perma bans, just perm suspensions, because just in case everyone has right to appeal, aka write unsuspension request via support ticket. Only people who got banned are people who first got perm suspended but then used support tickets to spam and/or harass staff, thus they got banned not for their original crime but to refuse them access to support forums.
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not harsh, everyone have same rights, follow same rules, gets same punishment for breaking thoise, no matter if you are level 0 or 10. Punishment for CV fraud (aka Missuse of GA feedback) is Permament Suspension as you can see at bottom of the page here, so no matter if level 0 or lvl 10 user does it he will get perm. Same way if you do not activate your win would you expecvt lvl 0 user get full 5day suspension but lvl 10 orly get a 5hours suspension just because he gave legit GAs in the past? Nope, same laws for everyone.
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It seems that they won't be able to create any other GA.....
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What is that from, Delta?
The arm badge almost looks like the one from the new Wolfenstein games, but I can't be certain.
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You are correct, it is one of the most recent two. Not certain which though.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-VbPVWsvhQ Wolfenstein: The New Order - Nowhere to Run Trailer
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Thanks for that! That is the one that I own, so that is cool.:)
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it gives full CV, number of copies does not matter, all that matters is number of entries, Private 1 copy GA will need 5 entries to givre CV, same way Private 5 copy GA will also need just 5 entries to give CV. 5 entries rule apply to ALL non-public GAs no matter number of copies. ONLY EXCEPTION from 5-entries rule are Public GAs, public GA can have just 1 entry and will still give you full CV.
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The ones I feel bad for are the winners of the giveaways that have ended (the legit giveaways, that is), but have yet to receive the key/gift. They won't be getting them now. :(
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The third person down has 3 games that are awaiting feedback. The giveaways ended 3 days ago, and that person hasn't been online in 3 days (not sure what day they got suspended). They were public giveaways, so they aren't part of that group of people that got suspended permanently.
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Now ain't that some shit
A sincere thanks to whoever noticed this and to all the support staff for taking a heavy axe to every one of the conspirators in order to cull the entire infected area known all at once.
Some people are saying its a pretty harsh reaction, but nah, not at all--all these things are really pervasive. They knew exactly what they were doing. Letting this go just further shifts towards one of the notions likely at work--if a lot people are doing it, then it can't be all that wrong. What was once a taboo, scummy exploit recognized at what 'some people do' starts being considered in their minds (and broader opinion) as just something "everyone else already does." There's a dual effect here of people rationalizing their own actions while simultaneously propagating that vicious cycle wherein each accepted rationalization and further participation helps fuels the other so that each iteration (quasi) legitimizes juking your stats with fake giveaways further and further. This isnt some rule violation with even the slightest room as a misinterpreted act of benevolence, it's all self-advancement on the backs of legitimate users. These people all suck, and this type of shit is malignant as cancer.
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So in short: It's good they're cracking down on cheaters because if they didn't people would just ignore the rules believing they wouldn't get caught, or that if they did get caught it wouldn't be that bad. Seems legit to me, too.
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Oh, they tried it again? This is what usually comes up as an argument to separate or reduce regional CV. It is not the first time a few Russians band together and try this stunt, AFAIK, but as you can see, if you are an idiot and think you can do this in the open, then the site moderators clean up the filth eventually. :)
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and it also shows why separating CV has no point - some of them made ROW GAs just made them invite only, and still only sent links to ppl invilved oin scam or to actual alt accounts ;p
Also anyone could pull off same stunt without involving any 3rd party and no matter what country, all you need is 5 alt accounts ;p
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True, but it is Russia and India where you can pull the stunt the cheapest with coming up clean on an SGTools check; those are the regions where buying 5 copies of unbundled games are the cheapest. (Usually. Accidentally bumped into a game a few days ago where RU-CIS was not even close to the cheapest price. It was strange. Wish I remember which one, but I cannot even remember the bundle. Too many bundles nowadays.)
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