That's horrible.. I'm really sorry this happen to your mom. :(
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Share your story to the media or make it viral, and then those fuckers will work.
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Sad to hear it - unfortunately the shitty people make it dangerous even to leave stuff in a car, had a similar experience where it appeared they smashed the window in for a cheap MP3 player.
The mess with the insurance seems egregious - stuff whether its 'worth' it, if the cover is there it should be covered :/
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Car insurance generally has a deductible. For me its ~$500, which means any damage below $500 isn't worth making a claim on.
I'm guessing it was just a broken side window which probably doesn't cost enough for insurance to cover any of the cost to replace.
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@StinkelsRules Sorry to read about your mother's misfortune. Gratefully, she is safe. Perhaps in future, she can get a large bag so she can put her personal belongings into and carry along to her visits. Even a strict and stringent country like mine, there were cases of smashed in parked vehicles when they see a laptop and a transaction card for toll fees which could consist of a few dollars to hundreds.
I understand the helplessness that Authorities at times can give. Know that I am sure the patients that she had handled or handling is thankful of her service. Also others like myself whom appreciates her for her services. <3 Public services are often overlooked with the amount of stress and workload they have to undertake.
She's had an absolutely horrible life already and I have no idea how else I can help her out.
Financially you may not be able to help, she may have to talk to her surrounding people if there's any sort of help to tide her over. Keep in contact with her, know her situation and give her comfort, I feel that's the best you can do now. While you look for options to help her. Sorry, I do not live in England so I do not know the laws.
I wish the best for her and you in the coming weeks. Cheerios~
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I think actually what ExtremussPrime up there posted is a pretty good idea. Share this story wherever you can think of: your local newspaper, Facebook, Twitter, bigger newspapers, hell, write it to TV and radio stations to get you covered. Maybe even use Gofundme or a similar platform.
Other than that what you wrote makes me really sad and angry. I hope, by some miracle (yes, they do happen) everything will turn out for the best for you and your Mom. Take care, Stinkels.
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Sucks that it happened obviously, glad she at least had her phone and keys with her!
Best thing is to never leave a purse or whatever that looks like it could be of value in the car and if you do then put it in the back or another place people can't see it when they look through a window, that way the chance is minimum that they will try to steal it, that's what I was taught as a kid and always remembered that.
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Sorry to hear that. Sadly, useless police aren't just in your area, had my place broken into several years ago, the call to the police station got me an email minutes later saying the case was closed because they couldn't find enough evidence. >:(
Had no insurance though.
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Oh wow. I thought they were bad here. I took photographs of a crime in progress, rang the emergency number, and they couldn't even be arsed coming out. When asked if they wanted the photographs, the answer was a definite "no". My guess: too much paperwork for them to be bothered.
But closing a case after a few minutes for not enough evidence is just ... amazing!
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Thanks for all the messages everyone.
She's not in a great place at the moment unfortunately. She is trying to keep a strong face on about it but it is easy to see how much it has affected her.
She doesn't really have many friends to fall back on for any support anymore. She went through a particularly nasty divorce a few years ago and, it pains me to say but my father spent a good deal of time beforehand making up sob stories and spreading nasty rumours to everyone they knew. So when they split, he made sure it hurt her as much as possible, ridding her of most friends. (E.g, he slept with her, at the time, best friend behind her back for quite a few years).
And as a nurse, while a number of patients are incredibly nice and grateful to her, she still has had people spit on her, curse her, bite her and even strike her, all with horrifying frequency. You'd think police would get involved in even matters like that but nope.
I'll try and spend more time with her, but I know that within a couple of days I should be starting some late night work hours and I don't even know if I'll even be around for an indeterminable amount of time. I'll take my laptop with me at least so I can stay on facebook and message her.
I've been spreading this to a good number of my friends to get any advice they might have and, at the very least so I can just tell her that they are sympathetic for her. It's better than nothing.
And for things like Gofund me...I've never been great with technology or especially the internet. I wouldn't know where to post it and I don't have much (any really) impact on the internet so no one would ever see it. I can't make anything public that she would see as she would ask it be taken down since, because of how she has been treated in life, she wont accept help as she honestly doesn't believe she is worth or deserves any help.
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she would ask it be taken down
you really should be very careful, and good you're already taking that into consideration.
i know is very, very easy for me writing something nice here, while you have to actually do something real, factual, for her... but my only tip is that you should try first to make her understand she deserve all the help she might need, as mother, as woman, as human being.
also, give her all your free time, even if that's just a message on facebook.
that said, i really would like, in the future, that even here on SG, would be possible to help each other in a more profitable, practical way.
Comment has been collapsed. just have to sign up and write a story, as to getting people to notice, yeah that might be a problem, but you never know and atleast you tried. It's against the rules here to post ref links so alas you can't do that here.
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Look to see if there are victim's relief/victim's compensation charities. In the US, criminals are often made to pay fines and also their belongings can be seized by the government and sold at auction, and (some of) those funds are put into charities and programs that are supposed to help victims of crime in their time of need. Not sure how it goes in England for that sort of thing.
If you or she is a member of a church they might have some funds set aside for exactly that kind of small emergency. Also maybe her co-workers could pool some money together, if they know about what happened. At my office one of my co-workers had a major house fire and we donated money and personal care items to help him make it through the gap time until insurance money was paid out. But it can be embarrassing or feel humiliating to ask others for charity and not everyone wants to do that.
Even if it is too small of a crime for the police to bother with, it can still feel like a violation and shake your faith in people and sense of safety. Plus the practical implications of needing to deal with a broken window and sudden financial shortfall. Bad luck. Hope she can get back on her feet!
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I am really sorry to hear that. Unfortunately in my country "The Netherlands" it goes the same way. Crimes like this just aren't worth the cops time. Not that I blame the cops for that immediately because they do what they are told. (or at least they should).
You would think that in these so called "good first world countries" shit would be sorta decent on that front. But for some reason cops are underpaid, don't have enough staff to handle every crime, yet they still have the time to give you a fine when you pee against a tree. (I know I am oversimplifying this, but it still shouldn't be happening).
And yeh, the being poor, part. You also would think that shouldn't be happening in these countries. Unfortunately with the things they are right now the difference between rich and poor is getting bigger and bigger.
Your mom will be okay though. In a few days things will start looking brighter again. It will be "just" another bad day. So don't worry too much. But yeh, it sucks. I haven't been robbed before, but I know how it is to have a tiny bank account. It is sad. When you get robbed when you don't have much and there isn't even that much to take, it has a far worse impact than when you are rich and one of your "van gogh" paintings got stolen.
Just give her a hug man. She will be okay again :)
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Oh yeh. I have been angry more than once about the food bank. The only food bank we have is sponsored by donations and the work is done by volunteers. The Netherlands doesn't have a government food bank. The European Union does. The Netherlands of course pays money to the EU for that food bank, then they refuse to make use of it and also decide they wont sponsor a food bank themselves. It is ridiculous A while back I even saw volunteers asking for food at the supermarket for a food bank for people who couldn't apply to the regular food bank. (no joke, because the regular food bank has strict rules of course, like you cant be in it for longer then half a year)
I am not even going to talk about the speeding tickets. That just makes me sad :(
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My Mom had her wallet stolen from her purse while in the supermarket. She did not notice until she was ready to check-out. They had already used her credit cards at nearby stores to wrack up several thousand dollars in purchases.
The credit card companies removed the charges, but the thieves were never caught. Their CC use did nothing to catch them since they used them before they could be reported stolen. My mother even suspects that one of the thieves remained behind and watched her so that she could use he cell phone to call the accomplices to let them know when the wallet was discovered missing so they could stop using the cards.
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My dad's car was also broken into right in his driveway while he was at home. The only thing taken was some loose change inside a tissue box, luckily whoever did it had pro skills and didn't smash any windows or break anything. We're guessing the door was somehow pried open, but the car's all fine which was the good part. Yeah, never leave valuables in sight in a car. There's really nothing else you can do, the local newpapers have a B&E chart mainly for houses but car thefts are much harder to catch.
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I'm really sorry to hear that.
My mother had her car broken into and stuff stolen when she was in Italy, so I can somewhat relate. It's really unfortunate when something like that happens. Just try to help her put it behind her, stop worrying about it, and focus on the positive stuff in life. It sounds like you're already being a great help, so just keep it up. :)
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That's shocking. Aren't police required to file a report if the victim of a crime requests it in your country? That report could be necessary in case the thief does use her credit cards, as well as to press charges if they are caught. Don't know what your legal rights are there, but if it were me I'd pay a visit to the local police station and insist they take that report and the witnesses information. Maybe you and your mom would feel a little better and more empowered if you tried to do this. So sorry this happened to you both.
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I hate criminals so much. Fuck those sons of bitches.
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laying down the law in regards to anything that could be considered hate speech when out of context
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Man, i'm sorry, that sucks. I know how it feels and the worst thing is that you feel completely powerless to do something, especially even when the cops won't care.
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I try not leave anything in car.. at least not visible.
Purses and wallets and computer bags are like magnets to lowlifes.. Not that it helps in your situation, but just saying.. Ive known many people who have had cars broken into, or parts stolen off the car..
But I have to ask - what is up with England and their useless cops ? I havent heard a single case where they have actually done shit. I mean people do like to shit on police, but Englands police and what ive heard about them is on completely new level.
And whats up with insurance ? Can they even do shit like that ? I mean, refuse to fix a car ? At least in my country they fix it.. Of course your risk group increases and payments get higher.. but at least the car is fixed.. But how can a company whose only job is to insure against such cases, refuse to do exactly that ? Are rules in England really that stupid and unlogical ?
I dont meant this as an offense towards English people, but I seriously havent heard any good thing come out of your insurance system or police system..
Oh and we have a TV show that takes in calls from citizens and then go and investigate and publicly asks police and parties in question what is up and makes quit a ruckus.. Usually fixes the situation because if stupid shit like this goes down its illegal and police or whoever is involved usually gets backlash.. I mean, its not the most subtle way of doing things but such complaining at times can help.. Corporations dont listen to individuals but if more people get involved and starts to heckle them - it helps to rattle something.. Dont you have anything there like that ?
btw, sorry to hear about all the nasty business your mom has gone through...Hopefully things turn around. Wishing the best
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I'm sending everything positive to you, I can totally comprehend..
I was robbed in a similar way, here in Northern Italy one year ago a gang of young immigrants broke my car window and took literally everything, I lost my phone, my wallet, my MP3 reader, my sunglasses..
They eventually robbed everything, ran outside Italy and no one could do anything since they're illegal immigrants and no one even knows where they lived or what they do (of course they have been seen by lots of cameras, like at the bank, but no one did anything).
I was shocked and shattered and I still am today if I think back then.. I also lost my ID card, my address..
I am extremely sorry for what happened and I wish you all the best, eventually everything will settle.. but it's been hard.. try to stay positive and send love to you dear ones, it's the most important thing.. I got out thanks to my family support.. <3
And yeah, don't think the things are different here, here everyone can come from other nations, steal and go away, police wouldn't do anything.. I still have the images of those guys and no one did a single thing after more than a year, as the police said they "could be in Africa or in other European states" right now.. well I didn't receive anything back, let alone from the bank..
don't give up mate!!! fucking criminals.. I've been an idiot that day leaving for 10 minutes my thing into the car, but I was forced to go away for those 10-15 minutes and they watched everything.. =\
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wow can't believe this happen in england
i thought that country was supposed to be safe
well if u do have time, stay with her so she at least has someone to talk to
also treat it as a life experience and hopefully won't make the same mistake
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She reported the crime and the police wouldn't take any details and basically blew her off.
The police is too busy dealing with speech and opinion crimes to be bothered with real crimes... sad :/
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So earlier today my mother's car got broken into. She was at one of her patient's houses and came out to discover her car window smashed in, handbag and purse stolen.
The police in that particular city (Cippenham, therefore Slough) are absolutely f'ing useless and always have been. She reported the crime and the police wouldn't take any details and basically blew her off. Even though she had someone there who witnessed the event.
Insurance have plain refused to cover both the damage and the missing item compensation. Citing that it wasn't "worth it for them". So she is now being forced to fork out for it herself, as well as being forced to pay for a replacement drivers license. She's lost the cash she had in there for shopping she was planning to do after work as well all her gift cards and such. She's just incredibly lucky she had her phone and keys in her pocket.
She's a nurse in her late 50's. She's too tired to deal with this sort of thing. And nurses in England get treated like literal dog crap and get paid almost nothing. She can't afford this sort of crap. She can barely afford to even scrape by at the best of times. I was lucky enough to of been paid earlier today so I could go and give her some cash to help out. Even that's still nothing in comparison since I barely make any money either, so I can't afford to help her out much.
Our only vague hope is, even though she cancelled her credit cards, the t**t tries to use it so it can be traced and he can be found. But even then the police in this country wont do more than say "well please don't be doing that again now!" to him if they do catch him.
Just don't know what to do really. We've always been an extremely poor family and this is the sort of thing she just can't deal with. She's had an absolutely horrible life already and I have no idea how else I can help her out..
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