Thank you! :)
Sorry for the late reply, btw. I struggle with thinking of hints that don't give too much away.
It's the tenth main game in a series that started way back in '95 on the Super Famicom.
Hopefully that and Google will help you get there. If not, tell me and I try again at hinting. o/
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Just finished the puzzle. Q3 is a series I've been wanting to play for awhile.
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Oh, good! I'm glad. Good job, and thank you for trying my puzzle! :D
I hope you get to play them soon. Honestly, I still really need to get into the rest of the series as well. The one I have is so good, I can only imagine how great the rest of them are. ^^
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Happy Cake Day ^.^
I assume you choose places out of games you've played? <3 if so, Question 6 makes me incredibly happy because I LOVED the first two games so much! The second one had some of the funniest scenes I've encountered in games :D like The Man Festivel
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Thank you, Soraiah! <3
And yes! They're all games that I love. I'm really happy that you liked that series too! Honestly, that's the one I'm worried most people will struggle with since it's so rare that I find anyone else who knows those games. Sadly, I have yet to get my hands on a copy of the other games in the series; the only one I've played is the one pictured. Always great to see another fan of them though! The humor really is something special. :D
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I wouldn't worry too much :3 I just performed a little search with google and the picture alone is enough to give the answer, even if you don't know the name of the game. And with your hint, it's rather easy ^^
For me, question 3 is harder since I don't recognize the game. But I'll find out which one it is >3 I've played most of the games (except the ones from Q1 and Q5, but this will chance soon :D), so I'm pretty sure that I would enjoy the Q3-game as well.
And hey :3 maybe they'll make a HD-Remake of the Q6 games ^.^ I would love to see them on steam because they definitely deserve more attention. The battle system was so unique and it's a real shame if such hidden gems are lost because they're not running on the newer systems anymore.
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Oh, that's good to hear. I was hoping googling would help anyone who was having too much trouble.
Yeah, surprisingly enough (to me at least) it seems the one giving people the hardest time is Q3. I guess it wasn't as popular as I thought it was. Btw if you would like a hint for that one, you can find it here. ^^
Q3 is actually one of my most recent favorites. I got the game quite a few years ago, but only actually jumped into it last year and I absolutely loved it. The plot addresses some themes that I really enjoy and there are some side things to do that are really fun and flesh out the characters a bit more.
An HD remake of the Q6 games would be amazing. It would be so much easier to recommend to people since you wouldn't also have to try and convince them to go searching for an old console to play it on. They really do deserve more attention. The battle system and the humor are so great. Honestly, I keep thinking I should go back and play it some time, but I already have so many games backlogged that I feel guilty every time I pull out an old favorite. ^^;
Also, excited to hear that you might play Q1 and Q5 soon! Q1 is the first game that I really fell in love with, and Q5 has such a unique and authentic-feeling way of presenting dialogue along with a pretty awesome plot. I hope you enjoy them!
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Thank you, that hint really helped :D and now I feel kind of stupid because I know the series :3 just not this particulat title ._. I've never had the console it got released on ^^" and of course, no PC port sigh I really wish they would stick to one system, or even better, port every game for PC and not just some random ones. I understand that there are some games especially made to be console exclusive, but with this series, the releases are... weird O.o
Reminds me of Final Fantasy... x.x so many games on so many different systems... Every PS1/2/3/4 game get's a port, expect for my beloved XII. I'm still waiting for my HD-Remake ^^"
So true q.q I'm glad I still own a perfectly working PS2 and a whole bunch of games. It was... maybe a year ago when I last played Q6 :3 It was so awesome and I enjoyed every minute. But I understand this feeling of guilt >.< there are far too many games and I never even played all of the old console titles ^^" some are still sitting there, barely touched... but I keep telling myself that one day, I'll have time to play them all... Maybe even the .hack games >3
I got Q5 recently and I'm looking forward to play it ^.^ For Q1, I'll have to wait until the switch get's a bit less expensive.
But since we're talking about remales :D Q7 is coming to Steam ❤
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I'm glad the hint helped! I wonder if I could've made the little blurb for Q6 better. Granted, I can't think of how, but...oh well. At least the hint seems to be good. Also, that is really weird; I could've sworn Q6 did get released on Steam, but I just looked and no, it's definitely not there. Maybe I dreamed that. o_o
And yeah, I'm really glad several of them are going on Steam; the "let's release each one for a different console!" thing is such a killer. Kingdom Hearts is really bad about that too. The first two games are PS2, then the rest are a crazy spattering of handheld consoles. D:
I still really need to get back to FFXII. The setting is so interesting to me. But I haven't touched it since my little brother deleted 20 hours worth of my life with it. ;__;
Oh god, I am so scared of the day my PS2 finally decides to die on me. It's still my favorite console. I've lugged it around with me every time I've had to move because, like you, I still have yet to get through all the games I got. I've started a bunch, I just wish I could finish things, lol. I've heard so many good things about the .hack games. Somehow they flew totally under my radar until about five years ago though.
WHAT they're bringing Q7 to Steam?! That's wonderful! My wii went missing some time in the last year, so I'm glad I'll at least eventually be able to play that again even if my silly wii never turns back up.
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You probably hoped they released it on Steam :D and I'm with you, I'm waiting for this game (and some others of the series as well ^^ )
Uh >.< Kingdom Heards was / is so annoying when it comes to releases... A friend of mine even bought a new console because she thought they simply switched from PlayStation to... don't know what, DS? She wasn't happy when the next game was, again, released for another system x.x Do they really expect fans to buy a new console for every game? O_o That's crazy u.u and a shame, because the first two games were great.
FFXII is probably my favourite FF game ^.^ and the reason I can't like XIII The world feels so open, I'm in love with most of the characters, the Gambit-system is awesome, the setting is epic as always... It's sad to hear that you lost your progress ._. Another reason to hope for a PC port. I guess it was this summer when the PS4 version got released? So hopefully, next year we will get a port x.x You have to play it q.q I still cry like a baby everytime I hear watch the ending (or hear the song)
No spoilers here, just the song :3
The PS2 was awesome ^^ So many beautiful games. The .hack games are... well >3 the dungeons are horrible, but I enjoyed the story (at least as far as I've played them x.x I've only finished two, I gues...) Oh, and the Atelier games ö.ö they were also released for the PS2. The old ones, with the lovely RPG-maker style :3
Aye, it's getting a HD version. My best friend spotted it on HRK. I'm so excited, although that adds yet another game that will burn a hole in my pocket T_T Secret of Mana is alwo getting a remastered version...
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Yup! It'll happen eventually I'm sure. Just gotta be patient. -u-
Yeah, after the first two, they released on on GBA, DS, 3DS, PSVita for some reason? It was a headache. I actually quite liked the GBA one (it was a fun in-between game to explain what happens between 1 and 2), but then couldn't get the rest since I didn't have every handheld ever. >_>
That's right, I forgot that was earlier this year that they re-released XII. Hopefully that does mean that we'll see it on Steam soon. Though with how long it's taking them to get XV for PC out, I wouldn't be surprised if we still had a long wait ahead of us. Square Enix, I love you so much, why must you do this? T__T
Man, that song is really lovely. It actually kind of reminds me of Eyes on Me from FFVIII. I mean, I guess that shouldn't really be surprising since they were both composed by Nobuo Uematsu. ^^
Speaking of the .hack games and Steam ports...look what I found. :D
Ah, I always wanted to play the Atelier games. They look so fun. Some of my favorites of the ones I still have to get back to and finish were Star Ocean and Growlanser. I still have yet to run into anyone outside of my brother who's actually heard of Growlanser, lol. Oh, and I actually did finish it, but Kya was a really great game too. The PS2 was such a gold mine of games.
Secret of Mana is already on my wishlist, just waiting to beg me to buy it. :'D Yeahhh, while I do love all these HD releases, it's really hard for the wallet to keep up with them all.
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Took me an hour to solve :')
The Q.3 was relatively easy for me because I have already played 5 games in that series :3
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Oh wow, thank you for taking all the time and effort to solve it! I'm glad you made it to the end! :D
Oh, good to hear that! I've only played the one pictured in the puzzle, but I hope to get to some of the others at some point since I loved that one so much. I wish I could ask which ones were your favorites without having it totally give away the answer of the puzzle question. ^^;
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Happy cake day
so many Japanese games in this puzzle :3
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Happy cake!
Thanks for the tip. Q3 would be impossible without it!
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It is not impossible, but it's far from easy also.
especially if you look at the wrong franchise :P
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Well as long as it's not impossible. :P
I did worry about that since I pulled the fact from the wiki page but then tweaked it to fit how I would normally speak. Wondering if maybe I should've just copypasta'd the line, but I was afraid that'd make it too easy.
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Ooh, glad to hear I helped you find a new game! I was really crazy about it even after I finished it. Keep trying to get my brother to try it after he hopped in to co-op some of the battles with me, but no luck yet. :')
Oh man, yeah! I just found out about that tonight. I'm so glad. It's a wonderful game and I can't wait for more people to play it and fall in love with it.
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Thank you so much, Absolutely3rd! This train was a joy to make and I'm glad you liked it. <3
And thank you for the lovely picture! It's really beautiful - somber yet calming. And the others look great too (though I have to agree with you, this one is especially wonderful). Thank you again. :)
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Oh no! Here, I'll try another. Combined with the other hints, hopefully it'll put together enough of a timeline to help you find the answer.
I've given you when the first game came out. Now, the game in question was released just under 13 years later.
As always, if the answer is still eluding you, please tell me and I'll throw more hints at you. ^^
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It's one of the most popular JRPG series, with some entries beginning to come to Steam.
I have one more hint in mind, if you really still can't get it, but then that'll be it because I honestly don't think I could come up with any more that are still vague enough so as to not just give the answer away. D:
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Despite being a member of this sweet site for 4 years, I only really was around through the beginning of 2014 because life decided to throw quite a few monkey wrenches at me. I mean, might've been the one who threw them in the first place, but that's irrelevant.
My depression has taken some really hard swings at me lately and, having stumbled upon the SG group when I was looking back through my Steam groups, I remembered how good this site and the people on it made me feel. Solving puzzles, polite exchanges, my crazy luck at the beginning (I'd won two games within three days of each other!), the strong desire to give back and make others just as happy as they made me.
Kindness is so powerful and I can't ever give enough thanks for the amazing strangers I've encountered through SG. You guys save me - not with your giveaways, but just with the pure kindnesses and care you show to those around you. Even when it's not directed at me. Just seeing people being good to each other makes me think, "Well, it's not all bad at least."
So thank you. You guys are all so special and wonderful and you really make the world brighter.
Uh so this kind of got away from me, but now on to the goodies!
I figured since it's such a special occasion I would not only make my first train, but a puzzle as well. It was inspired by a similar one that someone else made a couple weeks back that I enjoyed a lot. It was really fun to make, so thank you very much for the idea! I reeeeeaaally wish I could remember who it was - Sorry! D:
Also, I realize some of these (well, one in particular) might be a bit obscure for a lot of people, so feel free to ask about what you're having trouble with and I'll try to give a decent hint.
Or just have a freebie.
The GAs will run until 8AM PST on Nov.1st.
Good luck! <3
EDIT: Tweaked a question a little bit to make it slightly more informative. Also took one of the giveaways out of the train and moved it straight to this post since it realistically should have been here to begin with. ^^;
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