Hi, I'm 31 and still at university. I'm, like, 5-6 years late on my degree, in 10 hours I have an exam and I should be already sleeping. Plus, I'm not ready to take that test. -_-
I'd suggest you to not take any advice from me, 'cause Iyou can see I'm not good at "school" =P
My problem is that I don't like how school and learning are imposed over us (I'm talking about my country, don't know how it works abroad).
But! Try to find something that you like, or you'll end up like me :\
Procrastination is a sign that you don't like what you're doing, imho.
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I agree! It's a cultural matter I think. Just because the people says you should do something, do you really have to do that?
I haven an exam of my 3rd try of a career in 8 hs...
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The most important thing is understanding that the urge to procrastinate doesn't get satisfied no matter how much you indulge. After you've watched BuzzFeed videos you'll find something else to do instead of your essay, and so on forever. On the plus side, it's incredible how much you can get accomplished when the alternative is the essay your supposed to be doing ;) But then the essay never gets done.
Set yourself an alarm clock for 15 minutes and do as much internetting as you possibly can. Then when the alarm goes off, time's up and you must go cold turkey. You're not allowed to do anything other than work on your essay until it's done. No email, no checking SG - nothing, not even once. Bathroom breaks and meals are OK. Once you get focused it can actually be done fairly quickly.
Maybe that will help. Good luck, and thank you for the gifts :)
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Ugh, the dreaded college essay! You can google advice from people who are more knowledgeable than little ole me, but I'll give some very quick advice.
My thoughts:
Proper English. I'm willing to bet that the people who are reading these will be your stereotypical grammar Nazi, and they will not appreciate misuse of the English language, spelling errors or even humble typos.
Do you have any life experiences that could be useful? "Growing up with a parent who pretended to be a superhero is tough, but somehow, I overcame this obstacle and was able to have a 4.0 grade point average while simultaneously being President of the Volcano worshipers club."
Highlight your strengths. "After my dad returned from his crime fighting, I would count the teeth of the bad guys that were imbedded in his costume, average the number of fights he was in and calculate the dental bill these folks would have. As you can see, math has always been my strong suit."
It is okay to have weaknesses but make sure you mention how you will overcome them. "I have always been afraid of public speaking since I was taught at a young age to only appear in public in my superherokid outfit. I recently gave a speech for the Old Lady Tomato Gather's club on the elusive Tomato Beetle, and I must say, while I was nervous, it went quite well."
Just me 2 cents. Random people on google will probably give better advice.
Good luck getting into whatever college you want!
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No advice on admissions, but far more important advice on picking colleges:
Think about what you want to do in life, and whether it makes sense to go to a cheaper college vs a more expensive one.
Any student loans you take back will affect your life for a very long time, and if you're not going into a direction where it makes sense to spend a lot, don't do it.
As an example, if you want to go into teaching, it's an admirable goal, but not one that pays well. Therefore, it makes sense to go to a less-expensive school, even if it's not as well-regarded.
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I'll second this, but with teaching, it also depends on level. If you want to be a professor, you will likely need more then a basic school. Also, although it doesn't pay well, we need teachers. So if it what you truly want to do, I think that is amazing.
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For undergrad, I always picked the "Choose your own topic route". Find something you are passionate about, research it well, with plenty of good citations, and check your spelling/grammar/punctuation. I got accepted into every school i applied for, even some Ivy, and all talks had good things to say about my papers. I chose 3 different topics and sent them, I don't quite remember offhand.
My grad school essay was much more difficult. 1000 words max and about 10 questions to answer in depth.
Most of all, breath. Your essay isn't the only thing they will look at, but it will make an impression.
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I recommend approaching essay with a “reverse pyramid” method — think of a topic, then break it down to plan points, then for each point write subpoints, repeat until you have full coherent linked sentences the describe your topic. This can help you produce texts of any required length, while keeping them focused and keeping you sane.
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Sadly, I can't give you any advice. In Asia, many countries require you to pass an exam so you can join a university (it means no college essay but I believe it is still easier than the exam) and I'm living in those countries. The only thing I can say is good luck to you bro :D
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Write the essay after looking at what the college is about. If you are trying to go to a school that is math/science base then you need to talk about how you can incorporate that into your learning or future. If it has religion, then do you have the same religion? Will this help your studies? Etc.
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No idea since it is not a requisite where I live. Best of luck to ya :D.
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Arre u from US? I don't know so much about your system. Here in Argentina you have the secondary school and then university. I don't know what's college. What do you learn there?
When I started Business Management it was a 6 years career, full, complete. A friend (he's a physician now) took 7 years and the specialization. I mean a full physician, no just picking some subjects and no others. So here a doctor have to study 15 years? LOL. An engineer takes 5 or 6 depending what he/she wants to do.
But the main question, what do you want to do? Are you ready to answer that question right now? if not, take the best and more open choice for a future degree or university :),. If you know, take the best option to get ready for whatever comes next!
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Also, is it paid? I don't' understand why there are no public universities in the US (I guess u mean college u are from US?). Here the best are public but you can go to a private one too.
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I'm going into senior year of high school (currently on summer break), and I'm procrastinating writing my college essay so much that I've ended up on the SG forums...if anyone has advice, good or bad, regarding the college admissions process and/or the essay writing process please share your wisdom with my lost, suffering soul whose parents want it to get into the Ivy League 0_0
Fun fact: I bought the PAYDAY 2 DLCs a long time ago on sale, originally to sell them off for keys for a profit. Then a more experienced trader told me that Steam games are traded at their usual sale price, so I didn't really know what to do with them for a long time.
No but seriously, I might get started on that essay now. Or I might go off and watch BuzzFeed videos. For my honest benefit it would do me good to close the Internet, God knows if that'll actually happen though.
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