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I think OP means the sites set up that you can trade your spare cards/keys for points, then spend the points on buying full sets to level up, all done automatically by a bot used for making and accepting the trades.
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it's just a thought , peoples now buying 21/22 full sets for 1 key that means they no longer buy from the steam market
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they just changed the gifting system
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Valve will find new ways to screw themselve over every time so.
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that's why i was wondering if they are welling to change something about cards trading too " Sorry for my bad English "
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just read the replies, my english is bad i couldn't elaborate more
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In TotalBiscuit and Jim Sterling's separate videos about Valve's meeting with them about the future after Greenlight, they mentioned Steam is eyeing a change to cards to avoid the "make an assist flip, put it on Steam, and make your money off the cards" trap we're in right now.
However that was weeks ago so I have no clue what a full card set bot is...
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bots selling you huge amount of sets for cheap prices like 22 /21 / 23 sets for 1 cs go key
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At the prices some keys can go for and how the market of cards has crashed with more bundled games lately, I don't think they need to make a change. In fact, I think people doing this might be underselling their own CS:Go keys.
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According to Steam Cards Exchange there's nearly 400 badges that would cost at most 25 cents to craft. with 49 costing at most 21 cents, but nothing costing less than 20 cents.
So even assuming it's only those 20 cents badges, you still would have to pay $4.4 to get those 20 sets.
So, not that bad deal.
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I don't think that it's related to card bots. There is one thing, which may cover asset flip case: when developer's account on steam is banned and games are removed from store, then cards can be farmed, but can't be sold on market anymore (can be converted to gems or used to craft badge). For example, Valve can apply this to all removed games.
Above I has been talking about "asset flip" games, which are going to be removed from steam. Cheap games, which are legit enough to stay on steam, but are sold for cents on reseller sites and in bundles, are the actual source of cards for these bots (keys are bought in bulk amounts, activated on bot accounts, then cards are farmed).
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Question, do card bots harm them financially? If no then why would they?
Card bots = cards = buyers buying those cards to complete sets = money for Valve/Developer. (do they care if you actually played the game or not? my business sense says no they dont, the reason for delay in card drops is the return period of a purchased game)
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ok thank you for clarification ; that's what i want to know bro
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The difference lies in how much you pay for the cards (an example above sates 1 CS:GO key for 21 full sets of cards) and how much the seller bought them for (I'm assuming they buy them when they're at their lowest)
It's a lot like grey market key resellers actually, except for trading cards.
So yeah, it's probably bad for business
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The market really has tanked thanks to the greenlight games made only for cards.
The only sets that truly make any money nowadays are VERY rare anime ones. I used to be able to sell an Anime background for 5 bucks easy. Now I'm lucky if I can get 2.
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okay after reading your replies i think i understand what you mean now. and i don't think they will make any changes to that system other than what they've already been doing by removing games that are being abused by excessive free key to trading card market profit type games. games that were made for the sole purpose of trading cards on the market pretty much.
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i just don't know how they'd distinguish between a freshly bundled game from a 100,000 copy free giveaway in any automated fashion. it would cost them an employee to actually keep an eye out for large copy giveaways and insure those games are up to quality standards to distinguish whether it was made just to farm the card market for funds, or if it's just an extra source of income as they intended the service to be for.
i just don't see them paying an employee to do it, and don't see how it would work otherwise. it's sad, but i believe them to just be that greedy and won't spend the money on that extra employee.
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keys vs store purchase - they already track the difference for reviews
to clarify, I'm saying whether it was free or immediately bundled, the developer's cut from cards should be held in escrow until a certain number of games have been sold directly through Steam.
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i'm talking about keys vs keys. humble bundle releases a bundle that sells 100k copies at the same time a shady dev generates 100k keys to giveaway on gleam for a few tasks so they can make money off the card sales because their game wasn't made with any sort of standards and never sells otherwise.
no automated system can tell the difference between those two cases, it would take a human. xD
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They did not remove games that just give away 1000000 copies to make profit from the market.
They remove games from publishers they have banned from their store, since they have no way of paying them their share of fees.
Thats a big difference.
There are even games that are permanantly free and drop cards (Grimm). Thats not the problem.
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the majority of the games removed that couldn't afford their fees tried to make up in profits by releasing free copies in order to generate revenue. i didn't say in all cases it was from card abuse though. ^^
it was never about free games that have a standard giving cards or making profit off those cards, it was about devs like digi homicide who made games solely to try and work the trading card market.
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DC is the perfect example.
Valve didn't care about their sceme at all for ages.
They finally removed them because DC wanted to sue players and force valve to cooperate.
The don't give a shit about the rest.
Each card sold is money for valve as well, so why should they care?
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they've removed far more then devs that try and sue people, i just don't feel like finding other examples.
for the most part they don't care though, you are absolutely right.. they only care when attention gets drawn that its a crap game that was made for those purposes though. or when it threatens their profits like in the instance above where people are trading 20+ sets of trading cards for a single csgo key. eventually they will probably buy a couple of those offers up to see what sets they receive and distinguish which (if any) of those games need to be removed from steam store for abuse.
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they've removed far more then devs that try and sue people
Yes. But so far ALL games I noticed had a valid (and more solid) reason to be removed than just "giving away an asset flip because of cards."
If they tackle the trade bots, they won't do it by removing games.
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yeah i was wondering how they get profit out of it , and from where they buy all this cards
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It has always been happening, but on forums not as public. And maybe they were low-key enough. This is not even a territory suited for Russian sellers, for a change, but Indonesians can bulldoze this market as they can squeeze out the highest profit margin form these cheapest market items.
(Their currency denominations are huge: 1 US dollar is roughly 13,000 rupiahs, meaning when you see some items jump 1 cent on the market, they can see those divided into at least 130 separate price layers.)
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I don't know if it was happening in private as I was no part of it, yet I can definitely say it was never have been done that publicly. There are 100s of Bots atm doing this.
I know about the price, as you can even understand it from the Steam Graphs while browsing in EU market (As there are spikes for cards sold at the same for me price).
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I don't think that valve really cares much about that. However I heard that they're planning to crack on those games that were made specifically to profit from cards, but most likely by changing the requirements for a game to have cards or how they become marketable. Devs don't make any money from cards being traded or crafted into a badge, so valve's probably not going to meddle with that for now.
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Maybe valve will require a game to be released for a certain amount of time before implementing cards or selling a certain number of copies of the game. Best guess I can make, assuming they make a change at all.
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Steam Direct is supposed to weed out the asset flip games that live on card sales.
They can also limit card transaction money cash-out: for example, you can only get as much money from it, as how much revenue the game earned on the Steam store. (So dropping 100k keys and waiting for the card money would be a no-go unless the game actually generates enough money on Steam itself through direct sales.) Of course, this would screw over real small companies.
There are maybe half a dozen other ways it could work.
And, naturally, if Valve ever decides to address the issue, they will choose a different one that is bad for everyone. Because they are Valve. And their decisions are kinda turning into a running gag by now.
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" they will choose a different one that is bad for everyone " LoL; i agree they always choose the worst solution
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Question: Do all game badges carry the same amount of XP for levelling up? Surely Valve could just doctor the XP values so that cheap as shit full sets only give small amounts of XP points compared to new AAA titles (as an easy comparison). So yeah, much in the same way tinkers with giveaway values here.
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Hello Guys
Do you guys agree with me if i think that Valve will make some changes again to cards trading after all This invasion of full sets Bots ?
" lvl-up services"
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